
Turning My Bias Into My Enemy

Jungkook showed you around the building.

  You were happy. This was in your wish list; walking around the Big Hit Entertainment building. But it was more than that. With Jungkook accompanying you, it was so beautiful to know that it was real. Well, you wished it would be Taehyung but nevermind. He hates you. He's mean, cruel and selfish.

  "How many years have you stayed with us?" asked Jungkook. You smiled to his question. "6 years and a half. Since you debuted.  I'm sure i calculated it right it's now 2020 back then BTS debuted in 2013," you answered proudly. He looked surprised.

 "Thanks for staying with us," responded Jungkook. 

"Do you wanna hear a fact about our group?"

"What?" You were excited to know.

"I'm sure you know that if you work under a company you'll have a contract for about 3 years no dating,right?" You nodded.  He then smiled.

"No way. You guys till now haven't been in a relationship?" Your mouth, wide open.

He laughed, "We couldn't find our other half. Well,we focused on our career more. How bout' you?"

"Me? I'm cursed alright. I have never been in a relationship before. Exclude my imaginary relationship."

"You ship yourself? " He joked.

"Haha funny," you responded. 

"Okay go on. What's the curse that's gotten you anyway."

"I do have crushes. Back in high-school. But the curse is that every time there's a guy i like, he just likes someone else," you sighed,recalling back the memories in high-school. 

"Why didn't you go for the guy. You never know he might like you."

"Yea, right. My mom always tell me 'Don't chase others, who's after another, it's not worth a try'."

"Wow, that's deep."

"Those words always brings me back to reality."


"That's... coincidence. Like can you believe my mom surprisingly knows his mom? After all these years I've been talking and talking about BTS around the house like a crazy woman and suddenly when i showed her a picture of Taehyung, she was all BAAM 'let's fly to Korea' ."

  Jungkook laughed. Probably he loved how you added effects on your story. You smiled at him. He was nice to you. It was worth placing him as your second favourite member of the Bangtan Boys (BTS) group. Second...thinking about arranging the ranks you made of each member you felt like putting V(Taehyung) last. You then sorted the ranks of 'favourite member' in your head. You giggled to yourself.

  And when everything was going out great, "Taehyung," said Jungkook as he sees him approaching. He rushed,coming closer. "Him again..." you whispered to yourself.  "Where...were you?" asked Taehyung. "You left me all by myself in the manager's office.

  He was out of breath. You look at him,panting. He was sweating. 'woah,shexy'.  You shook your head, trying to not be crazy. You locked away your fangirl feelings, far far away so it wouldn't show.

  "Stop shaking your head,let's go," he grabs your arm. You were surprised.  He took a step to leave but he didn't.  He just realized Jungkook's presence. He corrected his sentence, "I mean babe let's go." He said it with a soft, caring, loving tone. Jungkook smiled at him, "I know this is an arrangement. And i know this is also your first meeting with her." Taehyung was speechless but only for two seconds.

  "Great, now i can tell you about how SAD i am to marry her. Phew," he said. He was trying to get you pissed. You were pissed.  But you were not that pissed because Taehyung was holding your arm. It was the first time, the first time for you, for a guy to hold your arm. He could've hold your hand...Anyways,it was really tight. He must've want to kill you. Well he would hold you more softly if you were a person that he likes . 

  Even though he was mean to you a while ago...even now, Taehyung holding your arm sent yourself to be in freeze mode. You don't know why but you were like a stone. You had no reaction to show. Yet,you gulped. "Jungkook, see you later. I'm kinda busy," said Taehyung. "Well sure you are," replied Jungkook. 

  Taehyung then went away with you. 

  "Here, get changed. We're having an interview with a reporter,privately," said Taehyung releasing your arm as soon as he brought you to a dressing room. Thankfully, you got back to your senses. "What?" Taehyung looked at you being all blank. "And i thought me and Ji Hyo(running man member) was the only people who's mong(blank) all the time," he said.

  You quickly get changed.. You didn't argue. You were tired arguing with him. Taehyung waited for you. "I'm done," you said. He looked at you. No,he was scanning you. That made you nervous. "Loose your hair," he suggested. Your hair was tightened in a ponytail. It didn't seemed like a problem to loose it. It was just fine the way it is. 'Why want to open the pretty ponytail i made? Who is he to tell me what to do? He is my bias but-'

  He was close to you. His arms went around your neck. He pulled your hair band down. He loosened your ponytail. A few seconds later he backed away and handed you your hair band. He looked at you. Again scanning you. You were frozen again. The only part of you moving was your eye lids. It was blinking a few times. 

  'You look pretty like this', 'This suits you better', 'I like you more with your hair down', 'You look beautiful ', 'You just look right,my miss right' . You imagined what he would say after done scanning you. You waited nervously. He was smiling. Is that a good sign? It probably is! You were blushing. Your cheeks were up. Waiting for Taehyung's comment was like waiting for BTS's new comeback each year.

 "Tie it back," he gave you back your hair band. Your mouth was opened. 'Did he tell me to tie my hair back?' You couldn't believe your high hopes were for nothing. "What?" He noticed you, dumbfounded. He smirked. Like he planned to do that. 

  "Guys," the manager was now in the room. "The reporter is already here. Now I want you guys to not tell her(the reporter) that this was an arranged marriage."

"Why?" You asked,curious. 

"Then the news would be tasteless. Bring a little spice,like you both secretly contact each other and so," explained the manager.

  You couldn't understand why not just tell the truth that the marriage is all sorted out by our mom's . That wouldn't hurt. Why want to create something that isn't true?

"Okay," responded Taehyung. He seemed confident about making up lies. "You okay?"

  He was looking at you. 'You okay?' it echoed in your head. This, was a first for you. No one has ever asked your condition since you arrived in Korea. Since your mom told you to get married to Taehyung. You were touched. "Is there something on my face?" asked Taehyung wiping his face. He must've notice you staring at him for a while. "I'm a bit scared but..." His eyes were straight into yours.

  "I'm fine," you finished your sentence.Taehyung didn't say anything but it felt like he was saying, 'It's okay,everything's going to be alright'. Yes, that was the reason you made Kim Taehyung your ultimate bias among the others. Your mind flashed back to how the first time you were squealing with your friends in choosing which member in BTS is your most favourite. 

  His eyes, that was why. Taehyung's eyes was an inspiration. His voice? That was a blessing. Every time you hear him sing, it was beautiful so beautiful. 

  "Let's go," said his manager making you come back to reality. 

  A lady,the reporter was already sitting on the sofa. You and Taehyung sat infront of her. She smiled at both of you. "Hi, I'm Cindy from Monthly Entertainment. " Taehyung introduced himself followed by you next.

"First question,  how long have you guys dated?"

"Zero hours-" "Two years," said Taehyung quickly, cutting your sentence. He was smiling to Cindy.

She didn't notice so that was good and continued, "That's a long period. Secretly contacting each other?"

Taehyung nodded with a smile and then he glared at you, telling you to nod also.

"Tell me how you guys met," asked Cindy.

  You looked at Taehyung. He looked at you. Cindy was waiting. You twitched your eyebrows to Taehyung saying, 'I thought you could handle this'.  He took a deep breath and looked at Cindy.

"At a fan meeting," said Taehyung.

  Your eyes went round. If you were drinking water, you would've spitted all out. 'What is he doing? Is he going to say I'm a fan? If he was to build up a fake story he should've come up with something better like making me a passerby near the bus stand and then we bumped each other and then love...Infact, I've never been to BTS fan meeting due to no-money-in-my-bank problem and mommy issues', you whispered in your head.

"Wow,so basically you were a dan of BTS," Cindy was pointing it out to you. You smiled as a response. 

"She said i was his ultimate bias," said Taehyung.

  Unbelievable,  it seemed like he was telling the truth rather then making up a story. But you didn't interfere because the story got more interesting when Taehyung then said,

"I asked her name. But she didn't tell me. Because her cellphone was ringing," Taehyung continued. 'Then what??' You were curious to know.

  Taehyung turned at you. He left his words hanging in . He showed you a signal to continue. "Me?" You said it out loud. "Yes,baby please continue, " said Taehyung gritting his teeth. Full of patience. But you didn't know what to say. You never appeared in BTS's fan meeting. Still you tried to save Taehyung's fake story,

"I got a call from...my mom," you said and Cindy was laughing. 'Was it funny?' You asked yourself.

"What did she say?" Cindy wanted to know.

"She...said i needed to pick up the garbage pronto," you answered. But this wasn't a mistake. You intentionally said that because Cindy looked like she was enjoying the fake story.

  Taehyung who was listening seemed stressed. He was folding his arms. He was also bitting his nails. He could be heard sighing. He wasn't impressed with your story. You know it was lame so to fix the story which should be romantic you continued, 

" I bowed to him and quickly ran home. But I left my phone behind." Taehyung lifted up his head as he heard what you said. 

"You left your phone? Oh my god,then what?" said Cindy surprised. 

"The fan meeting was held in the afternoon. I realized my phone missing at 9 pm."

"What? How could you realize it for such a long time?" asked Cindy,interested. 

"Well,i was helping my mom gardening around the house. I'm a very diligent person. Time sure flies fast," you said, lying. You were giving praises to yourself as a bonus. And you can see from the corner of your eye, Taehyung was smiling.

"Okay,then? Don't tell me you went searching for it," Cindy was excited. 

"I did."

"She did," said Taehyung smiling more like laughing. He was supporting your story.

"It was dark, i went back to the place where the fan meeting was held. But it was too late. The workers already cleaned up everything. So i cried. I cried because i lost my iphone 6," you lied as a joke.

"I understand that thing is expensive to get back in those days. Then?" said Cindy.

"I saw a black MPV so i approached it. Knocked the window,it slided open and Taehyung was there."

"You were really pretty in the dark, that time," Taehyung added and that made you smile even though it wasn't true.

"I left straight away after getting my phone. He called that night. I was surprised. Slowly we got to know each other more, starting with exchanging numbers. That's how we met," you ended the fake 'first meeting'.

  Cindy seemed satisfied with the story. She already wrote it in her journal. "Taehyung, tell me something about her that attracted you. That made you want to know her more after the first meeting, " asked Cindy. Taehyung was silent for a few seconds. He turned his head to you. "Nothing," he said. Taehyung speaked the truth. You were surprised to hear that.

  Well,it's infront of Cindy the reporter. He should've made up something to lie about. Were you not pretty enough for Taehyung not say anything about what attracted him to you? You couldn't describe what was in his mind. "She had nothing to show me, that's what made me attracted to her. Rather than long nice legs, fine long hair, stylish outfit, no...she's just her," said Taehyung. He didn't looked at you when he said that. 

  Did he mean it? Was it really true? You wondered. The way he said it seemed so pure. But for sure, it was a lie. Everything was. Cindy was all smiles all over the interview. She didn't want to end it. She was really comfortable interviewing you both. And when you thought it was ending, Taehyung suddenly took out a small box.

  A ring? You were dumbfounded. You couldn't tell. 'Did he left me to get a ring?' Cindy was gasping,she was excited to see what was happening. "Our mom's have talked and, I'm only waiting for your answer, would you..." He stopped. He looked down. Then to you, "Will you leave your phone again and come searching for it, but this time, don't run away but stay?" 

  You froze not because of his touch. Well he's not touching you now, but his words. Taehyung sure knew how to make a girl's heart melt. "Our mom's are really okay with this?" you asked. What you really wanted to say, 'Are you and me really okay getting married? ' Taehyung smiled. But it seemed bitter. You knew, he didn't really want to. He's a good son. And so were you,

  "Yes," you responded. Cindy was jumping, she was happy for you both. Taehyung took the silver shiny ring inside the little box earlier and slide it through your ring fnger. 


  Taehyung smiles. It was creepy because he whispered, "Let's enjoy our days of marriage,starting next week. I can't wait." It sounded evil alright. You were happy the moment he said those pretty words to you but when he whispered that it just sound so wrong. So So So So So wrong....'What does he mean "enjoy" our days of marriage??' 

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Woww~~ even the foreword is totally great..*thumbs up*
There's something told me to continue read this fic....
Good job author-nim
hyunJ_ #2
Jungkook's sequel has completed! Go read it, check my stories & you'll find the fanfiction Syndrome. Enjoy~
bidyarani #3
Chapter 23: Omg superb story
penielhyunsik #4
Chapter 23: Ohhh my.... So cute and adorable... Thank for the good cute stories you have here...you are amazing.. ^^
kawaii_anime1004 #5
Chapter 23: This story is one of my favorites, the entire time I was smiling or aww at the moment like man goalsssss
anmade #6
Chapter 25: Hello~ the story was fun to read. Interesting ^^ I cried when I read 'Jungkook' part. So saaad~
Glad you will write his story ^^ I will wait then~
Thank youu :)
Chapter 23: love the story :)
jennyjj #8
Chapter 23: I love this story
namjoon97 #9
Chapter 25: I will wait ~ hehehe btw hwaiting!!!