I'm Sorry


The next morning came. The boys are in the dining room eating their breakfast. Excluding B.I and Bobby whom had came back at  6.00 AM and just doze off to dreamland as soon as they hit their beds. The atmosphere was gloomy as there is tension hanging in the air between the oldest and the second youngest.  Junhoe is sitting far in the end whereas Jinhwan sat at the counter. Both of them have puffy red eyes.

Even if they tried to hide it. It was painfully obvious to the other members. Donghyuk and Chanwoo cracked up jokes to lighten up the atmosphere. Nonetheless it failed to remove some tension as Junhoe and Jinhwan continued on eating. Yunhyeong can only sighed while looking at the maknaes dejected faces.  After awhile, the atmosphere were getting gloomier. Neither of the members can stand it. Chanwoo quickly ate his breakfast and dashed towards his room to play games.

Now its up to the Yundong couple to fix the mess. Suddenly Yunhyeong stands up while motioning Donghyuk to follow him. The Junhwan couple doesn’t seem to mind them as they tried to ignore each other presences. Yunhyeong quickly pulled Donghyuk to the bathroom. Donghyuk rolled his eyes.

“Seriously hyung?” Donghyuk cocked his head while looking judgingly at his beloved hyung.

“What? It’s the nearest room and I can’t really stand the atmosphere there.” Yunhyeong huffed.


“Yah, respect me. I’m still your hyung.”

“Are going to argue here or discuss about Junhwan couple?”

“Fine, you win.”

For about an hour sitting at the cold tiles and brain storming ideas. They finally thought an absolute terrific plan. Donghyuk can’t help but to squeal and pounced on to Yunhyeong which made both of them stumbled down the floor. He continued to hug the elder.

Until someone cleared his throat. That someone is Jinhwan who looked partly amused and shocked. Realising the position they were in, Donghyuk quickly scrambled off Yunhyeong. A pink blush can be seen. Can’t hide his embarassment, he dashed off to the living room leaving Yunhyeong to deal with Jinhwan.

“Uhh, this is all a big misundertanding hyung,” Yunhyeong said while trying to fix his clothes.

“Okayyy,” Jinhwan said clearly not buying it, “ I need to use the bathroom that you guys occupied for one hour doing nothing.” Jinhwan raised his eyebrows.

Yunhyeong just nodded and left but not before he give him a mischievous smile. Which may or may not have creeped Jinhwan a bit.

Jinhwan just sighed and mentally prepare for what Yunhyeong has in his sleeves. This is going to be a loonngg day.

Okay so maybe Jinhwan is not mentally prepared for this. Not when you’re stuck with your ex boyfriend whom you just broke up with last night and you still have feelings for him in a ferris wheel. Whereas he  sat quietly avoiding your gaze but still looks hot in your eyes. Jinhwan can feel his heart beats faster.

How the hell did we end up here together. Oh right Yuninghyeong and his boyfriend Donghyuk.

Just before that, when all the members including Double B who were rudely waken up were gathered in the living room. Yunhyeong was standing in front of them with Donghyuk beside them. Both have this big smile on their face. The others curiosly stared at them.Yunhyeong cleared his throat and proudly announced.

“We are going to the amusement park.”

The members just stared at them. Donghyuk who noticed this quickly intervened saying that they should enjoy themselves before the promotions start. In the end, they managed to convince the members. Well it can’t be helped, they are still growing boys who wants to have fun. Once they arrived, they all dispersed. Hanbin had dragged Bobby to some booths. While Yunhyeong and Donghyuk went to ride the rollercoaster and Chanwoo went off to play some games. That left with only Jinhwan and Junhoe standing in front of the entrance. Jinhwan felt uncomfortable not knowing what to do. Junhoe who saw this just sighed and opened his mouth.

“Do you want to go to the ferris wheel with me?”

Now that they are in, the atmosphere became incredibly awkward. Jinhwan was trying to apologise but can’t find any suitable words. Just when he was about to open his mouth, his body was closely pulled. A pair of arms encircled his tiny waist. The familiar warmth he missed so much. He closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around Junhoe. A few moments have passed, they were still in each other embraces.

“I’m sorry.”

Jinhwan slowly opened his eyes and looked into Junhoe’s eyes. His eyes are full of regrets.  Jinhwan’s heart breaks at the sight. He brings Junhoe’s face close to him and smile. “I’m sorry too,” closing the gap between them.

"Looks like our plan worked," Yunhyeong spied with his binocular. 

"Of course it worked. Thanks to my genius mind," Donghyuk who also spied them said arrogantly.

"Yah Kim Donghyuk."

"What do you want"

"Where's the hyung?! I'm still older than you!"

"Are we really going through this again?"




"Aish these hyungs," Chanwoo shake his head and walked off.

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nicyeol #1
Chapter 2: chanu is totally done w/ them
Chapter 2: Hahaha Chanwoo tho
Chapter 2: Aaaw i love your story. Please make more about junhwan
Loved every word!
Chapter 2: I love it so much!!!! Yeah Junhwan!!!
Chapter 2: Oh god, the first chapter is so angsty then the second one has too many fluff. Brilliant fic! My first JunHwan ~~ ^^ glad that I found yours.
Good job!
Chapter 2: Oh god!! this making me crazy!!!
The only one story that I read~
naunau_bb #8
Chapter 1: Sequel plssssss...;)))
DiStar #9
Chapter 1: Oh no Q.Q this was so sad! ... but I like it ;)