Chapter 5

Call Me JB Hyung : Sequel

Call Me JB Hyung : Sequel Chapter 5


My two extra days of vacation passed quickly by in the next days. I quickly started working again with Park Teacher. This time getting chances to go with him to see music therapist doing their job.


It made me want to quickly go to army and come back to start a real job.  


JB hyung decided to stay home, since he had one more week, but when the company suddenly called for him to come in to practice for a new comeback, his vacation was cut short.


Our work schedule quickly became odd. It became like how it was before. 


I come home earlier than JB hyung and fall asleep quickly. JB hyung comes home really late. I once stayed up waiting for him and he arrived home around 2am in the morning. I decided not to wait up for him again because I go to work early in the morning. 


It's become a cycle, like three years ago when it was my first year of college and JB hyung was busily working on new comebacks. During that time we always missed each other's calls and we really never saw each other much. I remember JB hyung would always be so mad at me for not picking up his calls or coming to see him.


I thought since I now live with him and see him more than I did three years ago, JB hyung would not be mad at me again, but recently I've been recieving many calls from JB hyung, even when I'm at work sometimes. He will sometimes ask why I don't come meet him at his work, or he will ask what I am doing, or if I had something to eat yet. 


He rarely ever says he misses me but recently JB hyung has been saying it when he calls. He will mumble it right before he hangs up. The first time it happened I was really shocked, but just like when JB hyung holds my hand, I quickly got used to hearing him mumble it quickly before he hangs up. I even sometimes mumble back quickly before he hangs up. JB hyung won't reply but I know he hears me because there will be a silence before he says bye again and hangs up.


JB hyung has started acting more strange recently.


I got home earlier than usual one day, but only because teacher Park had to leave early as well and he gave me permission to finish some of the paperwork at home instead of in the teachers room. 


I was sitting in JB hyung's room using his desk when I suddenly got a call from him.


"Hyung." I said picking up the phone.


"Youngjae. Your mom says she has some food for us so I'm going to go pick it up." JB said.


"Huh? Really? She didn't call me." I checked the time and it was really early. JB hyung is usually busily working around this time. I know because he never picks up or replies to any of my texts or calls around this time exactly. He says when he's in the practice room he keeps his phone turned off. 


It makes me wonder then when he has time to always call me and ask what I'm doing and why I am not coming to see him at his work.


"How about work?" I asked. "I finally get to go home early today. We only had two performances today." JB quickly replied.


"Ah...really." I said chuckling.


"You didn't know? You didn't watch me on TV?" he asked.


Usually when I have time I always try to catch JB hyung dancing on TV. When I do I always tell him that I saw him on TV. I think it makes JB hyung happy so I continue to do it.


I laughed. "I'm sorry. I have so much work to finish." I replied. 


"You're working at home?" JB asked. "Teacher Park allowed me to come home to finish. It reminds me, he also said something earlier that I'm interested in." I said. 


"What did he say?" JB asked. I smiled. "When you come home I'll tell you hyung. It's snowing. Be careful and drive without talking on the phone." I said chuckling.


"Since when did you become my mom Youngjae-ah?" 


I chuckled and shivered at the way JB said my name. He said it in a high pitch cute voice like the way Jackson hyung says it sometimes. "Don't do that hyung." I said chuckling. "You always say cheesy things." I said.


From the other side of the phone I heard JB hyung laughing. It just made me laugh even more. 


"Ok then tell me when I get home." JB said.


I nodded. "I'll tell you." I replied. 


"I'll be home soon." 


I stopped laughing and smiled. Somehow JB hyung saying this always makes it seem as if it's a married couple or something.


"Youngjae...Hey. Hurry. You're the one that doesn't want me to talk on the phone while driving." JB said. 


"Ah, sorry. I'll see you later hyung." I finally replied chuckling. 


I could hear JB hyung laughing. He hung up the phone and I sighed and put mine down, my hand covering half my face as I suddenly remembered two days ago when JB hyung put his hand inside my shirt.


Also recently, I have been remembering a lot of this. I have been remembering two days ago, and I also remember the one time JB hyung did...a . I finally know what it is. I mean, I knew what it was, but I finally understand exactly what JB hyung and I did a few weeks before he left for service three years ago. I can finally imagine it without trying to block it from my memory because of embarrassment.


Three years ago when me and JB hyung did that. What I have never imagined before until now. I guess for guys it's normal, I've just never been interested in it. When I think about it now it's really strange. 


I remember exactly what happened now that I keep thinking about it so much. 


Three years ago when JB hyung and I first tried doing more than kissing. JB hyung invited me over that night because I missed a lot of his calls due to being busy. At that time JB hyung and I missed each other's calls a lot because I was so focused on school and be had strange working hours.


It was worse than how it is now. At that time JB hyung and I really never saw each other at all.


This was also the same day JB hyung told me about going to do his army service. 


When night time came I took a shower first and laid down in my usual spot next to the wall. After talking a little more about army service, JB hyung went to take a shower as well. 


I decided to wait for him and talk more, but in the end I became tired and decided to just go to sleep instead of wait for a hyung who takes a long time in the bathroom sometimes. 


I was almost asleep when I got a sudden text from Yugyeom saying he ended up buying this new game I've been interested in, and he wanted me to come over to play it. I remember quickly answering the text in excitement just as JB hyung walked into the room with a towel around his waist.


I glanced at him, then looked away. I got over being insecure of seeng JB hyung without any clothes. At that time I'd seen JB hyung plenty of times with just a towel around his waist. I decided that since we are both guys, I shouldn't be so embarrassed to see his body anymore. 


JB got dressed as usual, and then fell down besides me on the bed. He his computer and I giggled at him for saying he was tired earlier but then coming back and turning his computer on. I remember asking why he didn't turn off the lights but JB hyung replied with "later."


It wasn't about the lights though, it was something else that started it all. 


We suddenly started talking about kissing. When I say I remember exactly what happened that night, it's maybe a lie because I don't remember what made us start talking about kissing. I think it was something on JB hyung's computer. 


I don't remember exactly but when I think about it now it was something I never thought of ever back then. I never thought of talking directly with JB hyung, especially about something like kissing, but whatever started the conversation made it last.


We continued talking about kissing until it got to a point where I became too embarrassed and so I turned to face the wall and mumbled that I was going to sleep.


It was only a few minutes after that that I heard JB hyung's computer turn off and then the bed move and it became dark in the room. I remember sighing and closing my eyes, thinking we were finally going to sleep, but I still had the conversation of kissing in my head.


We talked about different types of kisses. When I say we talked, it's more that JB hyung told me about different types of kisses. He even searched for some on the web. That night I learned so many kisses. Who knew there were so many different ways of kissing.


But even though I learned so many kisses that night, I'm still unable to kiss properly even now. 


I can't even do that properly still.


I sighed and looked down at the paper work for teacher Park before looking at my phone. A sudden image of JB hyung came into my mind.


That night three years ago after JB hyung and I stopped talking about kissing and I decided to go to sleep and the lights turned off, that night...that night was when I experienced something very new. 


It all started when JB hyung laid down. We laid in silence, my back facing him. I stared at the wall for a few minutes before closing my eyes and mumbling a good night, something JB hyung and I both never usually did, but we did that night.


After the good nights another few minutes of silence, I suddenly felt an arm fall around me. I was still facing the wall, so my back was facing JB hyung. I didn't react bcause JB hyung treated me like a teddy bear even more back then. I remember just smiling.


But it was when JB's hand moved down and fingers touched the skin on my stomach that my eyes quickly opened and I felt my body go stiff. I remember shivering. When I think of it now JB hyung's hands were warm, but when it was happening I thought JB hyung's hands were so cold on my stomach.


Two days ago when JB hyung told me to lay on him and his hands went inside my shirt, I thought we were going to do what we did three years ago. That's why I told JB hyung to let me do it too. Three years ago he did everything, and because I was embarrassed and inexperienced, I failed to do it properly. I couldn't follow JB hyung's moves at all, even when I tried.


Three years ago, with a hand on my stomach, and fingers lightly touching everywhere inside my shirt, JB hyung suddenly started talking about going away for the military again.


We talked about it. We talked for a few minutes of military training all while JB hyung's hands were in my shirt. I remember I was too nervous to ask him about his hand. I was scared though. I was so scared of what was happening, especially because JB hyung didn't say anything about his hands. 


We talked about the military again for only a few minutes and suddenly JB hyung's hand left the inside of my shirt and he lifted himself up. I could tell because I knew really well how JB hyung's bed moved when he lifted himself up or when I lifted myself up.


Even though we hadn't seen each other in a long time at the time, I still remembered the nights I did sleep over before. We both somehow remembered our exact movements. JB hyung and I both know even more now.


I remember waiting for a little bit with so many thoughts in my bed. There were so many thoughts that I don't even remember what I thought about. I can only remember that I was so confused and nervous at the same time.


I waited for a long time in silence before I actually got the courage to lift myself up to ask JB hyung what was wrong. I felt like I did something wrong actually. At that point I realized exactly that JB hyung's hand was in my shirt and...isn't that what couples do...touch each other. Be comfortable with each other. Something JB hyung and I have never tried before. 


I sat up facing JB hyung. Even in the dark I could see him sitting down, a hand going through his hair over and over again. He looked like he was thinking hard about something.


I remember asking JB hyung what was wrong, and suddenly, so quick, he pulled me into a hug. I remember thinking that he maybe thought of something sad so I quickly hugged JB hyung back. 


Thinking about it now, Jackson hyung was right, I was so very innocent back then. I really knew nothing back then, and everything made me nervous or embarrassed. I was really only a child. That's why JB hyung treated me like that back then. I would treat myself the same way, as a child who doesn't know any bad. 


I wonder if JB hyung thinks he is forcing me because I knew nothing back then...but I know everything now because of him, even if we haven't done everything  couples do.


After sitting and hugging for so long I asked JB hyung again if something was wrong, and to tell me so I could help, because back then, JB hyung still didn't tell me anything. It's better now, but three years ago JB hyung really only treated me like a child and would never tell me anything serious. I always had to make him tell me and it took a long time for that to happen.


That's why I was so surprised when he suddenly came to me about going to the army service. 


I asked JB hyung again and again if he was okay before I finally told him he was acting like a child by not telling me anything. I remember telling JB hyung that it was okay to cry, and he could use my shoulder to cry on. I was really too innocent, maybe a little stupid back then. I really knew nothing. 


JB hyung suddenly started laughing after I told him to let it all out and cry on my shoulder. He chuckled and all I can remember is that I could feel it so well on my neck, JB hyung laughing. I could feel his breath on my neck. It kind of tickled. I remember almost wanting to laugh and tell him that it tickled, but I was annoyed that he was laughing at me trying to be serious.


Suddenly everything really changed. Maybe it wasn't talking about different types of kisses that changed everything, maybe it was me telling him to use my shoulder to cry on...maybe...I don't really know.


I remember JB hyung only used one hand. He first made me sit in front of him. He made is so we ended up sitting in front of each other. It all happened so fast, but soon my legs ended up on either side of JB hyung. It was like I really did become a teddy bear.


I remember thinking JB hyung wanted to continue using me as a teddy bear, but the thought quickly went away when a hand landed where JB hyung's hand had never been before. I didn't even do that. I still don't. It's something I can't imagine myself doing. It's something I don't even think about. 


I know I'm a boy, and I know I have it, but it doesn't mean I have to always look at it, touch it, and think about it every single day. I closed my eyes tight and closed my fist tight and my body froze as JB hyung whispered in my ear to relax and for me to trust him. 


I did trust him. Even now I trust JB hyung so much. It does matter if I'm scared, I think if it's with JB hyung then I shouldn't be so scared. Even now with the video, though I'm not mentally prepared for it, if it's with JB hyung then I'm willing to learn and try.


I remember I calmed down after JB hyung whispered into my ear to trust him and to calm down and only think about him. It embarrassed me but it worked, I calmed down a little more than I was.


When JB hyung touched me it first disgusted me. I was calm, but when his hand suddenly touched that part, that part that back then I never even thought of even though other boys in my class thought of it, when JB hyung suddenly touched me there it disgusted me. I remember quickly wanting to push him away.


I thought it was dirty. I was really too innocent.


I remember telling JB hyung to stop, then quickly telling him to continue when he did stop. I wanted to learn so I didn't want him to stop, but I was so confused at what was happening. 


All I could do was try to make myself stop thinking it was dirty, and think more of how JB hyung told me to not be scared and to relax and I Choi Youngjae really trust Im Jaebum as a close friend, and as someone who is called my boyfriend? And I am also called his boyfriend. 


I had many mixed thoughts that night.


I remember saying so many things like finally telling JB hyung it was dirty but he just stopped and waited for me to tell him to continue again. It went on and on like this until suddenly I felt pain in my lower stomach. It didn't hurt a lot. Actually at that time I thought that was how two guys did it. 


It was like my stomach was squeezing hard and it felt more uncomfortable than painful, and finally it's like it was gone. I remember falling on JB hyung's shoulder, suddenly tired out.


I was breathing out so loud and JB hyung had one arm around me, still hugging me, while his other hand stayed inside...they stayed inside my pants.


"Was this your first time?" JB hyung asked me.


Through loud breathing and embarrassment and confusion I managed to tell JB hyung that it was really my first time. Even though I did, and even though after that I thought I knew what we did, I didn't really know until now, until two days ago. I now know exactly what JB hyung and I did three years ago before he left for service, now the problem is, why am I still scared after remembering? 


 After JB hyung asked me if it was my first time and I replied him, we sat in the dark in silence for a really long time, until I somehow got the courage to say that I wanted to do it too. I felt weird that JB hyung did it to me only, but instead of letting me do it too, he replied with what he said two days ago. He said not now. It made me slightly annoyed, I felt like I was the only one who had a secret side of him seen. I somehow suddenly wanted to see how JB hyung would react as well. 


I remember I started whining and telling him I wanted to do it too, so we eventually tried. 


JB tried to help me do it.


I really tired to but I guess I was doing it wrong. 


JB hyung wrapped his hands around mine first because I couldn't move my hands even though I said I wanted to do it. With my head laying down on his shoulder and JB hyung's head on my shoulder too, with the room completely dark and my closed eyes making it darker, JB hyung moved my hands until I could feel it. 


I pulled away a little and JB hyung let me do it. After a while though I moved my hands again, and JB hyung continued. I did it again and again, moving my hand slightly when it got close. I could feel that it was close because it was so warm. It took me a lot of time to touch him, but I eventually did.


With the help of JB hyung's hands I finally touched him. I remember thinking I would really fall down from embarrassment. I was so nervous. I was really really nervous. I was nervous and scared.


JB hyung really did try to teach me that night. He tried teaching me but in the end I either pulled away or did it wrong. 


JB hyung didn't tell me, but he didn't have to tell me because I knew I was doing it wrong. 


In the end we stopped doing it and I remember I apologized so many times. JB hyung told me to go calm down in the bathroom. My heart really was beating so loudly and I was sweating badly because I was so nervous. 


After JB hyung told me to go to the bathroom I climbed over him, almost falling down in the still dark room, and rushing out of the room. I took almost an hour in the bathroom. I couldn't look at my face thinking of what we just did. What JB did to me, what I couldn't do to him. I thought so hard about it in the bathroom before I managed to pull myself back to the dark room, glad JB hyung didn't turn on the lights.


Instead he waited up for me. JB hyung told me to go to sleep and it was while I was going to sleep that I heard him get up and leave the dark room. I don't know what happened after because I really fell asleep after that. 


The next day I left for home. JB hyung and I didn't see each other for a week before I finally got the courage to call him and tell him to come over because my mom made a lot of food. We didn't talk about it after that and a few weeks later JB hyung left for military service. 


This is how our first real time went. But I guess it's not a real time because it's not going all the way is it? But I still couldn't do it for JB hyung. We never talked about it after it happened, and when JB hyung came back from service, we still never talked about it, maybe until two days ago.


But we didn't do the same thing we did three years ago two days ago. What we did three years ago was different. JB hyung and I actually tried back then. 


I guess he knows that I can't do it still. Why can't I do something simple like that? All guys do it. If I can't do something as simple as that, I won't be able to do anything else. I'm so hopele-


The sound to my phone suddenly went off and I hurriedly picked it up without looking at the caller. 




"Hey Youngjae. Come help me with the food. There's too much." JB said.


"Ok." I said smiling wide. I hurried and put on my jacket and rushed to the door for my shoes before running out of the apartment. When I found JB hyung's car he was just trying to get the food out. 


I laughed and walked towards him. I was worried I wouldn't be able to look him in the face but I wasn't nervous anymore. Instead, seeing JB hyung's face made me smile wide.


"Hey. There's more." he said pointing to the front seat. I nodded and he pointed to my face. "Why is your face so red? Are you sick?" he asked.


"No." I replied laughing. 


"My mom did a lot." I said picking up the containers of food in the front seat. "She says she's been going to her friend's restaurant to help out lately and she's learning really new foreign foods. Some of this is for BamBam and Yugyeom, Mark, Jackson, and even Jinyoung. They'll come get it later." he said.


"Ah, so she's really found something to do again." I said.


"She says you don't come see her so she has to find something to do."


"But I call her." I said chuckling. "She says to come visit her. Tomorrow after work go see her. I'll pick you up later." JB said. I laughed and nodded. "Ok hyung." I said. "But if you're late I'm sleeping at home. I won't leave if you come at 2am." I chuckled.


"Hey. It was only one time. I'm usually home by midnight but you're always asleep." JB said.


"Because I leave for work early in the morning hyung." I said chuckling. I stared at him wide eyed.


We managed to pick up all the containers of food and go back into the apartment. JB hyung took a shower as soon as we finished putting away the food. I put on some rice and went back to the room to finish my work.


By the time JB hyung finished with his shower, I also finished with my work. 


We ate and then watched some TV. 


"Hey. Since we're both home early today how about cleaning up that room?" JB hyung suddenly asked.


I smiled wide and lifted myself up. "Let's do it." I said walking to the closet room near the kitchen. 


Once again JB hyung opened the door. He the lights and I laughed because it's really like a closet.  


"Why are you laughing?" he asked.


"It's really like a closet hyung." I replied. 


"That's because there's so much stuff in here." he replied. "If we take it all out of here then where will we put it?" I asked.


"My dad is coming to pick it all up. They're going to put it all in my room at the house." he said. 


"I was really surprised that you don't live with your parents." I said. "You don't either." JB replied.


I stared at him. "But that's because I live with you now hyung." I said chuckling. 


"Cohabitation." JB suddenly said.


"Hyung!" I laughed and hit him on the shoulder. "It's really not cohabitation. It sounds weird. I'm a guy." I said.


JB didn't reply. He moved a box out of the way and I managed to step inside the room finally. 


"There's the bed!" I yelled pointing at it. There were a lot of boxes on top of it but I could still tell it was a bed.


"I said I have a bed right?" JB said.


"Right." I replied laughing. 


"By the way, your mom also said that your sister is coming here soon. Did she tell you?" JB asked. He handed me a big box and I took it and put it outside near the door.


"She is? I haven't talked to her in a few days. Sometimes she comes over to stay because her husband goes on business trips, but this doesn't happen so close to Chuseok. Is she coming with my grandparents? Are we spending Chuseok here this time?" I asked myself.


"She said she's coming again for a few weeks. She said how it's good that you're not there so she doesn't have to hear whining." JB said chuckling.


Wait a minute, does JB hyung have my sister's number now?


I chuckled and looked at him. "Every time I was always kicked out of my room and I had to sleep on a mat in the living room." I said laughing. "I didn't mind thought but I guess I always had a fight with my mom. It's because my sister has a room, but like this room there is a lot of stuff in there. My room is big enough becasue I used to share it with my brother, but my sister always pushes me out to the living room when she visits." 


"But your grandma and grandpa live with your sister right?" JB asked.


"Right now it's difficult." I said laughing. "My sister and her husband do not live with her husbands family. They live with my grandparents in Mokpo. My grandparents don't want to come here to Seoul and my sister wanted to go back to Mokpo. It's where they met." I said laughing. "When she suddenly told us we were all shocked. But it's difficult to explain the situation exactly."


JB nodded. We managed to get a lot of boxes out of the room, and put some other items that were not in boxes into a real closet. But the room still seemed full. 


"I wonder when Mark hyung is going to bring coco back." I said sighing.


"When did he say he will bring her?" JB asked.


I shrugged. "He didn't say. But Mark hyung hasn't had a lot of time with her because of working. He says he has more time now so he wants to play with her." I said chuckling. "Yugyeom said she misses her dad. I can't believe I am mom now. I am also dad right hyung?" I asked laughing. 


"Hey. The box." 


I quickly took a box from JB hyung's hands and put it away where he told me to. It wasn't long after that that JB's phone started ringing. He walked away and left me in the room.


I looked around.


After removing half of the boxes, I could finally see the bed fully. I walked towards it and sat down. JB hyung is right. The room is small, but it feels really comfortable to me.


I fell down on the bed and sighed.


"My dad is here. He brought his friend's van. We're going to put some of the boxes away." JB suddenly said. "Stay here." he started walking towards the door with a box.


"Let me help." I said quickly following him.


JB turned to me. I stared at him, smiling. My heart suddenly beating fast. JB was looking at me like how he looked at me when we first met. It made my heart start beating fast back then, and it still does now.


"Wait here. I'll go meet him first and bring him up here." JB finally said, after what seemed like a whole minute of silence where he stared me down. The thoughts of what I was thinking about earlier quickly came back to my mind.


"I'll wait here." I said quickly, so JB hyung would stop looking at me. 


I watched as he put on his jacket, put on his shoes, picked up one box and left the apartment. I stood waiting in front of the door, thinking of what I was thinking of earlier, when I suddenly heard someone typing in the the number pad.


JB hyung opened the door and I stepped back when I saw his dad walk in behind him. I quickly bowed down and introduced myself again out of nervousness. JB hyung's dad greeted me as well and even pulled me into a sudden hug. I was surprised. JB hyung's dad didn't talk a lot at the party we had so I was a little scared of him. 


His personality was a lot like Mark hyung's. When I first met Mark hyung he was really quiet and we didn't really talk so much. Even if we did, it would become a little awkward, but now Mark hyung and I have become so close that we even went to get coco after searching together for a pet that I wouldn't be allergic to.


I've become so close to all of the guys that's it's like they're all my brothers and not the friends that I've known for so long. 


"Hey. Youngjae. You said you want to help. Pick up this box."


I snapped away from my thoughts and chuckled as I followed JB hyung and picked up some boxes. We went back and forth until most of the boxes we managed to move out of JB hyung's old room were now in his dad's borrowed van. 


"There's still more but we'll work on it it later." JB said. I stood in silence as he talked to his dad. This is another side of JB hyung that I've never seen before.


I watched him closely. He looked so serious. His dad also looked so serious. 


They both have very serious faces. When they are not smiling they look scary.


"Hey. Choi Youngjae." JB said.


Once again I apologized and bowed to JB hyung's dad for being in my thoughts again.  


"He's funny. So you will be in this room now. It's all until your uncle decides to come back though remember. You have to move back home or find a place later." his dad said.


"We've already started looking at some places. We know what to do when the time comes." JB quickly replied.


I glanced at him. 


We know what to do? What are we going to do?


"You say we. It's Youngjae right?" his dad asked me. "It's strange to not live with your family at this age isn't it? Do you have a girlfriend?" 


My body stopped moving and I lowered my eyes and tightened my hands. When my mom asks I get a little nervous, but to have JB hyung's dad ask me makes me feel even more nervous. 




"He doesn't have a girlfriend. I don't have a girlfriend either. I told him to stay and be my roommate." JB suddenly said.


Well he's not lying.


"It's time to get a girlfriend son. My coworkers have very pretty daughters." Mr. Im put his hand on my shoulder and I suddenly felt even more nervous. I chuckled lightly. 


"It's....I'm-I'm not ready for that Mr. Im. I still have to go to service." I said.


"You haven't yet? Then it's time to go. Hurry to get it done. You learn a lot you know. I'm glad Jaebum decided to go early. The only decision he's made that's made me glad."


I frowned at his dad's words. Of course every parent has something they really want their kids to do, and when we don't, it becomes a problem.


I glanced at JB hyung who didn't say anything.


"I'll be leaving now. Your mom wants me to pick up some meat at the grocery market. I have to make another stop." Mr. Im laughed and I chuckled lightly with him. JB hyung followed him out the door.


It didn't take long for him to come back, but when he did I quickly turned to look at him. JB hyung sat down for a few minutes before getting up to go take a shower.


It was a long time before he suddenly sat down next to me and sighed. I was about to ask what was wrong when JB hyung grabbed my hand. I stared at our hands and slowly smiled. JB squeezed my hand a little before letting go.


Why did you let go?


"Why did you let go?" I asked. We caught eyes quickly and I quickly became embarrassed and looked away. JB hyung laughed and suddenly his hand was back in mine. It made me chuckle.


"I wonder how he would react if I told him I already have someone I'm together with." JB suddenly said.


I quickly turned to him panicked. He slowly looked at me and we stared at each other.


My heart was beating so fast, but this time not because of nervousness being around JB hyung, but it's nervousness with what JB hyung just said.


Is he really going to tell his dad?


Suddenly JB started laughing and I stared at him confused. 


"You look so nervous. Don't worry, I won't tell. You don't want me to so I won't tell." JB said, turning to the TV.




I sighed, not knowing how to respond to not make JB hyung mad. 


"It's not me hyung..." I paused. "You know why." I finished.


A short silence passed again. JB didn't let go of my hand so I guessed he wasn't mad at me. 


"Ah..." I paused, quickly trying to change the topic.


"Hey. Let's play those games I bought. Remember if I win you have to finally wear the piercings I got you for your birthday." JB said.


"Ah-what? When did I-" 


I laughed and watched JB hyung disappear to his room. He came back with hands full of games. 


"We're going to play all those games?" I asked laughing. "If I win 3 of them then you have to get the piercings." JB said. 


"You really want me to do it? If my mom finds out I'll be in big trouble." I said. JB didn't reply. "Is it because you have the same ones hyung? You want to wear matching ones?"


"Who said that?" JB asked.


I laughed.


He wants to wear couple piercings.


"Hey. What are you laughing at? I said it's because I think you'll look good in piercings. They don't hurt trust me." JB said.


I stopped laughing, still smiling.


"Hyung. Let's just do rock paper scissor." I said. JB put the games down and turned to look at me. I nodded and chuckled. "It's better than the games." I said.


"Hey. Are you trying to say that you can win against me?" JB asked.


I hit him on the shoulder and laughed loudly. "N-no. Let's do Rock Paper Scissors hyung. Let's just play the games for fun." I said.


JB stared at me and I continued laughing and got my hand ready. 


"A man always chooses rock hyung." I said. "Are you saying you're going to choose rock?" JB asked. He got ready and I laughed. "Are you going to choose rock hyung?" I asked.


"Rock paper scissor!" I yelled and JB hyung played rock and I also played rock." I laughed loudly.


"Rock paper scissor!" JB hyung yelled and I played rock again, but this time JB hyung played paper. He yelled loudly and I chuckled at him. 


"3 out of 3 hyung." I said. JB smirked at me. "Rock paper scissor!" I yelled and JB hyung played paper again. I played scissor and laughed loudly at JB hyung's face. He looked surprised.


"Rock paper scissor!" he yelled and I played rock and he played scissor. We both looked at each other eyed. I chuckled and put my hands across my chest. 


"Rock paper scissor!" JB hyung yelled again. He played rock and I played scissor. JB yelled out loudly and I laughed loudly. 


He's so excited. He really does want couple earrings.


 "Last time hyung. 4 out of 4." I said laughing. 


"Last time." JB hyung said. We both had three wins. I stared at him and smiled.


JB hyung really wants this right? Should I lose for him? I think I can just hide the earring when mom is around. If JB hyung wants me to use the present he got me then I will.

I chuckled.


"Hey. What are you laughing about?" JB asked. "Huh? Nothing." I replied chuckling even more. "A man chooses rock." JB suddenly said. I looked at him and smiled, nodding.


"Rock paper scissor!" JB hyung yelled and I knew he was going to play paper. I tightened my hand in a fist. JB looked at me and yelled loudly. I instantly laughed. 


"Where are they? Let's go now." he suddenly said. "Wh-what?" I said still laughing. JB hyung got up and pulled me up and towards the room. I found the earrings and showed it to him.


"Let's go do it now." JB suddenly said.


"What? What are you saying hyung? Why now?" I asked. "Hey. I won. You said you'll get it done." JB replied. He took my hand and pulled me back towards the couch.


"Here's your jacket." he said handing me my jacket that I put on the couch earlier after taking out the boxes. JB hyung put on his own jacket and then started walking toward the kitchen.


"What are you doing hyung?" I asked. "We'll stop by everyone's house and give them their food. I said your mom made some for everyone." he said.  


I chuckled and nodded. JB handed me some containers and I went into the room to grab my bag. "Make sure it doesn't fall over." he said. I nodded and carefully put the food in my bag. "I'll carry it so it doesn't fall."


"Let's go before they close." JB said. He pushed me towards the door and I quickly put on my shoes, laughing at JB hyung's eagerness for me to get the piercings.


We rushed to his car and he quickly started it.


"It's cold." I said laughing.


"It will get warm." JB replied.


He played with his car again and soon cold air started blowing. I yelled and we turned to each other.


JB started laughing and I laughed with him.


"Don't we need to make an appointment?" I asked watching as he started driving to the very familiar piercing place he always goes to. "I know the owner, I'm sure he'll do it for you. It doesn't take very long." JB replied. 






"Your sure it doesn't hurt?" I mumbled.


JB laughed. I quickly hit him on the arm. "It doesn't hurt. Don't you trust me? Your precious hyung?" he asked.


"Precious hyung?" I repeated chuckling.


"Your precious hyung boyfriend." JB suddenly said. I quickly turned to him wide eyed. "That sounds strange." I mumbled, chuckling nervously. 


"How?" JB asked. "You can't be both." I replied.


"I can't be both your hyung and your boyfriend?" JB asked. "But you always call me hyung." JB said.


I glanced at him. "I know. I'll stop calling you hyung. I'm trying." I chuckled. 


"Don't stop. It's fine." JB replied. I stared at him and chuckled. "What?" JB asked. "Nothing." I replied. Another short silence passed but I couldn't stop chuckling.


"Hey Choi Youngjae, what's so funny?" JB asked.


"It's just..." I paused and looked away. "You really want couple earrings don't you?" I asked.


"Hey. I said they're not couple piercings. Are you into that stuff?" JB asked. "What? Me? Not me. You're the one that's taking me to get it." I said laughing. 


"If you don't want to get it just tell me." JB said. 


"I want to get it. I want to get it hyung. I want to have couple piercings with you." I said something cheesy and even shivered at my own words. 


"Did those words come from your mouth?" JB asked. 


I laughed and hit his shoulder.  


"If it hurts you owe me something." I said. JB laughed. "You're really scared of pain." he said. "Who isn't scared of pain? Do you like pain?" I asked, staring at him. "I don't, but piercings aren't painful." he said. 


"As long as you don't suddenly get a tattoo and start smoking hyung, then you can get as many piercings as you want." I said chuckling.  


"Really?" JB asked. 


"Wait a minute. I mean you can do normal piercings. Don't think of any weird ideas hyung. I mean, you can do whatever you want, but I've seen pictures of people with a lot of piercing everywhere hyung. I wonder if it hurts them." I said. 


JB laughed loudly and I could only chuckle and stare at him laughing. I always love to see him laughing so loudly. 


"Don't worry. I won't suddenly get something shocking. I'm sticking to piercings on my ears. I won't get anymore for now." JB said. 


"You don't wear them now. If I wear it will you?" I asked.  


"I will." JB replied. "Good. I don't want to be the only one wearing piercings. Do you think it will look weird on me?" I asked. 


"I think you will look fine. Don't you know? Jackson and Mark have piercings. Even BamBam." JB said.


"What? They do?" I asked wide eyed.  


"Hey. Do you pay attention?" JB asked. "But I've never seen them wear it." I said confused. 


"Jackson and Mark wear it only sometimes. BamBam is thinking of getting it." JB said. "Really? Do you think Yugyeom wants it too? Will we all have piercings?" I asked laughing. 


 "Jinyoung doesn't have them." JB said. "Yes. I knew Jr hyung wouldn't get them." I said laughing. "He sometimes wears fake ones though." JB said. I laughed and nodded.  


The rest of the drive was silent all the way until JB finally said we were there.  


I turned to face him. "Teacher Park is really going to be surprised when I show up wearing them."  


"Remember you can't take them out for a long time or they will close again." JB said.


 "Huh? But I have to go to Mokpo in a few weeks for Chuseok. I have to go home to see my mom and sister. Hyung...maybe I can't do this now." I said.


"It's your choice." JB said. He stared at me, which made my heart beat not out of nervousness because he was staring at me, but because JB hyung won and I said I will get the piercing. He was so happy when I said I will get it. 


"Can I get really small ones? Something that can't be seen?" I asked. 


JB laughed and patted my shoulder. "We will find something." he said. I smiled and nodded. "You're not allergic to anything are you?" he asked.  


"Not to piercings I'm not. Don't worry." I said. "Are you sure?" JB asked. I laughed and nodded. "I won't suddenly get sick hyung. I'm fine." I said. 


 "Ok then, let's go."  


I nodded and got out of the car and followed JB hyung to the familiar piercing place we went to years ago. I go with JB hyung sometimes when he wants to go look at some earrings or buy a new pair. 






JB yelled at the familiar man I always see when I come to the piercing shop. I think he's the owner.


 "And Youngjae! You're here to help pick piercings again?" the guy asked chuckling. I nervously chuckled back.


"He's here to get a piercing." JB said. I glanced at him. He had a big smile on his face.


 "Finally? Jaebum has convinced you?" the guy asked me. I always somehow miss his name. "He always talks about how good earrings would look on you. Now that I have seen you properly I think you're right." he said turning to JB hyung. 


I chuckled. It seems JB hyung has been talking about me. 


"Did you bring it?"  


JB hyung suddenly took the box from my hands and showed the guy. "You have similar ones to this don't you?" he asked.


 "They're not the same. I bought this one years ago." JB said. 


"And you're finally going to wear it." the guy said. He laughed at me and patted my shoulder. I didn't know what to say so I just chuckled back. 


"Don't worry. This won't hurt." the guy said. "You can take him inside."  


Suddenly JB hyung lifted me up by the arm and we walked into a dark room. Lights soon but they were a little dark. 


"I can't believe I'm doing this." I mumbled to myself. 


"Hey. You don't have to." JB said. He pointed to a dark seat and I sat down. He found a chair and sat down close to me. 


"But I lost at rock paper scissor." I said chuckling. 


JB looked at me and smiled. "You don't have to do it if you don't want to Youngjae. You're scared of how your parents will react right?" JB asked. 


I stared back at him for a few minutes before smiling. "It's not just because I lost at the game hyung. You bought this present for me to wear." I lifted up the present he got me years ago. "I can finally wear them." I said. 


JB just stared at me. I quickly looked away chuckling nervously. "You always stare so hard at me. Is there something on my face?" I asked. 


"Not really." JB replied. 


"Then why do you always stare so hard?" I asked chuckling.


A long silence passed.  


"The truth?" JB suddenly asked.


I laughed and nodded.


"Sometimes I just really want to kiss you Youngjae." he suddenly replied. 


"Wh-what?" my hand quickly went to cover my face in embarrassment.  


"That's why I stare so hard sometimes." JB said. He didn't laugh. He sounded so serious.


"Oh...ok." I finally replied. My heart wanted to jump out of my chest. I remembered my earlier thoughts as I looked away from JB hyung.


"Sorry for the wait. I had to handle some calls. Are you ready?" the piercing man suddenly walked inside and all my attention went to him. I nervously chuckled and nodded my head.  


There was a long time of the piercing man touching my ear. He squeezed my lowered ear a little and even pinched my ear to show me how it will feel. It didn't hurt when he pinched my ear. 


Then piercing guy started cleaning my ear. I don't know what he was cleaning it with but it was very cold.  


It was when he picked up this device that my eyes went wide. 


"Calm down Youngjae." JB suddenly said. I finally looked at him after his earlier comment. We caught eyes. "It doesn't hurt. Trust me. Just relax." JB said. 


"Just relax." I repeated in in English the way Jackson hyung always does it when he's showing us his famous underwear commercial. I chuckled nervously and glanced at JB's hand. 






 "Your hand." I said. 




I felt my face going hot so I looked away from him and held out my hand. It was a while and I heard giggling from piercing man, before JB hyung grabbed my hand finally. He squeezed my hand and it made me calm down a little.


It all happened so fast. When I think about how I thought it would feel and how it actually feels, it really doesn't hurt at all. It's really just like a pinch like piercing man said. 


Before I knew it piercing man said he was done.


I opened my closed eyes. JB was staring at me with a smirk on his face. "How did it go? Did it hurt?" he asked. 


"They're in?" I asked, my free hand suddenly going to touch it. "Don't touch it so hard, it will ache a little later. You know how to clean it right? Don't take it out for a while." piercing guy said.


 I nodded. 


"I know it all. I'll help him." JB hyung said. 


"How do I look?" I asked, a little bit more excited then I thought I would be. 


JB handed me his phone and I had to pull away when the camera caught my face too close. I looked at myself then I looked closely at the earrings.


"Wow." I mumbled.


 JB just laughed.


"Thank you!" I yelled laughing as well.  


We spent a little more time at the piercing shop. More like JB hyung was looking at more piercings and I just sat looking at myself in the mirror. 


JB hyung is right. I guess it does look good. 


"You like it?" 


I put the mirror down and smiled up at JB. He had a bag and I could tell he bought more piercings. 


"I thought I would look weird." I said. 


"You don't." JB replied. I laughed and nodded. "I don't. I really like them. Now I just have to think of a way to explain to my mom why I got them." I chuckled nervously.


"I can tell her I forced you to." JB replied. 


"No. I'll deal with my parents. Don't worry about it hyung. I think my sister will yell at me more though. My brother will be shocked. He has piercings too and he's always said that I would be too afraid to get it." I said laughing. 


"Come on. Let's go. We both have work tomorrow morning" JB said.


I smiled wide and got up. 


"I wonder how everyone will react." I mumbled.


"Hey. Choi Youngjae! Mom is going to kill you!" my sister yelled loudly as she saw my piercings. Her baby giggled and I tried to calm her down.


 It's been two days since I've gotten the piercings. Teacher Park was shocked but he didn't say anything bad about them. My sister finally arrived two days ago and I decided to come home yesterday after JB hyung left early for Chuseok. 


It turns out my sister's just coming for a little while to see some old friends and we're all going back to Mokpo for Chuseok tomorrow morning. 


"Mom?" I asked looking around. 


"She went buy a few things. We need to cook remember? Never mind mom." my sister touched my ear. "Does it hurt?" she asked. 


"It doesn't. Does it look weird on me?" I asked.


We caught eyes. "You want the truth?" she asked chuckling.


"Tell me." I replied.


" looks good." she said. 


"Really?" I asked smiling. "Yeah. But mom and dad are going to kill you." she said laughing. I sighed and sat down next to her. She was watching a singing show that we both like.  


"I need to think of how to explain." I said. "Why did you get them?"  


Should I tell her? 


I stared at my sister and she hit me on the head. "Hey. I'm talking to you you know. Why are you staring so hard?" she asked laughing.


"Doesn't brother have piercings?" I asked, suddenly remembering a picture my sister showed me of my brother abroad. 


"Yeah. But he's not in Korea so they can't yell at him. You're the youngest and you're here now." my sister said laughing.


I sighed. "I wanted to get them. JB hyung got me piercings for my birthday years ago and I finally wanted to be able to wear them." I said.


"You know, there are fake piercings." she said.


"I wanted to get it for real. These are not fake." I said pointing to my ear. "Whatever, just think of something you're going to say." she said. 


I sighed. 


"By the way, where's coco?" she asked. "Mom says she misses her."


"I miss her too." I replied. "I sometimes stop by Mark hyung's apartment to see her. Mark hyung didn't have a lot of time with her so she's staying with him right now." I said.  


"You miss her?" she asked.


"I do." I replied. 


"Hey. What about a girlfriend. Do you have a girlfriend yet?" she suddenly asked. 


"Wha-what why are you asking? You know I don't." I said.


"Mom keeps asking. She thinks you're hiding something from her. You're not secretly married are you? Hey! Youngjae! Choi Youngjae! Don't tell me you got a girl pregnant!" she yelled. 


"What?" I yelled and hit her on the shoulder. I could feel my face heating up. "What are you talking about? That's ridiculous!" I yelled. "What are you even saying. That will never happen." I said shocked. 


My heart started beating fast.


 "Hey. Don't hit me. Here hold him so I can go get food." she handed me her baby and I sighed and played with him.


My sister came back and ate. It wasn't long until my mom came back and that night as we cooked and packed to leave, my mom yelled at me all night. My dad also came home and yelled at me some more. After trying to force me to take them out, and me refusing, he stopped. 


All while cooking, and preparing food for Chuseok my mom glared at me and sometimes mumbled something in anger. 


My parents both yelled at me, and I could hear them talking about the piercings all night until I fell asleep on the couch. 


Chuseok was usual, but this time I was yelled at and scolded a lot because of the piercings. My little cousins would not leave me alone and my grandparents almost pulled the earrings out. After the second day though everyone left it alone.  


I was glad when we were finally leaving and I could finally see JB hyung again. 


We texted each other the whole time during Chuseok. We never called each other. When I told him I was finally coming home he called me to tell me that he would be home when I get home. 


I had to sleep at my house after my dad refused to drive me to the apartment, so I sent a text to JB hyung telling him. I got a reply early the next morning and JB hyung came to pick me up. 


It was when I stepped out the shower that I heard his voice. I could hear my mom talking to him about the piercing so I quickly put on some clothes and ran for the kitchen. 


"I finished." I said. 


JB hyung and I caught eyes and I smiled at him. We haven't seen each other for a few days.  


"Do you have work today?" he asked. My mom made some food for him and he was busy eating.


 "No. I have today off. Teacher park said I can start working again in two days. He's away in his hometown right now. He's from Jinhae like Jr hyung." I said chuckling. 


JB nodded. I stared at him. He looked a little sleepy and he wasn't wearing his earrings. 


I got them and he's not even wearing his anymore. 


"I have a day off." JB said. "Really?" I asked. He nodded.  


"Have you heard from the others?"  


"Jinyoung is coming home in two days. Mark and Jackson are coming back in a few days. I haven't heard from BamBam." JB said.


"Mark and Jackson hyung went home?" I asked. 


"Yeah. They both thought about it and decided to go home. They stayed with Jinyoung for Chuseok and Jackson went to Hong Kong and Mark to LA." JB said. 


"Mark hyung too? Then where's coco?" I asked worried. "Asleep." JB pointed towards where the TV was and I saw coco sleeping on the couch.  


"Hey. That worries me." I said. "She's fine. Mark left her with a friend and I picked her up when I got back." JB replied. 


"Hey. Choi Youngjae. Stop talking and eat. You two need to eat." my mom suddenly appeared and started yelling. I laughed and quickly started eating. 


"What about BamBam?" JB asked when my mom left for the couch. She was watching a new drama that she was watching all weekend in Mokpo. All my aunts and my sister and mom were watching this new drama about a poor girl and a rich guy. They didn't let anyone else watch TV.


"He'll be back in about a week. His family wants him to stay longer. Yugyeom told me." I replied JB. 


 JB nodded. "Let's go sleep after we get home." JB mumbled.


I caught eyes with him and started chuckling. "Yeah. Let's do that. But I'm bringing coco. I haven't seen her in a long time." I said. "Did you see Nora?" I asked.


"Yeah." JB replied. "She's doing fine without her dad. I think she got herself a boyfriend." JB said. I laughed loudly and patted his shoulder. "Coco was doing fine without me either." I said. "I guess we're not needed anymore right?" I asked.


JB chuckled and nodded. 


I ate only a little and then sat watching JB hyung finish his food. "Hey. Why are you not eating? Is staring at me so fun?" JB asked. 


"You always stare at me hyung." I said. 


"I told you, it's because I want to kiss yo-" 


I quickly covered JB hyung's mouth and stared at him wide eyed as I looked towards the couch where my mom was sitting. My heart started beating so fast and my face quickly got hot.


"Hyung." I said. 


JB took my hand off his mouth and continued eating.  


I continued staring at him, trying to calm myself down. JB hyung just continued eating and didn't pay any attention to me. He even started playing some game on his phone. 


"You...really mean that hyung?" I finally asked after a long time of staring at him. JB hyung even finished eating and washed his bowl and came back to sit and play games when I finally got the courage to ask him. 


"Hm?" he said not looking at me. 


"You said it back at the piercing place too." I said. 


"Yeah." JB replied. "You mean it?" I asked. "Of course." JB replied. "I told you. There were a lot of things the guys talked about during service. I couldn't help thinking about you every time they mentioned their girlfriends." JB said. 


I lowered my head. My face wasn't hot anymore but my heart beat continued to become fast. 


"They always asked me if I had a girlfriend. They asked me if my girlfriend was cute and what my girlfriend was like." JB said. 


I wanted to ask what he said but was too embarrassed.  


"Hey, Choi Youngjae." JB said.


I lifted my head and caught eyes with him.


"Yes, Jaebum hyung?" I said. JB just slowly smiled. "I said I have someone I like. A very cute person with a square face that always makes me laugh. This person gets embarrassed easily so I have to try not to make them embarrassed. This person likes to laugh a lot and has a loud, annoying, and cute laugh. This is the person I like and am slowly starting to love with all my heart. This is the person I want to spend a long time with, whether or not we stay together, but I wish to stay with this person for a long time like this. Together." 


He said something cheesy again. 


I could only stare at JB, my face already hot from embarrassment. He finished talking and continued staring at his p,hone playing the game. He made my face start heating up even more and my heart started beating very crazy. 


I didn't know what to say but I was so so embarrassed at his words.  


JB hyung said it again, he said love again.  


"Oh yeah." JB suddenly said. I stared at him. He lifted his head and we caught eyes. "But I don't really know this person's feelings yet, so I hope one day they will tell me exactly how they feel." JB said. 




"Are you two done?" 


My moms voice suddenly filled the kitchen. We both turned to her. "I'm about to leave to go help my friend. She needs a lot of help today. Everyone is shopping at her shop so close after Chuseok. I already have coco food but she's asleep again. If you get time then take her a bath, she stinks." my mom said. 


I nodded. 


 "You have food at home?" 


"Huh?" I turned to JB hyung.


"We have to go grocery shopping." he said.


Suddenly my mom opened her purse and handed him money. He tried to refuse but my mom shoved it in his hands. "Youngjae is living with you too, you can't pay for everything." she said. 


"Mom. I work too." I said, staring at her wide eyed. "Jaebum is your hyung. Let him teach you how to properly live by yourself. Suddenly deciding to get a piercing. I never thought you were like this Youngjae. 


It seems she's still mad.


We both watched as my mom finished getting ready and left. 


"They're still mad?" JB asked. 


"I think she's still mad that I at least didn't come and talk to her about it." I said. "I don't think my dad cares anymore." I said. 


"Sorry." JB suddenly replied.


"Don't apologize." I replied.


"Let's get coco, stop by the grocery store, and go home to go to sleep." JB suddenly said smirking. He patted my head and I glanced at him and laughed loudly. 


"Yeah, let's do that hyung." I said smiling wide.


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back for a re-read ♡
Chapter 22: You're genious! Really is~~
I need a hug right now ;-;
seariously, this two are so cute and so perfect for each other!! Don't blame on me for fall in love over and over again u.u
I'll read the last one now \oooo/
I love 'sin' and you brought my need to hear it over and over again, tell i die, girl (sorry, i really love DefSoul's songs a lot!!)
Thank you, really much!! And hope you keep doing amazings fics, please~~
Chapter 22: I think I should stop posting a counter here every time I read this fic...

If I'm not wrong and if my math is correct (I'm good at math tho, so it's probably correct) then I already read this fic 21 times, let's keep counting
zhendy-mf #4
Chapter 22: luv it
Chapter 22: I started reading this right after finishing Call Me JB Hyung not too long ago and I'm so glad I did! I just wish I came across and read this fanfic earlier...

This is unlike any other fanfic I've ever read--but in a good way. I'm not an expert on relationships, but I can't help but think that this fanfic gives a very realistic feel and portrayal as to how a relationship between two people would be like--particularly for someone who's never dated before and someone who's never had someone who he is sure about being in love with, that is, before meeting each other.

I really like how the moments between them felt so intimate but also so sweet and heartwarming. It's amazing to read about the progress they've made throughout their relationship; it's like we watched/read them grow up...

Also, I love how you incorporated a lot of the real interactions that the boys had with each other in a way that fits the situations in the story. It always makes me smile to come across something that I remember watching. (Authornim, you made me realize just how much of a Got7 trash I am... I find myself able to name the interviews/videos that the interactions were from... Oh....The blessings of being an ahgase. XD)

I'm going to really miss reading this fanfic... Even though I really haven't read that many fanfics (since I really only started to around this year, I think), I wish this was one of the earlier fanfics I've read. >~<

Author-nim, thank you for writing such a wonderful and beautiful sequel. (Thank you for taking the time to write and update even though you were busy with school and other things... Not to mention all of your updates are long.) I like it even more than Call Me JB Hyung~ ^.^ Please keep writing fanfics, especially about 2Jae (and if possible, this series, if you can/have time. That would be very much appreciated ^.^)!

P.S I don't think I've ever written such a long comment before... I surprised myself at how much I had to say. XD

Written: June 12, 2017 / Revised: June 27, 2017
love2do #6
I've read previous comments so I know that everything that your story made me feel has already been said. I love it soo much.. The size of the comments left by your subscribers are just crazy... Thank you for such a beautiful story... its sad it will tho...
Chapter 22: omg i'm so late, but i was so surprised when i saw that it was completed !! i felt like i missed out on a lot, so i had to reread a few chapters back and i don't regret it at all, reading it all at once. i am so in love with your writing.. it's so beautiful - graceful almost and it's innocent - even the intimate scenes are so sweet; you make every interaction between 2jae so gentle that i can't help myself from curling up and grinning to myself at their cuteness. though, of course, it's only because of the way you portray them in your writing and i can't thank you enough for that. everything about this fanfic is so goddamn unique, as well as you as an author and i hope that never changes, because i'm genuinely willing to support you for a long time, if you continue writing such beautiful stories like this. and i caught on to you hinting towards the trilogy ? haha, I hope i'm not wrong !!! they've come so far from when they first met and even from when they were first dating, especially youngjae. i feel proud haha. i can't wait to see how they mature in the future and how they get through any hardships that maybe coming along for them ;; thank you so much for putting your time in to write and share such a beautiful story for us. much love from me ♡ i really do, highly respect you.
Chapter 22: this was beautifully and well written. i've already read it 3 times and i can't say i'll stop from there. i like how jaebum first fell in love with youngjae and youngjae slowly but surely fell in love with jaebum. i love how youngjae and jaebum both love their families. i love the friendship between the 7 guys. i like it that you didn't used 'vulgar' words on their intimate scenes. i love how you slowly have written on how their relationship blossoms from hyung/dongsaeng to a couple who is so in love with each other. i just love this story. am i asking too much if i would request for another chapters. i mean i want to know what will happen once jaebum and youngjae finally confess to their families and of course i would love them to get married and hopefully their family can accept it. lastly i would like to say thanks to the author and kudos to you.
jyjpyara01 #9
Chapter 22: T__T okay first I want to say thank you so much zzutto for this beautiful 2jae love story. I wasn't there for the beginning of Call Me JB hyung but I was there for the beginning of this sequel and it's been an amazing journey with you. I look forward to more of your writing because you are my favorite author on here. If you don't mind me asking, do you have a twitter or maybe tumblr that I can follow you on? I want to be friends or just talk to you outside of just this comment section *hides face* ^///^ okay on to the story- our Youngjae has matured so much coming back!! I'm so happy! Finally! I felt really bad that youngjae's first time was so painful it made me so sad n I also felt sorry for jb b/c he feels guilty. But you also made it realistic that most of the time your first time will hurt a lot. But I'm glad that at least the 2nd time was much better. You made jb so sweet and gentle too T_T he is my bias so my heart flutters and I want a lover like him too! He loves Youngjae so much *sobs* And the end with the marriage proposal, I'm crying again, was so cute I really want to see them overcome that obstacle and hope their parents accept 2jae. You made me cry so much I knew this would end so it's a bitter sweet feeling. I'm really happy but also very sad. Thank you again! Since you posted this I always come back and reread the story. I've even went back to read call me jb hyung n then this again. I like it so much because I fell in love with your youngjae and jb that you created. I think I'll comment again in case I forgot something hehe. I'm sorry if it's a bother to always read my long comments. Oh! Our Got7 is coming back! I can't wait for all the new 2jae moments!!
haneulxxchoi #10
Chapter 22: Ah, well i kinda suprised that this last chap (i hope its a no, hehe) of this beautiful fics. And, thankyou for all of ur hardwork. I guess i need JB pov of this or something else, hehehe... well, i can't wait to see ur next fics. Fightingg!!