Joyeuse Anniversaire

Bon Apétit
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Huhuhu~~ you know what time it is!! 


Ehm this was supposed to be in celebration of kaisoo day~♡ on the 13th, but i guess late is better than never.


This is a flashback to their first anniversary, and how they get engaged. 



"Man my neck hurts," Jongin complains, the next morning. Kyungsoo is lying still next to him and staring up at the ceiling with interest. A few moments pass before Jongin does sigh, crawling back over to kiss him awake. "Happy anniversary, Soo."

Ahhhh . Kyungsoo internally screams: that's what he forgot.

So he clings onto Jongin by his neck, swinging up his legs to straddle his hips, and doesn't forget to smile. They spend the next few minutes kissing and Kyungsoo sighs; Jongin is so ethereal, even in the mornings. He's so lucky.

And when Kyungsoo makes the next move, Jongin draws back quickly.

"I have to get to work," he pouts, withdrawing from the warm embrace.

"Fine," Kyungsoo sighs, resigned, flumping down on the sheets again. Jongin kisses him again, hesitantly this time.

"I'll try to get back as soon as I can." Another kiss. "I promise."



So Kyungsoo spends his day dawdling under the sheets by himself, rolled up, with his blog under his fingers as he types furiously on his laptop.

Once in while his stomach growls, as if angry at being neglected but Kyungsoo punches it and it ceases to complain.

When his brain is out of ideas, he wanders out of their bedroom and into the kitchen. As if noticing, his stomach gives a pitiful growl and Kyungso doubles over in pain, seeing spots in his vision.

He takes a seat at the table and clutches at his mid-section, begging for the deafening noise and pains to stop. His laboured breathing, along with his flushed sweaty face and groaning stomach tells him he should eat. Everything tells him he should.

Just eat.

But the way his fingers relax into a fist forces him to remember he'll have to shove it down his throat to bring up the calories again.

So he settles for making plain, black, strong coffee and his stomach lets out a sigh of relief as he sips slowly. He can't give up now, it reminds him kindly, he can't be bloated and fat when Jongin takes him to bed in the evening. It has to perfect.

HE has to be perfect.

Despite the coffee (Kyungsoo really thinks he's immune to its effects now) he snoozes away on the table after warily reading the note Jongin had left out on it,  mentioning a promise of "cook for you" and "we'll take out the wine" and "you know the drill" accompanied by a suggestive wink. It ends with a "see you soon, love" and by then Kyungsoo is fast asleep.


"Oh you're awake."

"Wha-" but by now he should be accustomed to strangers in his own home; Jongin practically leaves the door unlocked and people stumbled upon their neat lives every once in a while. Kyungsoo is actually surprised they haven't be robbed yet.

He blinks, lifting his head from the table to assess the situation.

But then, he realises with a sigh, it's just Baekhyun and Chanyeol.

"What're you doing here?" He moans, rubbing his face free of sleep and he recieves a giggle in response.

"You didn't open the door when we knocked-" Baekhyun starts, uncharacteristically quiet for his usual self.

"So you came in?"

Chanyeol laughs first," well, you leave your door open to everyone." And he shrugs, as if this is justification enough for trespassing. And then, Kyungsoo doesn't know why he's so angry at them. "Jongin told us to check up on you, if you didn't text him in his break." He shrugs again. "You wouldn't kill yourself on your anniversary right." And he follows with a guffaw, nudging him.

Kyungsoo regrets ever telling Chanyeol of his problems.

Baekhyun stands quietly, an all-knowing expression on his pale, worried face. But he brightens at Chanyeol's suggestion at a late breakfast. Brunch. Kyungsoo groans internally.

His stomach groans with him.


Breakfast, as usual, is short-lived and riddled with misunderstandings.

Both Chanyeol and Baekhyun order hearty meals, sharing and squealing as couples do.

Kyungsoo sits straight in his seat, rigid, with a glass of ice water. He ignores their pointed whines as they had tried to make him eat something more. So he orders a salad. They stop trying.

And when he's finished with the last leaf of lettuce, they pick up their nagging again.

Its safe to say he was saved by the bell: as in Jongin's phone call and he excuse himself rightfully.


"Hey, baby, gotta dash to work again but I just wanted to check up on you." A pause. "Kyungsoo?"


"How're you- I mean what're you up to? Uh-" and he chuckles awkwardly into the phone. Kyungsoo grins, covering his giggles with a petite hand as he enjoys the thought of a flustered Jongin and blushing.

"Hmm nothing much. But-" and he turns to confirm "-thanks for inviting me to get breakfast with them. I really appreciate it." And he's rolling his eyes at his own sarcasm. "They're face. You made me a third-wheel on my own anniversary!"

"Sorry, baby, I'll make it up to you, I promise." And a pause. "I love you really, I do. And I just want you to be healthy and eating breakfast like normal people do. I worry about you." He hears the adoration in Jongin's voice, but also the frown. He must be frowning.

Kyungsoo wants to apologise but he doesn't really know why; why should he apologise on behalf of his disgusting eating disorder?

There's some commotion on Jongin's side, and the Chef lets out a curse as he's called by one of his staff. "Boss!" He hears the word, and he smiles unconciously at his boyfriend's all powerful title. He hears Jongin bark back, annoyance clear in his voice. And then a sigh.

"I'm sorry, I have to go." Another frustrated noise. "They really can't do even the simplest of jobs."

"Alright, have fun." But not too much, because I love you.

"You too. I'll see you in a bit. And then it'll be just you and me. And the world will be our third-wheel." Jongin says confidently and Kyungsoo giggles again, at his usually cheesiness, wondering how he can't be embarassed.

"Love you."

"Love you too, Soo."

And then Kyungsoo hangs up, the sound of shouts, pots clanging and Jongin's breath in his ears.


Chanyeol and Baekhyun refuse to leave him alone, taking him on a trip of the town; down to the river, round the parks, through the mall and they then take a stop at the cinema.

For one thing Kyungsoo is greatful; the burn in his body tells him he must be losing weight, he must be burning yesterdays' calories.

"We'll buy the popcorn, Soo, go grab us some seats." Chanyeol offers and Baekhyun plays his part in shooing him off.

He fumbles in the dark cinema room but finds a few vacant seats and then grimaces; he'll be sat next to Baekhyun and Chanyeol, and their hormones.

Whilst he waits for them, he thinks. Thinks about how proud he is of himself for getting away with restricting today. And then he wonders about what movie they'll be watching. He forgot to ask.

He panics a little, when the widescreen starts to show the advertisements but then relaxes as shadows stumble towards him.

"Sorry I'm late." But the movies hasn't started screening yet.

Kyungsoo gets a whiff of a familiar, warm smell and turns in surprise. "You're early."

Even in the darkness of the room, he can see Jongin's beautiful smile and he smiles back. His boyfriend links their hands on the armrest and Kyungsoo shifts to kiss him properly.

Behind them, someone emits a disgruntled noise. When Kyungsoo turns, expecting to see his two derpy friends, he sees a stranger's admonishing stare. His heart rate shoots up in anxiety.

And he pushes Jongin away when he leans over to steal a kiss. His boyfriend frowns, shrugs and then leans closer as the movie starts.

"I love you, you know."

"I know." Kyungsoo hums, pursing his lips.


When the movie ends, Jongin is eager to leave, almost forgetting to take his own boyfriend too.

They hail for a taxi and rush in, all hands and lips and no sense of privacy, even when the driver gives them a pointed stare.

When they arrive at their home, Jongin kisses him sleepily and pulls Kyungsoo out too.

"Ah, ." He pats around his jacket and frowns. "I forgot my wallet-"

"I'll get it," Kyungsoo smiles back, and pays for the ride. The taxi driver gives his change back at an excruciating pace and has him groaning internally.

And when it's finished and he turns back, Jongin is gone. One frustrated groan later, he stomps into the apartment complex after his boyfriend.

The door is ajar as he approaches. "Yah-" but his protest dies in his throat as he enters. "Jon-jongin...what is this?"

It's beautiful.

The floor, the corridors, the whole apartment is lined skillfully with lit candles, casting long shadows on the walls.

Jongin doesn't answer. In fact, Kyungsoo can't find him.




Rose petals litter the corridor up to the kitchen, but Kyungsoo takes a turn to dash into their bedroom, a telltale trail of Jongin's clothes leading to their haven.



The door creaks and as he treads into the room warily, Jongin jolts where he's sat cross-legged on the bed, clad only in boxers and a deep red staining his cheeks as he fiddles with his fingers.



Kyungsoo thinks the blush camoflauges with the bloody red petals scattered over the floor and bed. The scent of lavender and lilies, however, is thick in the air.



"Excuse me, how-" Kyungsoo's pathetic whine of complaining about the state of their apartment is dismissed when Jongin glares.



"Get your over here." He growls, all insecurity flushed away somewhere else.



With a smirk to equal his boyfriend's smouldering stare, Kyungsoo gently, coquettishly drops his hands onto his hips. "And who's going to make me?"



Jongin smirks again, a little dangerously, and pats his thighs gently. "I'll give you to the count of 5, Mr. Do."



"Or what?" Kyungsoo challenges, not fond of this treatment, nor of the reminder of his surname. His family. What a turnoff.



"You'll see," Jongin smiles a little, the glint of something naughty in his eyes. He picks up a rose petal with something akin to interest, twisting it between his fingers as he hums. He then side eyes Kyungsoo, smirking again. "You should know not to keep me waiting."



Kyungsoo's body emits an excited noise, and he groans embarassed; Jongin grins.



It's only when he's taken the first step, followed by the second, and then commencing to clamber onto Jongin to kiss him first, is when he realises: it wasn't arousal, but a cry for help from his malnourished stomach.








They flop back onto the bed, the frame creaking as it had become accustomed to after their many rounds of love-making.



And Kyungsoo doesn't know if it's just him, but his body is exhausted, lungs burning for air. He pushes at Jongin's chest weakly, trying to evade his hot-mouthed kisses.



"Stop. St-stop-" he wheezes out. Jongin looks concerned as he sits up quickly, drawing Kyungsoo up beside him.



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igolden #1
Chapter 5: :) update soon!
newtokpop09 #2
Chapter 5: can't wait for the next chapter!!
Chapter 5: So jongin hasn't noticed ksoos eating disorder..? I really like this fic just don't get that bit
Chapter 3: Oh no...
This makes me hurt and feel kind of content at the same time... Idk I can't explain rn...
Chapter 3: I'm so sad about them, about kyungsoo.
r0tkappchen #6
Chapter 3: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! love ittt T___T
Chapter 6: Take your time <3
I'm looking forward to it ~
Shimmiin #8
Chapter 5: Please update ;^;
Sagaxsuga #9
Chapter 5: An update would be nice:)
B1A4Fighting7 #10