Black tears

Marriage or Revenge
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I may cry, ruining my makeup
Wash away all the things you've taken
I don't care if I don't look pretty
Big girls cry when their hearts are breaking
Big girls cry when their hearts are breaking
Big girls cry when their hearts are breaking


.....................Now playing Big Girls Cry by Sia




"Good morning child" Mr.Oh greeted his gloomy looking daughter in the breakfast table "Did you sleep well?"

Without answering back,Se Ha sat down on the chair silently.And Oh Jae Kyung clearly saw the dark eyebags beneath his cousin's eyes "Did you sleep well sister?"

"Yes,oppa.I had a very sound sleep.Thank you" This time Se Ha replied back to her cousin without taking a glance at him.

Soon breakfast was served in front of her.

Se Ha carefully looked at it-it's scrambled egg,bacon and cheese.The regular breakfast that has been served in Oh residence since her childhood.She always loved this.


She sighed."Change this.I won't eat this.Make a pancake with four tablespoon of sugar and lots of Nutella!"

Everyone in the table was beyond surprised hearing her statement. "What type of pancake is that Se Ha? Besides that's so unhealthy and childish" Her mom finally informed her "You can't eat that,you'll get fat if you eat that darling."

"You know what?" Se Ha kept the napkin she just opened a minute ago on the table back "I changed my mind.I'll have my breakfast with him today.I better go now"

And so,she stood up and walked away from the table ignoring all those surprised stares behind her.

Oh Jae Kyung watched everything carefully.And then suddenly he found the food extra tasty.

The game is on.Hope the other party is the same like her.




Coming out of the hotel,Chanyeol finally realised he left his home wearing his pajama pants,without a car.He sighed.

Then he phoned "Hong Bin,send me a car besides Club Omega.I'm waiting outside of it"

Exactly eight minutes later,a car stopped in front of him.Hong Bin came out of the driver seat and Chanyeol went in.

"Do you know where my friend Kai is?"

"No master,not now.Shall I try to?"

"Inform me where he is right now by the next five minutes,I'm leaving now."

"Ok,ok master"

And Chanyeol started the engine.


Three minutes later,Chanyeol came to know Kai was staying at room #26 in Plaza hotel very close to his home.Gritting his teeth,he sped up the car.

He reached there by the next four minutes.




"Stay a bit longer,what's so hurry child? You just came two days before" Se Ha's mom maintained the formality.

''This place is suffocating mom.Everything is so artificial" Se Ha replied continuing packing "Now I really wonder how could I actually live here for 21 years!"

"Tch!" Her mom scoffed "What type of statement is that child? This is your own home! How can you say something like that?"

"No,mom.You're wrong" Se Ha confidently faced her mom "This isn't my home anymore-it was once.Now my home is the one that I share with my Chanyeol"

And suddenly she put her hand on .Did she just say 'her Chanyeol' in front of her own mother?


Oh now that's embarrassing!


She immediately turned into fifty shades of red.

Se Ha's mom could hear that all well.Sighing she went close to the door and closed it carefully.

And Mrs.Oh then faced her daughter "Se Ha,my child,listen carefully.I'm your mother and I'm also a girl.I know very well how you actually feel for your current husband.But Se Ha" She sighed "Your father will kill me if he hears that I said you this.But I can understand very well his plans and motives.This marriage............this is nothing but just a pure,evil game plan" Mrs.Oh took a break watching Se Ha's surprised stare "This marriage is actually a way to take over their mafia empire.You're just a weapon Se Ha.A mere weapon of a cruel game.And this is the game where there is no chance of your husband to win.In the end,he'll lose for sure-you father already made sure of that.And once it's done-they'll take you out of this marriage child.This isn't a marriage Se Ha,don't get involved with him,even if he's nice.You'll only get hurt if you do so."

"Mom,what're you talking about?! I won't let anyone touch a single hair of my Yeol !! My Yeol isn't a thing to play with.Tell dad about this clearly"

"Se Ha" Her mom closed her eyes "You're still a kid,that's why you don't understand.In this political world,we girls are just toys.Toys to get played by these dirty men.We're used to gain profit by them.Love,marriage,happy family-it's not our thing child.We're worse than es.At least they're used by unknown men,but we're used by our most beloved ones.You're no different than that my child.I'm really very sorry Se Ha...............So pls don't fall for him.He's going down.And I don't want you to get hurt."




Kai was caressing the back of his girl when the hotel room door was suddenly breached by Chanyeol's third hard kick.Surprised he stood up to check on the crazy person who actually did this.But before he could reach,Chanyeol stormed inside the bedroom and grabbed Kai's wifebeater.

Jerking him hard,he finally opened his mouth "Didn't I tell you that I had works to do last night?!!!"

Kai would argue,but realizing Chanyeol's current mood-he remained quiet.

"Speak you ! Didn't I...didn't I tell you???!!!"

Kai remained silent,making Chanyeol furious than ever.

In the blink of an eye,he took Kai by his shoulder and threw him right on the wall.


The girl on the bed released an audible gasp and Kai winced in severe pain.

But Chanyeol was unmoved to all of that "Just because you're my friend,I spared your life this time.But don't you dare do this again.You know very well what I'm capable of.Don'"

Dusting off his hands,Chanyeol was about to get out of the room.Then he suddenly stopped "Get your y sister married asap.She pissed off my wife last day.Next time when she'd do something like that with my Se Ha-she'll be just as the same state as you're right now! I'll simply forget that she's a girl.I ing mean it"

And he stromed out of the room,leaving the injured Kai and girl in horror behind.




"Madam Park! You've returned!" One of the mistresses exclaimed the moment she saw Se Ha. "We missed you a lot!"

Se Ha smiled "How're you all? I missed you too."

"We're fine Madam Park,but Young Master was missing you badly"

Se Ha's heart skipped a bit "Really? How did you know?"

"We understood Madam,Young Master didn't eat properly,sleep properly once you weren't here.Also he asked all of us how long will it take for you to come back? Or should he visit your parents' home to bring you in?"

Se Ha's heart started beating fast "Is that so? Hmmmm where's he?" She wanted to surprise her husband.

"Young Master isn't at home Madam Park,he left home last night.And didn't return"

"Is that so?" Suddenly anxiety clouded her mind.Who knows why Chanyeol left home last night.May be it's related to Mafia things.


Hope he's safe.


Worried,she phoned Chanyeol for the first time in last few days.

The call was made,but Chanyeol didn't receive it.




Around 8-9 hours ago,all of Park Chanyeol's silent prayers were to get a certain call from a certain number of a certain person.Now,a night later when he actually got the call,Chanyeol's hand didn't swipe off the phonescreen.Instead he kept staring at it-until it became a missed call.

Chanyeol got a call from Se Ha-his fake wife.

And he ignored it.

It hurt like hell,how much he actually wanted to hear her soothing voice,even for once-he alone knew that.

But he was too tainted to hear that heavenly voice.

He is always tainted.

Sighing Chanyeol started his car engine.

Time to return back home.


Where there's no Se Ha...................................




"Madam Park,you better have your breakfast now.It's getting late,you'll get sick"

"Ummmm" Se Ha tapped her thigh "I'll,once he comes back"

"What if Young Master have his breakfast outside? Or if Young Master returns back late?''

Se Ha wasn't ready to face questions like that.Being numb for a while,finally she managed some words "I won't eat without him.You can go now.I need to take a shower before he arrives"




Chanyeol released his longest sigh ever standing in front of their villa.He needed a long shower,a long rest,a long time to remorse.And it's been already long since he last saw her face.

Part of him wanted to meet her badly,even after all of these.The other part never wants to meet Se Ha again.

Thinking about all of these-Chanyeol entered in his home.


"Madam Park returned back home this morning.She's inside your bedroom Young Master" Chanyeol sqeezed his eyes tight once  he heard the news.


Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh! How can I face her now?!




The moment Se Ha heard the familiar footsteps outside their suite,suddenly her heart started beating fast.


He's coming! Am I looking good? Should I puff my hair a bit more?

What if he doesn't like my new hair color?

Will he like this dress?

Am I looking too pale?!




Se Ha heard the footsteps stopped right in front of the the door,but it didn't enter in.Minutes passed around like this.And suddenly she fe

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So emotional for the epilogue TT^TT


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Chapter 44: God this story is so good. Chanyeol and Se Ha's love story is so amazing thank you authornim
Chanbaek641 #2
Chapter 44: The last chap was do funny XD XD
Chanbaek641 #3
This is really good!!!
rainbowfighter #4
Chapter 43: Thank you so much for writing such a nice story. I really enjoyed it.
Whoooa gotta start a new fic.
MarieJane #6
Chapter 4: Se Ha, what are you doing girl?!
MarieJane #7
Chanyeol is sooo cute.
1887 streak #8
Chapter 2: Chanyeol is so funny and cute ??
1887 streak #9
Chapter 1: Omg this chapter was so funny ???
আমি কাঁদতে কাঁদতে মাথাব্যথা করে ফেলছিলাম এটা পড়ে! তুমি এত দারুণ কেন টুম্পা আপু? ???