The Emerald City Part 2

Over The Rainbow

Jonghyun had never been to a beauty salon before, and after today his entire body being cleaned up and his hair combed, he wasn't sure if he ever wanted to go to one again. Granted he was happy to be clean and into come fresh clothes-the guards were nice enough to loan him a spare uniform. The gold buttons shone in the light, really standing out against the dark green and it made the coffee colour of his skin stand out along with the brown of his hair. 

'Wow. I never thought that green would your colour.' The older man turned around, and saw Kibum coming out a huge smile on his face. 'Oh..' He looked absolutely amazing; his black hair gleamed, his skin was glowing and he had traded in Jonghyuns clothes for a stylish black suit. Jonghyun noticed, he was not wearing a shirt under the jacket showing off his collar bones. Not that Jonghyun was looking. Because he wasn't. 

'How do I look?' The younger turned around, showing off how the suit fitted his body and Jonghyun said, his face a little flushed, 'Great. Yes. Great.' Kibums ears twitched and he looked like he wanted to speak but then Taemin, Onew and Minho appeared looking all cleaned up and happy. 'I've been given new straw!' The scarecrow said happily showing off the yellow stuff under his shirt. 'And I have been rightly polished!' Onew said, showing off how he was now so shiny, Jonghyun could see his reflection in the Tin Mans body. 

'And myself, I got my mane combed.' Minho said proudly and the five men gathered around each other not sure what to do next. 'Well. Not much to do about it now, we came to see the Wizard, we may as well go now.' Jonghyun said, sounding more brave than he sounded and lead them away, towards the palace. 'Excuse me. Where are you going?' A man at the gates barked at them and he looked Jonghyun up and down in his uniform a scowl on his face. 'Why are you away from your post private?' 

Jonghyun looked at the man right in the eye and said, 'My apologies. I'm not a solider, my name is Jonghyun. My friends and I were sent here by the Good Witch a few days ago to see the Wizard.' It all came out in one breath, and he did find himself panting a little. He felt Kibum take his hand and he spoke out, 'We came here by mistake. We are hoping the Wizard can help us.' The guard stood there taking it all in, and then he said, 'I see. I will go ahead and...what's that?' He pointed to the sky and they all turned seeing a flying object like a bird and black smoke blew behind it. 'Sweet Oz! It's the Witch! Soldiers!' 

The men's happy mood turned sour, as the Witch flew over them, the black smoke from her broom blinding them. 'People of Oz! Listen to me!' She landed on top a tall tower looking over the crowds of people an evil smile on her face. 'One of you doesn't belong here. I know you all know who he is, so if you hand him to me I won't burn your city to the ground! You have two hours!' She cackled like a mad woman and waved her hands above her head, disappearing with a bang. 'Oh my...' Kibum squeezed Jonghyuns hand looking terrified and he said, 'She followed us! How did this happen?' 

The older man forgot himself and placed his hands on either side of Kibums face and said, 'It will be ok. We are going to see the Wizard and we will get home. I will get you home, human or not.' The others looked just as afraid as the crowds, started gathering around the palace shouting for the Wizard and the guards were trying to keep them all under control. 'We need to move now.' Taemin said, biting his lip feeling anxious and Jonghyun decided he may as well now take charge if he was ever going to help his friends. 'Well then, we move.' 

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SashaHRH #1
Chapter 5: Love how you have adapted this story and incorporated my Shinee bias, Kibum! Looking forward to more :)
iluvbubbles_yay #2
Chapter 4: Ahhh Key all turned into back a human is very amusing xD his face is gorgeous indeed xD
Thank you for splitting it up into paragraphs, it really makes it easier to read ^^
I adore how Kibum knows this place but Jjong is, naturally, so clueless about it all xD They're characters are developing to be very amusing ^^ I wonder where exactly this story (and they themselves) will go xD Thanks for your updates :)
iluvbubbles_yay #3
Chapter 1: This is a really fun idea. Nice start :) just a thought, it might be easier for people to read if you divided up the single block of text into smaller paragraphs? :) Thanks for writing! ^^