Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Jeonghan put on his white coat as he entered the cardio-thoracic medicine department. He is the only intern on this department and was specifically chosen by the chief of department because of his skills and good back ground from his professors at the university. No one knows who he really was aside from the fact that he came from a rich family.

“Good Morning, Doctor Yoon.” The staff greeted him as he walk passed by the reception area, he smiled shyly as he greeted them back and stood in front of the computer screen to login his information when one of the nurses approach him

“Dr. Yoon, Patient Kim Hyung Soo is complaining of pain since earlier this morning, I already gave him his pain killers but he keeps on asking for more. Dr. Jang is not yet here and we can’t get in touch with him so we are not sure what to do.” The nurses said as she showed him the patient’s chart

Jeonghan smiled as he accepted the chart from the nurse and read the details of the patient, he checked the information listed and glances at his watch “he just had his pain medication 3 hours ago, I’ll go see him.” he said as he closes the patient’s chart

“Dr. Yoon, ER department said that they need you for an emergency patient” one of the nurses said while holding the phone on her other hand, Jeonghan sighed as he accepted the phone from the nurse

“hello, this is Yoon Jeonghan,” Jeonghan answered while waiting for the caller on the other line, he grab his pen and started jotting down notes about the patient, “I will be there, just give me 5 minutes I have a patient to see. Just let him takes the CT scan and Blood work first.” He replied before putting the phone down and followed the other nurse who called his attention earlier

They entered one of the semi-private wards and jeonghan was greeted by the other patients and their relatives, he bowed his head and smiled at them

“Mr. Kim, My name is Yoon Jeonghan, how are you?” Jeonghan asks as he checks on the patient in his mid-50. The patient slowly opened his eyes and glance at jeonghan “Dr. Yoon, I feel very stuffy and uncomfortable, and the wound is really painful.” The patient said while frowning.

Jeonghan nod as he checks the IV infusion and the urine bag “do you have any allergies of some sort?” he asks

The patient shakes his head and sighed “I don’t have, Can’t you give me any pain medication?” he asks while holding his fists

“You just had your medicine 3 hours ago, normally that should take about 4-6 hours before it would subside. Giving you more might not be a good idea.” He answered

The patient frowned while looking at Jeonghan “So what do I do then? I am in so much pain and you want me to do nothing?” he asks slightly yelling

Jeonghan sigh as he glance at the nurse and asks to bring in the syringe and a vial of medication “don’t be too upset, it will cause you more pain and it will prolong your healing.” He replied as he remove the syringe cover and injected the medication on the IV Tube, the nurse eyes widened

“there that should make you feel better,” Jeonghan stated as he threw the used items on the waste bin, and fixed the IV infusion. He smiled at the patient before making his way out

“Dr. Yoon, why did you give him a shot, when he just recently had his pain medication?” the nurse asks while looking at jeonghan warily.

Jeonghan smiled as he look at the nurse “Don’t worry Nurse Kang, it’s just a sterile water, it won’t do him any harm, that patient is dependent with pain medication that’s why he’s a little agitated, I might need to discuss with Dr. Jang, to refer him to a pain management doctor.  I’ll see you later, I will drop by the emergency room first.” He replied before walking to the other side of the building.

Meanwhile at the Emergency Room, most of the staff is busy with patients who keep on coming in and out of the emergency room. The siren of the ambulance can be heard outside signaling that a new patient just arrived.  Jeonghan slowly made his way inside the room and look around, he was then notice by one of the emergency doctor who called his attention

“Dr. Yoon, here’s the patient’s chart. We already have the result for both CT scan and labs” the female doctor said while showing

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oceanflow #1
Chapter 4: Ah, my favorite jeongcheol fic! x) As expected, this chapter's perfect too! I especially like their cute interactions with joshua and mingyu<3
jeonghae #2
Chapter 3: Jeonghan really humble><
oceanflow #3
Chapter 3: I've been waiting for this! Thank you for the update, this chapter's amazing as always!
jejekim9992 #4
Chapter 2: Waaa...I like how you made their image like that, playfull seungcheol and humble jeonghan :D
waewwara #5
Chapter 2: Doctor Jeonghan Goshhhh!!!!
I'M getting sick right now please take care of me ><
i can't figure how the story goes.
jeonghae #6
Chapter 2: cute interaction ^^"
Chapter 2: Its so cool billionaire Seungcheol and Doctor Jeonghan :) their inter action its so cute .. brother?? :) i hope i will b update soon .. good luck author :)