The Good Fairy

Over The Rainbow

 'Who is Tiffany?' The woman asked, looking confused but still had a kind smile on her face. 'Oh...oh um...I'm sorry.' Jonghyun said politely and bowed his head to her. Kibum rolled his eyes and said, 'For goodness sakes. Sorry Glinda, we have just landed and someone hit his head.' 

'Oh never worry. I came because I heard you coming Kibum. It's good to see you again.' She hugged him and Kibum was stiff for a second and then patted her back. 'Pardon me, but how do we get out of here? Wherever it is we have ended up.' Glinda/Tiffany spread her arms and said, 'You are in Oz! Like my friend here said, the tornado brought you here. Who are you? Are you a good witch or bad?' 

Jonghyun blinked a few times and said, 'Excuse me? I'm not a witch at all. My name is Jonghyun.' Glinda/Tiffany looked him over and said, 'Are you sure? You did fly here.' The older man looked over at Kibum who was trying not laugh and then he said, 'Yes I'm sure. I'm not a witch, look at me! Witches are old, ugly things.' That made Kibum giggle really loud and he was all bent over holding his sides. 

'What is so funny about that?' The beautiful woman smiled again, it being the cutest thing Jonghyun had ever seen and she said, 'He's just laughing because I'm a witch. Glinda, the witch of the North.' She nodded her head and Jonghyun felt even more foolish. 'Oh my. Sorry noona.' She patted his shoulder and said, 'It's alright. Being brought here I'm sure wasn't what you had in mind.' 

Her smile faded a little and she looked down, making Jonghyun very nervous about the situation. 'However sadly, I wish it was on happier times.' She looked around the small village they had landed in, with the sweet little houses that Jonghyun only noticed now were empty. The entire place was deserted, no one coming or going anywhere, not even a stray cat wondering the streets. 'What happened here? Where are the Munchkins?' 

'Munchkins? Now you've got to be joking.' Kibum glared at Jonghyun but the older just stuck out his tongue at him. Tiffany/Glinda ignored the two of them and said, 'The little people that live here. They had to...or rather they were made to relocate.' She walked over to the fountain and ran her fingers over the smooth marble saying, 'This place used to be so full of music and laughter. Not until she came along.' 

Kibums eyes widened and he went, 'She?! But the witch is dead! Isn't she?' Tiffany/Glinda looked at Kibum, her pretty eyes all sad and she said, 'Yes. But it wasn't she I was talking about. It' sister.' Jonghyun froze and he walked over to Kibum who looked quite scared and said, 'Your sister? Is she a witch?' Kibum nudged him and said, 'Ssh! Her eyes and spies are everywhere, watch how loudly you speak.' 

Tiffany/Glinda walked back over to them and spoke quietly, 'It's alright Kibum. But we must be careful, my poor sister is always tracking me. The Munchkins have been moved to the Emerald City under the Wizards protection, that's where you both need to go.' Jonghynu rubbed his temples, hoping maybe he would be able to wake up from this ridiculous dream but it didn't seem to help. 'How do we get there?' He looked up at Kibum like he was mad and went, 'We...we...No! Ok this is so ridiculous!' 

He felt like he was about lose his mind, being trapped in this weird place he had only ever read about, his cat was now a human and he was talking to a witch?! A good witch?! 'Listen. I know this sounds really silly Jonghyun. But...' Tiffany/Glinda froze, her eyes all wide and behind her there was a huge burst of flame and smoke. 'Hellooooo sister!!' 

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SashaHRH #1
Chapter 5: Love how you have adapted this story and incorporated my Shinee bias, Kibum! Looking forward to more :)
iluvbubbles_yay #2
Chapter 4: Ahhh Key all turned into back a human is very amusing xD his face is gorgeous indeed xD
Thank you for splitting it up into paragraphs, it really makes it easier to read ^^
I adore how Kibum knows this place but Jjong is, naturally, so clueless about it all xD They're characters are developing to be very amusing ^^ I wonder where exactly this story (and they themselves) will go xD Thanks for your updates :)
iluvbubbles_yay #3
Chapter 1: This is a really fun idea. Nice start :) just a thought, it might be easier for people to read if you divided up the single block of text into smaller paragraphs? :) Thanks for writing! ^^