The Friend

Just For You

Disclaimer: See Forward…


(A/N: Remember when Jonghyun complained on Star Golden Bell that he didn’t have a single schedule for two months…)



Chapter 1: The Friend



“I have nothing to do,” Jonghyun complained. He hugged Kibum from behind, who was standing in front of the stove with chopsticks in hand, occasionally stirring something in a pot. Jonghyun huffed a sigh and placed his chin on Kibum’s shoulder.


“Go away,” Kibum complained. He pushed Jonghyun away insistently. “Why are you always around me?” Kibum turned back to the stove and Jonghyun took the chance to hug him again. Kibum groaned and shoved him away.


Taemin walked in sleepily and watched Jonghyun and Kibum bicker silently. Minho yawned and walked right into Taemin. He pushed the youngest into the kitchen and Teamin collapsed into a chair at the table. Minho blinked slowly, counting heads in the kitchen before moving off to the bedroom.


“Hyung, get up,” Minho said thickly, his voice hoarse. He kicked the mattress on the floor lightly, jolting the bed and the person covered in sheets on top of the bed. “Hyung.” The person on the bed remained a corpse. Minho pulled off the covers, revealing a dead-to-the-world Onew. Minho stared at their leader for a brief second before giving up.


“Kibum hyung!” Minho yelled. “Onew hyung is not getting up.”


There was a brief moment of stumbling in the hallway before Kibum appeared, with Jonghyun in tow.


“I’ll get Onew hyung and you go amuse Jonghyun,” Kibum said tiredly. He collapsed on top of Onew. “Get up. Don’t make me hit you.” Onew remained unmoving. Kibum’s eyes narrowed and he dug his fingers into Onew’s side, tickling the oldest evilly.


Onew jerked and twitched, but refused to get up. Minho led Jonghyun out of the room while Taemin popped his head in.


“I think something’s burning,” Taemin commented offhandedly.


“Well then stir it!” Kibum yelled, annoyed. “Take it off the stove then.” Taemin sniffed before hurrying off to do so.


Kibum sighed and stood up. “You leave me no choice hyung.” He grabbed Onew’s ankle and pulled.


Onew easily slid halfway off the mattress and he sleepily sat up, his light brown hair a mess. He stared at Kibum in a dazed way. The younger grabbed his shoulders and shook him slightly.


“Time to get up,” Kibum said gently. “Don’t forget to make the bed.” He handed Onew the covers that Minho had previously pulled away and strode out of the room, yelling. “Taemin-ah! I told you to stir it or take it off the stove! Why doesn’t anyone ever listen to me??”


Onew stayed seated, still dazed and sleepy. He glanced pillow longing, but decided to get up rather than risk Kibum’s rage. He stumbled to the door and held onto the frame as the world spun slightly. Onew yawned widely, tears pouring into his eyes as he felt his way along the wall to the bathroom.


Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Kibum scolded Jonghyun and Taemin under his breath as he tried to save their breakfast. Minho set the table quietly, already guessing Kibum’s mood. Taemin sat meekly at the table while Jonghyun shadowed Kibum in the kitchen.


“Yeobo, why are you so close?” Kibum complained. “It’s so annoying when you cling to me like that.”


“Stay home with me,” Jonghyun pouted. “I have no schedules.”


“That’s because you’re no fun on variety shows,” Kibum countered. “If you were a little bit more funny and not showing off with your voice, you may get some offers.”


“That’s mean,” Jonghyun groaned. “I try.”


“Onew hyung!” Minho exclaimed. The four at the table glanced over at the doorway just in time to see Onew walk sleepily into the wall next to the doorway. A dull thud resonated in the room, along with Onew’s groan of pain. He collapsed to the floor, holding his head in pain.


“Again?” Kibum said in exasperation. Onew simply groaned and rubbed the top of his head in pain.


“It’s Onew sangtae,” Taemin said simply before digging into the breakfast. The others soon followed behind and Onew shuffled to the table. Someone passed him plates, chopsticks, spoon, and rice. He ate slowly, but regained his vigor as soon as he swallowed several bites.




“I off to Dream Team,” Minho said, standing at the door. He waved at the four still sitting at the table before heading off with their manager.


“Jonghyun hyung,” Tae said, “what are you going to do? We each have our own schedules. What are you going to do since you don’t have any?”


“Ya!” Jonghyun said indignantly. “I have schedules too.”


“Really now?” Kibum asked in a mocking-interest tone.  “What are you supposed to do today?”


Jonghyun hesitated. “Lee Joon-sshi called and asked if we could go grab dinner later today.”


“Lee Joon?” Onew repeated. “As in MBLAQ? The guy who was in that Hollywood movie?” Jonghyun nodded.


Kibum scoffed. “That’s not a schedule. That’s more like hanging out with friends or going on vacation. You’re not working. You’re going out having fun.”


“You should go,” Onew interrupted before Kibum could go on with his nagging. “Go and have some fun. God only knows that we need some time off once in a while.” He patted Jonghyun on the shoulder before standing up to place his dishes in the sink.


Jonghyun beamed and stood up from his seat to hug Onew. “You’re the best.” He rushed off to his room to change, leaving Onew in the kitchen, with a hand on his heart.


“Hyung,” Taemin asked sweetly, “can you give me the day off too?” Onew blinked and poked Taemin on the shoulder.


“Sorry Taeminnie,” he replied, “maybe you can ask our manager. The only reason Jonghyun is off because no one’s offering him a schedule.” Taemin pouted and moved off sluggishly to their bedroom to change.


“Hyung,” Kibum said insistently. Onew gazed at him levelly.


“I’ll ask manager hyung,” Onew responded, “but I can’t guarantee anything.” Kibum gave him a real smile.


“That’s all I ask.”


Onew frowned. “Don’t you have a schedule?” Kibum smirked.


“Not until later. I’m going back to bed. See you later hyung.” Kibum waved at him while moving away.


Onew sighed. ‘Why am I always the one to face manager hyung?’




“Jonghyun-ah!” Joon yelled from across the room. He waved frantically to get the attention of the other man at the entrance. Jonghyun turned around and waved back, but at a more leisurely pace. He walked over and sat at the table where Joon was seated.


“So how was your day?” Joon asked once he was seated. He poured Jonghyun a shot of soju and set down the bottle on the table. Joon lifted his own glass to JOnghhun’s and they both downed the shot. 


Joghyun winced at the sharp burn. “It was okay, nothing special.”


“You had no schedule, huh?” Joon smirked. “SHINee’s Jonghyun in desperate need for a schedule.”

“Hyung,” Jonghyung said seriously. “I’m just not entertaining on TV.”


Joon refilled their glasses and churckled. “It’s only because you won’t let go of this idol image you have. If you let everything go, it’ll be so much fun. Use tonight as a chance to let go.”


Jonghyun paused before the glass reached his lips. “What do you mean?”


“Lee Joon oppa!”


The two at the table turned around to find two women walking towards them. Jonghyun immediately flushed and looked away to down the shot. Joon sent him an amused look before waving to greet the women.


“Ah – Se Kyung-ah, Miyoung-ah, sit please,” Joon offered them seats. Mi Young sent a curious look towards Jonghyun before quickly moving to take the seat next to Joon.


“Hello Jonghyun oppa,” Mi Young greeted him warmly. “This is Se Kyung unni.” She waved toward the other woman.


Se Kyung bowed slighty. “Hello.”


Jonghyun turned a slight pink while greeting her back timidly. Mi Young noticed and elbowed Joon in the side. Joon swatted her arm away before nudging her back.


“The two of you are of the same age,” Joon offered the information.


“O, is that so?” Jonghyun said in a strange voice. Se Kyung smiled.


“I want to thank you for choosing me as your ideal woman,” she said. Jonghyun sat straighter.


“No, I truly meant it,” he interrupted. Across from the two, Mi Young made a face and showed Joon her fingers, which were curled up because of the way the other two were talking. Joon nodded in sympathy.


“We’ll make an escape soon,” Joon whispered to her as he watched Jonghyun pour a drink for Se Kyung.


“Thank goodness,” Mi Young answered gratefully. “Question – why am I even here? I just wanted to set up Se Kyung unni. You could have asked her yourself, oppa.”


“Are you Joon hyung’s girlfriend?” Jonghyun asked, finally breaking out of his one-on-one conversation. Se Kyung giggled when she watched Mi Young’s jaw fall open in shock. Joon quickly shook his head.


“Not even a possibility,” Joon said flatly. “We’re too close for that.”  Beside him, Mi Young shivered in disgust.


“I’ll probably kill him before he even makes a move,” Mi Young swears. “He can do whatever he wants with whoever he wants, as long as it doesn’t include me.”


Joon winced. “That’s a little too far, don’t you think?” Mi Young shook her head.


“Definitely not.”


“How do you know each other?” Jonghyun continued his questioning.


“Ah,” Joon said, relieved. “She’s my waitress.”




(A/N: Reviews would be great to improve my writing. Don’t worry – Onew and the others will get involved soon.)

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teddiebears #1
just popping in to some older fics to say hi .u.
update juseyow B|
SHINee and superjunior are the best ^^
first comment ~