
His Favorite.
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Moon Mira was walking home on the last day of the week.   She had been out and about the entire day, hanging around her two different group of friends. In the morning, she was having brunch with her best friend, Sehun, before they went to play a few games in the arcade. Once the time struck four o'clock, the girl rushed off to meet her classmates and was stuck with researching and brainstorming on her upcoming final year project.   Now it was almost a quarter past seven and she was still not in the comfort of her home. Mira grumbled under her breath, hating the fact that this was how her life will be for the next couple of months. Even with her carefree personality, she was bound to have flaws in her feelings too. And so there are a few things Mira hated in life.   Firstly, she hated the cold. The freezing temperature of the winter, the ice-cold water it creates when she has to shower in the early mornings, and of course, the strong winds blowing straight into her face with its heavy downpours of snow. Mira shivered and tucked her face further into her scarf, cursing once more.   She hated noises. From the sounds of the construction going on near her building, to the loud clubbing-like music her neighbor always turns on from seven at night to the late hours when everyone else should be sleeping. Sometimes even the loud chatters of high school kids passing by ticks her off. She enjoyed nature, no doubt about that, but how could she appreciate it when it gets polluted with the ridiculous sounds of gossips and loud bass and metal clanging on metal? That was why she relied on her noise-reducing earpiece, playing soft classical tunes into her mind.   Mira also hates explaining. Now this, was something Mira hated more than the cold or the noise. Oh she hated explaining anything to anyone, it was the most torturing thing she had to do. Every time Mira had to make decisions, she made sure everyone knew her reasons straight away. But do people really listen to what she says? Apparently not, because the girl will always have to explain her stand at least once more.   And today, you could say she nearly lost all her hair and maybe even almost killed one or two of her group mates. Do they not understand personal space? She swears, it was as though there was a timer for every five minutes for someone to ask her an eye-roll-inducing question.   Mira sighed, as she turned another corner, fastening her steps when she realizes she's on her street already. Pushing her hands further into her pockets to keep her fingers warm, she was close to bouncing home when she felt her head getting cold. The freezing air masked her entire crown as she quickly registers her missing beanie.   She raised her hand to feel the top of her head, only to be met by nothingness. There was a chuckle from behind her and instantly Mira knew who the culprit was. Turning around, she glared at the perpetrator who had her headgear in his hand.   "Byun," she growled, using one hand to snatch her favorite beanie back. She was too slow, though, as the male's hand shot up high into the sky, out of her reach.   There was one more thing she had forgotten.    Byun Baekhyun.   Mira hated his guts way more than all the above combined. She hated how he was so gorgeous when he doesn't take care of his health. She hated how he had always been one head taller than her. And she definitely hated how it was his life principle to make her entire being miserable.   The boy grinned in delight, watching as the petite neighbor of his tried to get her beanie. "Hello to you too," he bobbed his head.   "Give. It. Back."   There was a pout and a shake of head, "No can do, your highness. I'm afraid it is a request I'm unable to fulfill."   She stomped on her feet and decided it was best to ignore him. They would be heading in the same direction and he lives right beside her, so she still had many opportunities to get it out of his grasp.   "Fine, you can have it. Whatever."  Mira mumbled, using one hand to shove him in the chest before she turned back and continued her way home. The coldness suddenly comes rushing back to her as she slowly came back to reality. How is it that every time she comes into contact with Baekhyun one way or another, she forgets everything else, Mira wonders.   From the corner of her eyes, she watched as he fell into step beside her, humming a familiar christmas tune. Her eyes darted to the hand swaying closest to her. It was empty, meaning he was holding it with his other hand.    Smart boy.   Mira bit her lip as they both got closer to the doorstep. Even in the elevator, Baekhyun had kept the hat away from her. They were walking side by side and when Baekhyun turned to unlock his door, Mira grabbed his wrist.   "Byun, give it back," She sighed in exasperation. The male eyed her, cocking an eyebrow up.   "Give me one good reason why, and maybe a kiss on the cheeks, and I'll hand it over." He smirked.   Mira forced herself not to yell or punch the living daylights out of him. Fine then, maybe she won't be seeing her favorite accessory any time soon. She mentally bid the beanie goodbye and glared at the male.   "Whatever."   Letting go of his body part, Mira scowled at him one last time before she trudged towards her door, keying in her passcode. Right as she was about to close her door, she heard a soft chuckled from the outside before he whispered.    "See you tomorrow darling."                 "What the--" She practically screeched at the top of her lungs when she woke up to find a letter pasted on her front door, the first words screaming right into her face.   TO BE EVICTED.   Mira scanned through the paper, only to realize that she was not the only one who received the letter. Her eyes travelled to the door on her left, also with a paper attached to it. She swallowed the lump of anger in as she walked up to his door. Knocking thrice, she wondered if he was even at home or if he had already seen the letter.   The door opened to reveal his disheveled hairdo and crumpled tee and boxer. She would have blushed if it wasn't for the urgency of what she held in her hands. Baekhyun squinted his eyes, and when he made out that it was her, a grin fell upon his face. "Morning beautiful, how can I help?" It didn't help that his morning husky voice was creating a tornado in her tummy.   "Have you seen this?" Mira asked, pointing to the exact same letter on his door. He pulled it off and held it close to his face as he slowly read it.   A minute had passed and she could hear the soft murmurs of the other tenants as they one by one piled out of their houses to read the news.   "One we-- ONE WEEK?!"
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Chapter 2: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1034943/2'>Not Yet His.</a></span>
Awww…. Sad that this is over already :(
Chapter 1: How cute!
xlonelywhale #3
Chapter 2: Loved it
Chapter 2: Holy guacamole
Chapter 2: A sequel!


Pretty please???
Chapter 2: Make me yours and then you can be possessive...........ahh this line is killing me.
Damn it, Byun Baek, stop messing with my poor heart
slushyplushie #8
spaghetti_soda #9
Chapter 2: It was a great story. I like it ^.^
Chapter 1: baekhyun's so weird, why is he stealing everything she has lol