
What's Mine, Is Yours

“I still don't see what the big deal is.”


Tiffany doesn't know if her roommate is blind, deaf, or both. Frustrated that Sunny doesn't see her issue, she s the jingling set of keys closer in front of her again.


“You can try jabbing my eyes out with it, but it'll further prove my point. I can't see the problem, what's the big deal?”


With an exasperated groan, Tiffany flops over onto Sunny’s bed, holding her arm out to further inspect the measly keys. She doesn't know if she's making a big deal out of the situation or not, but isn’t sharing apartment keys or any personal possessions a big step in relationships? Her inner turmoil not being acknowledged by Sunny, Tiffany rolls to her side, still staring at the keys in her outstretched hand.


“I think you're seeing too much into this. You basically live with her anyway. She's probably too lazy to get out of bed when you pop up at her doorstep early in the morning. I know I'd be,” Sunny stops her train of thought when she sees the sad look Tiffany’s giving her.


“Do you think she's doing this because I'm too clingy?”


Sunny wants to smack herself. She should have been careful with her words knowing how emotional Tiffany could be, especially when it came to her significant other. Example A: the loud girl literally throwing herself atop Sunny, who was hidden under her plentiful array of bed sheets, due to this key argument.


“I didn't mean it like that. Taeyeon most likely gave it to you because she thought it was due time you owned a key to your second home.”


Sunny pats the deep-in-thought Tiffany on the head, knowing that the girl could easily drown in her thoughts if left in there too long. Thinking about it now, she wonders if majority of the girl’s relationship is in her own head. Wanting to give the benefit of the doubt to her one year and something months relationship, Sunny has always wondered how Taeyeon and Tiffany even became a thing. Last time she checked, the two shared no common liking or features at all.


Known for not having a filter, Sunny absentmindedly asks, “what do you see in Taeyeon? You guys don't seem to be compatible, if you don't mind me saying.”


Even if she added the last part for safe measures, Sunny knows Tiffany minds. Tiffany would personally teach pigs how to fly if Taeyeon wished for it to be. Tiffany was wrapped around Taeyeon’s finger; Sunny wouldn't be surprised if Tiffany herself knew and didn't care. Sunny felt inclined, as Tiffany’s best friend and roommate, to see what the fuss was all about. She's met Taeyeon a few times; from what she could remember, the girl wasn't that memorable to be truthful.


“Taeyeon, how do I put her?”



“I think I'm in love with you.”


It was midway through the third month of their relationship when Tiffany heard Taeyeon’s spontaneous confession. It was her twelfth night over at Taeyeon’s apartment. She had kept track.


They were both tuckered out. It was their lazy Saturday night, staying indoors felt right for the both of them. Indoors was Taeyeon’s preferred setting anyhow. After a pizza dinner and ice cream for dessert, Taeyeon had conjured up a small projector and thus they found themselves cuddled up under a fort they built using sheets and chairs.  


Tiffany could have easily fallen asleep in Taeyeon’s arms, the girl being just the right combination of soft and lean. Succumbing yet again to Tiffany’s whining that night, Taeyeon had let the girl choose some cliche, romantic movie.


They were in the middle of what Tiffany could only guess to be the of the movie when Taeyeon mumbled her confession nonchalantly. It was a trait of Taeyeon’s that Tiffany has become accustom to and loves. It kept no leaves unturned, Taeyeon’s thoughts being present upfront with no hesitance.


Taeyeon spoke her mind, be it a standpoint or just a thought. With Tiffany turned into mush against the girl slouching into her form, the vibration from Taeyeon’s chin resting on the crown of her head courses through her body. Taeyeon was just speaking her mind, the air between them left silent, the movie filling in its absence.


“You think you're in love with me?”


Tiffany never liked jumping the gun on the word love. It was such an emotionally packed word, something that could make or break a relationship. Tiffany has had her fair share of terrible reactions after she herself pronounced her love that may have been too early built. But when Taeyeon was the first to bring it up, it was something new, but something she wanted to hold onto and cherish. She didn't want it to be just a thought, something for Taeyeon to contemplate now and again.


So when Taeyeon shakes her head a bit accompanied by a disagreeing hum, Tiffany feels her heart break, the glue sticking its shards together falling under the false hope she let it have. Maybe it was too early in their relationship to have love form from platonic feelings. Maybe it was for Taeyeon, but being in her arms right now, snuggled in their homemade fort was something Tiffany could only pull out from a fairytale. Love may have formed somewhere along the way of their short, three month relationship, but the feeling was there and it was strong enough to tug harshly at Tiffany’s heart.


“I don't think I do.”


Maybe Taeyeon speaking her mind wasn't the best after all. It was harsh, but it was what the girl thought. Tiffany couldn't argue with how the girl felt. Accepting it didn't help ease the pain though. What felt like a safe haven before now left a sickly feeling being in Taeyeon’s arms. Immature, she knows that's how she's reacting. So it up like the big girl she should be, Tiffany keeps mum, however slightly sitting up, shifting the once comfortable hold.


“I don't think I'm in love with you.”


It comes out as a low sigh, but being in this close space now, she knows Taeyeon had heard. The girl tightening her hold, easing Tiffany back into their previous position showed the girl heard it and understood her emotions. Taeyeon only shifts the soft felt blanket over them, her knees tilted inwards to better hold Tiffany. Dropping her chin to Tiffany’s shoulder instead, she slouches more into Tiffany.


“I don't think I'm in love with you, because I know it. I'm in love with you.”


It wasn't anything extravagant. It wasn't under a full moon, where the stars twinkled above them. It was under Taeyeon’s ocean blue sheets with blankets and cushions surrounding them. Taeyeon didn't take her on some expensive date where they both dressed up in their finest jewellery and brands. They had pigged out on slices of greasy pizza, in nothing but worn out pajama bottoms and printed tees. Taeyeon didn't have to prance around her with a rose between her teeth.


All Taeyeon had to do was hold her in her arms like she was the only girl in the world, and announce her love for her with no burden or hesitation. All Taeyeon had to do to have Tiffany’s heart beating faster than it ever has was kiss her on her temple and mumble, “I just thought you should know.”



“Ms Hwang, someone’s here for you.”


Nose deep in documents. Tiffany had the worst migraine to date and she couldn't afford any distractions of any kind. Deadlines were nearing but the mountains of paperwork weren't letting up.


“Tell them to come back another time, I'm busy.”


She pays no attention to her assistant as the girl leaves her office, closing her door the softest she could. She writes down a memo in her head to treat the girl to something for being understanding, that is, until she hears a knock on the door.


“Come in.”


It comes out harsher than she intended, but with the amount of stress and pressure she's under right now, she couldn't have cared less. Her door clicks open and hesitant heels click their way through her threshold.


“I'm sorry Ms Hwang but-”


“Not right now. If I don't get these done, we'll lose valuable clients and partners.”


The bark was an order and Tiffany sighed when there was no comeback. With no more distractions, she works through the entire office hours with no break. By the time she hears the janitors vacuum go off, Tiffany’s sort her documents into neat piles, emailing her assistant to fax them over to their respective recipients.


She bids the janitors goodnight with an accomplished smile. Heels echoing throughout the empty building, Tiffany begins to have a sinking feeling that she's forgotten something. Checking her purse for all important items, she laughs off her paranoia when it turns out she forgot her water bottle in her office. Not finding any need to retrieve it, she continues in leaving the elevator, only to stop short at one of the couches in front of the reception desk.




She was puzzled at first, until she takes in what's surrounding the sleeping girl. Taeyeon never liked being outspoken or attracting attention. Something Tiffany knew described herself perfectly, though. If it wasn't parties then it was occasions. Tiffany liked bold movements, something that would leave someone speechless, even if only for a second.


What came naturally to Tiffany didn't to Taeyeon. The small girl was reserved, not liking anything out of her bubble. It was all of the small things that mattered to Taeyeon, anything more was too much in her mind.


But Tiffany liked to be wooed. Swept off her feet. Tiffany was a romantic, and her fantasies and out of the box needs must have rubbed off onto Taeyeon.


It wouldn't have seemed much to others, but to Tiffany, the sight in front of her had her stomach fluttering and eyes welling. Sleeping peacefully was Taeyeon, curled into the large stuffed bear with a nicely wrapped present held between her torso and limbs with a big helium balloon floating beside her.


Her gut was right, she did forget something. She wanted to blame it on the immense workload sidetracking her mind these days, but couldn't get herself to make up excuses. Softly placing her purse on the ground, she takes light steps towards Taeyeon, not wanting to wake her up.


She expect Taeyeon to ignore her, give her the silent treatment. Anything really, she wouldn't mind at this point. Taeyeon’s hair had stirred the girl awake. Taeyeon did anything but, because the girl blinked at Tiffany, smiled, rubbed her eyes then pushed the present towards the squatting her.


Rendered frozen, Tiffany let's Taeyeon lift her chin up. It was a lazy kiss, just long enough to not be a peck, but it was enough to leave Tiffany breathless.


“Oh look, it's not twelve yet. Happy one year anniversary, Tiffany. I love you.”


It didn't seem much, but with a kiss on her forehead to wrap up her speech nicely, Taeyeon’s light gestures were the last needed push for the tears to fall.



“What’s mine, is yours.”


Taeyeon quickly pried Tiffany’s fist open, popping her car keys on her palm before closing her fingers around them. Having none of it, she pounced on Taeyeon, trying to open the girl’s closed hands.


“Stop being stubborn, Taeyeon. I'm fine, take your keys back or you'll be late for work.”


Tiffany’s car had decided to break down on her this morning. Taeyeon and her left for work at the same time, Tiffany having to leave earlier than usual, since Taeyeon’s apartment was further from her office. Taeyeon had left her car when she saw Tiffany get out of her own, curious as to why she was frustrated. Once finding out, Taeyeon had no hesitation in sliding her car key out of the ring holding her other keys.


“You're the one being stubborn. I'm going to walk to work, healthier anyways.”


Tiffany groans when she knows she isn't going to win this argument. If she couldn't win, then she'll at least try to get her way out of it.


“Fine, but let me drop you off.”


“No, you go to work. If you drive me, then you'll be late for work. Today’s your big presentation, you can't be tardy especially when they're new, important clients. So go, I like walking so no harm done.”


Tiffany doesn't have time to dish out a comeback because Taeyeon kisses her goodbye before walking off down the road. With a grumble, Tiffany gets into Taeyeon’s car and heads off to work, honking at the girl along the way who only waves back with a smile.



“Taeyeon’s everything and nothing. She's simply Taeyeon and that's more than I could ever ask for.”


Sunny looks at Tiffany like she's delusional. Bringing the keys closer, Tiffany thumbs over the engraved writing on both apartment and spare car keys.


"What's mine, is yours"


Holding it to her chest, Tiffany could only smile. Maybe, just maybe, Tiffany’s found the one. And she couldn't have wished for anyone better than Taeyeon.

I feel like a phantom on AFF again, with the rare updates these days. But who really notices~ 

Until next time, what don't you see in Taeyeon?!

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Mihyun101 #1
Chapter 1: When can i get a taeyeon...
Chapter 1: Awww so sweet story what mine is yours hahahaha btw likes this story so simple but meaningful
cwright01_ #3
This is so sweet
Theeoverlord #4
Chapter 1: Damn. This was good.
Chapter 1: Taeyeon, you are so perfect for Tifffany. <3
Chapter 1: Oh my Tae! This was so on point...such a heart warming story. Love the way you laid it out; it was great :D I'm not the biggest TaeNy shipper but your fics always make me ship them just that little bit more :D love the "what's mine, is yours", so small and simple but the impact is huge :)
Chapter 1: Selfless love. I salute Taeyeon for all the sacrifices she has done for Tiffany. The latter's lucky to have someone like her~