Lie 8: Hee Chul's Love - Part 2

Based Upon Lies

I hate Ki Bum, Hee Chul thought to himself.

Han Geng grinned smugly as he caught Hee Chul fuming to himself in the corner of the classroom with Chang Min. They'd been partnered up for the drama project since no one else would work with them.

"Han Kyung hyung," Ki Bum said. "Let's practice this..."

"Anii... Not here... They'll crack..." Han Geng answered.

"Well, at least practice the lines."


Hee Chul couldn't help but feel useless and unloved, what with Han Geng dating Ki Bum now. His heart sunk lower and lower as the class went by.

"Hey, hyung," Chang Min whispered.

"What?" Hee Chul answered bitterly, eyes never leaving Ki Bum and Han Geng.

"Ah~ Erm... Shouldn't we... Practice?" he asked, uncertain if he was encroaching on unstable territory.

Hee Chul glanced at him. "Do you really think I care?" he said sourly.

"Yes... Because this is for a grade... And you want a good grade..." Chang Min answered matter-of-factly.

"And? It's not like I've never gotten a low grade before," he said, pouting, frowning deeply at the "HanBum" couple.

"No, but you haven't gotten a grade lower than a 98 percent ever since Han Kyung hyung showed up. You want good grades to bring to him because you like him praising you."

Hee Chul remained silent, still glaring at Ki Bum and Han Geng. "Can't you do anything to get that... Thing away from my Hannie?" he asked venomously.

"No... He chose to do this... I'll stand by..." Chang Min replied, flipping through the script that they should be practicing, already known and memorized in both Hee Chul and Chang Min's minds.

"You're going to crack soon," Hee Chul said.

"You'll crack way before me, hyung."

Hee Chul huffed a sigh. He was probably right.

"Hyung... I'm not sure about this anymore," Ki Bum muttered.

"Don't worry," Han Geng answered absentmindedly. "What's wrong?"

"Hee Chul hyung looks like he wants to kill me," Ki Bum whined.

"Come on, Ki Bum... He wouldn't..."

"I found a paper with his signature on it... It was a picture of me being strangled and burned..."

"How do you know it was you?"

"It had an arrow pointing to the remains saying 'Kim Ki Bum'"

"He could've meant any of the other two Ki Bums too!"

"Hyung~~ it's me!! I'm the only Ki Bum he hangs with!"

Han Geng sighed and slung an arm around Ki Bum's shoulder. "Don't worry... I'll protect you... And I will make a prediction right now: the next class is drama, and when we perform our scene, Hee Chul and Chang Min will flip!"

"I think Chang Min will before Hee Chul hyung," Ki Bum challenged.

"Yeah yeah~ keep telling yourself that," Han Geng laughed.

During drama class, Hee Chul refused to watch Ki Bum and Han Geng's scene, but has ears were alert.

"We'll be doing a scene between U-Know Jung Yun Ho and Hero Kim Jae Joong in the 'Dangerous Love' mini-drama by Dong Bang Shin Ki," Ki Bum said shyly.

Han Geng suddenly pushed Ki Bum up against the supposed telephone booth, which was a table. Passion, fire, and desperation shone within Han Geng's eyes.

"Ki Bum... Don't you know my feelings for you?" Han Geng asked softly.

Ki Bum turned his head away, casting his eyes downward. Han Geng lightly took Ki Bum's chin into his fingers, lifting his head ever so slightly.

Hee Chul flinched at the intimacy. The way that he held Ki Bum made him sick with jealousy.

"H-Han Geng--" Ki Bum said weakly, but Han Geng stopped him with a finger to Ki Bum's lips.

"I like you... Ki Bum," he said, sincerity in his voice.

"But... But Han Geng, you and I--"

Han Geng suddenly took Ki Bum's hand into his and pressed Ki Bum's against his chest. "Do you feel that?" he asked. "My heart beats for you. You are here..."

Hee Chul's eyes flared with disbelief. Those were words meant only for Hee Chul!! Chang Min put a hand on Hee Chul's leg to calm him, but Hee Chul only grew more tense.

"Ha-Han Geng, you and I... Can't--"

Han Geng suddenly hugged Ki Bum tightly.

"Chang Min..." Ki Bum suddenly cried softly, only loud enough for Han Geng to hear.

"Hee--Ki Bum..." Han Geng said softly, nearly forgetting his lines, pulling away from Ki Bum, their faces centimeters from each other.

Hee Chul was tense, waiting for the next words, anticipating something he dreaded, as well as Chang Min, who'd finally removed his hand from Hee Chul's leg in shock at the emotion emitting from Ki Bum and Han Geng's scene.

"I... Love you, Hee--Ki Bum-ah..." Han Geng said, nearly messing up again.

Han Geng inched closer to Ki Bum, lips nearly touching.

"ing !!" Hee Chul suddenly shouted, disrupting the scene.

Ki Bum and Han Geng grinned internally as Hee Chul stormed up to them and began shouting nonsense.

"Ki Bum! Out of all people! Why you?! Huh?! Don't you know that I'm the only one for Hannie?! ME!! No one else! Only ME!!!"

"Hee Chul--" Han Geng started.

"And you!!" Hee Chul turned to Han Geng. "Who the hell are you to tell me you love me and then go out with that thing!!" Hee Chul screamed, pointing to Ki Bum.

"Hee Chul--" Han Geng tried again, only to be interrupted again.

" you!" Hee Chul yelled at Han Geng. " you!" He pointed to Ki Bum. "And you!!" He addressed Chang Min.

"Hee Chul--" said Han Geng.

"What?! Why me?!" Chang Min scoffed.

"Because you don't know how to control that little piece of--"

"Don't you dare finish that, hyung!"

"PIECE OF !!!" Hee Chul screamed.

"KIM HEE CHUL!!!!!" Han Geng bellowed.

Hee Chul froze. Han Geng gripped Hee Chul's arm tightly and demanded, "Apologize to Chang Min."


"And Ki Bum..."

"But, Hannie--"

"Hee Chul!"

"I'm sorry! Chang Minnie... Ki Bummie... Won't happen again..."

The entire class whispered in awe at Han Geng's power, even the teacher. Han Geng, without anyone's permission, pulled Hee Chul out of class and up to the library.

"YAH!" Han Geng screamed into the bookshelves. "Whoever doesn't get out of the library in the next 30 seconds, I will throw you out the window!"

A mob of students suddenly rushed out of the library, frightened by Han Geng's sudden threat. Hee Chul just wrung his hands into his dress shirt, waiting for Han Geng to say something to him.

"Hee Chul..."


"What you said to Ki Bum and Chang Min was completely unacceptable."


"I don't want to hear anything like that out of your mouth again, arasso?"


"Now..." Han Geng said, sitting down in the swivel chair and instructing silently to Hee Chul to sit on his lap. "What brought on your urge to curse at our friends?" His voice was full of knowledge. He knew.

"I-I... Just... It was... Ki Bum and you were-- just..." Hee Chul's words failed him.

"Speak Korean," Han Geng teased.

Hee Chul glared at him, but softened instantly. "I love you... Han Geng..." he said softly.

"I'm sorry, what?" Han Geng said.

Hee Chul pouted, a slightly blush painting his cheeks as he said louder, "I love you, Han Geng."

"Say once more? I can't hear you. Enunciate, Chullie," Han Geng snickered.


Han Geng suddenly kissed Hee Chul, tongue sliding into his mouth. Hee Chul's arms wrapped around Han Geng's neck as he leaned into the kiss.

When they pulled away, Hee Chul murmured, "I love you, Han Geng."

Han Geng grinned and kissed Hee Chul's nose. "Of course you do.... Now stop lying about it, arasso?"

Hee Chul nodded as Han Geng pulled him close for another kiss.

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thrice #1
Seems interesting!
mangafrick #2
Chapter 3: not sure how to said this the story to fast when first they arguing n then suddenly they hug each other n tell story about their life ehmm
Chapter 10: love it soooo much
i liked haw hangeng get hold oh heechul and control him ( not in a bad way i mean like wath he did in class when he was doing the drama scene whit kibum ) and heechul our diva oh my god!!!!
kyay! *squeal* I just read it all today (I swear, I only read fics so fast when I like them, otherwise it can be weeks or even months until I finish them...). Thank you! That was really a cute story!!!! I laughed so much in the first chapter with Hangeng teasing Heechul the whole time and then the real Heechul.. so cute!
it was nice
that was so awesome, and really cute. thank you! :D
Love ur fanfic
Naaaaw!!! ^^ I'm going to explode due to all the love and all the cuteness! :D
you stop lying :*)<br />
Aish, this two are precious<br />
a really cute chapter! ^^