
The Nameless Girl

Ayumi P.O.V


            Lee Taemin. Lee Taemin was one of the popular kids. He had the looks, the talent, a bright future. What more could you look for in a guy? The only more I could hope for, is for him to know how much I adore and love him.

I’m a foreigner. My mom and I had to move to Korea on behalf of my dad’s company wanting to expand in other countries. I was in a daze when I heard about the news. Later on, I started to feel a kind of excitement inside of me; thinking about going to different places with all different kinds of phenomenon’s, I haven’t seen yet.

That was before I found out most people thought of me as an outsider.


Taemin P.O.V


            Girls come flocking towards my hyungs –Jonghyun, Jinki, Minho, Key- and I. They were ready to do anything and everything we ask of them. My hyungs enjoyed it. I once did as well but I soon became tried of it. Tried of mostly of al the girls trying to look all the same, only liking me for my looks, and throwing themselves at me.

            There was one girl though; who I took great interest in. She’s a foreigner with short, dark brown hair, girl-next-door bangs and a tad darker skin color then most Korean girls. With all that said I don’t know why I’m so drawn to her. It maybe that she doesn’t try to suffocate me every time I pass by, or how I sometimes see her under a tree reading a book, or maybe that natural, unique beauty of hers. What ever it might be I want to find out what it really is.

            The next week or so Minho started to put up yellow flyers around the school, saying he was throwing a party and anyone is invited. Maybe she’ll come.


Ayumi P.O.V


            Almost everyone and everyday for the past week have been talking about a party. I tried asking some of the girls in my class but they just snorted and turned their backs to me.

            I finally found out about it, at the end of the week. I waited in the classroom, for everyone to leave first so wouldn’t get stomped on trying to exit the building. When the halls were cleared of all the other students, that’s when I took my leave. Forgotten papers flattering to the ground. A yellow colored one caught my eye. I picked it up and the first few words that popped out were ‘masquerade ball’, ‘anyone’, and ‘Minho’s party’.

            After reading it and finding out it was tomorrow; I debated whether to go or not. My parents have been saying they wanted me to go out more. That was mostly the reason why I decided to go to this party. Who knows, maybe I’ll have the confidence to speak with Taemin having a mask covering my face.


Taemin P.O.V


            I put on the finishing touches on my 15th century, Victorian suit. It was much like the kind princes would wear in Disney movies.

            I didn’t bother getting a mask; everyone would know it’s me with my newly dyed red hair.

            When I walked into the castle like building Minho rented. I saw that most of the school body was here.

            I heard girls squeal and whisper as I passed by; looking for the host or my other hyungs. When I saw the most stunning girl, walk in.


Ayumi P.O.V


            When I asked my mother if I could go to the party. She was delighted. She said yes even before I could finish my question. She was pulling me to her closet.

            “Come, come! I have the perfect dress, which will make you look amazing!” She pulled out a gorgeous white dress.


*Day of the party*


            I started to get ready, with my mom’s help. First we put on the dress. It had lace and beading in diamond shaped patterns all around the top. While the bottom of the dress m right up to my knees, it was laced and puffed out a bit. It flattered just the right places on my body, giving me a slight pear shape. To my amazement, my mom had Cinderella type shoes, which I’ve never seen before. They weren’t made of real glass but really did look like they were. I let my hair down in lose curls with my bangs swooped to the side. I painted my nails a neon pink color with pink lip gloss, light make-up on my face. I put on sliver, dangling material like earrings with a long necklace that had a key, a locket, and a heart that had my initials engraved on it. To top it all off I wore my sliver, glittery mask that had two feathers on it; one white the other black.

            I walked into the party, feeling a bit nervous. Looking around I saw that every girl was wearing a floor length dress; making me feel a bit under dressed. As I got closer to a small couch I felt more and more eyes following me. Tugging at my necklace, I sat down. The first person I saw staring at me was Taemin. Feeling my face getting hot. I suddenly took interest on how bright my nails are.


Taemin P.O.V


            I watched this mysterious girl. Watching to see if anyone would go up to her of if she went to anybody. Neither happened; I deiced to take my chance.

            Walking up to her I could fell my heart go du-dun du-dun, pounding in my ears. She hadn’t turned her head as I got closer.

            “Hello?” Hearing my voice she gently, twisted her head towards me. I watched her blank face change into astonished expression. In a flash she switched to small, charming smile.

            “H-hi.” Her stammering was cute and her voice was a soft, sweet sound.

            “May I take a seat?” I pointed to the small space next to her.

            “Sure.” She scooted over a bit; giving me more room.

            She was remarkably easy to speak too. Unlike a number of girls who speak 40 words a second. I felt as if I could do this forever; sitting and chatting with her. Just listening to her adorable laugh made me non-stop talking. A break in our conversation, I heard the Dj say that there would be one last slow song. Then I took my chance.


Ayumi P.O.V


            I talked and laughed with Taemin as freely as I wanted too not having a care in the world. When our laughter dyed down a bit, I looked at the clock, seeing that the party was going to be over soon.

            “Would you like to have this last dance with me?” My heart exploded hearing him those words.

            “Yes! Of course!” He held out his hand waiting for me to take it. I was captivated with happiness but, also hoping that I wouldn’t make a fool of myself dancing. I tugged at my necklace. He led me to the center of the dance floor. He put my hands around his neck, then putting his own around my waist, pulling me closer to him. We started to gradually dance across the floor, to the slow melody of the song. Little by little, I laid my head on his board shoulder; feeling Taemin hug me closer.

            All too soon the song was over as well as the party. We pulled apart and gazed into each others eyes.

            I saw him lazily shut his dark brown eyes and lean bit by bit to my face. Realizing what he was doing I started to panic. This would be my first kiss, on the first night getting to know him. Without thinking I pushed him back. To his surprise, his eyelids flying open.

            “Wait! Don’t go! I’m sorry if that was to fast for you!” I heard Taemin cry out to me. Not wanting to face him or anybody else, I ran faster. I started to slow down when I was sure he stopped chasing after me. Grabbing for my necklace however, finding nothing but air. That’s when I notice it was missing.


Taemin P.O.V


            “Wait! Don’t go! I’m sorry if that was too fast for you!” I yelled out to her, desperate to get her to stop. I didn’t know her name nor her face. Weaving through the people but there were too many, I lost her. I took her necklace out, which she dropped when she pushed me. Looking it over I saw that there were two letters on the heart ‘A’ and ‘M’.

            Having found at least a clue about her. I still had hope of finding her.


Ayumi P.O.V


            Slamming my hand over my alarm clock, already dreading the day. Through out the morning I was in a daze wondering might happen today.

            When I entered the school, pink paper blurred my vision. When I took a closer look at it, it had a silhouette of a girl with a large question mark. Written in big bold words:


                                                                                 Have you seen Cinderella?


            On the bottom of it, it said if you have or you are Cinderella go to Taemin but if you do, you have to describe a specific item she was wearing. I heard girls squealing and jumping up and down, after having read the flyer. Knowing good and well that they aren’t Cinderella or have any clue what the ‘item’ was.

            Walking to class I saw Taemin putting up more flyers by the doorway. As if time slowed down Taemin and I looked at each other. Pleading with my eyes, trying to tell him I was Cinderella nevertheless, for no longer then 2 seconds then he turned his head and kept on walking. Feeling my heart break, I deiced not to tell Taemin.

            Throughout the rest of the year Taemin didn’t give up. Even after numerous, beautiful girl came up to him and confess but he would always kindly say no and kept looking for …me.

            During this semi-drama I made a friend, Tiffany. She wasn’t from Korea so she knew what I was going through. We became fast friends and I told what happened at the party between Taemin and I, the reason why I didn’t what to tell him who I was.

            “Well, this is what you can do. You can wait until the last few weeks of school and then confess to him.” She gave me an encouraging smile.


                         *Last week of school*


            The last couple of day’s school was hectic. Kids running trying to get late work done and finishing exams. I stated to lose hope of telling Taemin but I said I will… on the last day of school.

            I waited in the front of the school, searching for Taemin in the sea of students saying their own goodbyes. I spotted him; he had dyed his hair blonde so it wasn’t that hard. I looked back at Tiffany; she gave me a ‘fighting’ hand sign.

            I walked up to Taemin from behind thus he was surprise to see me when he turned around.

            “Yes?” He cocked his had cutely to the side as he said it.

            “T-taemin, I’m her.” Looking up to him to see his face. He had a confused look on. Instantly, feeling silly for doing this, now I was going to excuse myself. Taemin cupped my face in his hands to look at him. I avoid his eyes. At that moment, he pulled me into a hug. He pulled away and started to dig through his bag. Once he found what he was looking for, he pulled it out for me to see.

            “That’s my…”

            “Necklace?” He finished for me. I reached out for it but he pulled back.

            “No, let me put it on you. Turn around.” I obeyed him and lifted up my hair. He closed the clasped and spun me back around.

            ”Perfect.” He smiled down at it. All at once he grabbed my hands and met my eyes.

            “Now, would you please tell me your name!?” I giggled at his cute eagerness.


            “Ayumi! Ayumi! A pretty name for such a pretty face.” Taemin laid his hand on my face, slowing leaning in and shut his eyes.

            I kissed the boy.

Taemin P.O.V


            I kissed the girl.

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jenjeneee #1
Aww this is so cute!