Smooth Like A Book Cover

Flittering Glances

Sometimes, Jisoo hated living alone. No, not because he was jealous of his neighbors (those two needed to calm down, honestly, what could be so fun that they had to scream so loudly?) but because coming home to the same four empty walls was rather depressing. Sure, his dog was a big help in curing his loneliness, but sometimes he wished he had someone to look forward to coming home to. Someone to wrap his arms around, shower with kisses and love, to wake up to. 

Not just any someone, though, let's make that clear.

Lately (okay not really lately, but for the past few months) his sweet romantic fantasies had all had one person in common; the long-haired angel, Jeonghan. The beautiful young man had been the center of all of his daydreams, with his recently dyed blonde hair, with his lovely pink lips and warm brown eyes, and his angelic laugh. Jisoo felt absolutely lovesick, butterflies fluttering about his stomach whenever he thought about Jeonghan. Even Baekhyun, who was normally blabbering about to their customers and never really paid attention to anything that didn't eem of interest, had noticed his recent state.

"And when do you plan to talk to him?" he'd asked curiously.

"What, are you crazy?" Jisoo had cried, turning red. "Never!"

He buried his face in his arms, groaning. It's not that he didn't want to talk to Jeonghan, it's just, he didn't know how too. He'd tried countless times, agressively motivating himself in the mirror before walking out of his apartment to accomplish his task, only to chicken out when Jeonghan came into sight. His knees would turn to jello and his palms would begin to sweat, and he'd turn into a blubbering mess! Jisoo had tried everything, from asking his boss Namjoon, to going to the library looking for a book on solving his socially-crippled disorder, but wherever he went. he always came up to a dead end. The discarded Percy Jackson book fell from his hand to the floor, and he sighed.

"Hong Jisoo," he murmured to himself. "Lady Aphrodite would be so disappointed."

There was a knock at his door, and he perked up. Who could be knocking at his door at nine in the evening? He had no friends (as sad as it sounded) to visit him... Who was it? Jisoo stood up, running his fingers through his hair as he walked towards the door. He took a few deep breaths and opened the door, a gentle smile gracing his face.

"Holy cra- I mean, yeah?" Jisoo mentally hit himself. "H-How can I help you?"

"Wait, you're not Seungcheol.." Jeonghan murmured. "He gave me the wrong apartment number..."

"Y-you were looking for Seungcheol..." It was more of a disappointed comment than a question.

"I needed to borrow a book from him, but he's not...he's not home.." Jeonghan scratched his cheek, blushing. "I'm sorry for bothering"

Jisoo had to think quick. "W-What book were you looking for?" he asked, not noticing his sudden hold of Jeonghan's arm.

"It was an English book... Um... Something about a maze! Yeah, it was about a maze!"

"You mean the Maze Runner?"

"Wait that's actually a book?"

Jisoo raised a curious brow. "What?" he asked.


The American-Korean chuckled, and thought. "I think I have that book. It was really good," he said. "Would you like me to lend it to you?"

"Could you please?" Jeonghan asked quietly.

"Of course! Care to come in?"

The long-haired beauty nodded shyly, and Jisoo held the door open for him to enter. Jeonghan took of his shoes, and Jisoo led him into the living room. He sat him down on the couch, and proceeded in looking into his various bookshelves, looking for the green book. Jeonghan looked around, hands folded on his lap, lips parted slightly as he took in the brunet's apartment. It was fairly neat for someone who lived alone, walls and furniture color-coded a mixture of browns and whites. Various bookshelves piled ceiling high, filled to the brim with books of all colors and titles. There was a clear coffee table in front of the couch Jeonghan was sitting at, an untouched cup of coffee going cold. At his feet was a book, the cover of it written in words he could barely understand. He picked it up, curiously reading at the title.

"My... My Per...Algeebrah Teecher..." He struggled to read. He turned to the first page and began to murmur, "I... Didn't want Half...Half blood!"

Jisoo covered his mouth, stifling his giggles as he walked over to the long-haired angle with a book in his hand. Jeonghan's way of speaking English was absolutely adorable! He sat down next to Jeonghan, peering over his shoulder.

"If you're reading this because you think you might be one, my advice is, close this book right now. Believe whatever lie your mom or dad told you about your birth and try to lead a normal life," Jeonghan stared at Jisoo in awe as the younger continued to read. "Being a half-blood is dangerous. It's scary. Most of the time, it gets you killed in painful, nasty ways." Jisoo smiled. "Basically, what the main character is trying to say is that being the son of a God or Goddess is dangerous and scary. A lot of monsters are always chasing after you because they want to eat you."

"Why do they want to eat the half-bloods?" Jeonghan asked curiously.

"It never really elaborated on it, but I guess since half-bloods have divine blood in them, it makes them really tasty," the other replied.

"That's interesting..." 

"I really liked these books as a kid. They were a lot of fun to read and get into, and the fanart some people do it is really amazing," Jisoo handed him the nearly-forgotten book in his hand. "This book is also one of my favorites."

Jeonghan took the book in his hand, and flipped through it. He made his way towards the pages filled with pictures, and pointed to a dark-haired male with a blue shirt. "He's hot."

"You think so?" Jisoo asked. "I kind of liked Thomas myself. This one." He pointed to the blonde one by the fire.

"Wow, he's cute too. What is this book about?"

As Jisoo began to explain the concept of the Maze Runner, the two began to move closer to each-other, the awkward tension between them disappearing the more they talked. Jeonghan's legs were pulled up to his chest, his head was somewhat resting on Jisoo's shoulders, and Jisoo's arm wrapped around his shoulder. The younger was moving his free hand animatedly, keeping eye contact with the long-haired beauty as he fanboyed over his favorite characters. 

"There's another movie coming up?" Jeonghan asked curiously.

"Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them," Jisoo replied. "I know it's going to be just as amazing as the movies before it."

"I really want to read all these books now!"

The brunet smiled. "I have all of them! Call me a nerd, but I've reread them at least a hundred times. I kind of know them by heart..."

"I wish I could read English..."

It became quiet for a moment before Jisoo snorted. "You can't read English? How did you expect to read the Maze Runner for your project?" He asked in a teasing voice.

"G-Google translate..?" Jeonghan asked nervously.

"Well I guess that's one way to do it," the younger commented. A light bulb suddenly went off in his head. "Wait, I have an idea. How about I read it to you?" At the older's lack of response, he waved his hand/ "N-nevermind, that was a bad idea.."

"No! That's actually a really good idea."

Jeonghan's pleased smile was enough to convince him, and Jisoo nodded. "Okay then, it's settled. When did you want to start?"

"I actually have to leave right now, I have to help my friend with something important," Jeonghan went to stand up, nearly tripped on his own feet as he did. "But tomorrow I'm free the whole day? How does that work for you?"

"I don't have any classes, that works really well."

"Great! Tomorrow it is then!" Jeonghan went to put on his shoes, turning to hide the mischievous grin on his face. Jisoo followed him out to the front door, slightly saddened that the blonde had to leave so soon. "I'll be here at...eight?"

"Eight is great."

Jeonghan smiled. "Thank you so much for this, you're a lifesaver," he glanced shyly down at his feet as he walked out the front door, and he waved. "Goodbye, Jisoo-yah. See you tomorrow!"

And he disappeared. Jisoo closed the door, and slid down to the floor, clutching his shirt. He could feel his heart pounding through the fabric, and resisted the urge to squeal. His dog pranced up to him, barking.

"Lady Aphrodite loves me, doesn't she?" he asked the golden canine.

The dog pointed towards the clock on the wall. Jisoo looked at it, and his eyes widened.

"Holy shi-"

He got up, running towards his room to throw on something presentable. Jisoo ran his fingers through his hair as he pulled on his shoes, grabbing his keys and his phone before making his way towards the front door. He patted his dog's head in gratitude. 

"I'll be back before midnight, okay?" He exclaimed before closing the door and locking it.

Jisoo ran towards the elevator, mentally cursing as the metal doors closed. He paced back and forth in front of the lift, nervously pulling at his sleeves as he waited for the little bell to ding. There was a sudden yell somewhere down the hall and he turned, ears perked up,

"Yoon Jeonghan, you're serious?!" He heard Seungcheol exclaim.

"Yes, I'm serious! Can you let go of my collar before I hit you? Jihoon! Calm your maniac of a boyfriend before I ruin his face!"

There was a loud cackle soon after, one that sounded a lot like Jihoon. "Jeonghan you are one smooth motherer."

"That I am."

That he is, Jisoo thought as he ran into the elevator. Wait, what just happened?


Needless to say, he spent the rest of the night in a daze, much to Byun Baekhyun's annoyance, trying to figure out what the hell really happened.

"I hate lovesick Joshua," the diva murmured as he served another way too drunk pair of workers.

Namjoon snorted. "It's cute," he commented. "He works better this way." There was the sound of glass breaking before the manager slapped his forehead. "Yah, Hong Joshua! This is the 4th time today, get your head out of heaven and work correctly before I fire you!"

The term heaven couldn't be more accurate.

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motgonbk #1
hey it's me who's translating your fic Helping Hands and Monkey see monkey do. Since the readers love your fic so much and want more Jihan, can i ask if i could translate this too? i know Flittering glances is a spin-off but still i want permission to make sure :3 And also, i'm sending Vietnamese readers' love to you awesome author-nim <3 <3 <3 <3
Chapter 2: Ahhhh i like this so muchhhh! I hope you are still planning to update i would be sad if there was no explanation as to why you stopped also. I hope you come back soon
Yellofish #3
Chapter 2: Are you gonna update soon??;-; i live for jihan and i love your writing! Please update!
liquorandice #4
Chapter 2: oh gosh I love this so much
please update soon ^^
aempeosaendeu #5
Chapter 2: I hope you update soon! All these book references are driving me crazy!
emwang123 #6
Chapter 2: ok I know you're probably really busy and I must sound really needy but uppdddaatteee
*marches in a circle chanting*
Upppddattee Upddatteee Updaatteee ;-; ;-; ;-;
Chapter 2: hahahah
I just how pathetic u are, Hong. Then ur light seems to be shining through :P
kimkimpuff66 #8
katsura_gi #9
Chapter 2: It's so adorable and I just loved the mischievous grin and the part about being smooth motherer <3 I hope the future will hold what Im thinking bout now ~
Chapter 2: omg i loved this chapter,, are we gonna have some insight into jeonghan's mischievous plan and his thoughts during that book date? cant wait for the next update~