Mild red love:Trouble in paradise

Marriage or Revenge
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Is this just a wicked game?

Will it wash with the next rain?
Can't give in I can't give up
I'm trying hard it's not enough
Throw myself to the unknown


............................Now playing-Skipping Stone by Claire De Lune.


"This is ridiculous! Awful! This is beyond my imagination!!"

"And I won't let this happen! I won't let anyone hurt my Yeol! Not when I'm still breathing!"


Chanyeol transformed into a new person overnight!

He became a very routined person.After marriage he already changed a lot.And the upcoming fatherhood made him change for forever!



He became a different person.A person who would pile up his wife's plate with food and food-even emptying his own plate..........................a person who would help his wife shower everyday everytime no matter how important meeting he had to skip for that........................a person who would make sure that wife was sleeping peacefully before closing his own eyes,no matter how tired he himself was.


A person who would check and cross calendar everyday to count on how long it'd take for his child to cry out loud for the first time in this beautiful earth.

He was restless.He needed his baby to arrive.Soon.


Dear baby,come soon to daddy.Daddy can't wait anymore.He'll play Lego with you.

Wait Lego is not suitable for babies under three! Then I'll have to wait for...........................................


Dear baby,just come hurry! 




Se Ha was always hungry.And angry.She got mood swing in almost every minute!



"Yeol I'm hungry!"

"Eh? Oh yeah,just a minute honey.Just stay right here,I'm bringing food for you!"

"Idiot!" Se Ha gritted her teeth in anger "I'm hungry for you! Come make love to me!"




"Yeol I'm hungry!"

Chanyeol rolled his eyes in disbelief "Honey we just did it a while ago-thrice! I can't right now! I'm totally empty!"

"Idiot!" Se Ha scoffed "I'm hungry for food! Go bring some food for me! Right now!"

"Eh? Oh yeah yeah,sure!"


At the very first he refused to make love to her during her whole pregnancy period.It's not like he didn't want that.Of course he did,he had his own desires.But his baby was much more important than his wild desire..............


But it's Se Ha,Ok? Due to her continuous nagging and teary eyes and pouty face-finally he accepted defeat.Nevertheless he changed their usual position.He searched in internet for a position that wouldn't create any problem for their baby.


No matter what,the baby can't get hurt!


Chanyeol wouldn't allow anything in the world that could hurt his baby.

He is the daddy and he would protect his baby.



Moreover he was literally in heaven.


Like he said he would stay by her side all the time-well that was not very much possible.Not because Chanyeol couldn't do his office work from home.

But because he couldn't scold his men or threat his rivals like a fierce tiger when she stayed around.Chanyeol never wanted to show his dark side to her.

She might get scared.And hurt.


So he did what he actually could do! He moved his office very close to his home temporarily.He would run back home the moment she would call him that she needed to use the restroom.

Even without that he would visit her in almost every hour.

Baekhyun obviously found these changes very weird,yet didn't say anything-thinking Yeollie is just too homesick after his father's passing away.

Yet he didn't understand why Yeollie would always smile looking at the laptop screen when no one is around.


When there were no one in his room,and when there were no works pending-Chanyeol would visit online baby stores and would order all the baby clothes and toys available.Their home was practically flooded with all kinds of kids' clothes and accessories and toys.

"Park Chanyeol! I'm warning more time you'd order online,I'd rip your head off! We don't even know our baby's gender!"

"That's why I'm ordering for both girl and boy.Heheheheh I'm so clever honey!"

"Whatever! You heard what I just said? Don't buy anymore! Please!"


And for the first time,Se Ha's threat didn't work on him. 




And it was not the only problem Chanyeol created,all his mobile phones which once were occupied by all kinds of bizarre things-are now full of adorable baby sounds and photos and videos! Sound of a month old baby's cry,smile of a three months baby,sound of a four months baby,crying of a eight months baby,little words coming from eleven months old baby,video of baby sleeping,video of baby smiling,video of baby playing,video of baby crawling,video of baby trying to walk,video of baby playing with water-say a name related to baby things and you'd find that in his phone for sure!

He would watch and listen to them all day long without getting tired-imagining what his own baby would actually do or sound.........


Sitting on the car,before starting of a very important meeting with allies,before threatening a rival mafia boss via phone,wiping off the running blood from his nose-his other hand would always be occupied on the other phone!


Baekhyun sometimes caught him doing that.

He once caught Yeol grinning like an idiot in front of the laptop in the office.He couldn't take it anymore.

"Yeollie,are you hiding something from me?"

Chanyeol immediately closed the window "Baekhyunie,I've got a great news! But it's private.And she told me not to share with you or anyone else-it's a secret.So I can't say...................I'm sorry"

Baekhyun stared at him in disbelief " Yeollie is hiding something from me?!"


"I'm sorry Baek....." Chanyeol apologetically replied."She told me not yes I'm!"

"Wait Yeol wait!" Baekhyun stopped him "Private great news..........should be kept secret............Yeol did you find some really effective enlargement cream?!! Tell me Yeol" And Baekhyun grabbed his collar "How can you hide something like that from me????!!! Just name the brand!!! Where can I find it??!! Tell me,just tell me!''

"Err Baekhyun...." Chanyeol really didn't expect this from him "Why'd I need this? I'm already-"

"Traitor!!!" Baekhyun hissed "You know how much I actually worry for my-"

"Worry for what Baekie?" And Luhan entered Yeol's office without knocking.Yes Lulu was already one of those elite members who could walk into Chanyeol's room without knocking "Tell me,I'll solve your problem.........."

"Lulu actually Baekhyun is worried for his-" And Chanyeol stopped as Baekhyun eyed him not to talk about his problem "Yes actually Baekhyun has got a very big that girls are scared of!!"

Silence,Baekhyun facepalmed in disbelief.

Luhan looked at Bakie surprised "Wow you got a big one! I thought.......anyway girls are................well then try for boys! Boys are all for big things!"

Silence,they all exchanged weird stares between them without words.

"Ahem ahem I need to visit Se Ha right now,see you soon again" And Chanyeol practically ran away from the now awkward,steamy situation.


"I'm not into boys!" Baekhyun proudly announced.

"Is that so?" And Baekhyun somehow imagined Luhan getting sad.



"Errr.........I don't know I don't know!" Baekhyun facepalmed again "By the way are you into big things too?"

"Size doesn't matter to me............wait a minute! What're you talking about?"


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So emotional for the epilogue TT^TT


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Chapter 44: God this story is so good. Chanyeol and Se Ha's love story is so amazing thank you authornim
Chanbaek641 #2
Chapter 44: The last chap was do funny XD XD
Chanbaek641 #3
This is really good!!!
rainbowfighter #4
Chapter 43: Thank you so much for writing such a nice story. I really enjoyed it.
Whoooa gotta start a new fic.
MarieJane #6
Chapter 4: Se Ha, what are you doing girl?!
MarieJane #7
Chanyeol is sooo cute.
1887 streak #8
Chapter 2: Chanyeol is so funny and cute ??
1887 streak #9
Chapter 1: Omg this chapter was so funny ???
আমি কাঁদতে কাঁদতে মাথাব্যথা করে ফেলছিলাম এটা পড়ে! তুমি এত দারুণ কেন টুম্পা আপু? ???