Because There Is Someone Precious

It's Simple, Because You're My Destiny

Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Be-


“Urgh what time is it? 07.40 am?! Oh my God!!!” A man in his twenties hurriedly gets up from his bed and runs towards the kitchen. His eyes feel down when he sees someone sitting on a chair with a cup of coffee in his right hand and a newspaper in his left hand.


“Uhm… Hyung… I’m sorry I overslept today.” He lowers his head apologetically. This is not supposed to happen. He shouldn’t have marathoned those animes.


“It’s okay Ken-ah. I already had my coffee.” The man shows him his warm cup of coffee. He smiles to the slightly smaller man, signaling him that it’s okay.


“I’m sorry I couldn’t make breakfast for you, hyung.” The said man, Ken, hasn’t lifted up his head. The other man chuckles seeing this. He then gets up from his seat and walks towards Ken. He places his hand on Ken’s head and ruffles his hair lovingly.


“I told you it’s okay. It’s not like I’ll die just because I skip my breakfast. Don’t worry.” The older man gives Ken reassuring smile.


“I’m sorry, hyung. I really am.” Ken finally looks up, even though he still has sad guilty looks on his face.


“It’s okay, Ken-ah. Really.”


“I will make you lunch box then. I will send it to you later.” Ken suddenly makes a suggestion. At least he can make it up with lunch box.


“It’s okay. You don’t ha-” Ken interrupts him before he finishes his words.


“No, it’s okay, hyung. It’s not like your company is far from here. I can take a bus to go there.” Ken insists. His hyung sighs in defeat. He can never win over Ken anyway. How can he say no to those puppy eyes?


“Fine. But no bus, okay. I can ask Mr. Jang to pick you up. You don’t have to take the bus.” The older always wonders why Ken likes taking bus or subway instead of car. He can ask the driver if he’s too lazy or too tired to drive. It’s not like they’re lack of money or something.


“No, it’s fine. You know I like taking bus more, hyung. Plus I’m pretty sure Mr. Jang is quite exhausted for yesterday’s events. Poor him had to drive all over the places.” His hyung ruffles Ken’s head hearing this.


“Aigoo… Aren’t you just cute and sweet?”


“Aish, hyung. Stop it. You make me feel like a child.” Ken huffs his cheeks and folds his arms over his chest.


“You are.” The older teases Ken seeing his cute antics.






Ken walks inside the building carrying lunch boxes on both of his hands. He greets the workers he meets on his way up. Most of the workers are familiar with him since he visits the office quite often. He knows some of the workers, even making some close friends. He walks inside the lift and press the 21th floor. He hums softly while waiting. After a while, finally he arrives at his destination. He walks excitedly to the secretary. He can see beautiful young woman typing something on her laptop. He walks faster towards her.


“Good afternoon, Nayoung-ah. Is hyung inside?” Ken asks the secretary about his hyung. The secretary, Kim Nayoung, is one of his close friends. She’s three years younger than him so she’s like a younger sister to him. That’s why he treats her well, even spoiled her. Sometimes his hyung feels jealous because of their closeness.


“Mr. Yoon is having an important meeting right now. The meeting should be over soon. Do you want to wait for him inside his office?” Nayoung informs Ken.


“Nah. It’s okay. I’ll wait for him here if it’s going to over soon. Anyway, how’s your day?” Ken asks Nayoung. Hearing this Nayoung can’t help but sighs, making Ken frowns.


“Oppa, can you please tell Mr. Yoon not to skip his meals? He’s been skipping his meals pretty often lately.” Nayoung tells Ken. She lets out her concern to Ken. She knows Ken can help her. If Ken can’t, then no one can.


“Really? Did something bad happen?” Ken takes a sit in front of her. He puts down the lunch boxes on the desk beside him.


“Nothing special but Mr. Yoon has been working in this special project for the past few months so he’s been keeping his focus mainly on this project. I think he’s losing some weight. Don’t you think so, Oppa?” Nayoung asks Ken to make sure of this. Ken nods his head to this. Doojoon is indeed looking thinner than usual. Not to mention those ugly bags under his eyes.


“Yeah. I can feel that. I mean, he comes home pretty late and he stays up late too. He said he had a big special project coming next month so he needed to focus on it. I realize he sometimes skip breakfast. It worries me a lot to be honest. That’s why I bring him lunch.” Ken shows Nayoung the lunch boxes beside him.


“Woah~ Must be delicious~” Nayoung clasps her hands seeing the lunch boxes. She unconsciously her lips, earning light chuckles from Ken.


“Aigoo… Our Nayoung~ Don’t worry I made some for you too.” Ken points out pink lunch boxes on the far right. Nayoung jumps from her seat seeing this.


“Woaaaahhh~ Thank you, oppa~ You’re the best~” Nayoung shows Ken her two thumps up.


“Hahahahahahahaha~ It’ s okay. This is my thanks for you for taking care of our hyung.”


“Eyyyy~ It’s my job since I’m his secretary.”


“Hahahahahaha~ But still, taking care of that hyung is pretty hard.”


“Nah. Mr. Yoon is really kind and sweet. You’re so lucky, Oppa. I’m so jelly of you.” Nayoung nudges Ken lightly. Doojoon is well known for his kind and polite manners. This is why his colleagues respect and adore him. He’s not only beauty on the outside, but inside too.


“Hahahahahahahaha~ What are you saying~” Ken nudges Nayoung back. They laugh together, enjoying their conversation until a particular voice stop them.


“I see you guys flirting there.” The said boss finally make his appearance.


“Hyung~” Ken runs towards his hyung who spreads his arms to hug Ken. Ken smiles seeing this, running even faster towards his hyung.


“Hyung~” ken buries himself in his hyung’s embrace, enjoying the warmth of the slightly bigger man.


“Hello to you too.” Doojoon ruffles Ken’s hair. Ken’s appearance only makes him happier than he already is. Today is a good day.


“How was the meeting? Did it goes well?” Ken looks up to see his hyung, asking his important meeting. His hyung stayed up until 3.30 AM to make his presentation so he knew this would be an important meeting.


“Yeah. They said yes to my newest project. They said we would start the project in 3 weeks.” Doojoon smiles while explaining to Ken. Ken’s face lightens up hearing this.


“Really? That’s great! I’m so happy for you, hyung!” Ken hugs Doojoon, showing his happiness.


“Thank you. But what are you doing here?” Doojoon releases Ken from his hug. Ken pouts his lips hearing this. He hits Doojoon’s chest lightly.


“Hyung~ I told you this morning that I would make you lunch since you skipped breakfast this morning.”


“Hahahahahaha~ I’m sorry. You really don’t have to though.”


“Too late. I’m here already with these.” Ken shows him his lunch boxes. Doojoon looks to the lunch boxes in front of him. Seems like the younger make a lot of food.


“Let’s eat it together then.” Ken nods him head. Doojoon takes Ken’s hand and leads him into his office. Doojoon doesn’t really like eating in the cafeteria or outside his office. He mostly eats his lunch inside his office since he can eat his lunch while working on his work. His dedication for his work is too much sometimes.


“Enjoy your lunch, Nayoung-ah. I hope you like my cooking.” Ken says to Nayoung when he walks pass her. Nayoung looks up from her laptop. She shows Ken her infamous dimpled smile.


“Don’t worry, Oppa. I’m sure I’ll like it. Thank you for the meals.” Nayoung says her thanks.


“Don’t mention it.” Doojoon frowns hearing this but he ignores it. He can’t wait to eat the younger’s cooking. Once inside his office, Doojoon takes off his blazer and sets the table for the lunch. Ken, on the other hand, eyeing his hyung’s office. He can see a lot of documents and folders piling up on the desk. He sighs seeing this. His hyung must be so tired from his work.


“Let’s eat, Ken-ah.” Ken looks at his hyung who opens the lunch boxes for them. He then lets out a soft sighs, catching Doojoon’s attention.


“What’s wrong?” Doojoon asks Ken, worried if there’s something bugging Ken.


“Hyung, don’t push yourself way too much okay. You lost so much weight. You still a human. You need to rest and eat properly for you to work properly.” Ken massages Doojoon’s shoulders softly. He can feel Doojoon’s once tensed muscles relaxing. Doojoon smiles to this sweet actions.


“It’s okay, Ken-ah. I can handle it.” Doojoon puts his right hand over Ken’s left hand making Ken stops his massage. Ken walks in front of Doojoon and takes a seat.


“No, you can’t. Look at you, hyung. You almost look like a walking skeleton. You barely sleep when you’re home. What if you get sick? I don’t want you to get sick, okay.” Ken looks directly into Doojoon’s eyes, making Doojoon somewhat feels guilty for making the younger worried.


“You know that it’s an important project for me, right? I told you that already.” Doojoon reasons himself.


“Still it doesn’t mean you have to push yourself to this extent, hyung. You still have a limit. It saddens me seeing you becoming this thin. Please, hyung. At least don’t skip your meals. Please.” Ken reaches out his hand to hold Doojoon’s hand. Doojoon lets out a defeated sigh. He looks up and smiles to Ken.


“Okay. I promise I’ll try not to skip meals again.” Ken smiles hearing this. At least Doojoon’ll try to get better.


“You promise, right.” Ken makes sure of it. Doojoon nods his head in response.


“I promise you.” Ken holds out his pinky. Doojoon lets out soft chuckle seeing this. How can a human be this adorable? He then links their pinkies together and makes a pinky promise.


“You pinky promised me so you can’t broke it.”


“I know. I know. Let’s eat okay. I’m hungry.” Doojoon takes the chopsticks and eats the lunch boxes Ken made for him. Ken made kimbab, fried dumplings, bulgogi and fruit salad for him, making him amazed.


“Don’t you think it’s too much? You could cook 2 or 3 food instead.” Doojoon takes a bite of the kimbab Ken made for him. Ken made spicy tuna kimbab for him since he likes tuna.


“You’ve loosing so much weight, hyung. You should eat more.” Ken feeds Doojoon bulgogi which Doojoon gladly eats.


“But you don’t have to go this far okay. Must have troubled you to make this all.” Doojoon feels sorry for Ken since he knows cooking these food take so much time, especially dumplings and bulgogi.


“Nah. I had some of them ready since I was planning to make you lunch on yesterday but I had to go to somewhere so I could only made this lunch today. Sorry, hyung.”


“No need to feel sorry. I should be the one who feel sorry.”


“It’s okay, hyung. By the way is it tasty? I didn’t get to taste them since I was in a hurry. I was afraid I couldn’t make it to give them to you before the lunch time over.” Ken asks Doojoon, biting his lower lip from nervousness. Doojoon decides to tease the younger seeing this.


“Ahhh~ No wonder I can only feel spiciness from the kimbab and the bulgogi taste rather salty. Why didn’t you taste them beforehand?” Ken bites his lower lip harder hearing this. He knew this would happen. He should have tasted them beforehand.


“I’m sorry, hyung.”


“Nah. It’s okay. It’s still edible.” Ken feels sorrier hearing this. He should have bought take-out instead.


“I’m sorry, hyung.”


“It’s okay. We have plenty of water to get rid of the saltiness and spiciness. Don’t worry.” Doojoon enjoys his teasing while Ken feels like digging a grave.


“I’m sorry, hyung. You don’t have to eat them. They’ll only get you a stomachache.” Ken tries to take Doojoon chopsticks but Doojoon stops him from doing so.


“It’s okay. You made them for me so I have to eat them. I should show you my gratitude.” Doojoon eats the supposedly-spicy-only kimbab to which Ken responses with taking the lunch box away. This irks smile on Doojoon’s face.


“No, it’s okay. I can make them again for you next time.” Ken arranges the lunch boxes and closes the lids. He thinks it’s much better for them to order take-out instead.


“It’s okay, Ken-ah.”


“No, it’s not. They’re not tasty. We can order something instead. Just don’t eat them.” Ken reaches out his pocket to take his phone out. He types something on his phone.


“What do you want to eat, hyung? Pizza? Chicken? Jjajangmyun? I think jjajangmyun is fine since it’s faster.” Ken tries to call the restaurant when Doojoon takes his phone from him.


“What are you doing, hyung?” Ken tries to take back his phone. Sometime he hates his hyung’s slightly bigger build because it makes him harder to take something from him.


“You don’t have to do that. I’m just kidding, okay. The food tastes wonderful.” Ken hits Doojoon’s arm hearing this. His hyung really likes to .




“Hahahahahahaha~ I’m sorry. I’m just kidding, okay.” Doojoon tries to dodge Ken’s cute hits.


“I thought the food tasted horrible since I didn’t taste it beforehand.”


“You know you’re an amazing cook, right. Everything you make is wonderful, even without you tasting it. So don’t worry, okay.” Doojoon reassures Ken. Ken is indeed a great cook. That’s why Doojoon likes to eat his cook than eating outside. Why would you eat outside when you already have an amazing cute looking cook home?


“Really?” Ken tilts his head a bit, making him looks cuter than he already is. Doojoon can’t help but ruffles his hair seeing this.


“Hyung~” Ken lets out a rather high pitched whine.


“Hahahahahaha~ Sorry can’t help it since you looked really cute. Anyway, thank you for the food.”


“Eat a lot, hyung. You need to regain your weight.” Ken re-opens the lunch boxes. He feels relieved that he didn’t make bad tasting food.


“Okay. Okay. I get it. You eat too. This is too much for me to eat alone.” Doojoon offers Ken kimbab which Ken gladly eats. Ken hits Doojoon’s arm again after eating it.


“Spicy my .”


“Hahahahahaha~ I’m sorry.”


Just like that, they eat the shared lunch boxes with happy feeling. They spend the rest of the break eating their lunch and Doojoon telling Ken how the meeting went. Ken goes home with empty lunch boxes but full heart.




“Hyung, what will you do tomorrow?” Ken asks Doojoon when they’re home. Doojoon finally got a week long holidays after months of dealing with the new project. Ken is planning on spending some quality time with the former since it’s been a long time since they spend their time together.


“I’m going to meet my high school friends. Do you want to come with me?” Doojoon asks the younger. He’s going to have a reunion with his high school friends since some of them are having a short holidays in Jeju-do and he suggested them to have a short reunion in nearby café.


“Uhm... I don’t think I can come with you, hyung. I mean, I don’t know them.”


“That’s why I want you to meet them so I can introduce you to them.”


“Uhm... I don’t think I’m ready for that yet, hyung. You know I’m. Well, you know.” Ken starts playing with them hem of his shirt.


“Okay then. I won’t push you. Do you want to go to somewhere else after?” Ken looks up hearing this.


“Well, actually I wanted to ask you to accompany me to this new bakery near the subway. I’ve been reading on some blogs that they serve tasty opera cake. I really want to try it. Do you want to go with me, hyung?”


“Of course.” Doojoon answers without a single hesitate.


“Really? Great. I’ll pick you up then.”


“Are you sure about it? Usually I’ll be the one who pick up the princess.”


“Hyung~ Stop teasing me?”


“Hahahahahaha~ Okay. Okay. Sorry.”


“Where will you hold the reunion?”


“Beauty and Beast café. Actually, my friend owns that café so we decided to hold the reunion there.” Doojoon tells Ken.


“Really? Why didn’t you tell me, hyung? I could use “I know Doojoon hyung well” cheat card.” Ken says jokingly.


“Hahahahahahaha~ That’s why I didn’t tell you, dummy.” Doojoon replies back. Ken hits Doojoon’s arm lightly hearing this.


“Are you sure you don’t want to come with me to the reunion? It’s only small gathering. Only 6 people including me. They’re good people so you don’t have to worry about it.” Doojoon asks Ken one more time. He really wants to introduce Ken to his friends, best friends to be exact, since Ken is someone special for him.


“I’m sorry, hyung but I don’t think I’m ready for that yet.” Ken says apologetically.


“Okay then. Pick me up at 11 AM okay. It won’t be long since Yoseob said he had to go to somewhere.”


“Okay then.”


“Don’t oversleep okay. I won’t accompany you if you’re late even for one second.”


“I won’t okay.”


“Promise me you won’t marathon One Piece.”


“Hey.” Ken feels somewhat offended by this, No one can stop him from marathoning One Piece.


“You’ve seen it for countless time, Ken-ah. Don’t you feel bored?” Doojoon just can’t understand why Ken likes One Piece so much. Not that he feels bothered by this. He just can’t understand why Ken still re-watch it even when he already knows the dialogues and stories by his heart.


“One does not simply watch One Piece one time only.” Ken answers back smugly. Doojoon can only shake his head to this. No one can stop the younger’s love for One Piece anyway.


“Fine. Just try not to sleep late, okay. It’s not good for your health.”


“Says someone who spent his time overworked and slept for 3 hours only.”


“I was busy okay. Plus it was a big project.”






“Just don’t do that anymore, hyung. You still need proper rest and meals.”


“I’m sorry, Ken-ah. I promise I won’t do that anymore.”




“Yeah.” Doojoon opens his arm for Ken to hug and Ken hugs him immediately. They hug each other and enjoy their shared warmth. Ken speaks up not long after.


“I missed you, hyung. I really do.” Doojoon lets out a sighs signaling he feels the same way.


“I missed you to. I’m sorry I was so busy with my project that I didn’t have much time for us to spend together.”


“It’s okay, hyung. I understand it. You have a week long holidays now. We can spend it together.”


“Do you want to do something in particular?” Doojoon asks Ken. He sways their bodies lightly.


“Nothing actually. As long as I’m with hyung then I’m fine.” Ken nuzzles his head on Doojoon’s chest which makes Doojoon to hug him tighter.


“Are you sure?”




“I just remembered one of my colleagues said there’s this new attraction near the shore. What about we try it?” Doojoon suggests.


“Sounds fun. Let’s go to there then. Together.”


“Together.” Ken smiles brightly to Doojoon whom he replies back with the same bright smile. They hug each other back and spend their time talking and laughing with each other. They will going to have a great holidays.




And we all know Ken’s love for One Piece is greater than everything that’s why he overslept, just like what Doojoon’s expected, and now he’s running for his dear life so that he won’t miss the train.


“! I’m gonna be late! ! ! !”


Ken runs to his maximum to catch a subway. He only have 20 minutes left so he has to take subway since it’s faster. Usually he will take bus since it’s cheaper, but he overslept so he has to take subway.


He grips his backpack tighter and runs. He will be a dead meat if he late. He can already imagine Doojoon’s reactions long lecture.


“Excuse me, I’m in a hurry now. Excuse me. I’m sorry. Excuse me but I have to hurry.”


He sprints down the stairs and runs towards the entrance. He runs through some people who walk toward the subway. He slides his card and runs again. He can see people entering the subway from afar.


“Holy ! No! Wait!”


He runs faster since he doesn’t want to miss the subway. He gathers all his might to run. Fortunately, he can enter the subway before the door closes. He lowers his body, trying to catch his breath. What a great thing to start his day!


He walks to find an empty seat when a hand grabs his right arm.





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Chapter 3: Is there will be another update? I find this great story just now.. The story is really interesting, make me curious what will happen next..
cyrano #2
Chapter 3: When you will update again..?? i want to know what happen next..!!
Miss-Shira #3
Chapter 3: Please.....update please...i want keo more...
Uleeyeon #4
Chapter 3: waaaah make keo together please...
KTsuki-chan #5
Chapter 3: Aaaah no, you can't!!! >_<
I was waiting for the akward interaction between the Keo couple and, and, and.... So frustrating!! XD
I wonder if once again, Jaehwan secretly love Doojoon... Or are they just reaaally close?? So that Taekwoon can misunderstood everything and get jealous all alone?? Or are they already together?? Well, I don't think so, since I can sense some distance between them...

Can't wait for the next chapter, and I hope you'll stop teasing us XD
Don't misunderstand me, it's still a good chapter, even if it was frustrating u_u
KTsuki-chan #6
Chapter 2: Wow... I still can't believe it... I have a serious problem with the time... Especially when I love a story way too much.. Why?? Because I feel like it's been an eternity since I last read it but no. You only posted this second chapter last month, and I've already read it countless times.. How helpless I am...

And even after reading it so much (I think I know the story almost by heart now XD), I'm still crying over this...
I won't disturb you anymore, but I just wanted you to know how amazing you are... Chu~~ (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ~♡

(Secretly hoping for an update after my exams.. But it's not a secret anymore... Take your time, because I think I need to buy tissues before the update 。(*^▽^*)ゞ)
KenVigivesmelife #7
Chapter 2: Ah this is really good, I'm totally hooked, can't wait to see what's in store~
kenjaehwani #8
No-no-no love triangle please :( I prefer plot-twist..
And pleeeeeeeeeeaaassssseeeeeeee happy ending for Keo T.T
It's enough see Taekwoon misery like that TT
ardhii93 #9
Chapter 2: ok finally i read this..and WHYYYY?!?! WHY THE CLIFFHANGER
no love-triangle please. just no. maybe a bit plot twist? hahahaha
just let keo be happy together! i beg u mom T.T