His side of story:The 'cute' Se Ha

Marriage or Revenge
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*This chapter is mostly a flashback one,if you don't understand it-I suggest you to reread chapter 5

*The song I suggested for this chapter,I sincerely request you to listen-right after or while reading this.pls.



Some secrects should be kept secrets-deep inside!

Secrets are like Toblerone bars.



Byun Baekhyun,Chanyeol's best friend for life knows everything of Chanyeol.Except some very little secrets that Chanyeol kept hidden carefully all these years.

Very carefully.


Among them,one is that-Chanyeol believes in fate,badly.


Chanyeol strongly believes the day was fated,till now.

It was a winter morning.Chanyeol wasn't supposed to join the school that day,since he and Baekhyunie spent the entire previous night on watching .

It's fun watching with Baekhyunie.

But somehow what Chanyeol believes to be fate-made him wake up at 6:30 in the winter morning. Without any alarm.

And soon after he made his Baekhyunie wake up as well.He never wakes Baekhyunie up.

And they went to the school.




Chanyeol never roams around the school without his gang.But as it was a fated day,Chayeol was walking along the corridor he never visited before-to check on beautiful Yoona.

It was then he met her for the first time.

Their first meeting...........................


They bumped so suddenly!

The girl whose face Chanyeol couldn't see at first,was looking down at her fallen handbag on the floor.And then she looked at him.

And for the first time in fourteen years of age,a girl actually took his breath away.

She was that much of cute,with a Rilakkuma headband on her hair.

And right then Chanyeol knew finally he found his Korilakkuma.



Pure bliss!




Chanyeol tried so hard to greet her but his voice  were shaking,he didn't know why.

And finally he could say "You ok?"

The girl however,continued staring at him,and Chanyeol was cursing his pimples for the first time in last few months.Who knows what the girl was thinking about his appearance.......................May be because of his pimples,the girl is now considering him ugly.


Wait,girl,wait! Don't judge me now! Give me a month and I'll show you how I look when the pimples are gone.You'll definitely like me then!


Whatever,he's Park Chanyeol-for heaven's sake.He is bold and beast.

But the bold Chanyeol's feet started shaking once she started talking "Yes,I-"

And right that moment crazy Soojin intentionally bumped her from behind,in front of his own ing eyes.


GODDAMMIT! My cute girl is hurt!


"Ya SooJin! Careful! Can't you see there's a girl here?!" And he looked at his cute girl.....

Oh,oh oh the cute girl's big eyes were getting by fear hearing his loud voice.Wrong move Chanyeol.


Girl,don't get afraid.I won't harm you.Never in my life!


"You ok?" Chanyeol tried his best to keep his voice calm.And he gave her his hands to hold on.

And the girl took it.


She touched my hand!


Everybody knows Park Chanyeol is a heartless monster,even he himself knows that he doesn't have any heart.But the moment her hand touched his-Park Chanyeol's 'absent' heart started beating fast.Super fast!

For a girl.

For a cute girl

For a cute Rilakkuma girl.

For the first time in his life.


"I'm Park Chanyeol,nice to meet you!" His smile was genuine that day.


The heartless monster beast Park Chanyeol never genuinely smiles at a girl.........................




Chanyeol never gets nervous in front of any girl,never! But somehow while walking besides that quiet 'cute' girl,his heart was jumping up so fast that he thought it'll come out of his body anytime soon.

And then he realized that he actually has a heart!


And the cute girl already owns that heart!


"Remember my name well.I'll be the next campus kingka once Jiwon sunbae is gone. Hahahahahhah.Then come to me if you need any help,ok?"  Chanyeol tried his best to keep his calm in front of her,also he tried to emphasize that he's a very important figure of the school.

So that the girl should fall for him.

Chanyeol doesn't know why but he really wanted to impress that girl.


"What is campus kingka?" Oh cute girl,you're too innocent!

"Hahahah you don't know?! It's the most popular,most yearned boy of the whole school.Everyone respects him. Sunbae will graduate next year.Then I'll be the next one.Hahahahah" Yes,so pls be mine.

"You laugh a lot,don't you?" Is it a complement  or the opposite girl?

Oh why my hands are sweating like a pig? Baekhyunie I need to meet you.

"Is that so? Do I? I don't know Haha" Ah Park Chanyeol,don't get nervous.Not now!

The girl smiled.


Lord am I still alive?

Girl I need you.

I'll make you my girlfriend and then I'll marry you and then we'll have 12 kids,done?

Lord,my feet are trembling,pls don't make me fall in front if her.Not now......................pls!



And Lord answered the bad boy's prayer,he saw his friend Baekhyunie with his entire gang coming from the opposite side.

And without even saying goobye to the cute girl,he ran at his Baekhyunie.If he gave a look at that cute face again,he'd need to visit the CPR room right then!




"What what what?!" Byun Baekhyun was more than surprised at his best friend's sudden stupid action.He pulled him out of their gang and took him to the deserted classroom ignoring all those curious eyes.

"Baekhyunie!" Chanyeol was panting "Baekhyunie,I just saw a girl!"

"So?" Baekhyun was more than surprised.Why his friend was acting all crazy just seeing a girl?!

"I want her Baekhyunie,I'll ask her for a date.I'll make her my girlfriend.I'll marry her and we'll have lots of children.And I'll kiss on her cheek every morning once she wakes up!"

Baekhyun looked at his friend in utter horror.


No,no,no Chanyeol you can't do this!


You can't fall in love Yeollie,never!




"Come,come.Hurry! Why're you such a slowpoke Baekhyunie?!" Chanyeol hurriedly grabbed his friend's hand and took him to the PE room.

It was girls' time and Baekhyun really felt embarrassed doing what a campus hottie should never do-peeking at girls during their PE classes.But he had to come since he needed to make sure Chanyeol wouldn't continue harboring feelings for that 'cute' girl!

Chanyeol can't fall in love ever-Baekhyun was demonstrated so since his childhood as the moment Chanyeol would fall in love-would be the moment 'death notice' of Chanyeol from heaven will come upon the earth!

Baekhyun can't let his Chanyeollie die,so no mater what-Baekhyun will make sure Chanyeol will forget the girl soon.

Very soon.

"Ya Chanyeol,you're acting all childish!" He scoffed at now excited Chanyeol,who didn't even listen to his bestie's growl.

"There Baekhyunie,there!" Chanyeol pointed at one very specific girl sitting on one corner,who was tying her shoelace.And before Baekhyun stared at her,he stared at his bestfriend.

Chanyeol's eyes were sparkling in excitement and joy.And in emotion.

And Bakhyun sighed inwardly.

You've already fallen for her.Fool!


I'm sorry Yeollie..................





"Chanyeol,you can't have feelings for her!" Baekhyun started walking fast so that he could avoid Chanyeol's teary sad puppy eyes."Forget about her already.Next time when you meet her-act as if you never knew her!"

"But why Bacon?!" Chanyeol never protested to any of Bakehyun's orders.But today he stood right in front of him,stopping Baekhyun from walking."What's wrong in liking her? She's sooo cute"

Chanyeol was that much desperate!

Baekhyun sighed.He needed to hurt Chanyeol badly to keep him safe.

He hates to hurt Chanyeol..................................It's easier to hurt himself!




"She's so cute,you hear what you say?" Finally Baekhyun managed the words "And you're a bad boy" Chanyeol would never know how hard it was for Baekhyun to say the next two sentences "How can you expect that a cute,innocent girl will love a bad boy like you?! She'll never fall for you!"

Baekhyun however saw how Chanyeol's eyes and body reacted after that-like an innocent kid getting a high voltage electric shock while playing with his favorite toy,who doesn't even know what electricity is-but that didn't save him from getting shocked and died even before he could react.

Chanyeol was like that,right at that moment.


Indeed the world is cruel.....................


"You're a badboy Yeollie,you'll be a mafia one day,won't you? And she's a good girl,one fine day she'll find her Prince Charming-who'll definitely be a very very nice boy,unlike you.Then they'll live happily ever after.You simply can't fall for her! You've no right to ruin her life.If you care for her,stay away from her.That's it Yeollie! That girl will never fall for a bad boy like you!" And Baekhyun continued.



Chanyeol still could remember the day-14 January,2006.The best and the worst day of his life.

The best since it was the first time he met her.

The worst since it was the first time he came to know he's not enough for her.

Oh Se Ha deserves better.

Much better.


Way much better than Chanyeol........................................The gangster wannabe. 





He still however was staring at her from the rooftop when the class ended.And he saw six black suited men reached the girl and carefully took her backpack once she reached the main gate.And carefully she went inside her Rolls Royce. 

"You see,what I told ya?" Right then Baekhyunie stood besides him "You can't fall for her Chanyeol.You're a bad boy,you'll be a gangster and one day you'll be the greatest mafia alive.Falling for a girl is out of your league.See the girl-she's all posh and aristrocate.She's brought up in care and love,unlike us.She needs to be cuddled by a nice gentle boy,not by you.She won't like you.And if you continue staring at her from this rooftop,one day these bodyguards will be replaced by her Prince Charming and you'll just continue standing here while a crow will poop on your head flying!"

Chanyeol hardly could hold his tears back.


Byun Baekhyun kindly shut your mouth up,for heaven's sake! It hurts like hell!



"Forget her already! Forget her face and all.You don't know that girl! Not at all!

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So emotional for the epilogue TT^TT


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Chapter 44: God this story is so good. Chanyeol and Se Ha's love story is so amazing thank you authornim
Chanbaek641 #2
Chapter 44: The last chap was do funny XD XD
Chanbaek641 #3
This is really good!!!
rainbowfighter #4
Chapter 43: Thank you so much for writing such a nice story. I really enjoyed it.
Whoooa gotta start a new fic.
MarieJane #6
Chapter 4: Se Ha, what are you doing girl?!
MarieJane #7
Chanyeol is sooo cute.
1887 streak #8
Chapter 2: Chanyeol is so funny and cute ??
1887 streak #9
Chapter 1: Omg this chapter was so funny ???
আমি কাঁদতে কাঁদতে মাথাব্যথা করে ফেলছিলাম এটা পড়ে! তুমি এত দারুণ কেন টুম্পা আপু? ???