Chapter 9

Neverland* [Hiatus]

                I sit in front of the TV randomly flipping through the channels as I eat a bowl of cereal for breakfast. I’m still in my pajamas since I not sure what to do today. There’s still a thin layer of snow on the ground and it’s somewhat cloudy. I don’t really feel like going out, todays feels like a lazy day. I spread out on the couch and start watching some cartoons.

                Kiseop struts in to the kitchen listening to his iPod. He grabs a box of cereal and then makes his way over to one of the other chairs in the living room and just starts stuffing hand fulls of dry cereal into his mouth. He looks like a noob.

“Where are the old annoying people?” He asks as he looks around the room.

“They went to visit some of your family members in Incheon. They said that they’ll be back tomorrow night. You should know this.” I say not bothering to look away from the TV but I know he’s rolling his eyes at me. We continue to sit in silence until I get an idea about what to do.

“Let’s have a sleepover.” I say and turn towards him. He blankly stares at me for a few moments before he speaks.

“I thought only 13 year old girls had sleepovers.” He says with a mocking attitude.

“Fine then, I’ll have the sleepover, and you can stay in your room all by yourself for the entire night.” I say and stand up and search for my cell phone. I hear him sigh in defeat.

“If WE are having a sleepover we should go buy some snacks or get take out.” He yells after me as I aimlessly search the house for my STUPID cell phone that has dropped off the face of the earth.

“Kiseop where is my phone?” I yell back in distress and walk back into the living room only to see Kiseop PLAYING WITH IT. “Why do you have my phone!?” I run up and rip it out of his hands a little offended he would just take it.

“Who’s that boy?” He asks sounding truly curious.

“What boy?” I say, still annoyed.

“The one you’re in every picture with.” I search through my pictures and after a few moments and look at all the pictures I’m in with Kibum.

“An old friend,” I say as I start to search for my wallet.

“…what kind of friend.” He asks again, and his questions are starting to get annoying.

“A best friend, now can you please help me find my wallet,” I ask letting him know he’s irritating me by my tone.

“It’s right here.” He says and reaches under the chair.

“How did it get there?”

“I wanted to watch you run around the house like a retard looking for it, but since we’re going to go buy food, I’ll let you buy. How did you get so much money anyway?”

“Well, since I didn’t grow up as a spoiled, rich kid, I actually had to make money to help my mom pay the rent, buy groceries, and pay the bills. Sometimes I had to work 4 different part-time jobs and still keep up with my studies so I wouldn’t have to drop out of high school. But since me and my mom came to live with you and your dad I actually have some money saved up for once.” I say with a little bit of sarcasm. Kiseop’s expression turns guilty. “Now if you want to come I’m going to go buy some food for later.” I say going to take my wallet out of his hands but he suddenly jerks his hand back so I can’t get it.

 “Let me buy.” He says and tosses my wallet on the coffee table. “Come on, let’s go.” He says and grabs the sleeve of my jacket and pulls me out the door. I feel kind of bad about making him feels guilty…but at least I don’t have to pay for the food…


                I follow Kiseop around the store as he pushes the cart through the aisles. I actually got the cart first but he had to be childish and throw a tantrum because he wanted to push it… he pushes it likes he’s riding a scooter.  It’s so embarrassing being seen in public with him.

                Every few minutes a bag of chips or a bottle of soda gets thrown into the pile of punk food. “So…what are you supposed to do at sleepovers?” Kiseop asks as we take a break to stare at the fish in the tank at the back of the store. “I don’t know…”

“You’ve never had one before?” He asks.

“No, I have… when I was younger we stayed up and played video games, watched videos on YouTube, talked about girls, and after our parents fell asleep we went swimming or walked around the neighborhood. “

“Did you watch together?”

“No! We watched music videos! What kind of sick child were you!?!?”

                We continue around the large store and somehow we end up in the stuffed animal section… I spot this fuzzy pillow pet and after ten minutes of begging Kiseop agrees to buy it for me^^

                We buy a pizza for latter and pay for everything once we’re done. The cashier looked at me weird when he saw me with the stuffed animal but by now I’m used to people looking at me strangely.

                We walk home and I’m the one who gets stuck carrying all the bags. “Who are we inviting?” Kiseop says in an unusually cheery mood. “Not Jared or Junsu.” He says in a totally different voice and his mood change is almost creepy.  

“I wasn’t going to. Let’s have Eli, Dongho, and Soohyun over.”

“When did you become friends with Soohyun?” He asks sounding almost a little nervous about something. “I don’t know I enjoyed talking to him the last time we were all together.” I force him to carry some of the bags because my arms are starting to hurt, “Why do you care anyway?” I give him a sassy look because it always seems to annoy him, and it does. “We should also have Eli’s cousin come.”

                When we get home I put all the food away as Kiseop starts playing Xbox360. As I walk back into the living room Soohyun is right next to Kiseop on the floor playing with him. “Hi Kevin,” He says not taking his attention off of the screen.  “Hi….how did you….?” I don’t remember him ever coming over… whatever. Ninja.

                I send Dongho a text and then call Eli. “Hi Kevin.”

“Hey, do want to sleepover tonight.”


“Do you think Alexander would want to come?” I ask.

“Oh…maybe, he’d probably like to get out of the house…he quarantines himself in his room a lot…I’ll ask him though.”

“Okay, see you later.”

Dongho texts back, saying he’ll be over later.

                When I was younger I never really had friends come over my house. I didn’t really hang out with friends outside of school. Mainly, because I was always busy and secondly, I was always embarrassed about my house. I lived in a small two bedroom, one bathroom apartment; most of the time it was a complete pigsty…and I didn’t even like being there. Most nights my dad would come home drunk after work and if he had a bad day he could get violent. I didn’t want to endanger my friends by having them sleep over. Sometimes Kibum would stay overnight and stay with me when my parents fought. Without him I was scared. I can’t even begin to explain how much I miss him.

                Dongho comes over at around 6:30. He lays on Soohyun back while the latter continues his video game war with Kiseop. Dongho watches while stuffing pretzels into his mouth. I just sit on the couch and listen to my iPod not really finding ‘Gears of War’ interesting. When the doorbell rings I get up to answer it. I let Eli and the depressed looking boy behind him in. “Hi Kevin, this is Alexander.” Eli says casually.

“Hi.” I say with a smile.

He gives a half smile but I can tell he’s not happy.            

                I lead them into the living room where the others are and we sit down on the couch.  I talk to Eli for a while but every time I tried to talk to Alexander he would hold a conversation. I really wanted to get him to talk hoping that he could get more comfortable so I kept pushing. I asked a thousand questions and eventually we had a small conversation.  “So…are you Korean?” I ask him.

“I’m half-Korean-quarter-Portuguese-quarter-Chinese.” He says with a genuine smile, “And I can speak seven languages.”

“What languages?”

“Cantonese, English, Korean, Mandarin, Spanish, Portuguese, and Japanese. I studied a little French because I found the language interesting and I also took an interest in the Thai alphabet but I’m not really fluent in those languages.”

“That’s impressive.” And I thought just becoming fluent in Korean was hard. As we drink soda Dongho joins us on the couch, even he got bored of the never ending video game battle.

“Kiseop.... Yah! Kiseop!” I yell trying to get his stupid attention.

“What?” He pauses the game and turns to give me a death glare.

“Let’s at least play another video game.” I say. Soohyun gets up and looks through the pile of video games next to the flat screen. “Oooh~ What’s this?” He says and turns to show me the game cover.

“It’s like Dance Central.” I say in between sipping my Coca Cola.

“What’s that?” Dongho asks.

“It’s like karaoke for dancing. It shows you the moves on the screen and monitors your moves to see if they match up. Dance Central had American songs but this has K-Pop songs.”

“Let’s play this!” Soohyun happily switches the games not caring weather anyone else wants to play. “Kiseop, let’s do a dance battle.” He searches the songs and chooses the song ‘Keep your head down’ by TVXQ.

                It’s quite entertaining watching Kiseop and Soohyun dance. They get so competitive. Since its gotten dark out, we turn all the lights off and just let the light from the TV illuminate the room.

                After, the two failed epically at their dance battle Kiseop somehow managed to win. Dongho and I decide to dance off and I pick the song. I like girl dances the best so I end up choosing ‘Step’ by Kara.

                I win, of course. I actually really do enjoy dancing and singing so whenever I have free time I learn the lyrics or dance moves to my favorite songs. Dongho’s a good dancer though.

Since Kiseop won against Soohyun I just try to get a higher score by doing some random dances. Lucky, I‘ve learned most girl group dances. There more fun than boy band dances.

I can hear the others dying of laughter behind me on the couch. I heard Kiseop fall off and land on the floor with a loud thud only increasing the laughter. When I finish I sit down on the ground and drink a can of soda. Kiseop’s still laughing but takes a few breaths to say, “You look just like a girl!” And then continues laughing again.

                “Kiseop dance with Kevin.” Soohyun says and kicks Kiseop with his foot. Before Kiseop can reject, everyone else started cheering for us to, “Fine! Let’s go Kevin.” Kiseop jumps up and randomly picks a song.

                Kiseop acts really goofy when he dances so it’s hard trying not to laugh.

                Pretty soon we’re all dying of laughter and rolling on the floor. It starts to get really hot, and even though we turn on the fans but they don’t help. “How did it get so hot in here!?” Eli complains and sticks cold soda cans on his face trying to cool down.

“How did you get so hot? You weren’t even dancing.” I ask.

“I’m just naturally hot,” He says.

“Not that kind of hot.” I say.

“Let’s jump in the pool.” Kiseop says and stands up off the floor.

“What!? It’s really cold outside, the waters probably freezing!” I say.

“The pool is heated, and even if it’s cold we can just jump in the hot tub afterwards. “

“Sounds good to me,” Soohyun jumps up and starts taking his shirt off. We all look at each other for a moment and then everyone starts taking their shirts off. Am I the only one who gets uncomfortable stripping out in the open like this? Well…since there aren’t any lights on I guess I’ll just join them.

                Pretty soon we’re all half and running outside into the cool air.


Hi everyone!!! :) I didn't get alot of time to edit or revise this chapter so i hope it's okay. I add the links because I thought it would be cooler if you all got to actually see them dancing...and also I at trying to describe people when they dance....but yeah, the sleepover will continue in the next chapter and I plan on uploading it soon. The next chapter will be more interesting too just to let you know.

Comments are love <3 Whenever there's a little box saying new comment I get all excited so thank you for commenting! It makes me happy^^

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【9/7/13】 The story is coming to an end so there will probably only be a few chapters left. I want to thank everyone who's read and supported throughout♥


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milkythings #1
Chapter 34: This is so good please please please update
audrey0189 #2
Chapter 34: Ugh!! I don't want this story to end!
aiag08 #3
Chapter 34: I've enjoyed alot reading this fanfic. Hope you can find time to finish the story, it seems it's pretty close to it's end :)
Chapter 34: Erm... author-nim, I just read it all again and I love it, so.... just let me know if you're going to update~ please! :3
hahakissu #5
Chapter 34: pleasa update soon!!!!!!!!!! u___u
StillMeadows #6
Chapter 26: I really like this story. TT
Are you ever going to update it? TT TT
Your story is really one of the best I have ever read! The story line, the characters, and your writing style are really amazing! Especially with how the story and Vinseop's relationship developed throughout the chapters made this a great read! Thank you for writing such an awesome story! I hope you will continue the story and hopefully update soon when you have time! ^^
Chapter 34: Omoo..
update please... i fall in love with the story already.. ^*^