
Marriage or Revenge
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There’s someone I’ve been missing

I think that they could be
The better half of me
They’re in the wrong place trying to make it right
But I’m tired of justifying
So I say to you.......

Come home
Come home
Cause I’ve been waiting for you
For so long
For so long
Right now there's a war between the vanities
But all I see is you and me
The fight for you is all I’ve ever known
So come home


.................Now playing-Come home by One Republic :(



''I couldn't hear you,can you repeat please?" 


Se Ha suddenly felt so small in front of him.She knew right the moment she'd repeat-things would turn violent.So she was beyond scared.


"You'll go back to your parents' and marry Kris hyung-that's what you said.Right?" Chanyeol asked emotionless after a while.


"Right Park Se Ha?'' He keenly observed her.



''I see.........." He felt so tired as he hid his face with palms "I'm going to the restroom now..................If you really need to go-go by the time I stay there.Otherwise,if I find you right after coming out-you can't go..............And Se Ha.................'' Chanyeol again faced her standing up "I never used my force on you,doesn't mean I can't.....................You really can't play with me like that all the time,it's annoying.................."

Before Se Ha could answer back,he went inside the washroom,and closing the door behind-he leaned on it sighing.

He was already too tired facing all those obstacles,and another one was waiting outside in the bed.

And the obstacle was Se Ha herself!




His last statement made her dumb,Chanyeol really gave her the chance to go back without any protest.She didn't see this coming.

And somehow it hurt her.


She should dress up and went out,but she didn't know why-she couldn't.


When after five minutes Chanyeol returned back to the room looking completely robotic,she was still there-undressed.

He sighed in relief.She didn't even try...........


"Your time's up! You can't go back anymore!" Smiling Chanyeol started dressing up "Now let's run away! We need to hurry honey!"

"I can't Chanyeol..........I need to return back........." She even couldn't look at his face.

"And why so?! Why do you need to? Is there another lover of yours out there?" Chanyeol tried to hide his anger.

"Because I need to,there's no other options! And don't force me! You can't force me! We're not married anymore!"

"Huh!" Chanyeol chuckled in disbelief looking at her "Se Ha,actually you never had any options in your hand-when you actually killed my child,you had no options!...........When you left me for good without a single word signing that bull paper-you'd no options!!........................Do you even search for any option??!!!.......................I told you to depend upon me,I told you I'd be there for you-again and again!! You never listened!! And you never will!!..........................Park Se Ha,have you ever thought how our baby would be by now?? He would be three and a half by now,he'd roam around our sweet home giggling and playing!................We'd have a complete family by now!! May be we'd be expecting our second child already!!! Look what have you just done to our lives!!!...............We don't even have any home anymore! You just scarred us for good!!.....................We don't even share any relation officially anymore!!!...........................You're a killer,a monster and a traitor!! You killed my child! You ruined my life!! You know what?! I'm so ing tired of you and your bull!! This is more than enough already!!" 



As Chanyeol was marching impatiently in front of the bed she was sitting,Se Ha suddenly smiled-making him angrier.

"Did you just smile Se Ha?!'' Chanyeol stomped his feet in anger "Did you really smile?!''

"Chanyeol" Se Ha slowly faced him,still smiling "You said I'm the killer,right?"

"Yes,you're! You killed my child!! You killed my only heir!!"


"I killed you child,you always say............." Se Ha smiled again bitterly "Did it ever cross your mind that I killed my child as well on that day,the one I was bearing inside me for two months?"

Silence,Impatient Chanyeol couldn't find what to say.

"Did it ever cross your mind how hard,how unbearable it was for me to insert an abortion kit in my own to kill my very own child? By my own hand? Did it ever cross your mind how hard the moment was when I actually pumped out my own child? Did it ever cross your mind how much pain I'd to go through all these? Was the child only yours? Wasn't I the mother?"

"Se Ha,you-"

"Chanyeol,the baby meant a lot to me as well.I was young,but my love for our baby was strong.Had it not been related to you,I'd die rather to kill my baby................there wasn't a day in my life I didn't think of our baby Chanyeol...................It meant a lot to me as well!" As Se Ha said,tears escaped her eyes.

Chanyeol felt so vulnerable.


"How hard it was for me,and how desperate I was to protect you-you'd never know! The only thing you'll know is that I'm the villain who killed your child.Yes,I was impatient,I was scared.................I just wanted to protect you,at any cost!! ......................I loved you,even more than my baby.....................you'll never understand Chanyeol,never!"

"Then why're you so adamant on leaving m-"

"And you said you'd protect me.Well,where were you when I phoned you again and again when Jae Kyung was calling me?! Did you check your missed call list even? I called you thirty two times!!! Thirty two times and you cut off my call!............................ My mom was the captive one and I was scared.I looked for you crazy.............but you weren't there.............You weren't there for me when I needed you the most!................Where were you when I was doing drugs alone in that foreign country??!! Oh I know you knew about all that!! You even managed the limited edition car I got crazy about! You could go to that extent!..............But then you,.......you couldn't come visit me even for once these four years!!.......................Four years Chanyeol,four long years!! You never came for me!! Chanyeol,I really didn't need that car.I just needed your love and care.Only that!!..................But you never came for me.I missed you,I missed you like crazy-you know that! I could clearly see my friends talking to you whispering on the phone-telling you about my whereabouts! You could spy on me,but you couldn't come visit me-even for once!! ....................And you call it a love??!!..................You don't even know what I actually want,what I actually need!!.......................You act as if you were a very powerful,caring,protective husband?! No Chanyeol,you were not!.................If you were,my life would be different! So don't act all great! Because you're not!.......'' As finally she finished,her cheeks were flooded with salty tears.She didn't even try to hide.



Chanyeol suddenly felt so small and guilty.Running at her,he hugged her tight "Se Ha..........honey I'm sorry.I didn't know.....I didn't mean to-"

"You're sorry for what Yeol?" She was totally unaffected by his tight hug "Tell me what're you sorry for?"

"For not being with you when you needed me.I promise next time I'll be-"

"Then what about you ruining my dad's entire political career?" Se Ha removed his grip on her roughly.

Suddenly she felt so angry.

"Sorry?!" Chanyeol was clueless.

"My dad was the Blue party chairman.He was the President candidate........he was one of the most influencial person of the country! What have you done to my father?!" 


"Huh!" Se Ha suddenly screamed in anger "Don't tell me it wasn't you who ruined my dad...............I know very well how powerful you're!! You became hell-bent on ruining my dad!! You filed lawsuit,you filed defamation case against my father!! Because of you,my dad was sacked of from his position-you made them do so!! You then appointed your friend's dad on my dad's position!!! Everyone in the country knows about that!! Who're you kidding with?!! You,you ruined my.......my dad!!"

"It's because................he ruined us!! How can you support your dad Se Ha even after all that?!! You know very well what had he done to us!"

Se Ha couldn't believe his statement.

"Is that all that you can say?! All?!!''

"Sorry? What're you trying to say now?!"

"Hahahahha" Suddenly she felt so numb "And you said you know me,you understand me.Tell me a thing Chanyeol.........''

"Yes,just tell me!" He combed his hair in tiredness.

"Hmmm" She smiled like crazy "Your dad,father-in-law was always cold towards you.He hit you,scolded you-never showered you with any affection.............tell me Chanyeol,how much do you love your dad?"

Silence,Chanyeol stared at her keenly.

"I know you love your dad a lot,because I was with you when father-in-law died....................then if you love the very cold dad of yours that much-was it so hard for you to realise that I love my dad as well? No matter what??!!"

"Se Ha-"

"Yes,I know he is a bad person-'' Tears overflowed her chee

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So emotional for the epilogue TT^TT


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Chapter 44: God this story is so good. Chanyeol and Se Ha's love story is so amazing thank you authornim
Chanbaek641 #2
Chapter 44: The last chap was do funny XD XD
Chanbaek641 #3
This is really good!!!
rainbowfighter #4
Chapter 43: Thank you so much for writing such a nice story. I really enjoyed it.
Whoooa gotta start a new fic.
MarieJane #6
Chapter 4: Se Ha, what are you doing girl?!
MarieJane #7
Chanyeol is sooo cute.
1888 streak #8
Chapter 2: Chanyeol is so funny and cute ??
1888 streak #9
Chapter 1: Omg this chapter was so funny ???
আমি কাঁদতে কাঁদতে মাথাব্যথা করে ফেলছিলাম এটা পড়ে! তুমি এত দারুণ কেন টুম্পা আপু? ???