Memory Lane

Marriage or Revenge
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Give me love like her,

'Cause lately I've been waking up alone,
Paint splattered teardrops on my shirt,
Told you I'd let them go,

And that I'll fight my corner,
Maybe tonight I'll call ya,
After my blood turns into alcohol,

No, I just wanna hold ya.


........................Playing again-Give me love by Ed Sheeran!!




"Park Chanyeol,do you take Oh Se Ha,as your wife through thick and love and care and respect,in world and the aftermath?"

"I.....I....." As Chanyeol was stuttering,pretty bride Se Ha blessed him with the scariest glance of her,ignoring the old priest's presence.

Seeing that,Chanyeol gulped.And closing his eyes-he finally uttered those two words..........


"I do...........I really do......."


"Oh Se Ha,do you take Park Chanyeol as your husband through thick and love and care and respect,in world and the aftermath?"

Excited Se Ha was actually waiting for this very moment "I do..........."



"I now announce you two as man and wife.Park Chanyeol,you may now kiss your bride................."



No human being on earth would ever know,how happy gangster,playboy,badboy and so so Park Chanyeol was right at that moment.Oh Se Ha finally became his wife! Though he knew at that moment that his potency would say goodbye soon.............Still he was happy!!

At least it would be Se Ha who would make him impotent! At least it would be Se Ha who would be addressed as Mrs. Park..........


At least it would be Se Ha the one whose face would welcome him-angry or happy once returning back home.It would be Se Ha whose soft hand would be wrapped around his firm arm in the elegant evening parties.It would be her sitting on the dining besides him-playing with her fork.

Sometimes if he gets lucky,he might be able to steal some kisses from her while she sleeps............


What else Park Chanyeol could ask for in a lifetime other than that?!



"Yeol,Yeol?!" Chanyeol came back to the harsh reality with a bit louder voice of Baekhyun.Surprised he looked at him.

"What are you holding in your hand Yeol?" Baekhyun was curious.Chanyeol was standing in front of the bookshelf for quite a long time in the gloomy evening.

"Huh?...........Oh that one-It's.............." Chanyeol carefully hid the wedding invitation in his back "It's an old poem of mine..........nothing serious.........."

"Oh is that so.........?" Baekhyun softly chuckled "Anyway..............take care for a while.I'm going to the stag party..........Don't do anything stupid Yeollie......"

"You too?!" Chanyeol was beyond surprised.Breaking his already broken heart,all his pals are going to Kris Wu's stag party!!! He expected at least Baekhyun not to go there.




"Honestly Yeol........" Coming closer,Baekhyun tapped Chanyeol's shoulder "Actually I need to go there for an errand....."

"What errand?!"

Baekhyun sighed "I need to set a date of Sehun with Luhan................Lulu is nagging me.So I'm going to ask Sehun.....And right after asking, I'll return back I promise.''


"You're setting them up?" Chanyeol's brows were furrowed once he asked.




"Well,go ahead then............" Baekhyun was actually a bit hurt as Yeol didn't even try to stop him.

"Ok,I'm going...............take care" And after years,Baekhyun again give his Yeollie a goodbye kiss.


Yeollie is too vulnerable nowadays!




When Chanyeol became 100% sure that Baekhyun and Luhan already left the home,he immediately called Oh Sehun.



"Chanyeol hyung!" Sehun exclaimed from the opposite side.

"Where're you?" Chanyeol got annoyed hearing the loud buzz.

"I'm at Club Octagon,Kris hyung's stag party!"

Chanyeol's jaw clenched "Come to my office tomorrow.I need to talk to you............" 

"But....Baekhyun hyung won't let you work,you know?!" Sehun's voice became louder with music "He'll get angry if you go to the office................"


"I see.............." Chanyeol pursed his lips "Then listen to what I say................."



"Baekhyunie.....Lulu............" Chanyeol was actually muffling with the whole lava cake inside his mouth,liquid chocolate was dribbling down the corner of his mouth "Wifey made lava cake for yummy!!"

"Don't talk while eating,Eww you're so gross Yeollie!!"

And that made Yeollie pout.And seeing that pout,Se Ha started fuming in anger "Byun Baekhyun,what did you just say??!! My Yeol is never gross!! Get lost you devil!!!"

And as if it were not enough for now happy Yeol,Se Ha really gave him a deep kiss in that state!

Luhan puked,Baekhyun facepalmed.Chanyeol grinned.


"Wifey,I need more lava cake! Bake for me!" He was snuggling her,ignoring the other two-when he spoke.

Se Ha blushed "Ok,ok......."


"Oh .............this batch is burnt!!" Her mom screamed and she startled.Se Ha was now helping mom in baking lava cake in their kitchen.And suddenly everything felt so bitter for her.

"Mom,I can't help you anymore.You do by yourself!" Without waiting for mom's reply,she ran into her room and shut the door.

And salty tears soon took over her face.


All she could see with those blurred eyes was him.


Park Chanyeol-her husband!




"Wifey! We got matching t-shirt! Look the Korilakkuma here is so's you!!" Chanyeol was really so happy as he was jumping in excitement.They were about to go out for a secret date at midnight and for this,Se Ha bought matching T-shirts for them "Wifey,we're couple!!"

She hid her laughter "Yes we're!"

"Wifey,you're mine!" And bold Chanyeol pecked on her cheek.Her cheeks were on fire.

"You're mine wifey!" Getting no reply from her,Chanyeol shouted pouting "You're only mine! Mine,mine,mine!" 

"Yes,yes I'm yours...............Gosh calm down you idiot!!" Kissing on his cute pout,she calmed him down "I'm yours and I'll always be yours!"


"Promise hubby.................promise!" And Chanyeol melted in her warm,sloppy kisses again....



Suddenly the memory became so overwhelming for him.She promised,yet she was breaking it.Chanyeol didn't expect this from her.Holding that very memorable T-shirt in hand-Chanyeol suddenly felt so empty.


Why so?


Slowly he headed towards his playroom.May be Lego would help.

He wanted to forget everything!


Regarding her.................



They were in their playroom.Chanyeol and Se Ha were playing Lego,but more to be exact-it was only her who was playing.Chanyeol was too busy admiring his Korilakkuma's beauty!!


"Ummmm..........Yeol......." After a while she scratched her hair "I think I made a mistake...........I was supposed to make an airport here.......instead I made a rail-station!" And pouting,she looked at him.

And saw him staring at her without blinking "Yeol,are you listening to me?!"

As she pushed him a bit,Chanyeol regained his sense back "Y-yes honey?!"

"I made a mistake! Now your Lego city is ruined!" She was really sad.

"Eh? Where?!"

"Here!" Pouting,she pointed at a railstation "I was supposed to make an airport here!"

"Eh..........Is that so?"

" redo it!" As she was about to break the station,Chanyeol hurriedly stopped her "No,no,no............don't!"

"Why?! Your city is haphazard now!"

"Let it be like that!" As Chanyeol smiled at her,suddenly she felt something unreal,heavenly "The station is made by you.................that's all that matters! Only you matters honey!"

"Then what about your Legocity?!"

"Forget about Legocity! I don't need that anymore.I just need you!"


"Park Chanyeol,I love you!!!" 

" that so?" Smiling Chanyeol looked at her "I love you too honey.............a lot! Lego is nothing're my everything.Only you!"


"Only you!" The very bitter feeling engulfed him as he whispered those two words.Tears soon escaped his eyes.Only if he could say it to her again.......................Just even for once................................

"Arrggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" Angry Chanyeol suddenly smashed his Lego city-the one he made over years,in one go.


If she's not with her-what's the use of this bull?!!!


Angrier he went for a shower.

And as cold water ran down his bare shoulder blade-he thought this uneasiness would fade away soon.


He was wrong!! 



"I'm tired!" Even when he was saying this,he was actually jumping "I'm tired,tired,tired!!"

Looking at her excited husband,Se Ha frowned "So?"

"I need a shower! And I'm tired!!" Chanyeol was actually a bad actor in front of his wife "Tired! Tired! Shower! Shower!!"

"Then go take a shower!" Se Ha continued putting on the nail polish.

"Tired Chanyeol can't take shower alone! Wifey should shampoo him!'' He was grinning as he stated.

Se Ha raised her brows carefully "You don't look very tired though!"

"Huh? Is that so?!" Chanyeol realised his mistake "Oh no I'm very,no,I can't even sit down properly!" To prove it right,he immediately lied on the floor "Soo tired so so tired! Look I'm even sweating" And he showed her his non existant sweat in forehead.

Se Ha could barely hide her laughter "Hmmmmm is that so? Okay,let's go!"

"Yes! Yes! Yes!"


"You hair is falling........I think you work too hard Yeol!" Se Ha was concerned as she was massaging his scalp.

Chanyeol hummed in peace leaning on her lap.




"What is it wifey?" He asked still closing eyes.

"Hmmm nothing,forget it!" She continued caressing.


And Chanyeol smirked "I know honey................And I love you too,a lot!"

Without even opening eyes,Chanyeol knew his Se Ha was blushing furiously at that moment


Life is beautiful!! 



"Life is so damn ing ugly!" The cold tiled wall vibrated as Chanyeol's fist hit it hard "Goddammit!! I'm getting crazy!!" Irritated he came out of shower.


Why everything is hurting like this today??!!


"This home is like haunted! Shall I go for a hotel?!" Crossing arms,Chanyeol asked himself.



Hotel is never Chanyeol's thing-specially after his marriage.He hated it.Nevertheless,sometimes he had to stay in his hotel chains-when he needed to go overseas for business.

It was a day like that.Chanyeol couldn't see her face for four days already and phone call was not enough.

He was dying inside.


Life is hell without her.


So after finishing the very long meeting-Chanyeol was searching for inner peace below the cold shower.But peace wasn't coming.Four more days he needed to stay in mainland China!!

That meant four more days without her!!!!!!


"Byun Baekhyun,one fine day I'll ing kill you!" Cursing,Chanyeol turned the shower faucet.And wiping head-he came outside.

The moment he reached his bedroom and looked straight-he stood froze,mouth agape.


She was sitting in his bed.


"Ok,I must be delusional right now!" Sighing he continued wiping his hair "Ahhh.............if she were here,she'd wipe me off!"

Soon soft hands engaged with his broad ones and helped him wiping.Chanyeol startled.And looked aside.


"This boy................can't even wipe off his hair properly!" Smiling Se Ha wiped his head.

Chanyeol was beyond suprprised,soon he took her hands " you real?!"

"Or what? Do you think I'm a robot you moron?!" As she stated,Chanyeol gulped.

" really are real honey?!"

" you got delusional of me huh? Not bad though!" She smiled again.

And Chanyeol yanked her at him,she hitched in breath ''Oh God......................You really are real?! G

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So emotional for the epilogue TT^TT


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Chapter 44: God this story is so good. Chanyeol and Se Ha's love story is so amazing thank you authornim
Chanbaek641 #2
Chapter 44: The last chap was do funny XD XD
Chanbaek641 #3
This is really good!!!
rainbowfighter #4
Chapter 43: Thank you so much for writing such a nice story. I really enjoyed it.
Whoooa gotta start a new fic.
MarieJane #6
Chapter 4: Se Ha, what are you doing girl?!
MarieJane #7
Chanyeol is sooo cute.
1888 streak #8
Chapter 2: Chanyeol is so funny and cute ??
1888 streak #9
Chapter 1: Omg this chapter was so funny ???
আমি কাঁদতে কাঁদতে মাথাব্যথা করে ফেলছিলাম এটা পড়ে! তুমি এত দারুণ কেন টুম্পা আপু? ???