Tragic Fantasy - MC Mong's Nightmare


Genre: Mystery, Fantasy, Tragedy, Romance, Supernatural Elements

Basic Plot Summary: A large number of Asian Celebrities find themselves alone and separated in a fantasy world. They all think they came to the world alone but will soon find the others and search for a way out of the world.

This story will focus on the POV of a celebrity by the name of MC MONG.

This is a story series where each story focuses on the POV of each character separately.


MC Mong is one of my top 10 favourite celebrities. Here is a sneak peak of what happens in this story:

Mong looked out into the horizon and saw that everything had collapsed under the stampeding rampage of the Crooked Angelic Horns. Something about this view gave him an immediate inspiration for a new song and he began to hum it in his head.

Suddenly, he stopped and stared at one particular location where he saw the figure of a human. Could it be true? He wondered, could there really be other humans in this world, whether they are its inhabitants or from my world?

He decided to wait and see if that figure would draw nearer to where he was and took his time building a fire; not only for making smoke signals to this figure but also because he was getting hungry and need something to munch on.

I will wait for this figure, I will have food ready in case this figure turns out to be someone from my world.


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Second_Coming #1
My favorite genres are in the following order respectively: Fantasy, Mystery, Adventure, Action, Bildungsroman, Romance and "Story without a hero".<br />
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Haha I can't give away the answer to your question here, as it will be introduced in a later chapter, and like in the first chapter, I will put it in the last paragraph of each chapter, describing the setting and other logistics of this story.
I had a feeling he'd be a monkey; for obvious reasons of course. ^^<br />
As Dragon Ball fangirl, I for one really appreciated the reference to it. It gave me a clear picture in my mind of the similar feel MC Mong has in the story. I'm really curious to see how this progresses, and even more curious to see what other celebrities you introduce into the story. Fantasy stories are among my top favorite genres; right next to horror and action.<br />
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When you say "A world under the cover of our real world" do you mean it's sort of like an Alternate Reality/ Parallel Universe, or a whole different dimension in general?
ThaGalukazz #3
I will be expecting to see the first chapter up soon.