

I love rain.                                  Dammit, won't this pouring ever end?!...

It mends life's track.                    Uhh,this so !I'm so moving where it's sunny...

I like being by myself.                 Where the heck is everyone?Pick up...

Silence is bliss.                            Aish, it's the last time I'll come on time...

Except in this guy's book.            What?Seen something interesting?...

Wow, pouting?Really?                 Omo, did..did he just chuckle?...

Cute.                                              Glad you're entertained.Creep...

Never cease to be amased.             Ok, dude,you're seriously acting all kinds of weird...

What do you know,he's a mime.    Are you done staring already?...

He's tollerable with mouth shut.     I'm gonna give you a piece of my mind!...

Yup, too good to be true.               That's right,move along those dark lashes...


Wha...ahh,what's this?                    Yah, punk,stop blitzing every waking hour...

"Yo, Gyu,'ssup?! Missed us?Huh,huh?"

"Like a thorn up my ."

"Hyung, come on!"

"What, Myunggie?It's hurting your ears?Well, payback is a .That's for flashing that thing in my face earlier."

"Give the kid a break, will ya? He was awestruck by that view over there."

"I fail to grasp the enthusiasm.It's a ty weather,no matter how you look at it."

"If you'd can that blabbering ,you might enjoy the beauty of it all hyung.And, Dongwoo wasn't casting the weather."

"Yah, can't you act respectful towards your elders?"

"What are you, 80?!That's why you're casting all plausable flings away.That attitude needs pimping!"

You said it!

"Gawd, could you be more ....Hey,!Yeah, you at the window!Did you just snort?Don't think I haven't spotted you creeping on me!What's your beef?

"Hyung, stop.You're embarassing.Scuse us, he's a little on the edge."

That's an understatement.But, I get it kid, he's more bark than bite.


"Gyu, come on,stop freaking people out.They'll call the psyche squad on us."


"Yes,dear.I'm right behind you.No, be a good lad and apologise for your ...loud conduct.Repeat after me now:We're sorry for overreacting."

They're nice, at least.

"The hell,I'll do such a thing.He kept staring at me!He should be the one...."

"Hyung, Shut it.He didn't mean any harm,I'm sure.Look,I bet he only wanted to change the view and glanced behind you."

Sure,leave it to the kid to come up with a logical explanation for my ogling earlier.Or maybe I should thank him,them,for coming just in time to stop me from making a fool out of myself.Again.

"Yeah, I'll give him a view change alright!I'll punch him into the right direction."

"Whoa, Gyu.Now, you're pushing it."

"Let go.I'm fine."

"Sorry,hyung is...not a people person."

Really?That's a shocker.

"I'm Myungsoo,by the way.That bodyguard over there is my hyung's best friend,Dongwoo.And the ogre..."

Kim Sunggyu.

"Yeah, I can understand why you wouldn't want to know the name of...Please, don't take it to heart;he's actually a kind person, but not on the first glance.Am I blabbering?"

Hmm, no.It's nice to have your brother's back,despite his nasty character.You're so much like him,the old one.The one that would smile and speak only when nagged.The one that literally jumped into a flaming house to get me out before it crashed, thus ending up spending the rest of his life in a wheel chair.The one that needed special care outside the country.The one that woke up from his coma after 8 years.The one that only I was left remembering.

"Uhm, well, we're sorry again for the inconvenience.And, here.This is for you.I'm gonna release a photo album soon.I...shouldn't have taken the liberty of  snapping this shot, but your facial expression was amasing.I never found such longing in a person's eyes.You should hold onto it."

I do long for ....something,but summer rain doesn't come  remotely close.How could anything, anyone compare to him?I should thank you, kid.This photograph..It's my only solid proof that he was once my all.

"I'm...I didn't mean to overstep.Please, don't cry.Hyung!"

"What's wrong, Myunggie?oh.Hey, man, listen,we're..."

"Dongwoo hyung, I didn't....I don't know what happened.He just burst into tears when I gave him the picture."

"Do you need anything?A glass of..."

I need to say Hello from the outside.Because he  already said his good-bye when he locked everything about us inside him.Why the hell am I so emotional?It's not his fault he forgot he ever met me.If anything, his only blame is trying to save me back then.

"You darn clown.Would it be too much asking to answer my calls.We were worried sick!"


"What happened,why are you crying?Did anyone give you a hard time?"

"We...kinda had a ..."

"What did you say to him?!Did you mock him for being mute?Cause I swear..."

"What?He can't...We didn't even know.Oh, God,that's why you were silent."

"Stop acting like he's crippled."


"That's no excuse for his odd behaviour.Don't ask for pity.I can accept an apology in writing just as well."

"Who the is this?Woohyun, do I need to hit his big mouth?"

"Hey, things really got out of proportion.Why don't we all relax and try to reason before..."

"And who the heck are you to..."

"Name's Dongwoo, beautiful.And, before you crash and burn this place,I suggest we all cool down.I'l take care of my half,you think you can handle your friend over here?"


I'm good.He's right,we should put it to a stop.I owe him one, anyhow.

"Owe what?"

One life.

An apology.He was too cute  not to stare at.

"Cute to..have you gone mental?!! He's a creap."

"Hey, that's my brother you're dissing here."

"I wasn't talking about him being in a wheel chair.I'm not that shallow, kid."

"Oh,well, in that case, yeah, I guess he can be a little..."

"You piece of ungrateful brat!.Yah!!"

"He was kidding, Gyu."

"Stop taking his side,Dongwoo."


"We haven't finished introducing ourselves.Not that it mattered."

"Woohyun, is he....?"

Was,is,will always be;my Gyu.

"Am I what?Hello! I'm right here."

"Shut up."

"Excuse me?"

"We're going.Now."

"Wait.I have to give him this note.I'll never be able to get this close to him again."

"Then give it and let's go.You're late for your check-up."

"I cacelled it."

"You what?Who the hell told you you can cancel?I'm calling the hospital back."

"Stop,Howon.Here, tell him ..."

"You can say it yourself."


"Fine!God, what a pain you are today.Take it."

"What's this?"

"Your apology?What else?"

"It says 'Hello and thank you'. Last time I checked,my feet lost their function, not my brain.It doesn't sound like an apology in my book."

Oh, Gyu.You and your book.Stop being so cute,or I won't be able to stop myself.

"What the hell man?Stop hugging me!Yah, get him off."

"Wish I could."

"Isn't he your friend.Do something! Dongwoo, help."

"I don't know, Gyu.You two look kinda cute like that."

"You traitor.Hey, koala,get off.I mean it.Did you hear me?He can hear, right?"

"Yes,he only has a ....Hyun?Woohyun,are you...oh, my God.No, not on my watch.Open your eyes, dammit!"

"What's wrong?"

"Call an ambulance, please.Hyun, come on,please don't do this.Not like this."

"What...why is he?"

"It's his heart.He can't take strong...hey, Hyun, that's it,open your eyes.You'll be ok.Help's on the way."

"I'm sorry.I didn't plan him.I just wanted out of there before the surgery."

"Is he ok?He looks in pain."

"Give him space.He won't do anything stupid today;not while I'm around.You hear me, mister?"

"This devil,how can he be disrespectful to his elder?"

"One month older does not equal me calling you hyung.And I have all the right to bust your for going MIA before your heart surgery."

"Don't talk back to him.He can take full responsability of his actions."

"Oh that's just precious.One time you get to be the better man and join forces with the enemy,you choose to encourage the same wayward conduct you've been living all these years."

"Shut up, Dongwoo,this is not about me."

"It never is, Gyu.You made it perfectly clear."

"Hyung, please.Now is not the time."

"What?You think he minds?The least we could do is take his mind off his current state.Isn't it all better now?"

Sarcasm.Kim Sunggyu's way of not facing reality.You're still in there,somehow.

Will I get to see you again,even as a half of what made you my Gyu?

"You'll be fine.Once you've survived me, you can take on anything."

"Hyung, stop.Can't you say something nice to him?He's ill."

Oh, Myungsoo,there could never be nicer words than these.He always said them .His cheering trademark.I hope I'll hear them again someday.This sweet voice...









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underline writing:sign language.


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dgh2673 #1
Chapter 1: i don't get the end of story 🥲but it was really sad and could be continued 😔
sha_alina19 #2
Chapter 1: is woohyun died?? ommo....why sooo sad ending