
Tragic Fantasy - MC Mong's Nightmare

Looking up at the clear blue skies as he lay on the grass, MC Mong couldn't wait for his next concert to begin. This would be his largest concer of his entire life. And on the world stage at that, a dream for every celebrity in Asia. He thought it was pure luck and coincidence that brought him to this place. Having a concert in one of the largest football stadiums in the States meant that he would be singing and rapping in front of an audience that is nearly half a million in numbers. He couldn't shake the feeling of the pure excitement and nervousness that shook him to the very core of his being.

While he was getting up from his short break before the concert began he noticed a tall, lanky teenager head over to him holding what looked like some sort of exaggeratedly large blade covered in many different gemstones. The teenager stopped a few feet away from Mong and chanted, "Ddaldhurishikani Yuuridhidrodhondhi Mong Dhedredeighskinh!" and in the blink of an eye the boy swung his large blade towards Mong's neck.

In that same instant Mong, who had been frozen with fear and skepticism, out. But, he didn't feel himself hitting the ground as if something had held him.

While he was out Mong dreamt that he was being kidnapped and quarantined in a facility for humanimals, those who existed as human animals. Mong had a reputation for being a monkey and he had enjoyed the sort of populartiy boost this rep gave him. But he had never imagined that he was not entirely human.

As he awoke from his dream, he noticed that he was still lying down outside and wondered if he had only been dreaming in the first place. He still felt the wetness of the morning grass beneath him as he lay and saw the clear blue sky and could hear loud vibrations in the soil, which he assumed came from the loud buzzing and bass of the instruments inside the stadium.

When he got up, to his surprise, he noticed that there were no buildings near him. He saw many palm trees and coconut trees nearby and saw a large pond of clear crystalline water. Looking around himself and at his surroundings carefully he noticed that beyond the trees he saw sand. Lots of sand and dunes indicating that he must be in some sort of oasis in the middle of a desert.

The oasis itself being uninhabited but full of life, left him to his thinking that maybe this was still a dream.

He suddenly felt hungry and he quickly found a banana tree and plucked out a few bananas after swiftly climbing it. As he ate a banana he noticed that his hands were hairier than it was when he had left his hotel room that morning. Thinking something strange was going on, he went back to the pool of water and looked at his reflection. Gasping, he saw that he resembled a monkey, or an ape. He could still see his own facial features beneath all of that hair.

As he curiously checked his body, he could see that the hair on his body was very much like fur and his skin was as tough as leather. Suddenly he felt an itch near his bottom and without being able to resist he pulled down his pants. To his surprise there it was, dangling from his bottom, a tail. Wow, is this what it feels like to be Son-O-Gohng from dragon ball? he thought to himself while admiring his tail. Wait. This isn't the time to be admiring that I have a tail. I should look around and figure out where I am first.

Noticing that his shoes were rather uncomfortable for his enlarged hairy feet, he took them off as well as his socks and decided to venture barefoot. He gathered some stones and fallen branches he found and made a small shelter for the time being.

Mong took off his shirt and decided to leave only his pants on. Under all of the hairy fur on his body, he saw that his muscles had greatly enhanced and was proud to see his upper body rippling with strength. With the new found strength and stamina he didn't use to have when he was a full human, he could run, climb, and jump higher without getting tired. However, he did get hungry pretty fast. Since he was still able to move around, he then decided to tour the oasis-like forest for any edible fruits and plants.

Mong felt like he had been blessed by God with superhuman strength and features like that of his most common satirical animal, the monkey. 

What he did not know was that in this world, a world under the cover of our real world, all living creatures took a form that allowed them to adapt to whatever environment they lived in. For humans who entered this world accidentally, it wasn't common to adapt and transform into animal-like beings as it was for our protagonist here. Mong had been intentionally dragged into this world and became one of many other humanimals, half human half animal beings with enhanced abilities and powers.

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Second_Coming #1
My favorite genres are in the following order respectively: Fantasy, Mystery, Adventure, Action, Bildungsroman, Romance and "Story without a hero".<br />
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Haha I can't give away the answer to your question here, as it will be introduced in a later chapter, and like in the first chapter, I will put it in the last paragraph of each chapter, describing the setting and other logistics of this story.
I had a feeling he'd be a monkey; for obvious reasons of course. ^^<br />
As Dragon Ball fangirl, I for one really appreciated the reference to it. It gave me a clear picture in my mind of the similar feel MC Mong has in the story. I'm really curious to see how this progresses, and even more curious to see what other celebrities you introduce into the story. Fantasy stories are among my top favorite genres; right next to horror and action.<br />
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When you say "A world under the cover of our real world" do you mean it's sort of like an Alternate Reality/ Parallel Universe, or a whole different dimension in general?
ThaGalukazz #3
I will be expecting to see the first chapter up soon.