You owe me

Falling Light
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Wonwoo run towards his car. Obviously he can't just go there alone. He thought hard about it, he was angry of himself for causing someone else in danger. He also are so mad of Abe B for pulling this such childish thing to do. While driving to the place Ace B requested, he took out his phone.

" Hyung, i need help. " 



Wonwoo reached the destination. It's an old abandoned factory. He runs around to find Ace B but he was lost. It's dark inside he couldnt see well. " Yah! Ace B! " , He shouted and then continue running. After few steps, he saw you. Being tied on a chair, with your mouth taped. He felt guilty. As he try to get closer to you, his hands suddenly grabbed by Ace B's boys. 

" Let her go. " , Wonwoo demand while struggling to free himself. 

" Oh I will. After I give you some of this- " , Ace B punched Wonwoo on his stomach. You were scared watching. Ace B beats him until he falls down to the floor. You shuts your eyes everytime fist land on his body. It was to painful to watch. 

Wonwoo were already on the floor. 

" This is what you got for running away the other time. If I already beaten you up that day, this chick won't be here. " ,Ace B touch your shoulder. 

" Don't touch her! " , Wonwoo are getting mad. He try to get up but he got kicked, he's on the floor again. 

" Wow Ace B, 5 against 1 is so not cool. " 

Suddenly you heard voice from somewhere. You try to look around if there's anyone. The rest also keep looking and some are already holding a plank as weapon. 

" Who's that?! " , Ace B shouted. 

3 figure appear and walks towards Wonwoo. 

" Coups hyung.. " , Wonwoo slowly speaks. " Right on time. " . 

The guy in the centre pull Wonwoo up. Shockingly Wonwoo are not in that much of pain anymore. He can stand straight. 

" You brought backup huh? " , Ace B said. 

Scoups and his other 2 friends moves foward to fight Ace B. " Wonwoo, get the girl out first! " , Scoups tells Wonwoo to save you. With that Wonwoo goes to you, release the rope that are tying you, and the tape on your mouth. He grabbed your hand and runs outside, you just follow him. 

" My car is over there, go inside. " , He passed his car keys and run back towards inside to finish of the fight. You follow what he says as you're still shaking and couldnt think well. 


After all the fights, all of the Ace B's gang are on the floor. They are all in pain. Wonwoo go towards Ace B, he squatted down. " I

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Jjw_0897 #1
Chapter 33: Aaaww jeon wonuu is so sweet
Jjw_0897 #2
Chapter 23: Wonuuu~ i love the storyline!! Yay
Jjw_0897 #3
Chapter 19: Omg josh...suddenly I want joshua to be my boyfriend even wonwoo is my ub*lol*
xoxosenshine #4
Chapter 33: Awweee, Jeon Wonwoo so sweet tho. ^^
Vkooktaekook123 #5
Chapter 29: I really wanted #TEAMJOSHUA though...
Swtchocolateey #6
Chapter 33: woah... finally it's the end. :) Daebak author-nim!
Swtchocolateey #7
Chapter 31: Set up Mingyu with me! XD
(Stop dreaming dear fangirl!) XD
Swtchocolateey #8
Chapter 30: is... the on Mingyu lost is... Kang Sora? I don't know. hahaha Just my own imagination.
Swtchocolateey #9
Chapter 29: Heol... luckily just a joke. XD
Swtchocolateey #10
Chapter 28: oh... no.... dont you remember? aaaah aaah aaah!!!