The Girl

The Girl (oneshot)

The Girl

This girl was a sad very depressed girl on the inside, but on the outside this girl was the happiest person alive. No one really loved her they only liked her because she had something they wanted. Her first boyfriend, Taemin, only used her for . Her second boyfriend, Minho, used her for popularity. Her parents controlled her life. She had to do everything and anything her parents said to do or else she would get beat. Everybody wanted to be her friend for clothes, cash, or .

Nobody really loved her, until a young boy stepped into her life. His name was Key. She met Key at a park she had gone to to cry her heart out. She cried and cried until Key came along. He saw her and asked her what her name was and why was she crying. She replied and they became best friends. She liked him because he didn't know she was rich. In the end he found out. He ended up using her to get money, popularity, and . On the day she found out she gave up on anyone loving her. She thought she was unlovable.

At the end of the day she walked home ready to kill her self when a gang of boys came up to her. They pinned her up against the wall and tried to her when a boy, Jonghyun, beat them up and took her to his house and cleaned her up. After a while they became close friends. She didn't try to get to close but she ended up falling for him. This time she wasn't used, she was abused.

She had finally given up, she had a knife to her neck when someone rang the doorbell. It was Onew the chicken delivery guy. He had the wrong address! They ended up being friends. On the day she fell in love with him she asked him if he was friends with her for her money, her fame, or for . He just stared at her and said, " If you were poor I would still love you, if you were unpopular I would still love you. You will never be ugly to me because I love you because of you. I love the way you smile, the way you talk, the way you do anything. I will love you no matter what happens." He then got on one knee and said, "Juliet let me be your Romeo?" and she said yes. She was never depressed again she smiled a genuine smile and loved Onew who loved her back.

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chas_ssmentrok #1
w8 so theres like 3 mini stories in this oneshot or are they all connected?<br />