First night


"This your first time?" Jongup's attempt at a conversation is careful when he notices the man's fingers fumbling clumsily with the buttons of his shirt so he swiftly takes that over from him, stepping closer and trying to meet his eyes. He catches a small nod in return, more hesitant but grateful too as the man's head slowly bows to mere centimeters from his own and his arms fall to his sides in defeat. He is nervous, nothing is more obvious. The way he refuses to look up from under his bangs, the nice tint of pink on his cheeks and probably spreading over his whole face up to his ears ever since he'd entered through the door.. Jongup thinks it's adorable, but knows better than admitting it out loud.
 "Just relax..."
A part of him hopes for a nice tip afterwards for apparently having to do everything himself, but another makes him feel mature and experienced, fingers prying the shirt open and gently pushing it back to reveal white, unblemished skin. His hands lower down to feel for the man's belt, fingers skimming along his waist before skillfully loosening it and letting the pants sink lower on his slender hips as he bends his arms backwards to let the shirt slip off. The button and zipper are next to go, and the pants soon pool around his ankles easily. By the time Jongup has him on the bed, the surprise and worry on his face almost make him chuckle as he crawls closer. He rarely gets to experience his routine like this and it intrigues him, especially as the man looks older than him. The healthy bulge he's already sporting through his briefs is proof enough that he's just as excited though, and Jongup knows he shouldn't be wasting too much time. He quickly gets rid of his own pants and boxers, collecting the props he'd deemed necessary while getting curious looks from his client, then crawls back to his spot, pulling himself closer as his eyes scan over the man's body. His skin is pale and his countenance wary, bangs falling over his eyes and hands shaking and his chest rising and falling with his fastening breaths, but he's truly beautiful. For the first time in maybe months Jongup considers himself lucky to have gotten such a candy for his eyes, and decides he's going to enjoy it to the fullest after the formalities. He's unscrewing the lid of the small bottle until only a few twists would be left, eyes focused on his fingers as he speaks up again.
"Anything you would like me to do in particular?" His gaze travels back to the other's face, he doesn't expect an answer and the small gasp he gets when he tucks his chin into his neck shyly proves that there probably won't be much talking either. Jongup sighs and rubs his forehead with two of his fingers, throwing him another glance as his other hand rests on his shoulder. 
"Look, I'm not going to hurt you or anything, I understand that you are nervous but please, just try to relax, hm?" He tries to keep his voice calm and soothing, and when he catches a glimpse of the still alarmed eyes he can't help but lean forward to capture his lips. It's not something he would be doing normally, but the man's lips are just as soft as they look and it seems to be working because his hand lifts up to grip Jongup's shirt on his back. His body slowly melts into the soft mattress of the bed, and a smirk tugs on the corners of Jongup's mouth because he's finally starting to loosen up.


It's gonna be a long night, Jongup thinks as his eyes wander over the other's face when his head tips back and a soft wishful sigh caresses his cheek.

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BAPlover09 #1
Chapter 1: ahhhh what happened next? HIMUP addict over here >> this is pretty good.. I hooked me up already.. hehe good job authornim