Chapter 1: Long Day

Ice Princess and Her Deer


Yoona's POV 
B-Bring the Boys Out!
I heard my phone ringing, 
"Who is calling me this early in the morning!?" I yelled in my head.
"Hello?" I mumbled.
"H-HELLO?!" I heard a familiar voice screaming into my ear.
"Hello? Who's this?" I said once again.
"OH CRAP!" I exclaimed as I hung up and sprung out of bed.
"AND I DIDN'T EVEN SHOWER YET!!" I yelled as I ran into the bathroom.
few minutes later...
I looked in the mirror, and fixed myself, I took a few more glances as I walked out the door and mounted onto my bike, and made my way to my dream school. SM High School.
End Of Yoona's POV
Jessica's POV
"Oh my god I feel so jet lagged" i whined in english to no one as I forced myself downstairs to find Krystal eating breakfast with my dad.
Krystal picked her head op from her plate and spotted me by the stairs,"I don't think it's because of the time difference since someone decided to hit the club before coming home yesterday" Krystal said in a sassy tone.
I immediatly glared at her and she turned her attention back to her plate.
"So that's what that is about" my dad said slowly.
"Whatever I'm going to go change." I grumbled while i headed back to the stairs when Krystal suddenly jumped up from her seat and bolted upstairs pushing me to the side.
"You little " I cursed as I made my way to my room.
few minutes later...
I walked downstairs slowly like I had all the time in the world. My motto is "Never run no matter what happens" and NOTHING will change that.
I saw my dad talking to a semi old man, he looked kinda familiar.
I made my way closer quietly, till the man spotted me and immediately gave me a 90 degrees bow.
"Wow Ms. Jessica, you have grown to a beautiful young lady, much prettier than I remembered." exclaimed the man.
I just nodded awkwardly at the man's statement.
"Jess, this is Mr. Im, our driver." my father introduced.
"Okay" I replied with a straight face.
"Well, off you go then" said Mr. Jung while kissing my forehead and pushing me into the car.
When I got into the car I heard my sister's screeching scream.
"What the hell is wrong?!" I yelled
"I don't wanna be seen with you," she said with a straight face
I scoffed,"Then you can walk," as I pointed to the window to show her that it was raining outside.
She looked at me with a dishearted face and turned her attention to the other window and mumbled,"Fine"
I smiled in victory and looked out the window and saw a girl on a bike speeding and wet. 
I shook my head and closed my eyes to take my attention away from this world and softly whispered,"This is going to be a long day."
End Of Jessica's POV
Yoona's POV
This is all I need, I was riding my bike to school when suddenly it started to pour rain.
I had no choice but to use all my energy to speed up.
In around 6 minutes I finally made it to school.
I chained my bike to the rack. and headed to the front door. 
I was cleaning my clothes that was semi wet due to the rain and the lack of coverage until I bumped into someone and cause the person to fall.
"Oh I am soooooo sorry" I said as I helped the girl up
I didn't see her face until she looked up.
The minute she looked up I was awestrucked by her breath taking beauty. My mouth hung low while I watched her wiping herself.
She looked like an angel, with her blonded hair and her fair white skin made her shine even more.
But in just a second that angelic face turned sour as she shoved me aside and yelled,
I was still out of it till she hit my head, that cause me to look at her in disbelief.
I was about to speak when a cute girl shorter than me ran over to calm down the angry angel.
"Please Jess, it was an accident, calm down," said the girl in english,I don't even know how I understood that,and Yuri unnie ran over to pull me away from the two.
I was still looking at the blonde angel as Yuri unnie pulled me to the table with Taeyeon unnie,Sooyoung unnie, and Hyoyeon unnie.
"Hey" I heard someone called out to me while I felt a hit on my forehead.
I finally turned my attention away from the girl to Hyoyeon unnie who was staring at me in shock.
"Do you know who you just bumped into?!" she exclaimed. 
"Uhhh, am I suppose to know?" I retorted.
"You dope, that's Jessica Jung, her mother is the principal of this school!"
My mouth suddenly dropped, but then again i  didn't care about ranks.
"So? I said sorry, she was being ridiculous,hitting and yelling at me like I'm not human!" I yelled back. Suddenly Yuri unnie put her hand on my mouth to shut it up.
I pride her hand off my mouth and was about to continue my speech when i was interupted by the bell.
Yuri unnie pat me on my back while walking to her class, Taeyeon unnie just smiled at me, while Hyoyeon unnie went past me and whispered"You better wish you don't have class with her." and walked away smiling. Sooyoung unnie just handed me a bag of goodies and walked away.
I watched them walk away while mumbling to myself"What do they know?"
I finally found my way to my first period, when i walked in, the first thing that i noticed was the blonde angel sitting next to her friend while dozing off.
"This is going to be a long day," I said to myself as I made my way to the teacher's desk.
End Of Yoona's POV
Jessica's POV 
I was walking through the door to enter the school, when a person shoved  me and caused me stumbled onto the floor.
I was boiling mad  when I heard the person apologising and helping me as I stood up, shook off the person's grip and cleaned my self.
When I finally finished cleaning myself, I completely blew my top. 
I met a pair of doe-eyes staring right back at me, was hung low but words weren't coming out.
I was about to continue to rant when Tiffany came and told me to calm down and started to drag me away. When I saw a pretty tall tanned girl came over and started to drag the doe-eyed girl away to prevent anymore mishaps.
I kept staring at the two girls as Tiffany dragged me to a table in the library where I saw Seohyun and Sunny was sitting with books scattered all over the table.
" FANY,WHY DID YOU DRAG ME AWAY?!" I yelled as my voice echoed in the library. People in the library was staring at me, I didn't care so i glared back at them. All of them immediately looked away.
I turned my attention back to my table a took a chair and sat down to calm myself.
"So..." Sunny broke the silence
"You sure are having a good morning" she said smiling with mockery in her voice.
Seohyun immediately elbowed her to make her shut up and continue to read.
"You seriously need to chill" It was Tiffany's turn to break the silence.
"Fany-ah she bumped into me and made me fall, what do expect me to do? Thank her?" I said with a straight face.
"Still...." Seohyun started to talk when the school bell rang.
"Hah, saved by the bell," I said with happiness while dragging Fany away to class.
It was empty when Fany and I arrived, so I decided to sit in the front middle section.
We were sitting in mere silence for about 2 minutes when I glanced over to Fany to find her reading so I decided to brake the silence.
"Fany-ah," I called to the girl next to me who was reading.
"What?" asked Fany, her eyes was still glued to her book.
"...Do you know who the girl I bumped into was?" I asked her.
"Nope, she's probably new," mumbled Fany.
"Oh....what about the pretty tanned girl who was with her," I asked 
Fany's eyes picked up from her book and stared at me in disbelief that made me realise what I just said.
"Did you just call Kwon Yuri PRETTY?!" Fany exclaimed while shaking me.
I don't know how but I can feel myself blushing.
"Do you like Kwon Yuri?!" Fany asking more questions.
That question made me become more shocked myself, Do I like her?!
I mumbled back," I don't know Fany-ah I really don't."
Fany patted me on my back and whispered,"Don't be so insecure, atleast I know you have good taste, Kwon Yuri is HOT!!!"
"Yah, stop saying her name," I yelled while covering my cheeks that was bright red. 
"Awww, SICA IS IN LOVE WITH KNOW YURI!!!!" Fany scream once more louder.
I quickly covered to muffle her screams, till she gave me one of her eye smiles to give me reassurance that she won't yell again.
I took my hand off and started to doze off while kids were starting to come into the class room.
I was in my own world till I heard knocking sounds coming from the board that got my attention to the front of the room when I saw a familiar body standing next to the teacher's podium.
"Hello class, today we have a new classmate," Ms. Kim announced pointing at the girl next to her. 
"Please welcome, Ms. Im Yoona." Ms. Kim moved to the side to let the new girl to give an introduction.
I wanted to put my head down to sleep but I don't know why I can't get my eyes off the girl on front of me.
End Of Jessica's POV
Yoona's POV
I was standing near Ms. Kim's podium when my eye was still glued to the blonde chick in front of me.
"Umm.." I hummed as Ms. Kim trying to get the class to settle down.
"My name is Im Yoona and I hope you guys will be kind and take care of me, thank you." I bowed,and kept my head down.
I heard people around me muttering,"She's pretty, Yeah, but no use she's a scholarship student, You mean she's poor?!"
I kept my head down until suddenly I heard utter silence. I looked up and saw everyone with their eyes to their desks and a figure turn around towards them.
End Of Yoona's POV
Jessica's POV
I heard the girl mumble something but the class was so god damn loud.
Finally, Ms. Kim got the class to shut up she started to speak.
"My name is Im Yoona and I hope you guys will be kind and take care of me, thank you." as she bowed
I couldn't set myself free from the trance that her sweet voice had put me into. Until I noticed she kept her head down, she looked frustrated and shy, till I heard the class muttering insults to the girl.
I saw her gaze to the floor with a hurt expression, I completely lost my cool and turned my body back to face the class and gave them one of my famous icy glares.The class immediately shutted up.
I smiled to myself and turned my attention back to the girl in front who was staring straight at me,her doe-eyes grew bigger as she bowed alittle to me. I guess she was thanking me.
"She isn't so bad," I thought to myself.
End Of Jessica's POV
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Christine227 #1
Chapter 4: HI I'm a new reader just wondering if you had stopped writing this story it's pretty good
allayjadhule #2
Chapter 4: Yoonfany no bad :)
deerdea #3
Chapter 4: update please ^^
Chapter 4: please update soon. Kyaah, YoonSic <3. I think i's okay if there other pairings aside from YoonSic because it will bring some drama's to your story. Buy hopefully in the end it was still YoonSic. :)
Chapter 4: Iwant it yoonfany
Chapter 3: Iwant it yoonfany
Chapter 4: please update soon :(
Chapter 4: plz update soon all d stories that i got so hooked on r always rarely updated so plz update a.s.a.p