Single like a Pringle

Flittering Glances

Hong Jisoo had always been the respectable type of child, never sticking his nose where it didn't belong (unless it was a book), trying his best to never pick fights, never complaining and making the most of any situation. Like when his neighbors got too loud, for example. He didn't complain all that much, not to anyone human, and even found a way to use the two rabbits as his alarm clock. Or when said neighbors brought home enough friends to make a formidable basketball team, he didn't try to tell them to calm down. He'd use the noise as a way to compensate for how lonely he was. 

But sometimes he got curious too.

He once made the mistake of walking out of his apartment once when he heard an intense argument going on, only to find two people making out heavily right across his door. He'd squeaked rather loudly, and the small blonde being pushed against the wall had looked up, shooting him a glare that haunted him for weeks. Jisoo made sure to pray for his safety every night after that happened, and even had to go as far as asking his coworker, a devilish young man named Kim Heechul, for brain bleach. But not all of his slip-ups and trip-ups were bad, oh no.

Around the time when his two neighbors got together (he'd wanted to give them his blessing, seeing as how the two had been doing pirouettes around each-other for months, but decided against it for what was left of his innocence), he'd heard someone scream in the hallway. Rushing out to see what had happened, he'd slammed the door open, and had accidentally hit someone in the back of the head. He'd began apologizing immediately, but his throat seemed to lock up when he laid eyes on the divine creature in front of him.

His eyes had first been drawn to the creature's long, soft looking hair. It had been brown at the time, and looked so silky that it took almost all his willpower not to run his fingers through it. The male (he was surprised when he'd realized it, believe him) was pale, the only red on his face being his high cheekbones and plump lips. He hadn't seen the color of his eyes (they were a warm honey brown, he'd later concluded) because they'd been closed, and only then, did he snap out of his trance.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Hey, wake up!" he'd cried, shaking the beautiful creature. 

"Yah Chwe Hansol! We have one man down! I repeat, one man down!"

Two boys had come and dragged the beautiful creature away, barely sparing Jisoo a glance as he sat there, biting his nails with worry. 

Jisoo saw the angel hanging out with the first half of his loud neighbor duo , Choi Seungcheol, a few weeks later, and concluded that the two must have been together. But that seemed to disappear when Lee Jihoon came up and kissed Seungcheol, with the angel pretending to gag and look away. Their eyes had met, and Jisoo accidentally cursed under his breath, making a break for his apartment.

So maybe Jisoo wasn't good at dealing with people who made his heart behave strangely. Sue him.

He let out a loud sigh as he walked off the stage with his guitar, grinning at the audience that had gathered to watch him before slipping behind the counter. The other bartender, a hyperactive college student named Byun Baekhyun, bounced up to him as he he began putting his guitar away.

"You always amaze me with your voice, Joshua-ah!" he exclaimed. 

"Yah, Byun Baekhyun, leave the poor kid alone," their manager muttered as he strolled out of the employees only room.

Jisoo bowed towards his boss, a silver-haired man named Kim Namjoon. He frowned as he noticed how sad his boss seemed, watching the man collapse into an empty chair and bury his face in his hands.

"Something wrong, bossman?" Baekhyun asked.

"Seokjin is overworking himself again," Namjoon replied with an exasperated sigh. "He's been coming home so late and looking so tired, I'm starting to get worried."

"Ah, Seokjin hyung?" Kim Seokjin was Namjoon's long time boyfriend, going back all the way to their high school days. He was in the same Performing Arts as Jisoo, so he could feel why Seokjin was going home so tired. The work was extremely tedious, even mentally draining sometimes, but they hadn't been getting much work as of late, so Jisoo found it confusing as to why Namjoon thought his boyfriend was doing schoolwork. He had a feeling there was more to it than he was seeing, but he didn't say anything. "You know what you should do, Namjoon hyung?" he said instead. "You should prepare him some warm tea for whenever he comes home. It would help him sleep better, and put him more at ease."

"But the boss would probably break the kettle!" Baekhyun chirped.

Namjoon dismissed the rude remark with a glare. "You think I should do that?" his voice became considerably softer as he spoke, and Jisoo and Baekhyun exchanged smiles. 

"Yes, you should! He'll appreciate it very much, I guarantee it!" 

The silver-haired man nodded and patted him on the back. "Thanks kid, I'll make sure to start doing that," he said before walking back into the employees room, probably to look up safe ways to brew tea without breaking anything. Baekhyun shook his head as their boss disappeared, whistling in amusement.

"He doesn't know, does he?" he asked.

"Know what, hyung?" Jisoo asked.

Baekhyun beckoned for him to come closer. "I was talking to Park Jimin the other day," he whispered. "He said that Seokjin has been working a lot with Yoongi in the studio, but he's been cutting their production time as of late to go to work."

"Seokjin works? Since when?"

It was common knowledge that Namjoon was the one who worked for the both of them, earning enough for Seokjin to be able to pursue his dream of starting a career in music. They'd both been kicked out of their houses right after graduating, and they'd been fending for themselves - Namjoon working odd jobs and Seokjin helping him out as much as he could. When the owner of the bar died, she'd left it to Namjoon, who had been her best and closest employee. Ever since then, Namjoon had made it clear that he didn't Seokjin to worry about money anymore, and had encouraged his boyfriend to start going back to school. 

"That's exactly what I said! But apparently, Seokjin has been working at the florist across town for months now, trying to make enough to buy a ring."

"You're not saying..."

"I am saying!"

"Um, excuse me," a new voice said, interrupting their heated discussion. "My friend and I would like a drink."

"Wen Junhui, you're barley legal, what are you doing taking me to a bar?" a familiar voice scolded.

Jisoo turned to the two customers, and his breath hitched. The beautiful man from before sat across from him, his hair now dyed a vibrant blonde instead of its usual warm brown. His warm eyes were glued to the brown-haired male next to him, who was grinning cheekily at him.

"Hyung, I need to drink my troubles away," he said.

"Yah, what troubles?!" the blonde asked.


The brunet groaned when the blonde smacked him. "You're the one not manning up and talking to him, honestly, it disgusts me. If you don't say anything to him, I'm going to do it, and you're going to regret not taking the chance. Seriously, first Soonyoung, then Seokmin, and now you!" he exclaimed. "All of you are driving me absolutely crazy."

"You're just bitter because you haven't found anyone, hyung."

There was a soft thump on the floor next to him, and Jisoo turned to find Baekhyun ducking under the counter, hitting the floor silently as he struggled to keep his laughter silent. Jisoo turned his head, holding his hand over his mouth. He didn't know the angel was such funny company. He heard Baekhyun snort as the two continued arguing, and he fell to the ground. The two peered over the counter, confused looks on their faces.

"Look what your stupidity did, Jeonghan," the brunette murmured. "You knocked out the bartenders."

Jeonghan. So that was the beautiful blonde's name. Jisoo breathed, trying to calm his laughter, and stood up, dusting the imaginary dust off his pants. "I'm sorry, um, my friend told me something funny," he murmured. "What can I help you with?"

"Oh, that's okay, I've finally had an epiphany!" the brunette hit his fists against the counter. "I, Wen Junhui, have gathered enough courage to ask Xu Minghao out on a date!" he cried. The rest of the bar, which had began to listen in on what had been going on, cheered for him. The brunette, Junhui, nodded, and patted the blonde, Jeonghan, on the shoulder. "Bye Hannie hyung, thank you!" He then ran out of the bar.

"That's another one in a relationship.." Jeonghan murmured. "And I'm still all alone..."

"W-What?" Jisoo asked.

"Oh, nothing, nothing.." the blonde waved him off. "Could I...Have the strongest thing you have?"

"Strongest thing?" Baekhyun suddenly popped form under the counter. "Someone has troubles! Move, Jisoo-yah, this is my forte!" The shorter boy winked at him before setting to mixing the drink, and Jeonghan's attention were turned away from him. Jisoo's heart fell, and he was carried a little ways away by a group of girls demanding drinks. He managed to catch snippets of Baekhyun's conversation here and there, but nothing interesting.

But one thing was for sure. By the end of his shift, Jisoo had learned two things about the blonde beauty.

He was single.

And he was bitter about it.

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motgonbk #1
hey it's me who's translating your fic Helping Hands and Monkey see monkey do. Since the readers love your fic so much and want more Jihan, can i ask if i could translate this too? i know Flittering glances is a spin-off but still i want permission to make sure :3 And also, i'm sending Vietnamese readers' love to you awesome author-nim <3 <3 <3 <3
Chapter 2: Ahhhh i like this so muchhhh! I hope you are still planning to update i would be sad if there was no explanation as to why you stopped also. I hope you come back soon
Yellofish #3
Chapter 2: Are you gonna update soon??;-; i live for jihan and i love your writing! Please update!
liquorandice #4
Chapter 2: oh gosh I love this so much
please update soon ^^
aempeosaendeu #5
Chapter 2: I hope you update soon! All these book references are driving me crazy!
emwang123 #6
Chapter 2: ok I know you're probably really busy and I must sound really needy but uppdddaatteee
*marches in a circle chanting*
Upppddattee Upddatteee Updaatteee ;-; ;-; ;-;
Chapter 2: hahahah
I just how pathetic u are, Hong. Then ur light seems to be shining through :P
kimkimpuff66 #8
katsura_gi #9
Chapter 2: It's so adorable and I just loved the mischievous grin and the part about being smooth motherer <3 I hope the future will hold what Im thinking bout now ~
Chapter 2: omg i loved this chapter,, are we gonna have some insight into jeonghan's mischievous plan and his thoughts during that book date? cant wait for the next update~