The Hormonal Wife Series

The joys of motherhood- what’s not to love? The passing remarks on your radiant glow, a whole new wardrobe, and the fact you can double up on potions of ben and jerry’s anytime you want as you’re ‘eating for two’. Oh, and obviously the child- but you’ll deal with that when it arises.

Now, yes- like anything in life, there are cons. The ballooning, the swelling ankles, the growing weight inside you making you feel like a walking heffa… but you had Chanyeol. Sometimes you were unsure whether or not he was a pro or a con… but when he sees the tired and worn state you’re in, he runs to your side- runs you a hot bubble bath, digs out the ben and jerry’s from the freezer, gives you a foot rub and gets your cosy clothes ready for a night of cuddling and Doctor Who. You could imagine it now… as soon as you walked in through the door after being out with your friend all afternoon, you’d be able to rest your weary legs, crash on the couch and enjoy some delicious- 

plink, plink…


He’s a con. He’s a big, FAT, ICE CREAM SCOFFING CON. Well that’s it then isn’t it? Your night is ruined.

How could he do this to you? You take very few pleasures out of life right now, taking your part as the walking incubator for his unborn child and he literally swallowed all the joy out of your life; spoonful by cookie dough spoonful. 

You can’t even imagine his face right now without pure RAGE bubbling up inside you, consuming any rational thought inside your mind. 

He must pay.


How dare he try to take the higher ground after what he’s done?! Condescending bastard! You swear to god, if he’s at home when you get back- there will be hell to pay. Talk rationally? You are being rational! He’s the one that’s taken the one and only favourite food out of your life, how irrational can he be to steal from his heavily pregnant wife?

That’s it. If he’s at home when you get back, the relationship is over. No, this is the last time he brings such anguish to your life. This is a lot of strain on your unborn child, she’s missing out on much needed nourishment, all for the sake of her father’s greed. How could he be so selfish? So heartless, so outright stinking-

plink, plink…


You love that man. He completes you. He knows exactly how to make you happy- you knew he’d find a way to make things up to you. How could you ever think about leaving him? Oh, Chanyeol… that beautiful, beautiful man.


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