Angle Kiss

Turning My Bias Into My Enemy

"'re done."

  The stylist looked at you from far and she kept nodding. You smiled at her. She then leaves, to let you be alone. It took an hour to get fully ready with the dress and the make-up also the hair. You never imagined that this would happen to you at such a young age. And you thought you would get married in the age of twenty-seven or maybe more. You look in the mirror. A reflection of you. Mom came in.

  "You okay? Oh my sweetheart."Her hands were cupping as if she was surprised. You look at your dress with a smile on your face.

  The dress was really pretty. "I chose that with Taehyung's mom. It looks beautiful on you," she said proudly. She then holds your hand and brings you to the sofa to sit. In her hands were her phone. You look at her. She was smiling. You could feel how much happiness is pouring out from her smile. This marriage... this arranged marriage, makes your mom feel just like in the 7th heaven. It sure means a lot to her,in someway. 

  "I called Lyn," she said. You were a little surprised. Lyn? Lyn is your bestfriend. Over all these days,you forgot about her. You gasp. "Here, talk to her. There's no one here that you're close with except her. I think its best for her to know what's happening. And i know you need a friend to talk with," your mom said. You shook your head. You were afraid. Afraid Lyn wouldn't want to be your bestie anymore. But your mom insisted, she said it'll be fine. Like she knew what was on your mind. Your mom left you with the phone already dialed Lyn's number.

  Lyn picked up the call, "Hello?" You didn't knew what to say. You felt guilty for forgetting your own bestfriend after coming to Korea. Lyn repeated her hello again.

"Lyn..." you started.

"Are you crying? " She guessed it right, you were crying. 

"I'm so sorry i didn't tell you that I'm getting married to V. I'm sorry i didn't inform you..."

"Yes, yes, so the news is true about you getting married to V. Your mom explained it to me. And guess what, i sulked with you for two days. Why didn't you tell me yourself, why your mom? That's what i was thinking. But then again, you must've been in great shock. Your mom knew V's mom. I was surprised to death, hearing her explanation. I was like 'What??' really, she told you after all these years we kept spazzing in the house about BTS that she knows V's mom? Crazy girl really crazy."

"Lyn, I'm really sorry for not telling you. And yes, i was also taken aback by my mom. It happened so fast."

"Okay stop with the apologies. I'm okay. At least you didn't marry my bias." Lyn was laughing.

"I regret coming here," you said with a sad tone.

"Wait, what's with the sighing? Girl, you married your own bias. Aren't you happy?" 

"Lyn, V is not the person that you think he is. He hates me. To him I'm a stranger. Lyn, help me."

"Oh my god. Open your ears,listen and repeat after me, YOU ARE THE LUCKIEST GIRL ON EARTH."

"Lyn..." you were smiling.

"Hey, even though he hates you and is mean to you believe me, he'll get over it."

"No he won't.  We argue like cats and dogs."

"Dang it girl, do you wanna marry him or not? I don't wanna hear your answer, i wanna hear your fangirl's answer."

"I do," you said. No. Your fangirl feelings said that.

"See? I knew you want to marry him."

"But Lyn..."

"Stop with the buts. Don't you like him?"

"I do, but,"

"Do you want to be with him?"

"I do,but,"

"Do you want to let another girl snatch your golden opportunity to marry V?"

"No, but,"


"So, should i just go with the flow?"



"AM I MARRYING V?" asked Lyn, she was testing you.

"No, I'M THE ONE MARRYING  V," you got pumped up.


"NO," you said excitedly. 





"Yea, you're getting married. You know there's going to be a kiss,right?"

"Oh my god i forgot about the kiss. I remembered it yesterday but..."

"Ey, seems like your nervous that you forgot about smooching. You nasty girl."

"No I'm not!"

"Yes, you are. You like this arranged marriage stop hiding it, you dummy."

"Shut up,Lyn."

"Oh i wish i could see you walk down the aisle. And meet the rest of the members. I'm so dying just thinking of it. Seriously, i thought about hating you on this but i can't.  I'm so happy for you.That i might start killing you," joked Lyn and both of you laughed. 

"Lyn, I'm so thankful that we're talking about this. At least i have a person to tell."

"Hey, i want to chat with you like for 24 hours but I'm needed downstairs. I got to go."

"Thank you Lyn for understanding. I love you, girl."

"Just promise me one thing," Lyn said almost like pleading. 


"Don't make babies too fast alright," Lyn said while giggling through the phone.

  Lyn hung up. The call ended. You were still laughing at what she said, 'Don't make babies too fast'.  That left a great impression. It was so good to talk with Lyn. All your fears were gone. Lyn understood. She was a big help. It was true though, the part where you said you want to marry V(Taehyung). You smile to yourself. "10 more minutes, get ready," said the stylist who dressed you just now. She was back in the room, checking you again. She handed you a bouquet of white Tulips. And you knew, marrying withTaehyung isn't a dream it's reality in about 10 more minutes. You were swearting cold.


  Taehyung was perfectly done. He was looking at himself in the mirror. "I'm... handsome," he said to himself. Then Bangtan boys went in and they attacked Taehyung with a punch and grabbed his head. "Guys you're killing me," Taehyung said pushing away J-hope and Jimin. The boys perfected his fine suit again as they just ruined it a few seconds ago.

  "You're going to be a man soon," Namjoon said. The others laughed. "I'm already a man," Taehyung smirked. "Go away," he then asked them to leave. "Someone here just can't wait to get married and have se-" Taehyung cups, Suga's mouth. "I mean skinship," corrected Suga as soon as Taehyung takes his hands off his mouth. The members were laughing. They enjoyed teasing Taehyung. He was actually laughing too but in an annoying way.

  They left when Taehyung pushed them out of the room. But Jungkook stayed. Jungkook closes the door. "You're going to be a husband. That sounds weird," Jungkook said.

"I thought you left with them," Taehyung said while combing his hair in front of the mirror.

"Taehyung i have a problem."

"Well, my friend you came to the right place. I sense you have thoughts in your head. Please tell me what concerns you,these days," Taehyung said as if he was a fortune teller but still combing  his hair.

"Do you believe in love at first sight?" Jungkook was serious.

"First sight?" repeated Taehyung and puts the comb down on the desk, "Of course i do."

"You do?" 

"Yes, i do," Taehyung looked at Jungkook with smiles on his face.

"Is she...when you first looked at her, did your heart raced? Or maybe you felt something?"

"Hate. I felt hate," Taehyung said confidently about what his first impression on you was.

"She's not that bad,you know."

"Hey, what's with you? If you like her than marry her," Taehyung said.

"You don't want to give her a chance?" Jungkook asked him more and it bugged Taehyung.

"Why should i? She's a stranger."

"But Taehyung she-"

  Taehyung's mom knocked the door and came in. "Boys?" Jungkook greeted his mom with a bow and left the room with unsure feelings. "What were you two talking about?"

"He asked if i believed in love at first sight, that's all," answered Taehyung.

"He, what?"

"Mom, is it time?"

"For the handsome groom, 5 more minutes. The bride will follow next after you. Dear, I'm suspicious of Jungkook," his mom poured out her concerns.

"Jungkook? What's up with him? Mom, are you spying on him? You like him?" Taehyung joked.

"No i don't. He's too young for me. What I'm saying is, i think he likes your wife."

"My wife? Oh her. Jungkook? No that's impossible. Mom, your're so nervous until you think that my friend would like, want to snatch my bride? Ridiculous, that won't happen. Life is not a drama,mom."

"Mine was," said his mom trying to make Taehyung take it seriously. 

"Oh no don't even start talking to me about you and dad."

"Your dad and me were also in an arranged marriage. Your dad he loved another-"

"Mom i don't want to hear it. Isn't that the past? Dad loves you. You both were happy. You both had me."

"Why do you always stop me when I'm trying to tell you about this?"

"He's over with his old grilfriend after he married you. Oh mom, we shouldn't be talking about this."

"I'm concerned about Jungkook might liking her and my marriage life somehow relates. Like a drama."

"Mom, you should stop watching those kinda dramas. Let's stop."

"Taehyung can't you just hear my story?"

"No. You're going to end talking by tomorrow.  And yet, the wedding ceremony is about to begin."

"Okay, fine i won't. But-"

"Mom, please," Taehyung begged her to stop.

  You were standing behind the doors of the hall. You were nervous. There were voices in the hall. The tulips you were holding was shaking. Your hands were cold. Everything seemed so scary. It felt like you were getting your final exam results. Worse, you're getting married. No more single lady, you were going to be owned by someone.  Owened by your bias, Kim Taehyung.

  You had chills just thinking of that. You had no idea how many people were in there. It was also scary because your dad isn't here to be with you. He couldn't see your special day. He couldn't watch you walk down the aisle. Dad. You suddenly thought of your dad. He was supposed to be accompanying you by your side. But God loved him more. 

  The music was played. The doors were opened. Everyone stood to see you. You were beating fast. So fast. Slowly, you made your first step. Then another, and another until you were already at the middle of the aisle. You stopped. Everyone was looking at you. Your feet felt unbalanced. 

  Your high heel shoe was missing. You turn to look. It was as if the fairy-tale in Cinderella where her glass slipper accidentally fell off while was running.

  It was awkward. Should you make a turn and where it back like nothing happened? It was embarrassing. All eyes were on you. And you just couldn't help but to not breathe. Jungkook who had his eyes on you and knew you needed help, started to take a step forword to you but-

  Taehyung walked down the stage, towards you. Time was frozen. You didn't knew what to do. He shouldn't be down here. You're the one who should go up to him. But as soon as he was close to you, you thought he would stop but he passed by. You gulped. 'Did he just ignored me?' .

  No. He came back with the shoe you left behind. He didn't smiled ,infact he kneeled. Taehyung softly slipped it back on your left foot.  He hold your foot. And you knew, you were already dying in the inside. It was exactly like Cinderella. And he was Prince Charming. Everyone there was smiling. They were admiring how sweet was Taehyung while were in great shock, dopey due to Taehyung's actions.

  He stood. Taehyung putted out his arm a meaning for you to hold on. You were hesitating. He smiled. It didn't help. It just made you die even more. It seemed like the grim reapers loved watching you die. He insisted, so you carefully placed your hand on his arm. Both of you walked and soon you were both standing together in front of the person who will be the one to make this marriage into a real deal.

  As he talked, Taehyung whispered to you, "Why did you make a stupid mistake? Leaving the shoe? Do you think your Cinderella?"

"I'm sorry. It just slipped. It was an accident," you whispered him back.

"Why didn't you just take your shoe and wear it back?It's so tiring to come down and help you."

"I was embarrassed and i was surprised it slipped from my foot. Plus, i didn't asked for your help."

"You embarrassed?" he whispered with an annoying tone.

"Do you want to argue in front of everybody about this?"

"No, why should i, stupid."

"Pardon me?" you heard exactly what he said, stupid.

"Shut up," Taehyung said and it was also the right time when then;

  "And now, i pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Both of you faced each other. It was time to kiss. 'Oh my god its smooching time ooh yeah baby! NO What am i thinking? is he going to kiss me like for REAL? He hates me...he won't right?' Your thoughts were everywhere. Taehyung cups your cheeks.

  He was holding your face. 'OH MY GOD' you were screaming in the inside. He then quickly leans his face towards you. He bent as he does that.He was tall and you were short of course he had to bent a little. The audience clapped. WAIT.

  What was there to clap for? Taehyung didn't kiss you! Your noses touched BUT his lips were 0.5 centimeters far from your lips. It didn't touch. He smiled more like a smirk. You could feel him breathing. He lied the audience. Taehyung acted out the right angle kiss so it would seem like he was kissing you. But he wasn't.  You were gulping. His face was so close to you. 

  "My lips are too precious...stupid," he whispered and then finally lets go of you. You could breathe again. You look at Taehyung. He smirked. Like he was saying, 'I got you haha'. Jungkook who watched it, also believed that Taehyung did kissed you. He felt broken.

  How bout' you? Well, you knew you had to get him back. 'oh you just wait Kim Taehyung, i swear I'll get my revenge on you pretty soon'. The devils horns were on your head. The devil in you. It has come out.









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Woww~~ even the foreword is totally great..*thumbs up*
There's something told me to continue read this fic....
Good job author-nim
hyunJ_ #2
Jungkook's sequel has completed! Go read it, check my stories & you'll find the fanfiction Syndrome. Enjoy~
bidyarani #3
Chapter 23: Omg superb story
penielhyunsik #4
Chapter 23: Ohhh my.... So cute and adorable... Thank for the good cute stories you have are amazing.. ^^
kawaii_anime1004 #5
Chapter 23: This story is one of my favorites, the entire time I was smiling or aww at the moment like man goalsssss
anmade #6
Chapter 25: Hello~ the story was fun to read. Interesting ^^ I cried when I read 'Jungkook' part. So saaad~
Glad you will write his story ^^ I will wait then~
Thank youu :)
Chapter 23: love the story :)
jennyjj #8
Chapter 23: I love this story
namjoon97 #9
Chapter 25: I will wait ~ hehehe btw hwaiting!!!