Not Yet His.

His Favorite.
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Not Yet His.         Mira scratched the back of her neck, not knowing what to do with the sudden change of atmosphere. Baekhyun had just openly claimed her as his favorite and the girl wasn't sure how to deal with the awkwardness.   She cleared , "Was that.. Supposed to be a confession?"   Baekhyun swallowed the lump of saliva he had when he held his breath while waiting for a reply. He showed acknowledgement by shrugging, his red cheeks becoming and even darker shade. He knew he hadn't exactly been the best at wooing girls but he never thought it would be even harder on Moon Mira. Without a doubt, she was the only girl who found him annoying from the first day they met —or more like the day she found out who her noisy neighbor was.   There was a soft chuckle as the girl shook her head.   "You're a fail, Byun." The male outwardly cringed when he realized that she had indirectly rejected him. He carried the cardboard box in front of him and made his way out the door, not wanting to stay in her presence any longer than he has to. Mira snorted at his hunched back, his head lowered to be almost parallel to the ground. "Maybe you should try courting me properly before confessing next time."   Baekhyun's head shot up when he heard her last sentence before the elevator door closed. Next time, she said.   That meant he still has a chance.                 Mira woke up early to a knock on her door. She turned to her side where her bedside drawer was, and she almost glared at the numbers written on the digital clock. What did Baekhyun want at 8AM on a Saturday? She groaned and stretched, making her way to the door adjacent to her bed.   It had only been two day since the move but all Mira's belongings had been organized into its rightful places with the help of Baekhyun, her roommate. The day before had been a day of unpacking and reorganizing for the both of them, and even with Baekhyun's help it took them the entire day to get everything sorted out. Thus, the reason why Mira needed to get back into her bed for her much needed sleep.   "What?" She croaked out, not even bothering to cover her bed hair and ridiculously crumpled nightdress. Mira was definitely not ready for the sight before her.    Baekhyun was holding out a bouquet of Stargazer lilies. He was decked in a long trench coat that ended at his thighs, a striped shirt hidden below it, and a pair of skinny jeans that accentuated his long legs.   "Hey."   "Hi." She could do nothing about her rosy cheeks, blaming herself on her laziness to not check her appearance before getting the door and presenting her entire self exactly as she had woken up. "What's this for?"   The male bit his lower lip, not knowing how to explain himself without embarrassment. "I'm sure you already know the meaning behind this flower, florist."   Of course she does, Mira answers in her head, she's been working part-time in a flower shop just a street down from her previous apartment for almost two years. Feeling a little playful in the early morning, she decided to give him one of it's meaning.   "Purity and sympathy." She nodded, although she knew the difference in the color of the lilies. "Are you trying to say you're sorry for the confession, or that you find me to be a pure person?"   Baekhyun grew alarmed at her reply. "N-No! T-That's not what the florist told me!" His arms slowly dwindled down, but was still in front of him as he muttered a soft ' did I get the wrong one?' to himself. He sighed, bringing the flowers to his side. "I'm sorry. She actually told me that it's supposed to mean--"   "Wealth, prosperity, and aspiration. I know, Byun. What I said earlier were for whites. But you got me the pink one." She held a hand out, requesting for the boy to pass the bouquet. He did so in relief, gazing at her as she inhaled the scent of the lilies, her eyes closing for a fraction of a second. Her eyes landed on his at her exhale. "So, aspiration huh? For what?" She teased.   The color of his cheeks became more prominent at her words and obvious joke.    "For you. I'm gonna do as you said." He mustered up his courage to look her back in the eye. "I'm going to court you properly."   Surprise would be an understatement for Mira. Sure, she did purposefully told him to court her, giving him a big hint that she wanted him to chase her, but she was not expecting him to make his move so quickly and for him to directly let her know of his ambition. She stared at him for a couple of seconds before she decided it was time to break the eye contact. Clearing , she gave him a smile. "Thanks, Byun." The male was still standing quietly by her door as she was about to make a move back into her bed. "I'll put them in a vase," she told him, not really sure why he was still there.   Baekhyun got out of his daze, his hands immediately clenching on his coat to cover his pants. Thank goodness the girl had already turned before she saw his hard-on. He didn't need her to know how her nightdress was way too short to be worn in the middle of winter, especially since they'll be coming across each other more times than before. He mentally made a note to bring it up to her when the atmosphere was less sensual.   He continued watching her move to get an empty vase from one of her cupboards, going out to the shared kitchen to fill it up with water before she proceeded to put the flowers into it, nicely arranging them as they had been presented to her.   "Are you free today?" He finally built up his courage to ask.   Mira paused in her steps back to her room, just a few feet away from Baekhyun. She went through her schedule for the day in her mind before shaking her head. "Not really. I'm working at 5."   The guy nodded, that gives him just enough time for a brunch and movie date.                 The Brunch Baekhyun had thought of didn't exactly go as planned. Instead of a fine restaurant that serves different American-styled breakfast, Mira had suggested a Japanese cuisine restaurant. She had specifically informed him that she didn't care which Japanese shop they went to, all she needed was her Curry Rice. He heeded her words and they both went in search for the nearest outlet.   After getting food, Baekhyun led her to a cinema and made her choose a movie. When she went for Fast and Furious 7, he rejected her plea. Then she pointed to Inside Out, another movie she had been itching to watch, but was also turned down.   "Are you testing me?"   Mira had asked, eyeing the male. He chuckled at her, shrugging as he waited for her next choice. She ended up choosing Fifty Shades of Grey. The ONLY movie he agreed to. She called him a ert, but inwardly she was also excited because Sehun had turned her down a million times when she asked him to watch it with her. Baekhyun paid for the tickets and snacks before leading her to the right theatre. He let her settle down first, then he silently took off his coat and placed it over her knees, effectively covering her entire lap with it.   "Am I still a ert now?" He asked her, pointing to the coat he had just covered her with. She snorted in response, not caring that the sound came out louder than she had expected.   At some point through the movie, Mira noticed that whenever the ual scene came up, Baekhyun's grip on her hand would tighten. She hadn't even realized when he had her hand tangled with his own. She was about to let it go when Annastasia begged for Christian to show her his worst. The scene changed to his playroom where he began punishing her.   And with each whip Annastasia was getting, Baekhyun's strength would increase. Mira was about to tell the boy off when she caught the tent he was sporting. She held back a giggle and leaned over. "Byun, I can see how much of a ert you are." She whispered into his ear, unconsciously making the male's hard-on grow even more. Baekhyun made a whine that sounded similar to a pu
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Chapter 2: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1034943/2'>Not Yet His.</a></span>
Awww…. Sad that this is over already :(
Chapter 1: How cute!
xlonelywhale #3
Chapter 2: Loved it
Chapter 2: Holy guacamole
Chapter 2: A sequel!


Pretty please???
Chapter 2: Make me yours and then you can be possessive...........ahh this line is killing me.
Damn it, Byun Baek, stop messing with my poor heart
slushyplushie #8
spaghetti_soda #9
Chapter 2: It was a great story. I like it ^.^
Chapter 1: baekhyun's so weird, why is he stealing everything she has lol