Immature, Childish Sweets


Taeyeon had fallen in love with the baker of the popular bakery, XOXO Sweets Bakery. She realizes that in order to get to Tiffany's heart, she must put down the green tea cupcake with sprinkles and reach for the plain, boring bagel instead.






Tiffany retracted her hand, slightly taken aback by the child that had appeared out of nowhere and snatched the last carton of eggs.


With a frown, Tiffany lightly scolded the kid. “That’s not very nice. You didn’t have to take it out of my hands like that. It’s sad that children these days have no manners.” Tiffany mumbled the last part, thinking the child didn’t hear. Oh, but the ‘child’ clearly did.


“I’m not a child!” Taeyeon screamed very much like a child throwing a tantrum.


“Aw, there’s no need to rush into being an adult. You still have a good…” Tiffany wiggled her six fingers. “six years before hitting adulthood. Am I right?”


Taeyeon gasped, almost dropping the eggs because she was too stunned. She’s never felt so humiliated as this moment. “I’m seventeen, you idiot!”


“Eh?!” Tiffany’s jaw dropped slightly when she glanced harder at this child-looking seventeen year old. “No way.”


“That’s right, ah-jum-ma.” Taeyeon’s smug smile started to irritate Tiffany.


At first, Tiffany was willing to hold herself back because she had assumed Taeyeon was a child. But since Taeyeon was now clearly not a twelve year old, Tiffany would have no problem pummeling this brat.


Taeyeon let out a squeak when Tiffany suddenly grabbed the collar of her shirt.


“You did not just call me an ahjumma.”


Their first encounter was a bumpy one. Taeyeon thought she’d never see the pretty yet despicable ahjumma again until she found out that the owner of her favorite bakery XOXO Sweets Bakery was none other than Tiffany Hwang.


After a few unfriendly words were exchanged between the two, Taeyeon found herself banned from the bakery.


That didn’t faze Taeyeon one bit as she did all that she could to get her hands on those sweet treats. Eventually, she had worn down Tiffany, who offered her a cupcake on the day that Taeyeon was dressed up as an old man with an obviously fake mustache.


“Here, you’re about to order a green tea cupcake with sprinkles, aren’t you?”


“How did you know, young miss?” Taeyeon mumbled in a low, gruff voice as she took the cupcake from the baker’s hands.


“I know it’s you underneath there, kid, so you can take off that ridiculous costume.” Tiffany rolled her eyes when Taeyeon’s gasped in shock. Did she really think Tiffany could be fooled so easily?


“How did you know it was me?!”


A fit of laughter escaped from Tiffany’s lips as much as she tried to cover it up. Tiffany smiled, for once a genuine one at the brat. “What’s your name, kid?”


Even though Taeyeon was tempted to tell the older girl off, she answered anyways, “Taeyeon.”


Their hate-hate relationship had eventually turned into a love-tease relationship in which Taeyeon fell deeply in love with the talented baker while Tiffany enjoyed teasing Taeyeon about her age.




“Thanks unnie.” Taeyeon’s friends said in unison while Taeyeon mumbled a ‘thanks Tiffany.’


“You’re welcome.” Tiffany, modeling a baby pink apron with pink piggies printed on it, placed the tray of baked goodies in the center of the table before walking back into the kitchen.


“Taeyeon, why don’t you ever call Tiffany-unnie, unnie? She is older than us.”


Taeyeon let out a snort as she dived into her green tea cupcake, unintentionally smearing the cream and sprinkles all over .


Taeyeon would never call Tiffany unnie. She still remembers her math from the fourth grade, and seeing as how she was 17 years old while Tiffany was 21, Taeyeon mentally rounded herself up to 20. She and Tiffany were practically the same age!


“She’s not my unnie, Sunny. She’s just mine.” Taeyeon explained possessively as she took another bite out of the cupcake that her Tiffany had made.


“Taeyeon, you eat like an animal, I swear.”


Light footsteps made its way toward her, and Taeyeon happily closed her eyes as Tiffany wiped off the cream from her face.


Once Tiffany was out of sight—but never out of Taeyeon’s mind—laughter interrupted her bliss.


“I hate to break it to you, Taeyeon, but I think Tiffany only sees you as a younger sibling or a big baby who can’t clean up after herself.” Yuri covered to hide her laughing face.


“Shut up.” Taeyeon grumbled, hating the fact that Yuri was right.


Tiffany always calls her names, like kid, child, punk, dork, and the one Taeyeon hates the most—Boo. When she first heard it, Taeyeon thought they were on the nickname stage. That was until she found out Boo was short for Baby oo. As much as Taeyeon was in love with Tiffany, she wasn’t afraid to admit that the girl sounded like a complete idiot who at coming up with nicknames.


“I’ll just have to make her see me as an adult.” Taeyeon vowed to herself. She was determined to make Tiffany hers. But first, she had to get out of the child-zone.


Decided to write another one-shot just because I think it's easier than a multi-shot. Which reminds me, I'm sorry for not updating on my current stories, it's just that I get side-tracked a lot so it's hard to focus on one plot. But don't worry, I'll try to update my ongoing stories soon! 


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NekoLS #1
Chapter 2: You got me when fany said they were sister
Omg im glad that's not true hahaha
maemae08 #2
Chapter 2: OMG! Wheres the next button
Chapter 2: I love it but as always I want more 🥺
I miss your stories author nim and I'm back to read some and I saw this I never thought I didn't read this yet and it's so interesting I want to read ut now because I'm loving it already 😍
Mihyun101 #5
Chapter 2: Gago im back TT taeny lubog but me for being marupok TTTT
cutiegurll #6
Chapter 2: ughhhhh sweet
Mihyun101 #7
Chapter 2: I lob this :)
Mihyun101 #8
Im going to binge read all of ur stories lmao
girlofeternity_ss #9
I really thought they were related. Haha. Good one.
maemae08 #10
Chapter 2: Sooo cutee