The Pond

Ms. Piggy

Erk, okay I’m gonna say this is super awkward. I’m holding hands with Youngbae in the hallway CASSUALLY after we went to the clinic. I can’t believe he managed to carry me! I’m gonna believe now that he’s Superman. I weigh like 70 kilograms and height’s 5’0. I know, I look like a can of cat food. Sometimes I can’t even look at the mirror without puking. I kinda hate my physical appearance but hey, I still love myself ya know.



Looking around some bit, I see people looking at us and obviously trash-talking about me “hoe-ing” their Oppa. I feel sad for Youngbae, he shouldn’t get his name or reputation stained just because of me. And besides, doesn’t he feel uncomfortable with me right now? Like hellooo I’m the least liked person in school and the most popular DUFF. Whenever I meet someone, they either throw me a disgusting look or pretend I’m invisible. I prefer the second one. That’s the only talent I could share, being the invisible one.



I also haven’t told you everything about myself! I forgot *face palms* Well, I have mom, dad, my older brother and they’re my only family. Let’s start with my mom, well my mommy is very sweet and nice but she’s very noisy and likes gossips. Well, she’s the editor of a magazine and that’s her lovable job, I couldn’t blame her. I don’t know why but she doesn’t know how to cook and dad always does the cooking. She’s good at fixing electrical appliances which my dad founds terrifying. They’re like the total opposite. Sometimes I even call mom, daddy and vice versa. Pfft.



Then there’s my dad, daddy is like the corniest person on Earth. He jokes, he laughs. It’s funny to see his scenes but when he blurts it out in front of the crowd, it’s really awkward. He loves cooking and cleaning our house and car. He’s a clean freak. Always wearing a mask and gloves even at home or in the bathroom. He loves Frozen, that kiddie movie. I heard he watched it 10 times straight. Sometimes I feel like he just idolizes Elsa because of the gloves. They don’t talk about their love life much with us so I don’t know how he and mommy got together, all I know is they met in the cemetery.



Anywaaayy, last and yet the least *drum rolls* tada~! Here comes my handsome gorrilla brother! He goes by the name of Lee Seungri, he’s a bully and the definition of a cold person. I hate him. But I love him. It’s just; I hate him whenever he pulls severe pranks on me in special days where everyone is present. I’m talking about my birthday, Christmas, New Year, etc. Cruel, right? I’m like the girl version of the Wimpy Kid except I’m ten times bigger than him. The only reason why I love my brother is because… he’s my brother. I can’t remember any good things he has done for me. If I could replace him for the muscular guy who’s dying in Train to Busan, I’d gladly would.



I’m obsessed on KPOP and Anime. My whole world revolves around it. The way I style my hair or my outfit of the day, the way I respond to things, the way I pick colors and furniture, it always involves KPOP and Anime. Even in art class, I draw Levi Ackerman or Choi Siwon or any hot stuff that comes to my mind. Well that’s me. Okay back to reality.



I noticed that we’re just walking around circles. I bet everyone has seen my dozing out while this hotty pants is dragging me elsewhere.



I leaned in closer to his ear and whispers. “Hey, if you still want to be part of your football team, lemme go. Just a friendly reminder, hehe. Your coach is burning holes on me.” I pin point his couch on the corner eyeing him and me. Wait, is it only me? Or him? Oh, his eyes are squint. Meh, sorry.



He chuckles and suddenly pushes me in the wall, trapping me with his muscular arms.



He leans in closer; smirking and our foreheads are on one another. Everyone gasps and when I meant everyone, it includes me except Youngbae.



He caresses my cheek softly and I’m blushing like a rotten tomato. I see Jiyongtard in my peripheral view and I’m dying to know he’s reaction in Youngbae’s next movement.



I gathered up my courage and snake my arms around Bae’s neck, pulling him closer so our noses are now touching. I could smell his hot breathe and that turns me on now. Gahhd.



I closed my eyes waiting for the kiss but I sensed he went to my ears and…












I opened my eyes immediately and sit up. I see my mom bursting out her whole energy in her body screaming my name. I immediately grabbed my phone and see today’s date. It’s freaking Saturday. So that was just a dream? Bummer.



“Oh good honey you’re awake!” She hugged me tight and started squealing up and down. From her monster noise earlier, she transformed into a sweet little kid in mere seconds.



Mom released me from the tight hug and it’s clear she’s excited about something. She’s biting her lips and I just gave her the “wtf look”.



“Okay okay!” and there goes her squeals again. *rolls eyes*



She breathes in long and…. “IJUSTGOTADATEFROMTHATDATINGSITEISIGNEDUP!ISN’TITGREAT?” She’s gasping and it took me just seconds to realize what she just said.



She’s biting her bottom lip nervously and closing her eyes tight. She knows I’m gonna scold her now.



“Wait, mom, hold up a sec, are you cheating on dad?” I crossed my arms and glares hardly at her. Dad just went to Chicago because my uncle proposed a job for him there. I can’t believe this. She’s clearly cheating.



She sighed and fidgets her fingers. “Sweetheart, I’m just….” She looked at me and I’m still giving a face. I don’t care what her reason is; she’s clearly lying to dad.



“Look, I… I need someone to ya know... I need… It’s been long since I got popped up… It’s been long since I…” Oh come on just say it already mom *rolls eyes*



“I’ve never experienced it… I mean I want… Your dad and I haven’t… “



“Got in a long time, mom” I finished her sentence with a murderous glare. I swear I’m gonna finish her.



“YES! And honey I’m not getting any younger you know-“ I stopped her with my famous hand sign.



“You know what mom? You taught us, your kids, to be loyal as ever and be honest with everyone. You taught us that, remember? How could you even have the guts to tell me this?” Argh, I’m getting hot water in my eyes, halp!



“It’s just that…. I kind of get bored you know? Your dad has been away for a long time and I-“



“Nope stop, right there. I don’t need crappy explanations. You could’ve just e or something gosh! And you know what? I’m gonna go jogging elsewhere until I’m ready to face your ! Hmph! Good bye Mrs. Lee!” I grabbed my jacket and push my mom aside. I’m so angry at her right now.



I didn’t notice that my brother is eating popcorn while watching our scenario on the door. He gave me his irritating smirk. Such an awesome sibling I have. I punched his face and leave with a satisfying smile. That’s just 10% of my anger and he already fainted? Such a weakling.






I found myself in the middle of the woods after that long running I got. This place is nice. There’s an old wooden bench where flowers are designed by Mother Nature beautifully. And just beside of the bench, there’s a clear clean pond. Cute chubby fishes in different colors can be seen and the way they bite your feet when you dip it in, it’s so ticklish!



“Aish, I wish every human is just a fish. Innocent and kind” I sighed and started feeling my drama.



“I didn’t know pigs love fish” I almost jumped off my seat as I heard a deep voice. I looked around like a ninja and saw no one. I’m getting chills here.



“Yoohoo~ Over here~” I turn around again, no one’s there.



“Hahahaha, over hereee” I stand up and put my slipper on, I saw the fishes with their sad face. Aww I’m sorry little telebubbies.



“Awww pigs have poor eye sight~” The voice chuckles. I’m really sure that is a man. An irritating man.



I sighed and roll my eyes. I can’t count how many times I roll my eyes this day. My eyes are getting a natural exercise every day.



“Okay okay” I sit back again in my position and dip my feet in the pond. Aww chubby fishes gets back again.



I sighed and crossed my arms “What do you want? To prank me? Well you succeed now, shoo!” I look like an insane woman talking to the wind.



“Why so grumpy little pig? You might lose weight there, you’re boiling” He chuckles again and that irritates me more.



I didn’t flinch and just put my attention on the fishes. They look so innocent like no one’s gonna harm them. I wish I could be a fish, even if just for one day. Except the part of biting human’s feet, yuck.



His chuckle turns into laughter “So you want to be a fish huh? I’m gonna buy you as a pet and won’t give you fish food, just my feet is enough”



Did I just said that out loud? *face palms*



“Yes you did it again and the face palm? Really? You really say that?” He seems amused by my stupidity. God bless this horrible day.



“That’s none of your business I believe. Hmph!” I crossed my arms and put a frown, everyone’s irritating me today. What’s new?



Maybe he sensed my change of mood and clears his throat. “So care to share why you are so grumpy in the morning?”



It won’t be bad if I share it to a stranger right? Maybe I could get a great advice from this voice prankster.



“Well…” I puff my cheeks and look down “ my mom’s cheating on dad. I am seriously so mad at her. She taught us how to be honest every time and here she is, being the model parent for her children.” I snort.



I could hear his “hmmm” so I continue. Gahh what am I doing.



“She’s signed up for this dating site and she didn’t even tell me! Or consult me on this. How would dad feel about this? How would her children feel about this?” I bite my lips not to cry “So yeah, she just told me earlier that she got a date there and she’s probably gonna meet that guy in a few hours. My dad’s in Chicago right now, getting the job my uncle proposed since he wants us to have the best future. I can’t believe my mom.” I hurriedly wiped the tears spilling out. Happy thoughts, happy thoughts…



I heard the voice cleared its throat “D-did your mom tell you why she did that?”



I chuckled bitterly. “Oh yeah, she said she wants to be ed. What a crap” I closed my eyes and rest my head on the bench. I breathe in and out, in and out. I shouldn’t cry.



“Hey piglet, you could let that out you know. It’s just you and me, don’t be so tough” So you want the wails huh?



“Are you *huk* sure?” I sniff and I’m ready to cry now. I just need his approval.



“Yeah, crying is good for the soul” He assures me. Well, here it goes…



“Waaaahhhhhhhhhh!! I hate mommmyyy!! Waaahhhhh!!!” This is my real cry you guys. I grab my tissue inside my jacket’s pocket (Don’t judge me, I bring it just in case) and blow my nose there. I’m freaking sad really.



“WAAHHHHH! I DON’T WANT MOM AND DAD TO BE IN A DIVORCE WAAHHH HUEHUEHUEHUE WAAHHH!!...” I’m not gonna stop wailing. This hurts so much. I stomp my feet up and down the pond and I see fishes trying to calm me down by rubbing their tails on my feet.



“OKAY OKAY! GOSH STOP!” That man’s voice suddenly reacted.






The voice sighed. “Yah! y stop crying or I’m gonna call the police!” That made me stop crying and I can’t help but smile a bit. A police? Really? Am I a kid?



I heard his chuckle again (I think he’s a happy-go-lucky person) “Now look at you, smiling. It suits you better than the poker face you always wear.” I can’t help but grin at that compliment.



“I know I always look beautiful no need to remind me that.” I flip my hair. , I’m fab. But seriously no guy compliments me except my dad.



“Nah just kidding, you look horrible” … and he bursts out in laughter. Wow. I hate him now.



I rolled my eyes for the nth time and wear my slippers now. I stand up and walked out irritatingly since I can still hear his feminine laughter. I hate that guy.



He suddenly stopped laughing. “Hey where are you going pig?”



“Somewhere far away from a guy like you” I smirked and continue my famous cat-walk. Hah! I won’t stay there that long if he’s still there.



“Oh okay.” I can sense he shrugged and is mocking me right now. I just shrug him off as well and continue walking thinking of happy thoughts. Like that Wendy’s Fries and Starbucks unicorn drinkie. I need that.



“And oh hey, one more thing!” His voice interrupted again. I turned around and cross my arms. What does this man need?



“I know now why you’re grumpy besides that family problem. I think it’s your red days. See for yourself hahahaha” OMG. Earth, eat me now.



I peeped on my back and saw some red dots on my pajama and I quickly remove my jacket, tying it around. Argh, this is so embarrassing. Maybe everyone has seen that while I’m jogging. I thought they’re just checking my out. Aish.



My face is red as a tomato right now. Gosh kill this laughing man.






I manage to spill out before I run out of the woods. I can hear his laughter getting louder. I’ll kill him some other time but right now, I need to get back the house and apologize to my lovely mom.




Hey so this is it. So,,, yeah, I wanna thank everyone for reading this and commenting like ;-; Imma cry. OA person here.


@minami1826 (OMG The Queen commented. I'm shy na hihihi)

@Vipcamille003 (Thanks for your kindness ate huehuehue. Labyu)

@Pheana (I love that emoji ._. Bleh)

@cakeclay3 (You are awesome dude ;-;)

@Skydragonisreal (I can't believe you awesome dudes are comenting on my story like ;-; I love your stories)

@ToriKelly ( I love tori kelly as well and I love you too)

@cipluk (first commentor thank youu so much huehuehue)

@midnightcatch (Thank youuuu for subscribing I wish y'all the best!)

@ChunkyChance (Chunnkkyyy -w- yehey you subscribed)

@AriannaHamz (OMG someone actually subscribed huehuehue)

@zulilulelo (Thanks thanks thanks ;-;)

@zykiki (you are the best thankkss ;-;)

... okay I'm gonna stop now. Thanks for all who viewed this you guys are the best! And I'm only 14 years old so I'm sorry if it's lame hahaha.


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Vivianv96 #1
Chapter 2: Update soon ㅠㅠ
LadyGe #2
Chapter 2: Oh My God.. I laugh so hard reading the first chapter ;)) good job authornim...
Waiting for your next update. Hoping it wont take a long time ;p fighting...
Chapter 2: Putakte, makaQueen wagas. Wag ganun, baka magtampo si CL. Hahahahaha. May pa-shy-shy ka pang nalalaman, wala tayo nun oi!
Chapter 2: Kaloka yung POV ni CL. Parang siraulo lang. Hahahaha. Sino yung guy? At nasaan si Jiyong ko? Ilabas mo!
zulilulelo #5
Chapter 2: Loool, I just read my username there ~

Waiting for ur updates^^
Chapter 2: You are doing a good job! I will cheer on you! :)
Chapter 2: Hahaha XD interesting
Vipcamille003 #8
Hello!! Excited ako na mabasa tong story mo! Fighting! Update soon authornim!
Chapter 1: Ako naman magddemand ng UPDATE! Ppali!
Pheana #10
Chapter 1: How old are them? I mean are they in high school? Or college? ._.