
iKon imagines & scenarios!

“Could you stop doing that thing?” 


I’m trying to do my homework here. But apparently, my best friend , also known as Kim Hanbin decides that its okay to smoke in front of my face.


He puffs another smoke before continuing, “Why, Haneul ? does this distracts you from finishing your work?”


He knows he’s attractive. He knows I like him. Heck, we kiss a couple times but I still cant resist those lips.


I put down my pen and look at him, “No, I just don't like people smoking in front of my face”. Lie, he looks so attractive wearing that black leather jacket and smoking. He can even wears a sack while smoking and looks so damn attractive to me.


No, I don't have any feeling towards him. He’s just my best friend whom I like to kiss. And we’re far from friend with benefits. We’re simply best friend


“Haneul , we’ve been friend since we’re wearing diapers and I know when you’re lying. You’ll look down to avoid your partner’s face. Am I right?” he steps on his cigarette before getting closer to me and pulls my chin up


Suddenly, I feel a confidence rush over my body . I get closer to him till our chest touch, “You know what, Hanbin? I think guys who smoke in front of me are very annoying and attractive at the same time. So, shall we?”


Without saying anything, he crashes his lips to mine. I grab a fistful of his hair and he pushes me to the wall. He opens his mouth and our tongues were dancing. I can taste a small hint of coffee. I could smell his natural watery scent mixing with smell of smoke. His hand grasped the back of my neck and deepen the kiss. 


We were pulling back for air and gasping. As what I said before, he looks so damn attractive using black leather jacket. But now ? he’s sweating and his lips slightly puffing,  “That was amazing, Haneul. As always” he sits beside me and taking a cigarette from his pocket.


I take the cigarette from his hand, “No, no more cigarette unless you want me to lost another control. I need to do my homework”


“Then, I guess I should just keep smoking from keeping you from doing your homework. Hm?” he pulls the cigarette back from my hand and light it up.


Damn. It seems like I won’t finish my work.


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Partner: Hanbin(B.I)
Name: Jada
Situation: Hanbin falls for fifteen year old Jada and he is conflicting b/c she is so young but, he likes her too much and decides to confess to her, only to find out that she likes him too.
iiroyalangel #2
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Thank you! :D
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