Joy and Mourn:Fatherhood

Marriage or Revenge
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When soldiers are calling,
Just run through the night glo.
Drown out the voices,
And you know you don't have to go.
And you know you don't have to go.

Kill the noise, tonight.
You've burned out your light. 
All the kings and all their men, 
Can't put you together again.
Can't put you together again.


...................................Now playing Night Glo by Foxes


"Chan,son don't cry,sssshhhhhhh...............dont' cry son.............Your dad is a bit different...............Don't cry son,don't cry!  May be Ahn Song is really too much!  But remember one thing-your dad will scold you sometimes.Sometimes he'd punch you,throw you out of the window.Sometimes he wouldn't even want to look at your face! But during all those times-your dad will always love you.He won't say,but he loves you.He loves you with all his heart.In fact if there's a single person Ahn Song actually loves in this world-then it'd be you,Chanyeol........................So get angry at him,but never hate him.Because your dad loves you..............................He loves you so much!"



Park Villa

When Chanyeol was eleven


"Chanyeol Park,come here!" Ahn Song called for his son who was peeking at him from the half closed door.He returned back home after 14 months and though Chanyeol is really very afraid of him,he couldn't resist himself from having a glance at his own father.

He almost forgot his face.

"I said come here Chanyeol Park!" Ahn Song groaned this time.And with trembling feet,his young little handsome son slowly entered inside the room.

The moment Chanyeol stood in front of him,Ahn Song felt like hugging him tightly "How have you been Chanyeol? Did you behave well?"

"Ye-yes dad" Chanyeol's voice was shaking.

"Did you eat properly?"

"Ye-yes dad.."

"Sleep properly?"


''Did you take the vitamin I sent for you or did you throw them away because they taste bitter?''


"I took them all.How can I throw away your gift dad?" Chanyeol pouted."I never throw your gifts away,because they're from you!"


It took a while for Ahn Song to control his shaking voice "They were not gifts.I just sent them for you so that you can grow up well" Yet Ahn Song's voice became hoarse.

"You bought them thinking of me.So that's a gift for me,from you" Even Chanyeol actually smiled thinking of that."And dad,actually I made a gift for you too.Here!" And Chanyeol put a drawing in the table.Ahn Song swore he would never have a look at the drawing.

So in the blink of an eye,he took the drawing and saw it.He already came to know that Chanyeol was extraordinary in his drawing classes.

He just didn't know his son was this much good at painting.



And Ahn Song immediately went out to the balcony,making Chanyeol suprised.

Ahn Song couldn't control the bad tears that were making his vision blurred.


God,why do you always punish me like this?! Just why?!


Ahn Song returned back about ten minutes later,with a face gloomier than ever.

"What a crap you've drawn actually! What is this?! Tsk tsk tsk!!!" And slowly Ahn Song tore the drawing paper into pieces,ignoring Chanyeol's teary eyes."Don't ever draw again.I'll tell Jiyong that you don't need to attend drawing classes anymore......."

"But dad-"

"Shut up! I don't know why're you so fond of me! I'm always rude to you.So you should hate me,got it?!" Ahn Song started scolding.

"But I love you dad........You're my dad!"


Ahn Song took some long breath.

"Let's change the topic......Ahem yeah let's change it! You know what is it?" And he kept his revolver on the table.

Seeing that,Chanyeol slowly nodded "It's a revolver.......Uncle Jiyong has one too"

"What's the use of it?" Ahn Song asked nonchalantly.

"To make people frightened....." Chanyeol slowly replied.

"Idiot!" And Ahn Song hissed "I can't believe you're my son! It's used to finish people! And 'finish' means to kill people,undertsand?!"

Scared, Chanyeol nodded his head.

"Chanyeol Park,you've got two pet dogs,right?!"


"Bring them in!" And Ahn Song ordered.

Chanyeol suddenly turned white "Wh-why dad?"

"Didn't you just hear what I said?!" 




Chanyeol feet started trembling seeing his dad watching over his pets keenly.He felt so restless.

"What's their name?"

"Molly and Tiddy-they're couple dad.They'll have kids one day" So pls have mercy on them dad.

"I it's of no use of letting them live while their partner dies-right?" Ahn Song started reloading his revolver with magazine."Their lives will be meaningless once they lost their partner......It'll be full of pain and sorrow''

"Dad pls pls pls don't-"




And in one single shot-Ahn Song killed Molly.Chanyeol's chest was suddenly covered with her splattered blood.He started trembling vigorously.Hiccuping he tried so hard not to cry.

"If you're my son-they you won't cry" Ahn Song observed him carefully.

Chanyeol tried his best to control,and he succeeded.Instead of crying he started sweating profusely.


He really loved Molly.She was his family.


"Now Chanyeol Park,come here..........." Ahn Song called him,and he obliged.

"Here,take it!" And he reloaded another revolver "It's yours from now on!"

"Mi-mine dad?"

"Yes,yours.From now on keep it always with see that Tiddy is acting restless,running for no reason.It'll be hard to kill him.There're six bullets in it-as it's running you have got six bullets to finish it.Don't disappoint me..........."

"Dad......" Chanyeol's eyes turned dilated "You want me to kill my Tiddy? For no reason?!"

"The reason of killing him is-I said so! If you're my son-do it! Or else, off coward!"

Chanyeol closed his eyes.His head was spinning around,breathing uncontrolled.What is happening here was beyond his imagination.

When he opened his eyes,he saw Tiddy running too and fro in grief-after losing it's mate.

Chanyeol took another deep breath.

Dad said so....................




And Chanyeol,the 11 years old child killed Tiddy in one single shot.Right on his head.Chanyeol's full body was now covered with his own pets' blood.

The pets with whom he played with every afternoon for the last two years..................


"Wow! Now that's something! Your hitting accuracy is no joke son!" And he heard dad clapping his hand."It's almost as good as mine.By the time you'll be like my age-people will call you a legend on shooting!"

Chanyeol remained silent.


"Be like this always.Keep this with you and whenever you feel someone wrong-just shot him,get it?!''




"Chanyeol Park............" Dad's voice was a bit soft now.Butler just changed Chanyeol's dress a while ago.He looked a bit better now.

"Yes dad?" Chanyeol was motionless.

"I heard Butler Kim slapped on your cheek months ago? Is it true?"

Silence,Chanyeol gulped.

"Is it true son?"

"Ye-yes dad,I was acting naugh-" Chanyeol tried to cover for the butler.

"Butler Lee! Butler Lee! Call Butler Kim,right now!!!!!"



"Master..." Chanyeol saw how Butler Kim was trembling in front of his dad.He also saw how his dad's face turned all dark looking at the butler.

"Did you hit my son?"


"I said did you hit my son???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Ahn Song groaned making Butler Kim and Chanyeol startled.


"Ye-yes Master"

And Ahn Song stood up.With his six feet giant body he stopped right in front of the butler "You're saying you hurt my son,right butler Kim?"


And Ahn Song immediately started hitting and kicking the butler violently.Chanyeol shivered in horror.

"How dare you hit my Chanyeol? How dare you??!!!'' Ahn Song continued hitting.


Around an hour later,when Ahn Song stopped hitting the butler,Chanyeol thought it was over,finally.

Of course he was wrong.

"Stand up,butler Kim" Chanyeol's dad ordered now bleeding butler.

Slowly Kim obliged.

"Open your mouth!" Ahn Song ordered.


"I said open your mouth!!"


And Chanyeol saw butler Kim opening his mouth and his dad put the revolver in butler Kim's mouth.And...................




Butler Kim's lifeless body fell on the ground hard.Ahn Song wiped off sweat from his forehead.


"Whoever will try to hurt my son-will face the same consequence! I warn you all!!! Don't you dare touch my son!!"




"My Chanyeol,come here............." Dad called again "Come closer............" 

Chanyeol thought this time it's him who's going to get killed,still he followed dad's order.

And the moment Chanyeol reached his dad,Ahn Son hugged him tightly,so tightly.

Chanyeol felt warm water on his shoulder.

"How dare they hit my son!" Ahn Song groaned in a hoarse voice.


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So emotional for the epilogue TT^TT


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Chapter 44: God this story is so good. Chanyeol and Se Ha's love story is so amazing thank you authornim
Chanbaek641 #2
Chapter 44: The last chap was do funny XD XD
Chanbaek641 #3
This is really good!!!
rainbowfighter #4
Chapter 43: Thank you so much for writing such a nice story. I really enjoyed it.
Whoooa gotta start a new fic.
MarieJane #6
Chapter 4: Se Ha, what are you doing girl?!
MarieJane #7
Chanyeol is sooo cute.
1884 streak #8
Chapter 2: Chanyeol is so funny and cute ??
1884 streak #9
Chapter 1: Omg this chapter was so funny ???
আমি কাঁদতে কাঁদতে মাথাব্যথা করে ফেলছিলাম এটা পড়ে! তুমি এত দারুণ কেন টুম্পা আপু? ???