"Hello, mom?"

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Sunday was often a calm and collected day for the family of three. They'd usually have breakfast and would pretty much laze around afterwards. That is, until afternoon comes and Seohun would whip up lunch for them while Kai glossed over his work. But the latter fact rarely happens - considering how Kai's relationship with his paperwork only lasts strictly during working hours (at least that was what Seohun said).   "How has work been going on?" Kai finally asked after swallowing more pepperoni off his bread. "Other than frat boys being majority of the people you hired."   Seohun looked up to him with a quirky smile on her face but her husband had his face turned to their son instead, who's now waving his plastic spoon in the air.   "You're still upset about that, baby?" Seohun cooed and Kai swore that if he wasn't fully holding back, he would've melted at the nickname.   "No, no I'm not."   Seohun grimaced and headed shortly for the kitchen to turn on the radio for their 9 o'clock news. She sat back down and stared towards Kai for a little while more, but all he did was reply to Seon's constant babbling while he munched on his food concurrently.   "Oh come on Kai, I only have-" she cut herself off when their gazes met.   "Have what?"   "Tsk," she tutted. "Only have eyes for you.."   Kai responded with a playful 'huh?' when Seohun grumbled the last part of her sentence incoherently. She begrudgingly kicked his leg in embarrassment but the former only laughed back, aware that he won again for the day.   "Stop teasing me. I don't get to do such things," she grunted, poking her food forcefully. "It's not fair."   Her husband gave a moued expression. "Please, I've never doubted you anyway. Besides," he wiggled his brows. "We all know who fell for the other first."   The brunette ignored his last statement as crimson painted over her cheeks. She averted the topic by inquiring about how he's coping with being the CEO.   "I'm doing fine to be honest, since I'm working alongside Taemin," he thought out loud before scrunching up his nose. "But Chanyeol's hands are full. We still need a suitable replacement."   "But it's been two months-"   "My father still checks on the employees, and he's rejected most of those that the current HR has hired."   The brunette wanted to argue by saying that his father can't do anything like the sort ; since he wasn't the part of the HR or was the CEO anymore. But even
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ichathoriqlover #1
Chapter 20: Hi there, i just subscribed to the new story but haven't read it yet. I thought there was an update for this because i was so worried about kai and seohun.... Hope it will be continued soon....
anotherhell #2
ichathoriqlover #3
Chapter 19: Oh my, i have missed a lot of this amazing fic. The truth about Krystal 's feeling was an unexpected twist. But i still can't figure out why kai's mother is doing all the things to seohun? Is it just because she wanted to over throw her husband? And is taemin doing this together with their mom?
What will happen to seohun and kai? And yifan?
This is all so mixed up? Of maybe kai's mom has another problem with seohun? Wow i am so excited for more
chimot #4
Meiyuan #5
Chapter 18: whAt a twist! it wasnt mr kim but..omg plz update soon!!
Chapter 18: IT WASN'T FALSE HOPE THAT KRY IS THERE FOR SEOHUN WOW but there to kill her?? Nooooo
Toyoto #7
Chapter 18: oh my god hahaha
i honestly kinda got the feel that krys likes seohun from previous ch because she kept denying everytime someone tells her that she likes kai
idk how this will end tho lmao i'm curious
blurzpoo #8
Chapter 18: Omg... oh whoa what a turn...
Poor Krys
ichathoriqlover #9
Chapter 17: hi dear, sorry I was late in commenting....life got me stuck. so thanks for updating but as much as I want to think that krystal is not going to hurt kai and seohun, I still can't trust her fully. she's so full of secret.
but I do hope now that kai and seohun are in better terms, they are going to be stronger in dealing with kai's dad. the situation will get worst before it can start to get better, right?
Toyoto #10
Chapter 16: hmmm ok , krystal already fell for them i guess??? (as in, start liking them)