Vanilla Latte

iKon imagines & scenarios!


There he is. Koo Junhoe .




Looking perfect as usual, serving the customers, grinding the coffee bean.  He’s an epitome of perfection. I always wanted to talk to him but I’m too shy to approach a simple hello, he wouldn't even know I exist even though we have the same shift. I would hide behind the wall pretending to clean the dishes while looking at him.

“One Vanilla Latte for Sujeong!” I heard him calling the customer which oddly h

ave the same name as mine and I sighed because I know its not for me. 


“You should talk to him” someone touch my shoulder and I almost drop the plate that I was holding. I looked up and saw my best friend, Jinhwan. Which is also Junhoe’s friend and this coffee shop’s owner.


I took of my hand gloves and turn around, “I don't think that’s a good idea. He won’t be attracted to little girl like me, he likes mature girls , probably like Naeun unnie” I intentionally mention Naeun unnie because I know how Jinhwan likes her but he’s such a coward for confessing to her


“No! Naeun is not mature enough for Junhoe. You know what kid? I’ll find a way so you and that lover boy will be together. Just wait…” he opens his mouth and I kick his but still, he’s continuing his plan, “Oy! Junhoe , come here!” 


All I want to do right now is 


a) Kill Jinhwan

b) Hide under the table

c) Run away to Alaska


Junhoe approaches us and my heart beats wildly, I mouthed what should I do to Jinhwan and he only gives me an okay sign. That brat. He’s here. He’s in front of me. He’s real


“Hey, what’s up hyung?” he shook Jinhwan’s hand and nodded his head to me. Jinhwan pointed to me and I know it won’t be good


“This is my friend, Sujeong, and she’s a big fan of your coffee and you or whatever it is. She wants to know how to make the signature vanilla latte. Please just teach her, she’s desperate” 


Thanks Jinhwan, you make me look like a pathetic little girl


“Okay, so do you want to train now? my shift is ending soon and Chanwoo is replacing me” Junhoe shrugged his shoulder and asks me, Jinhwan is whistling behind us and pushing me with his shoes so I would be closer to Junhoe


I answered him while fiddling with my hand “Yes, sure, now” he chuckled a little and guides me to the espresso machine.




“You put the beans and wait for it to roast” he took of his gloves and talks to me “Hey, we always have the same shift right? how come we never talk to each other?”


I shrugged my shoulder, “I guess we work in the different sector, you’re the barista and I’m in the kitchen, preparing for pastry” 


His eyes went wide, “You prepared those pastries? They are my favourite! Especially those chocolate cake, its bomb! you should teach me someday ” he shows me his smile and I couldn't help but blush. 


“Sure, someday” the timer beep and our coffee is ready, “You want to try your first vanilla latte?” I nodded


He pours it into the cup and gives it to me, “Be careful, its hot”. I sipped on it and trust me, its so good. “Not bad, huh? for a first time learner, you’re quite fast. I appreciate you, kiddo” he patted my head and my heart clenched at the word kiddo. See, he doesn't like girls like me.


“Um, thank you for the lesson and I think I should go back to the kitchen. Bye” I tried not to show my emotions in front of him.




The shift ends quickly . I was cleaning up the kitchen and heard some voices. I recognised them. Its Jinhwan and Junhoe


“So, how was it?” that’s Jinhwan signature voice.


“Hyung, your plans work! she talked to me for the first time and she promised me that she will teach me to make pastry” wait…what?


“What are you going to do now?” 


“Well, I’m just gonna be really friendly towards her since I gained confidence now and later on, when we’re really close I’ll take her to dates and who knows? maybe we’ll get married and buy big houses, make huge coffee shop which will beat your coffee shop!”


I cant believe this. Koo Junhoe. My crush. Is talking. About me.


“Keep dreaming man, just turn off the light first when you close the shop, okay? I’m heading out. I have date with Naeun”


I decided to come out from the kitchen and saw Junhoe’s shocked face, “Oh, hello! you’re here. Oh , you’re here! you’re still here! did you hear anything?” 


I simply nod and blush


“Ah, now I look like a fool. Since you already hear everything, do you want to grab some food with me? Its technically not a date but you know” he fiddled with his hand just like what I did before


“Sure, shall we go now?”


And that’s how a thousand dates with Koo Junhoe started.

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Thank you! :D
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