Chapter 11

Neverland* [Hiatus]

                I wake to an annoying poking sensation on my forehead. I open my eyes to see Soohyun's bugged eyes staring right at me, and the sight of his face almost gives me a heart attack. My body feels paralyzed because my neck is in a twisted position. My head feels heavy and I just feel like crap. “What time is it?” I ask and my voice unexpectedly cracks. It's too early to talk. I force myself into a sitting position.

                “It’s 11:00 in the morning.” I notice Soohyun is eating a bowl of cereal and I look around searching for everyone else.

                “Where are the others?” I ask.

                “Everyone went home already. We raided your kitchen for cereal while you were still passed out so you’re going to need to go buy more Fruit Loops.”

                I take a few minutes to remember the events of last night.  “Where’s Kiseop?” I ask worriedly for some reason...even though i don't know why I would care what happened to him after last night.

                “He’s sleeping. He got sick last night and started vomiting. I think he got an anxiety attack. He probably won’t wake up for a while…and when he does he’ll probably have a killer hangover.” He says, continuing to eat his cereal.

                “Soohyun…what happened to Kiseop?” Why was he an emotional wreck? What was he remembering that scared him so much?

                Soohyun stares at me blankly, almost like he doesn’t know what to say. I can tell he’s trying to hide something from me, I can see it in his eyes.

                “I don’t understand what you’re talking about?” He says, but I know he’s lying.

“But Kiseop kept going on about how he was scared-“

                “Kevin, Kiseop was drunk. He wasn’t thinking straight. He won’t even remember last night when he wakes up.” Soohyun cuts me off and I can tell he doesn’t want to continue this conversation.  I drop the subject, but I plan on figuring out what Kiseop was talking about, one way or another. 

                Soohyun gets up and walks into the kitchen to place his empty cereal bowl in the sink. He searches around for his jacket and when he finds it, he walks to the door. “I have to go now, if you need anything just call. See you later.” He gives me a smile as he leaves, but I can tell something is bothering him...  What is it I don’t know!? Why won’t anyone tell me what Kiseop was talking about!? I try to calm myself and let out a long frustrated sigh. First things first, I should go check on Kiseop.

                I walk up the stairs and into Kiseop’s room. All the lights are turned off but a small stream off light coming into from the window allows me to see. I walk over to Kiseop’s bed and look at his face  half covered under the sheets. Strands of messy hair cover across his face and his entire body seems to be covered in a thin layer of sweat. His lips looks puffy and his breathing is somewhat hitched.  He looks sick…but incredible cute at the same time…

                I brush aside the damp strands of hair covering his face. Why is it I feel so confused around him? It’s almost like I can’t make up my mind about what to think of him. I hate him so much at times, but just seeing him look so innocent and peaceful is almost comforting. I don’t know how to explain it. He almost makes me feel happy…but why? It’s not like he’s very nice to me. Last night he… I don’t even want to think about it…it’s embarrassing... and he's a ert so i shouln't like him at all.

                 He slowly comes awake, moving and opening his eyes lazily. He looks at me but I see no recognition in his eyes.  He brings his hand out from underneath the blankets and moves it to my face. He gently brushes the skin on my cheek with his fingertips. His touch makes my face burn and I can almost feel butterflies in my stomach...

                His eyes widen and he rips his hand back. He sits up hastily, and the moment he does he moans in pain and his hands fly up to grab his head. “Ahhh…” He squeezes his eyes shut in pain. He stays still for a few moments. When he looks up again he stares at me. “Get out of my room Kevin or I’ll throw up on you.” He says somewhat rudely. I roll my eyes and stand back as he gets out of bed and stretches. He ruffles his hands through his hair and seems to try and air out his T-Shirt.
“I feel terrible.”

                Suddenly, all color escapes from his face and his body starts to shake a little. He grabs his stomach and suddenly vomits all on the floor. I cover my mouth trying hard to suppress the urge to vomit as well. Kiseop collapses on the floor his entire body violently shaking now. Oh god, ew.

                I make my way back over near his bed and slowly lift him off the floor. I help him make his way across the room, avoiding the mess on the floor. I take him into his bathroom and carefully sit him down. He’s half out of it but tears are slowing falling from his eyes. “K-Kiseop don’t cry!” I say and wipe away the tears on his face. I guess he really is sick. I turn the bath water on and let it run until it becomes warm but not too hot. “Alright Kiseop, time to take a bath,” I say hoping I wasn’t going to have to undress him. He only moans in response. I sigh knowing I’m going to have to do this on my own. I dump a whole bunch of bubbles in the bath tub so I won’t have to see him , and his shirt and slides it off and without looking do the same with his pants. With my eyes shut I help him get into the bath tub but accidentally make him hit his head on the wall. He opens his lazy eyes and glares at me but I can’t help laugh a little because it was kind of funny.

                 I leave to go clean up his room. It takes me almost two hours to straighten everything out because every few seconds I get the strong urge to get sick as well. I clean the rug and throw his bed sheets and pillows in the wash.  When I’m done I go back up to get him but he’s fallen asleep in the bath tub. Ugh. I walk over and poke him in the cheek. He slowly opens his eyes and turns his head towards me. He gives me a look as if he’s saying, ‘What the hell do you want?’ I just stare at him not sure if I should just leave him in the tub or let him rest in his bed. “Help me out.” He says and gently starts to stand up but then stops. “Close your eyes!” I close my eyes but as I do I say, “I’ve already seen you .” I don’t hear him moving so I open my eyes to see him utterly shocked and staring at me.

“What?” He asked dumbfounded.

“I’ve already seen you .” I say again.

“When!?” He’s getting frustrated and his cheeks are turning red. He’s kind of cute when he gets embarrassed.

“Last night, when you were drunk, it was when you and Soohyun decided to run around the neighborhood on a dare.”  I say trying to suppress the urge to smile at his embarrassed, confused face.

                He stays still, thinking. I can see a speck of memory flash in his eyes and his face turns even redder. “Ughhh….” He groans and covers his face trying to hide his blush. He looks through his fingers at my face. “That’s so embarrassing. I can’t even remember last night but that is something I would do when I’m drunk. Just hand me the towel. It’s awkward with you in here….”

                “Are you sure you don’t want me to help you?” I ask as I hand him the towel, he did just vomit all over his room a few hours ago. He must be pretty sick.

                “I’m fine.” I look away as he wraps the towel around his waist but when he makes a weird sound I turn around just in time to watch him throw up all over me. And this time, I did get sick as well.


                I sit on the couch hugging my pillow pet completely annoyed and watching TV. Kiseop is hogging most of the couch and is on the verge of falling asleep. He looks at me from the corner of his eye.

               “What?” I say in an annoyed tone.

               He shakes his head slightly and says, “Nothing.” And I can tell he’s trying to hide a smile.

              “What’s so funny?”  I asked getting even more irritated. And completely turn my attention from the TV to him.

               He starts laughing but stops long enough to say, “Nothing.”

“It. Was. Not. Funny.” I say harshly and he starts to laugh again.

“Yes it was.”

               “How do you find vomiting on me funny?“ I say, “It. Was. Not. Funny." Just the memory makes me want to get sick all over again. It was distugsting. And to make that whole experience even more fun, Kiseop had to slip and fall right on top of me just as his towel fell off. “I’ve seen you twice now.” I say with a somewhat inferior attitude because I know every time I remind him he blushes bright red. His only response is, “Shut up….” 

                We sit in awkward silence. Kiseop suddenly tries to take my pillow pet but I kick him so hard he falls off the couch and onto the floor. I start hysterically laughing but he grabs my foot and pulls me off the couch as well and I land on the floor in a painfully loud thud. “You ,” Kiseop says and attempts to take my pillow again. I try to push him away with my foot but he pushes it aside and slides between my legs and grabs the stuffed animal from my hands. His face is uncomfortable close to mine and the position we’re in is rather awkward…

                Our parents walk through the door and into the living room. “We’re home-“ My mom begins to yell out but once she sees us she asks rather abrubtly, “What are you doing?” ...perfect timing.

                Kiseop and I look at each other and both blush awkwardly. “U-uh Kiseop was trying to take my pillow pet.” I say quickly not wanting them to get the impression we we’re doing anything else.

                 “Ok…so what did you guys do while we were gone?” My mom asks trying to make this conversation less awkward but it’s not really working..

                “Kiseop vomited on me.” I say bluntly. My mom looks at Kiseop’s dad with a confused look but Mr. Lee just rolls his eyes and leads my mom to the kitchen. I relax a little once they’re gone but when I look back at Kiseop he looks somewhat hurt by way he watches his dad walk away with my mom. “U-uh…are you okay?” I ask kind of wishing he’d get out from in between my legs. “Just fine,” He says sounding almost angry. He switches his attention back to me and smiles almost seductively. WTF!? Even though I could deny it as much as I want…his smile is quite attractive…but very wrong for this moment. Why does he have to make every awkward moment even more uncomfortable.

                “Kiseop, get off.” I say remember what he did yesterday. The memories come flooding in my mind.

                “Why are you blushing?” He asks with an almost devilish smile making me become nervous. Does he find this situation entertaining???

                “Just. Stop,” I say seriously hoping he’ll oblige, but I now he probably won’t.

                He rolls his eyes and gets off. Thank god

               He takes one last tug at my pillow pet but I kick him in the leg as hard as I can. “Get the out!” I yell hoping it wasn’t loud enough for our parents to hear. After all that he still tries to get my pillow. I'm pretty sure the only thing i feel towards him is a passionate hatred...i hope...


I didn't really know what to do with this chapter so i hope it came out okay T_T  I had a major writer's block, and kind of ran out of ideas, but since i didn't want to take to long to update i just kind of came up with this idea at the last second. In the next few chapters i hope to make this story become more interesting...but yeah...i hope this chapter wasn't too boring, or anything... :/  Bye~

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【9/7/13】 The story is coming to an end so there will probably only be a few chapters left. I want to thank everyone who's read and supported throughout♥


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milkythings #1
Chapter 34: This is so good please please please update
audrey0189 #2
Chapter 34: Ugh!! I don't want this story to end!
aiag08 #3
Chapter 34: I've enjoyed alot reading this fanfic. Hope you can find time to finish the story, it seems it's pretty close to it's end :)
Chapter 34: Erm... author-nim, I just read it all again and I love it, so.... just let me know if you're going to update~ please! :3
hahakissu #5
Chapter 34: pleasa update soon!!!!!!!!!! u___u
StillMeadows #6
Chapter 26: I really like this story. TT
Are you ever going to update it? TT TT
Your story is really one of the best I have ever read! The story line, the characters, and your writing style are really amazing! Especially with how the story and Vinseop's relationship developed throughout the chapters made this a great read! Thank you for writing such an awesome story! I hope you will continue the story and hopefully update soon when you have time! ^^
Chapter 34: Omoo..
update please... i fall in love with the story already.. ^*^