Why, Lucifer, Of Course


Kim Jongin is a psychopath, insane and rather proud of it. He’s been through twenty three therapists, and keeping count, and still no one has cured his sick mind from a sick obsession- no, love. Not just any love, a love for the Devil. Even if Jongin’s never seen Lucifer, if he’s never heard Lucifer, he knows that Lucifer is the one he’s meant to be with and they are bound by the soul (If Lucifer has one, of course). Now, he just needs to be patient for Lucifer. All he has to do is a wait a bit longer... 



“And who’s that, Jongin?”


"Why, Lucifer, Of Course."



Jongin sat in a recliner chair, his feet outstretched on the uncomfortably comfortable cushioned seat. His hands were in front of him while he was looking up at the white ceiling with little carvings in it that resembled the sea, or anything else he could think of if he examined it enough.

“I see you’ve taken interest in the ceiling,” Junmyeon noticed, walking into the room and closing the door behind him. “I had it done just for you.”

Jongin’s head turned to the therapist, “Dr. Kim.” He greeted, smiling at doctor, “I like white, but my favorite color’s red.” He informed.

“Well, having a red ceiling would’ve been strange, don’t you think?” He let out a small laugh. “Jongin, I’m curious, what do you see in it?” He asked, “As a child, I used to look up at a ceiling just like this and make stories up from nothing.”

“Hmm…” Jongin hummed, observing the ceiling once more, “A white sea. But, I guess if it were red I’d see an ocean of blood.”

“Of course.” Junmyeon muttered. Usually, when Jongin said things like this, the therapist would write it down on a clipboard or a notebook of some sort, but Dr. Kim did no such thing. The doctor wasn’t always out to evaluate him. It was simply just a personal question between him and Jongin, and Jongin liked that.

Jongin pushed his arms up toward the foam sea and started to spread his arms, only for them to be restrained back. The limited space from the handcuffs around his wrists was annoying. “Do you think you could take these off, Dr. Kim?”

He just smiled and shook his head before sitting in the chair next to Jongin’s. “How many times have you asked people that question, Jongin?”

“I’ve been through exactly twenty three psychotherapists. I’ve asked each of them twice; in the beginning and in the end. So forty six times, not counting you.” Jongin answered, his head swinging side to side in delight as he spoke.

“And I’m going to guess you’ve been told no forty six times then, not counting this one.”

Jongin smirked at him. “Actually, thirty nine times. The other seven, near the end, were too scared to answer.”

“Well I must be one lucky therapist to be here, huh?”


Dr. Kim took out a notebook, “Anyway, Jongin, I think it’s time to start with our interview.” Jongin noticed that he crossed his legs in a professional way. “What is your favorite color…? Red,” He mumbled, moving onto the next question on the list. “What is your favorite number?”

“Six, six, six.” Jongin was once again staring blankly up at the ceiling.

“Like the devil’s numbers?” Dr. Kim questioned mostly to himself as he wrote the numbers, “Six hundred sixty-six.” He mumbled.

“Exactly like the devil’s numbers.”

“So, Jongin, it says here that you say you’re…” He paused and craned his head to look closer at the words, like he read them wrong the first time, “Soulmate is sure to be Lucifer?” That ended more in a question than a statement.

“I know it, Dr. Kim.” He added, “Lucifer.” He said the name slowly as if savoring every syllable. “It’s a beautiful name, isn’t it? Rolls off the tongue easily, strikes fear into the hearts of others.” Jongin was visibly happier as he talked about the name.

“Jongin, do you see this Lucifer person?”


“Do you hear Lucifer?”


The therapist couldn’t help but let out a soft laugh at Jongin’s answers, “You haven’t seen him and you haven’t talked to him. What makes you think he’s your soulmate?”

“Well, maybe not soulmate.” Jongin shrugged at the word, “He might not have a soul.”

Junmyeon seemed very comfortable with Jongin, “Jongin, you’ve been through twenty three therapists.” He leaned down close, “I know you’re smart enough to act your way out this, why not just leave already?”

“I may be smart, but I’m still insane.” Jongin giggled at his words.

“Many people have been in your position telling me the exact same thing. And I’ve helped them to move on to become normal, functioning citizens. I’m sure one day I’ll find you in a town or city somewhere, eating lunch with a companion, enjoying conversation, acting carefree, and having a normal life.”

“I guess. Or, you’ll find me right back in this office on your chair every Friday, just as troubled as the last Friday. Or maybe, when you’re fed up with me, in a different office with a different therapist, but in the same position. No matter what, I’m not moving.” He nodded.

“And why’s that?” Junmyeon inquired, leaning back in his chair.

“Because normal, that’s why.” He giggled.

“Jongin,” The doctor’s voice was stern, “language please.”

He sighed, “Because he’s going to be coming for me soon, that’s why.” Jongin responded, a smile slowly creeping up onto his face.

Jongin could hear the exasperation in the psychotherapist’s voice, “And who’s that, Jongin?”

“Why, Lucifer, of course.” Jongin said, a bigger grin forming on his face.





Well, another TaeKaiSoo story (Because you know I love writing those).

Like this? Maybe you'll also like my other TaeKaiSoo story. "My Daily Life Living With Kim Jongin." (Even though they're two completely different genera, still give it a try!)





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bitternumb #1
Chapter 3: Very intresting! Can't wait to read the rest
Shihaam1 #2
I Can't Wait To Read This Story Sounds Interesting I'm A TaeKai Fan I Hope That TaeKai End Up Together In This Story:DYay!TaeKai:D