
Will You Be Mine?

Chanyeol felt as if he had won the lottery and he had to some extent. He was now dating Byun Baekhyun. He met Baekhyun as if by accident or rather fate when he had covered for his assistant Do Kyungsoo on a sick leave. It was short and fast but he had fallen completely for the smaller boy, even when the other frequently drove Chanyeol out of his mind.


He was waiting for Baekhyun right now just in front of a coffee shop, the same place where he had done so for the past few weeks they have been dating. Chanyeol owns a car but the distance from their apartments to the work place was so short that Baekhyun had convinced him that it was silly to drive it. Instead they walked together towards Chanyeol’s office where Baekhyun would peck him goodbye and walk to his own office where he worked as Kim Jongdae’s secretary.


Chanyeol missed him like crazy at the office but truth be told, Chanyeol couldn’t work properly without Kyungsoo.


Kyungsoo was Baekhyun’s friend and so he and Chanyeol had agreed not to talk relationship issues even if Kyungsoo was Chanyeol’s own friend as well. ‘Conflict of interest’ Kyungsoo had called it.


Chanyeol’s favourite part of his day was the evenings when he finally got to spend some time with his boyfriend. Gosh he loved hearing that, his boyfriend. Now he sat in a restaurant with Baekhyun in front of him.


“Everything looks really expensive. I told you we should have gone somewhere else.”


Baekhyun complained looking at the menu.


“Byun Baekhyun, I’m a successful lawyer, I can afford to pay dinner for my boyfriend.”


Chanyeol saw Baekhyun furrowed brow soften and his lips turning into a half smile.


“I still don’t know why agree to that.”


“The whole boyfriend thing. Your confession was sort of embarrassing to be honest.”

“What?! You cried a lot that day!”


Chanyeol always lost his temper first. He just heard Baekhyun laugh before he continued.


“Well, yeah, because it was so embarrassing.”


Chanyeol pouted and crossed his arms looking childish.


“Oh, and by the way, don’t think I forgot about you repaying for your mistakes. I still plan on making you suffer for what you did.”


Chanyeol’s mind wandered to some rather inappropriate thoughts and a smirk formed on his face.


“Why are you smiling for?”

“Baekhyun, when are you going to invite me to your apartment?”

“Ha! It won’t be soon, even less now that you have that erted grin on your face.”


Chanyeol went back to pouting.


“Anyway, like I was saying, as my first punishment how about tomorrow we go eat wherever I want and I’m paying for it!”

“That’s your idea of a punishment, inviting me to eat?”


Baekhyun thought for a second.


“Well, no you are right so scratch that. How about tomorrow you will be my slave and have to do anything I say.”


Chanyeol’s grin was back, his mind flooded by the inappropriate thoughts once more.


“Yah! Park Chanyeol, get rid of that smirk of yours. You won’t be seeing more skin that what you are seeing right now.”

“Why not?”

“You can’t handle it Park Chanyeol.”



The next day just as Baekhyun had told Chanyeol he was his slave. Not that Baekhyun could take big advantage of that situation given that it was a workday after all.


In the afternoon Baekhyun ordered Chanyeol to dinner. To Chanyeol’s horror they went to eat burgers. Chanyeol hated eating with his hands and these were the kind of burgers that were so generous that everything fell from the bun before reaching his mouth.


Baekhyun smiled as he saw Chanyeol stare at his food, not sure at which approach he should take.


“You are too picky. Just take it and eat it! It won’t eat you back.”

“Why do you always make me do this stuff?”

“Because I like to see how you cringe and scrounge your nose. It’s cute.”


He shouldn’t, he really doesn’t have a reason but Chanyeol smiles at the compliment, so he braves it and takes the burger with both hands, getting all dirty in the process.



The next day Chanyeol is in his office when he hears some talking and suddenly a very familiar laugh coming from the front. He comes out to see Baekhyun talking happily with Kyungsoo.


“Baekhyun! What are you doing here? Couldn’t wait to see me?”


Chanyeol goes to hug Baekhyun.


“Hey, no gooey scenes in front of me.”


Kyungsoo says quickly before the two lovers get more comfortable.


“Actually, I’m here to see Kyungsoo.”


Baekhyun responds to Chanyeol’s disappointment.


“But, why?”

“He is my friend remember?”

“Yes, and we have a seminar today so it you excuse us, we need to go.”


Kyungsoo grabs his things and motions Baekhyun to go out.


“Wait, we’ll still have dinner together right?”

“Um, actually I’m going to eat with Kyungsoo today if that’s ok.”

“No, it’s not ok.”

“Oh don’t be silly.”


Baekhyun gives a peck to Chanyeol before leaving.


Chanyeol can’t handle this very well. He knows Baek and Kyungsoo are just friends. They knew each other before Chanyeol even met Baekhyun but… but…



He had no real excuse to be sitting in the restaurant across the street, trying to get a better view of his boyfriend and his assistant. He was just jealous. It was so foolish even to him, he knew that very well. Aish screw that, he couldn’t hear a thing either.



Baekhyun and Kyungsoo were surprised at seeing Park Chanyeol in the flesh standing in front of them. He just decided to join them.


“So, what did you guys talked about?”


Chanyeol enquired sounding ‘friendly’.


Kyungsoo and Baekhyun exchanged glances and smiled.


“Just about the seminar. Why are you here?”


Baekhyun asked


“Well I was just in the neighbourhood.”

“Well, since you just decided to join you might as well cover the bill.”


Kyungsoo looked at him with a face that said he knew it all.


“Of course.”


Damn you Kyungsoo!


“Say Kyungsoo, you haven’t got a boyfriend in a long time?”

“Maybe because you over work me and I don’t get to meet my friends.”


Chanyeol really didn’t understand why Kyungsoo wasn’t a lawyer.


“Ha, ha, ha.”


Chanyeol laughed forcibly.


“But do you like anyone from work or you have your eye in someone?”

“Not particularly.”

“Really? There are some cute guys at court. Have you seen the prosecutors? They look like models!”


It was Baekhyun’s turn to intervene and Chanyeol regretted to even start on the topic.


“How about my boss? Maybe I can set up something and we can double date?”

“Jongdae? No, he’s cute and all but not really my type.”

“Yeah, he looks like a player.”

“Chanyeol! I told you to stop bad mouthing my boss!”

“Just saying. How about Minseok? He’s a nice guy.”

“He is but he already has a boyfriend.”

“He does? Is it the pretty one? The Chinese lawyer specialized in International law?”



Chanyeol was kind of lost. He wasn’t sure whom the pretty one was, but he didn’t like Baekhyun talking about other people being pretty.


“And how about Jongin?”

“Um, yeah he is really good looking.”

“Wait, you think Jongin is good looking?”


Chanyeol didn’t know Kyungsoo that well it seems.


“Chanyeol, anyone and everyone would know Jongin is good looking. Kyungsoo, you should invite him for coffee at least.”

“You know, maybe I will. I’m kind of sick of seeing you two rub your relationship in my face.”


Huh, coming to spy at his boyfriend might have its advantages after all.



Baekhyun’s main idea of punishments consisted in making Chanyeol do and eat things he didn’t like. Baekhyun even made him get mudpacks in a spa. So basically Chanyeol had strange people touching him while putting mud on his face. He nearly fainted and he had never seen Baekhyun so happy.


Today they did something more normal. They went to an amusement park, the kind that had a petting zoo. They rode several roller coasters and other rides, and Baek made him buy food for the goats. This was really stupid, now Chanyeol had goat hair all over him, and he wasn’t even going to mention the smell… but Baekhyun was just laughing and smiling, how could he start complaining, he wouldn’t dare to put his light out.


“Ha! Chanyeol I know what your penitence for today will be!”

“What? Wasn’t this the penitence?”


Chanyeol signalled to the goat trying to eat his shirt.


“Don’t be silly. Let’s go eat hot dogs!”


Of course they washed their hands and of course Chanyeol poured half the bottle of hand sanitizer to their hands, but they just touched some animals and now, this!


Chanyeol was doing as humanly possible to touch only the napkin. Baekhyun however was eating to his heart content.


“Oh, oops.”


Chanyeol heard Baekhyun say. Oh gosh, that can’t be good.


Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun who was looking guilty at Chanyeol’s white shirt. When he looked down he saw a giant red stain of ketchup in it. He froze for a second.


“Leave it!”

“Baekhyun, I need to change. I think I did enough penitence today.”



Chanyeol drove to his apartment, Baekhyun was sitting in the passenger seat like a kid who knows he did something wrong.


They went up and Chanyeol ran straight to his room. Baekhyun looked around amazed at how pristine the place was. But Baekhyun being Baekhyun he usually looked at things picking them up. When Chanyeol came out of his room everything was slightly out of place and he was gone just for a minute. Chanyeol came out wearing another white button shirt but it was still open. Baekhyun stopped and looked at Chanyeol not being able to take his eyes away. He was skinny but his abs were very well defined making him look like a Greek god.


Chanyeol saw Baekhyun’s face and that’s when he noticed that he had yet to button up his shirt.


“What? Did you plan all this? You just wanted to flaunt your body didn’t you?”

“Oh, so you were looking at my body? This wasn’t part of the agreement. I’m in a serious disadvantage here.”


Chanyeol said while walking slowly towards Baekhyun.


“Oh, please.”

“Let’s level the plains shall we.”


“Show me what you got.”


Chanyeol was sporting his best flirty smile and making Baekhyun a bit intimidated.


“There’s nothing to see here. Compare to your chocolate abs mine are like Nutella.”

“Haven’t I told you? Nutella is one of my favourite things in the world.”


Chanyeol closed the distance and started kissing Baekhyun. Baekhyun gave in to the kiss but then he slightly pulled back.


“Baekhyun, I will not make you do anything that you don’t want. If you are not ready, it means we are not ready and I will wait for you babe.”


Baekhyun gave Chanyeol a shy smile and placed a soft kiss on his lips.


Chanyeol convinced Baekhyun to stay in for the rest of the day. That way he could control the situation and make sure he didn’t get more punishments. At the end of the day he drop Baekhyun at his place.


“So, what should we do tomorrow?”


Chanyeol asked, not wanting to spend a day apart.


“Surprise me!”


Baekhyun gave Chanyeol a kiss goodbye and left.

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174 streak #1
Chapter 3: Arrrgh... i love this
1107 streak #2
Chapter 3: THIS IS SO CUTE!!!
you weren't kidding when you mentioned that the characters in this sequel would change a bit. I love how Baekhyun turned Chanyeol into such a sappy romantic xD
Thank you for writing this Beautiful fic <3
1107 streak #3
Chapter 1: "show me what you got" WHOA Chanyeol xD
byunsbunny #4
Chapter 3: ahh im soo in love with this~~ too cute and cheesy and i really love it!
110 streak #5
Chapter 3: Oohh too many cheesee. I actually love it! Compared to the first story Chanyeol seems really bearable here thanks to Baek! Baek is so cute and possessive Yeol is cute too. Ahh nice story!
Luc4sLuke #6
really cute story
Chapter 3: Chanbaek n you r amazing
Exofanland #8
Chapter 3: Cheese everywhere............I need to cut back on my cheese.
bubblethea #9
Chapter 3: This is so....... Cheesy! But i love it hahahaha you did great authornim