Chapter 6- With them

A Second Chance

"Taengoo you're really busy this days hu." Jessica informed me

Well, to be honest I think everyone is busy. We just release an album but because of my radio show and some endorsement they think I'm busier.

"Yeah! By the way Taeng, I heard EXO will also Endorse Nature Republic. People really think you are close to them." Sooyoung said

I really don't know why the world is keeping me close with EXO. I've been trying to avoid these things happen. First Radio show and now endorsements. 
"Yeee Taeeng! I also heard that some members like you! Our Beautiful Taeyeon." Yuri teased me

"I didn't know that. Where did you here that." I really didn't know anything. I thought they are scared of me.

"Some of their interviews, they said that they like SNSD and one them. What is his name again? Ahhh right! That Baekhyun said in an interview his ideal type is you. I don't think that it's just Baekhyun but his the one that is really proud about it. Hahahha" Yuri add

Really? They like me? These kids are weird and what is he doing. Why is he being like that? Telling the people that he likes me. Tss what is he planning? 

"Hahaha I've search the internet and it is also stated that since trainee days Baekhyun has a huge crush on you." Yoona teased me

"You guys stop it. I'm leaving, okay? I still have a schedule." I told them

I'm having a photo shoot for Nature Republic and if all they said is true. I'm going to meet EXO. I'm not really treating them bad, when i see them sometimes i treat them and have a little chat but i can only do that if his not there. I've been trying to be comfortable being with him but every time I see him I remember the past. Tsss 
"Taeyeon you'll be having an interview with EXO later." Manager told me

"Really? What show?" 

"The show were Sooyoung is also a host. Hanbam, but Sooyoung is not the one whose going to interview you." He add

Why didn't Sooyoung tell earlier. That is why she is teasing me because she knows I'm having an interview with them. 

"I understand. Let's go" 


"Hello Taeyeon-shi! What photoshoot are you doing?"

"I've become a model for Nature Republic hahaha"

"Sooyoung from hanbam is also a cosmetic model. Did she gave you any advices?"
I didn't notice that I have been thinking for so long. I really can't remember any advices from Sooyoung because she always plays around.

"Seems like there wasn't" 

"Hahaha" his a funny one

" is there anyone filming with you?"

"There's a group filming with me and they are. (I acted like I'm whispering) A pack of wolves." That's understandable right? EXO is gaining a lot of attention because of their wolf concept. 


His really getting into my nerves. Is he really that insensitive? Why did he sit beside me? Act professional Taeyeon! I remember what manager told me. I should show that I'm really close to them. Well I think I am, they are really funny and outgoing.

"I know all of them"

"You know all? Can you recognize them by hearing their voice without looking?
I just acted confident. This is easy. I've talk to them a lot and after meeting them at the party, I sometimes bump into them when they are practicing. That is why I know these will be easy. 

"Okay you guys will just make an "ah" sound" 

"Ah" hahahha i know it's you Suho
"It's Suho" 

"Ah" that deep voice 

"Waaah" their reaction

"Ah" wow he really want to join hu? But I'm still gonna answer

"Wow you really know them. Well, among the member of Girls' Generation Taeyeon is naturally the most beautiful right?"

"Yeah that's right!" Suho

"Yeah" EXO simultaneously 

"It feels like they're answering it unknowingly" they are good at interviews hahaha
And the interview goes on and on. They are beginning to get comfortable in cameras. Before they're still nervous but now I can see confidence.

"In the future, please love SNSD and EXO a lot."

"You guys really did good today." I told them
"We couldn't have done that if you didn't guided us. Hahahha" Suho told me
"Wow. Really humble hu. But you really like to tease me hu. I'm really the prettiest member?" I'm just teasing them. Hahaha
"Taeyeon sunbaenim always treat us good whenever you see us. Even if you're tired you still greeted us with smile and encourage us. That's why your special for us." They answered. Wow I did not know that I'm that good with them. 
"How much do you guys want?" I really don't know what to react. It seems that it's really genuine.
"I'll go get change. Bye"
"Bye Taeyeon Sunbaenim"

I was done changing and was heading to my manager when someone grabbed my hand. 

"Taeng let's talk." It's Baekhyun

"Let go of me. If anyone see this there will be scandal." Is he really serious what if the other members cam or the staff or even manager.

"Everyone is gone Taeng. They are all outside." 

"There is nothing to talk about Baek." I pulled my hand 

"Please just here me out" he looked at me with his pleading eyes. I hate myself because I'm starting to waver. Baek please stop this. 

"Alri.." Im about to say alright when manager came. 

"Taeyeon I've been waiting for you. Oh Baekhyun you're here too?"

"Hello manager-nim. I'm just asking Taeyeon noona where's the comfort room."

Manager pointed a door. I guess that's the Comfort room. 
That was close. Thanks manager 


Use this interview of Taeyeon with EXO as my inspiration. Thanks for all the support, sorry for the errors. Love you guys! Enjoy! 

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Chapter 23: Ahh baekyeon feels ^^ waiting for your next update ;)
Chapter 1: Will be waitng for the next chapters :)))
Chapter 11: Aishhh why so sweet baek.. kiyeowo you jealous huh
Cute taeng..haha
Chapter 10: Taeng mean xD
little_eunkyung #5
Chapter 5: She so mean! LOL..but Baek deserves that.!
little_eunkyung #6
Chapter 1: Nice start,buddy! Keep up! *thumb up*