Hot Breaths & Tangled Tongues

The room was dark. She didn’t quite remember how she was able to open the front door without looking, but the next thing she knew, she was already pushing a figure onto her bed. They kissed, and bit, and kissed again while hands touched and squeezed anything and everything. Taeyeon tasted something metallic. They continue nonetheless, though softer this time, just a little. She wasn’t sorry, but she liked it either way.

They weren’t drunk. They were in fact very much sober, but their cheeks were flushed. Taeyeon had thought maybe because it was summer, that they were too busy to even bother turning on the air conditioner, that both of them would rather pass out from the heat than pause what they were doing. And so they sought other alternatives to cool themselves.

Soon enough, pieces of clothing started falling, taking them off each other so fast, rushed, it was as if they burned. The only remaining fabric flung far from the bed and onto the floor, finally leaving them bare. The metallic taste long gone, lost between hot breaths & tangled tongues.

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Kezziebitcrazy #1
Chapter 1: You need to write moreeere
taejellybean #2
Chapter 1: I'm not a fan of very short things... but I am a fan of your short drabbles :) dunno, sounds weird maybe, but I hope you get what I mean :)