
The Three Stooges [The Yoo v.s. The Son][Hiatus]
ChapteR Three
"Come to the bar near the gym if you want her."

The next day, as CEOs at their own businesses, Myungsoo and Sarang had decided to announced their wedding ceremony in two days prior. Inside a large building where the press would be held, Myungsoo led his siblings through the long halls where every worker bowed to them. Myungsoo had his hands swinging on his side as he was dressed in a nice solid black formal suit, Ara wore a black blouse and skirt that was above her knees and she walked with her hands by her sides. Kikwang, a man in a brown suit, had his arms crossed over his chest as he walked. Lastly Seungho had his hands pocketed as he was neatly in a grey wear.

Entering through the opposite entrance was the president of the popular cosmetic mall known for its brand “Swan”. Behind Sarang were her pack of assistants and fellow workers and partners. When they two parties met in the press room, they head over to the long table that seated all eight people, meanwhile reporters snapped photos of them non stop once they walked in.

Myungsoo and Sarang sat in the center while the table filled up with their own people to their side. Myungsoo exchanged a quick eye contact with Sarang before grabbing a hold of her soft hand in his, and resting their hands on the table for the reporters to see. Ara who sat beside Myungsoo noticed their contact. Ara visibly turned her attention away from the sight, slowly loathing it.

Kikwang who was too busy smiling for the cameras didn’t noticed his older sister’s movement. Meanwhile Seungho focused on the few cameraman before them, hoping he looks alright for the shots.

“Why haven’t you two announced your marriage earlier?” A female reporter asked from the audience to which Myungsoo answered after locking eyes with Sarang. The gap between them wasn’t noticed by the audience but could be felt by the couple. Myungsoo was holding the hands of an older woman who he had never truly loved. Sarang was satisfied with the youth and handsomeness in Myungsoo’s face, even when she was aware of their relationship, one that isn’t really a relationship.

“We weren’t sure whether or not we wanted to make it known to the public, at first we had only planned for a private wedding.” Myungsoo lied, putting a small grin on Seungho’s face.

“Why not? Such great news should be shared with everyone.” The reporter said.

“We were afraid everyone would look down on our marriage due to our age differences.” Myungsoo answered, cutting to the chase.

“Was that the reason? Then how did everyone in the family feel about it? Miss Ara, would you care to comment?” The reporter’s target was switched to Ara, which also put everyone’s eyes on her. Ara who was taken aback raised a brow then answered after brief moment of silence.

“Oh, the family was familiar with their relationship. As you may know this will be the first time someone in our family gets marry. Us siblings grew up under the public’s eye and as Myungsoo’s the first to marry because of love, we hope that everyone can support him just like us. After all, isn’t age just a number?” Ara asked, making the reporter chuckle.

“Well said Miss Ara. Then, what about Kikwang and Seungho? As triplets, the public thought you three would get marry at the same time and have children around the same time as well.”

Kikwang had a smile on his face, “They say that when a man marries his freedom is over, I’m not ready to give up my freedom just yet.” Kikwang said. Ara glared at her brother’s thoughtless words.

“Oh, not even for love?” Another reporter questioned.

Kikwang could sense Ara’s death glare gave up on answering by sounding a soft chuckle.

“Then how about your family, Ms. Son? Don’t you have a child? Has he heard of the news already?”

Sarang wore her signature smile that had the whole world falling in love with her. “Yes, my son knows and he approved.”

Lying seems to be the trend when one’s in front of the cameras. Sungjong who was sitting on the couch, watching the conference live through a 48 inch television set, couldn’t help but breathed heavily. Sungjong hated how the cameramen kept their focus on the hands of Sarang which was buried in Myungsoo’s bigger ones. An arm flung around Sungjong’s shoulder line and then the hand brushed his sideburn.

“Is this live?” Asked his favorite cousin, Iseul. Iseul was wearing a tight black dress that looked amazing on her as it exposed her slim figure. Sungjong hummed with a hint of depression. Iseul sighed deeply at that and rest her head on Sungjong’s shoulder easily. Anyone could tell they were closed and comfortable with one another. “So he’s going to be your step-dad huh?” Iseul asked, looking at the lad who’s hand was around Sarang’s.

“Yeah and your uncle.” Sungjong reminded, Iseul huffed and puffed.

“Ah, you’re right.” Iseul whispered as she continued to Sungjong’s hair. Sungjong who sat with his arms crossed leaned his head over his cousin's. Though they were obviously closed, anyone could mistook them for a couple as well.

One that was truly in love.


Myungsoo held the door opened for Ara as she was about to get into the backseat of the vehicle, with Ara’s driver ready to go. Ara stopped before getting in and turned to face Myungsoo. “Take care of whatever you have to with her, the family will need to talk later tonight.” She said in which Myungsoo nodded to reassure her that all will go as she planned. Once she got in, Myungsoo shut the door and she was well on her way back to the company, meanwhile Kikwang and Seungho was waiting for Myungsoo near another car.

“Is she nagging you already?” Kikwang asked.

Myungsoo hummed, “You know her, she can’t stand it when there’s another woman around the family.”

“Of course I do, I don’t know how many times she had pay my women to leave me.” Kikwang said, slightly angry at the memories. Myungsoo eyed Seungho who haven’t spoken a word since the press.

“That’s because you always bring home the gold diggers.” Seungho stated, making Kikwang’s jaw drop in offense. The youngest was late on the eye contact with Myungsoo then quickly said, “You answered the press well.” Seungho complimented. Myungsoo nodded slightly.

“Well, we should get going. Your mistress is coming.” Kikwang said before he could retaliate, hinting Myungsoo at the appearance of Sarang. Myungsoo spun around slowly and saw Sarang heading over, her high heels clicking against the cement ground. Sarang who caught a glimpse of the other two triplets greeted them with a bow of the head, in which they returned the action before leaving. The triplets saw no use in making words or holding warm conversation with the lady whom they still know very little of.

“Should we go pick out a few things for the wedding together?” Sarang asked. Myungsoo flashed a gentle smile at her.

“Sure, anything you want.”


In Sarang’s car, Myungsoo sat in shotgun as she drove her red BTR Hyundai Genesis coupe smoothly. Myungsoo glanced out the window and kept to himself until she spoke. “There’s a favor I would like to ask of you.”

Myungsoo turned his head toward her, “What is it?”

Sarang hesitated for a brief moment, biting her lips, before replying. “I’m sure you know I’m a mother already but….” She waved her hand in circle as a gesture that she was processing what she wanted to say, “My son, uh he…. If it’s alright with you, can we not introduce him to the public?” For a moment Myungsoo thought she was embarrassed by her own child, but as she continued he slowly understood. “My son, he doesn’t want everyone to know, uh, that his mother is a well off business woman.” Before she could continue  Myungsoo stop her.

“I understand. Don’t worry, I won’t ask you or your child to do anything you do not like.” Myungsoo said, little did he know that those were going to be empty words.

Sarang look over to him with a glad smile. “I’m thankful.”

Unknowingly Iseul had found herself drifted off into dreamland, meanwhile Sungjong continued to borrow the top of her head and lean against it. He was troubled with thoughts as he sat in silence. The wedding was only two days away and Sungjong felt uneasy. Something about his new ‘step-father’ bothered him. The older was definitely too good looking to be single and especially to aim for a widowed mother when there are plenty of beautiful women, like Iseul, out there just waiting for Prince Charming to sweep them off their feet.

However, no matter how hard Sungjong try to think around it, the man who had sat beside his mother was still bad news to Sungjong.


Kikwang jumped into the cab first and waited as Seungho got in, at the right moment Kikwang jabbed his younger sibling on the arm. “Hey, take back what you said earlier!” Kikwang’s sudden stormy tone caught Seungho and the taxi driver off guard.

“Is there a problem?” The driver asked.

Kikwang jerked, “What is this? Why are you in here?” He asked the driver. But anyone could clearly see that the man was not in the mood for jokes.

“Me? This is my cab!”

“Oh is it?!” Kikwang snapped, Seungho sighed and step out, pulling his brother with him.

“Sorry he’s a bit drunk.” Seungho lied as he hauled the shorter out with him, Kikwang tried to argue but couldn’t win the strength of the latter.

“Let go! Let go of me!” Kikwang shouted and pulled away from Seungho’s hands the moment they were out of the cab. “What was that all about?”

Seungho crossed his arms and sighed once more, “I did it to save you, if I haven’t drag you out you would have fought with the driver.”

“So what if I do? It’s not like I always get along with them in the first place.” Kikwang pointed out before storming off, Seungho watched as his older triplet hurried off. It was very typical of Kikwang to get offended and sensitive at the talk of women, Seungho regret for not remembering so.

Back in high school during their senior year, Kikwang fell in love with a girl who wasn’t well off. Kikwang confessed to her on the tracks one day after school and she surprisingly agree to go steady with him. Soon after Kikwang was blackmailed by her father to give the man a large amount of money. After her family got the money, they moved away. Later on in college, Kikwang happen to run into her again and she pretended not to know him, as well as talk down to him and humiliate him in front of her and his own friends. “He tried to buy me with money, he’s shady.” Were the girl’s words that haunt him till present time. Soon after Kikwang dropped out and couldn’t find any work until Myungsoo and Ara personally hired him, then he soon became the president at Benfinite Department Store. Because his ex-girlfriend left such a negative impact that good girls are evil, Kikwang then targeted bad, y women and used their time for his own entertainment, and as his way of revenge on women as a whole.

When night came, Seungho went to the club and found Kikwang drunk with four women around him. One sitting on his lap and ing his shirt. Seungho blew a puff of air from the corner of his mouth. After a moment of silence, he felt the vibration of his phone in his pant pocket. Upon answering he noticed it was a call from Ara. “Sis?” He asked.

“Finally this time the call went through.”

Seungho heard the voice of a male and was surprised, he looked at his screen once more to make sure he had seen Ara’s number. When he did, he knew he wasn’t mistaken.

“Who are you? Why do you have Ara’s phone?” Seungho questioned.

“Come to the bar near the gym if you want her.” Was all the man on the other line said before hanging up. Seungho detached the phone and his eyes wander a little, without a single second to waste he left the third floor immediately.


i'm back with a short update, sorry for the wait! enjoy!
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Got me poster~!


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love the poster :]
Chapter 3: what happen to Ara........?
kemy13 #3
Chapter 1: Just a quick word, (so I can understand) if Myungsoo is marrying Sungjong's mother, then Myungsoo is going to be his step father... Not father in law. To be father in law to Sungjong, Sungjong would have to marry Myungsoo's child.....

Not sure what you are trying imply what sort of realationship between Myungsoo and Sungjong.....

Sorry, just it confused me there....
Chapter 1: lol I love the update its funny Jongin and Seungho eating take out chicken :] I can picture it already. Myungsoo is going to be handsome groom !!
interesting! ! ! I see youre at it again with the thai and Seungho fic :] its going to be amaizng!
update soon author-nim !