
iKon imagines & scenarios!


It was a normal day for us. 


Boring teacher told us to make some haiku. Luckily, my boyfriend which is also known as Jung Chanwoo is having the same class as me. He keeps passing playful notes which I dont want to read because Mr. Kim will give us another stupid detention


He shouts out loud, “ For God sakes, Im Hana, just read my notes for once” and unfortunately, Mr.Kim hear him


“Mr. Jung, please see me after class” and that’s all he said before reading all stuff about haiku. Chanwoo is kicking my chair since he’s behind me and saying things like how stupid Mr.Kim is and how he wants to get out from this class


Suddenly, there’s a gun sound and follow by shouting sound. I immediately turn to Chanwoo since I know that he’s bored and its very possible for him to do it


Surprisingly , he shakes his head “What? you know I hate guns. That’s not me” . Mr. Kim was walking outside to see whether it was fine or not.


“Would it be cool if there’s a massacre in this school? you know, where everyone will die and this school will be haunted?” a kid name Hansol said while having a smug expression. Before anyone give him a response, we heard another shout coming from the class beside us


We immediately know there’s something wrong since Mr.Kim is not coming back and there’s someone shouting.


The boys start to arrange chairs and tables in front of the door to block anyone from opening it. Chanwoo pulls me to his side and told me to hide under the table, “You stay here no matter what happen. Okay ?” before I could say anything, he storms off to help the boy arranging the table 


I was so scared. I haven't got the chance to say goodbye to my family. I was so terrified and I started to cry while trying not to have any sounds. Chanwoo walks back to me and wipe my tears away, “Hey hey, don't cry. Everything will be fine, remember that whatever that happens I’ll always love you and we’ll always be together. Remember that we’re planning to have big house, 3 kids and lots of money” I know he’ scared. He’s terrified, “Just promise me one thing, no matter what happen to me today, you’ll move on with your life. And please read those letter I give to you”


I choked on my tears, “Chanwoo, why are you saying things like this? I don't know how I will continue my life without you by my side”


“Princess, I will only promise you one thing. I’ll always love you and I’ll never stop”


Before I could say anything, the door opens and all I see was a kid with black clothes and black mask having a gun in his hand and shooting everyone in the class, except the two of us. Chanwoo is walking towards that man and shake’s that man hand, the man gives Chanwoo the same mask and Chanwoo wears it.


I wish this is only a dream. That’s not Chanwoo that I know. Chanwoo wouldn't do that. Chanwoo is not like that


And he leaves the room with that man. While still crying and , I open his letter


“Dear Hana, 


You must be confused about what happened today. I couldn't explain it but all I could say is I have an agreement with this man called Jiwon. He promised me he’ll pay for my college tuition if I help him with this massacre. I somehow agree and he promises me, he’ll leave this class and especially you, alone. I know you’re still dizzy and you probably hate me. Meet me at the beach house after school”





I was terrified to go to the beach house. This is the first time I’m terrified of Jung Chanwoo I see him standing near the palm tree and approached him. This is it.


“Hey” that’s all he could say. I reply with a small hey while backing away from him and holding back my tears


“You’re terrified of me. , you’re terrified of me. I swear, I only accept his offer because I need money, You know I don’t have a lot of money for college. I already start saving up but its still not enough” 


By now, I couldn't control my tears, “Chanwoo, for whatever reason it is. I couldn't be with someone like you. Someone who killed people. I ‘m sorry Chanwoo. We should break up”


“Nobody even know I was involved. Please, I couldn't do everything without you. Remember our dreams” his tears also falling down


“I’m sorry Chanwoo, the man who has the same dreams as mine is gone. Goodbye” I said and walking away from him.


Good bye,Chanwoo

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