Meanie Problems?

How to Survive A Host Club


One less problem without ‘ya, I got one less problem without ‘ya,

Seungkwan was belching out his favorite Ariana Grande song, broken English and voice cracking and all, with a tipsy Hansol accompanying him.

“Who the hell gave those kids alcohol?” Seungcheol was slightly drunk himself as he started panicking about how he’ll be arrested and thrown in jail for “getting my little ducklings drunk, what am I going to do, Jihoon?!”

The addressed only responds by peeling the other male off of his side and scooting away, knowing better than anybody that an intoxicated Seungcheol is to be avoided at all costs.

Listen, I didn’t really mean it when I said I was Jeonghan’s idiot okay,” Seokmin was explaining to an angry looking Jisoo and a deflated looking Soonyoung in a slurred tone.

“He’s very…” he paused and thought for a moment. “... ah, persuasive! Oh, no no no, that’s not right,” he shook his head animatedly with a dumb smile on his face.

LIAR! He had his arm around you,” Jisoo’s face was glowing pink and frowning angrily.

“I d-dint do any-” *hiccup* “-thung,” Jeonghan was laying on the floor when he began climbing to get onto the seat. Once he made it up successfully he turned to Seokmin whom was still in his daze.

“Idiot, are ‘ya there?” The elder waved a hand in front of his face.

“You told me I was the only idiot you would ever want…” Jisoo was now staggering towards the corner to sulk but was stopped when he saw who was already occupying his wanted space.

DO YOU GUYS EVER QUIT, GOD YOU’RE LIKE DOGS IN HEAT!” Seungkwan was standing on the table, mic to his mouth and his sharp gaze on the aforementioned dogs. The two separated with a loud and gross smacking noise.

“We came here to get drunk and crunk,” Mingyu slurred at Seungkwan in English and the look on the latter’s face would have brought shame to a world famous actor there was so much emotion in it.

“Vernonie!” he whined into the microphone. “Have you been teaching Mingyu English and not me?”

“No, no, no it’s not like that at all, okay boo?” Hansol had his hands up to protect himself, but it obviously wasn’t going to do him very good. A barrage of weak(but somehow effective) punches and insults were thrown at the poor boy.


“But, ah, Mi-Mingyu hyung, ouch, paid me, watch the face!” That loud and unpleasant smacking noise resounded again.

“Is that what you were spending our vacation money on?!” Wonwoo had pulled back from the taller boy and was glaring. “YOU’RE LEARNING ENGLISH TO TRY TO WOO MORE GIRLS, HUH?”

“N-no, honey, it’s not like that!” But Mingyu’s words were left unheard as Wonwoo turned towards the corner with his arms around his knees to sulk.

“Don’t be like this,” Mingyu rocked his boyfriend back and forth desperately as he tried to persuade him to turn around.

“You see this, Hansol? You’ve ruined a relationship,” Seungkwan was still standing on the table(he felt it gave him more authority) as he looked down at his lover.

“Eh, I'm not feeling too bad about it,” Hansol shrugged.

“Yeah, me too, they really didn’t understand PDA.” The entire group save for the two in the corner all stopped whatever the hell they were doing to nod and agree with the statement. Mingyu just looked at his co-workers desperately.

“We were happy,” he cries and goes back to trying to console Wonwoo.

“Drama queens,” Seungkwan mumbled as he stepped off of the table and slumped into a booth.

“You're one to talk,” Soonyoung scoffed.

WHO SAID THAT,” Seungkwan seethed, eyes darting to and fro. He snaps out of it when he hears a loud bang on the table.

“Minghao!” Jun was looking utterly confused as he poked the dozing Minghao on the cheek. He pressed his finger farther into the latter’s skin and he groaned.

“S-stop it Junnie,” the smaller called his lover by a nickname he’d never used before and it made said lover gush.

“My puppy is so cute,” he exclaimed while snaking his arms around the younger’s thin waist.

“Okay guys, I’m back with the bill-” Chan stops in the doorway to try to understand what was going on in the room before him.

Seungkwan was back to standing on the table and muttering something under his breath while punching in numbers on the song selector, Seungcheol was weeping hysterically, Jihoon was staring at Seungcheol, Hansol was staring into space, Minghao was passed out, Jun was practicing pick up lines to a glass on the table that probably had a reflection of himself in it, Jeonghan was slumped down on Jisoo who was frantically fanning him, Soonseok were dozing off, and Mingyu had his arms wound around Wonwoo as they sat in a corner(actually, that was kind of normal).

“I literally leave for five minutes,” Chan sighs as he snatches the song selector from Seungkwan who explodes at him with a mouth full of curses, but Chan ignores him. He punches in the numbers he’s remembered by heart and pulls out a fedora out of thin air. He places it on his head at an angle and takes a deep breath.

“I love this song!” All of the boys shout in unison once they register what was playing through the speakers.

The way she came into the place,” Chan sings passionately. Sure, he wasn’t the best singer, but the boys watched in awe as the boy danced.

A snap there, a hip there, moonwalking everywhere, the boy was a star. The rest of the members were entranced by the youngest’s skills, all seeming to forget what they were doing. Once he was don, his co-workers cheered, clapped, and whooped.

“Chan! I didn’t know you could do that,” Seungcheol said excitedly. “That could totally be your thing! Yeah, dancing! Soonyoung dances too, you guys should come up with something.”

“It would sure beat being dressed up like a schoolboy,” Chan muttered.
“What was that?” Seungcheol questioned.

“Huh? What? Nothing,” Chan answered. “I’d love that, hyung! But, uh, we should probably get out of here, it’s almost 3 AM.”

What?!” They say in unison again.

“I think it’s great we’re in sync, but we really need to stop doing that.”

“Our dorm’s curfew is 12! Where are we all gonna sleep?” Mingyu asks exasperatedly, flailing his arms about.

“Sleepover at Seungcheol and Jihoon hyung’s apartment!” Seokmin calls out eagerly.

“Let me get something straight here- it’s not our apartment, I just stay there sometimes okay?” Jihoon explains with his arms crossed.

“Whatever, we’re crashing there,” Mingyu states, grabbing his and Wonwoo’s jackets.

“Seungcheol, tell them they can’t! You don’t have enough space!” Jihoon didn’t want to take care of a tipsy Seungcheol, much less 11 more drunk kids.

“But Jihoon this is just more team-bonding,” Seungcheol whines.

Jihoon glares at the male, but gives in anyways. “Fine, but they’re sleeping in the living room!” Soonyoung cheered and struts out of the room, Seokmin following and soon the rest of the group followed as well.

They manage to walk to their boss’ house with four scraped knees, seven bruises, one irritated Jihoon, zero casualties, and 12 almost-casualties total. They pile into the second-floor apartment and a few of them collapse right at the doorway.

Jihoon walks around them, kicking Mingyu in the ribs on the way.

“Ow!” Mingyu tries sitting up, but Wonwoo was sleeping away on his back. “You ! I’m telling Coups on you!”

Jihoon laughs haughtily, “And what’s he gonna do?”

“Good point,” Mingyu says and carefully stands up without disturbing his partner.

Seungcheol, who was grabbing blankets and pillows from the closet, appears in the living room and drops everything in his arms on the ground.

“Well, I did my job and I didn’t get arrested for giving alcohol to minors, goodnight!” The eldest spins on his heel and walks straight back to his bedroom with Jihoon trailing behind him snickering.

The rest of the kids lay out the blankets while silently cursing their boss’ dreams.

Once everyone had a spot to sleep(Mingyu insisting he and Wonwoo get the couch as it was the most isolated spot because it was elevated compared to the floor) they all got settled, some dozing off before they even laid down.

“Goodnight Wonwoo.”

“Goodnight Seokmin.”

“Goodnight Jisoo.”

“Goodnight Soonyoung.”
“Goodnight Seungkwan.”

“Goodnight Chan.”

“Goodnight Hansol.”

“Goodnight Jeonghan.”
“Shut up and go to sleep Mingyu!” Jihoon shouts from the bedroom.




hello u pretty kittens
it's so crazy that there are actually
100 people willing to press that sub button
to this fic, im really overwhelmed right now

anyways, thanks for being here and reading
i hope u liked this chapter, i was really stuck on it for
a while and i really don't think it's my best and its so short im sorry ;;
but next chapter will include:
morning after
soonseok skits
and more
please stick around for that ♥
and please comment i would love that so much

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[hshc] believe it or not, this fic is not abandoned! i am beginning to write everyday...


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Kimbapkidding96 #1
Chapter 3: Omg poor hoshii XD but poor lady. She's about to be scammed by the literal sun hahah
Chapter 2: It's almost 2 in the morning and I'm laughing my off. Omg this is precious. <3
Chapter 2: Kim Mingyu- lmao xD
Chapter 2: i love this fic omg its so funny
Eskimeo #5
Chapter 2: ITS SO CUTE AND FUNNY I LOVE IT :)))) Congrats on 100 subs and having such a perfect WW gif
Oh my god they all got drunk-- XD
Chapter 2: Ahhh this is so cute! Congrats on the 100 subs!
Sam_Ships #8
Chapter 1: It's really nice so far but if you could just add something like "Seungkwan said" when they are talking because I was confused sometimes because i didn't know who was talking
WAT #9
Chapter 1: awee Chan is so precious (´Д` ) can't wait for more!!