
Transient Impasse

It’s been several days at the Kim household and Jongdae had taken to avoiding speaking to Minseok, sometimes even leaving the room when the other entered.

He entertained Yerim and helped Hyejoo take care of her garden against the harsh weather. He had gotten closer to the women in the house and at night he would talk to Minhyuk and keep the older man company as they shared stories of their respective adventures.

All the while, at the back of Jongdae’s head, all he thought about was how he would have to face Minseok eventually.

Why did he ever thought think that following Minseok home was the best idea? Why was it even an idea in the first place?

Things were already rocky with his animagi secret exposed and he didn’t want to further complicate things by being around Minseok.

He wandered off into the woods after having evening tea, during which he completely avoided looking at the Head Boy and concentrated on the questions asked by his parents and little sister.

However, having spent an extended amount of time indulging in wanderlust, he couldn’t figure out his way back. Every tree looked the same and the sun was setting, quickly.

Though winter was ending, it was still cold out and he had left his coat at the house after hurriedly leaving with scarf, bent on not talking to his senior.

He couldn’t even call Baekhyun since he left the mirror in his bag, which was sitting snugly in Minseok’s room.

A sigh escaped his lips and he tried not to think of ways how the day could get worse, not wanting to jinx himself.

Eventually, he gave up trying to navigate his way back, knowing his efforts were futile and he was probably leading himself away from the house. The last of the day’s lights slowly disappeared and in a matter of seconds, it was dark.

The moon wasn’t up yet and he was surrounded in darkness.

In a way, he felt relieved.

If he died from the cold or being eaten by wild animals, his worries would end and he didn’t have to think about the possibilities of Azkaban.


When Minseok found Jongdae, he was huddled at the base of a big tree, legs pulled up close to his chest and forehead resting on his knees.

“Were you trying to run away?”

Minseok knew that the younger boy had no intention of running, instead saying it for the sake of starting a conversation.

“If you were, it was a attempt.”

“The great Gryffindor Head Boy using such unattractive words like ,” Jongdae replied, his voice coming off weak. “What has the world come to?”

The torchlight the older boy was holding blinded him and he could only close his eyes to protect himself from the harshness of the light.

Even in that situation where the crickets were singing ever so loudly, he could hear Minseok shrugging off his jacket and when he felt a light weight atop him, he couldn’t help but smile softly.

“You’re going to freeze now,” muttered the fifth-year.

“You’re more likely to catch hypothermia before I am,” retorted Minseok offhandedly. “Why did you wander off?”

“I was thinking and I didn’t realize where I was going,” Jongdae answered, pulling the jacket tighter around him. “And then it got dark and I just got lost. How did you find me?”

“I used logical thinking and deduction. I know my way around, considering that I was raised here.”

Things went quiet again and Minseok sighed, moving to sit down in front of his junior. He took out two hot packs from his pocket and gave both to the boy in front of him.

The torchlight in his hand was put on the ground, only illuminating their feet and the ground, leaving them both mostly in the dark.

“I came to talk.”


“I’m sorry.”

A rustling noise succeeded his apology and once again, everything went silent.

“What for?” Jongdae asked quietly.

“For being inconsiderate,” said Minseok. “For being rude when you were just being friendly.”

“It’s okay.”

“No, it’s not,” he said sharply. “I was being a . I was always a . And I’m sorry.”

“It’s not that deep,” Jongdae chuckled. “You just don’t like being interrogated.”

Minseok looked in Jongdae’s direction, “But it isn’t that,” he said, voice barely louder than a whisper. “It’s you.”

“What about me?”

“If it was anyone else, they’d be in Azkaban right now,” said Minseok, shaking his head. “I wouldn’t have thought twice. I wouldn’t be this conflicted about doing what’s right. But it’s you and I keep hesitating.”

Jongdae swallowed, suddenly nervous. The Head Boy was finally talking about the Animagi problem.

“You bugged me from day one,” he continued. “Made a mess from the beginning. Become the centre of attention. Made every pair of eyes look in your direction.”

The Keeper snorted, “I got everyone’s eyes except for the person I wanted. How ironic.”

“I never understood why you did that. Baekhyun said you weren’t a rebel. You did everything your parents told you to. You’re an honour student too. So I was always confused,” the seventh-year said. “You could probably surpass both Baekhyun and Chanyeol if you focused on your studies. You have potential and you’re wasting it on pranks. I seriously didn’t know what was going on inside your head.”

“You wouldn’t want to know,” said Jongdae honestly.

“For the longest time, I felt like your mission was to annoy the living daylights out of me,” Minseok continued on, ignoring him. “And I got used to it. My parents told me I talk a lot about you without me noticing it, which is weird.”


Once again, he was ignored, “You used to sneak out a lot after curfew and when you suddenly stopped causing trouble at night this year, I felt a bit empty? It’s hard to explain. I always thought you annoyed me. An irritating presence in school that wouldn’t let me rest a second without doing something worrisome and stupid, something that I have to fix,” said Minseok. “This might sound stupid, but it felt somewhat empty without you around. I would think about what you were up to. I don’t even know why I would be thinking about you when there’s a whole list of delinquents out there still causing trouble.”

A gust of wind swept by them and if Minseok was paying attention, he would felt the biting chills, “I thought about it,” he told Jongdae. “I thought about it. Why I felt empty when you didn’t bug me as much as you did before.”

“Didn’t think you would miss me that much,” Jongdae joked weakly.

“When I discovered that you’re an Animagi, I didn’t even think about turning you in, even though I should,” sighed Minseok. “I thought about the effort you put in and the level of your magic, but I didn’t think about calling the Ministry.”

Jongdae sat there, slightly speechless. He didn’t want to think about what it meant, not wanting to get his own hopes up.

“Luhan told me that you like me.”

A strangled sound came from the fifth-year.

“Don’t hex him when we get back,” said Minseok, chuckling softly. “Both of you will end up in the Hospital Wing for a week.”

“When did he say that?” Jongdae managed to choke out.

“Before the Yule Ball. We were talking about him and Jongin and he suddenly said he’ll tell me something as part of my Christmas present.”

“That’s why you were avoiding me during the Ball,” murmured Jongdae, the realization suddenly sinking in. “Why did you let me come home with you?”

“You didn’t give me much time to think things through, did you? It was the best decision I could make at the time,” said Minseok.

“Did you have fun watching me flail after you then?” Jongdae asked quietly. “Was it funny? To find out that the unruly troublemaker of the school is gay for you?”

“It was strange, but not funny,” Minseok said sharply. “What Luhan told me took me by surprise but it wasn’t the first time I was told someone liked me. I may be insensitive but I don’t look down on people’s feelings.”

“Good to know you’re not that insensitive.”

“I’ve been thinking these past few days. I thought long and hard.”

“About what?” Jongdae humoured him.

“About your indirect confession. It’s not my first and I can usually dismiss them. I turn them down gently and tell them my stance regarding the situation,” said Minseok. “But I can’t do that with you for some reason. After our argument on the first day, my mother told me to think about why I can’t do that.”

“And why can’t you?”

“Yes, why can’t I? Rejecting someone isn’t such a hard process. A simple no would do. But I can’t bring myself to do that,” the seventh-year said. “I think the reason for that is because I like you, therefore, I have no reason nor desire to reject you.”

“Are you for real?”

The light source was on the ground, but they had been in the dark long enough for Minseok’s eyes to adjust. The boy in front of him was sitting oddly still.

“Would you mind if I kiss you right now?”

“No, but—”

Using his excellent sight, he leaned forward, grabbing the sides of Jongdae’s face and slowly tilted his head, closing his eyes when his lips met another pair.

It was slow and gentle, but Jongdae’s hands were all over him and the kiss slowly got deeper and more desperate, only pulling apart when they needed air.

“When did you learn to kiss like that?” Jongdae asked curiously. “You never had a girlfriend.”

“I’m not a saint, contrary to what you believe.”

“Would’ve been hot if you were.”

They were inches apart, lips grazing against each other just as they spoke. They each could feel the heat radiating from the other’s skin and never in his seventeen years of life has Minseok felt so right doing something.

He leaned in for another kiss, chuckling when he could feel Jongdae smiling against his lips.



The morning owls swooped down as usual and Baekhyun received his regular copies of the newspapers and tabloids.

He personally didn’t think much of the news, but his father had made sure he got them every single day since the beginning of his Hogwarts life. Something about knowing the most recent gossip and information.

It was a few days after Christmas and not a lot of the students had returned to the school premises, leaving a lot of space at the long tables.

Baekhyun and Chanyeol were sitting at the Ravenclaw table, playing wizard’s chess while having breakfast. Chanyeol was winning, having taken two more of the prefect’s pieces.

“Did you get mail?”

Chanyeol looked up at the boy sitting across from him, nodding slowly. There was a simple white envelope beside his plate, dropped by his own barn owl, Yoda.

He rarely ever got mail. His sister occasionally wrote to update him about her and their grandparents’ life. It was a biweekly thing, but he had received that letter from his sister a little over a week ago.

Feeling ominous about the letter, he decided to get it over with fast and quickly opened the envelope, recognizing the handwriting at the front as his sister’s.

After reading the letter, the frown on his face deepened and he scowled at the words in front of him.

“Is anything wrong?” Baekhyun asked softly, cutting his chicken into smaller pieces. “Did someone die?”

“Close enough,” Chanyeol joked, but the smile didn’t reach his eyes. “My parents are back. They want to get together for New Years’.”

From what the Ravenclaw could recall, Chanyeol was raised by his grandparents and sister, the parents too busy chasing their own fortune in the city. They also didn’t take wizardry seriously.

“Are you going?”

“I don’t have a choice, do I?”

“You could say you’re ill and can’t move. It’s a magic thing.”

Chanyeol laughed, shaking his head, “Well, I do miss my grandparents and it’s been a while since I saw my sister,” he said, reading the letter again. “Do you want to come with me?”

“Pardon?” the Byun conglomerate said, putting his utensils down. “What did you say? Did I hear right?”

“Do you, Byun Baekhyun, want to come with me, Park Chanyeol, to my humble home for New Years’?” the Gryffindor said once again, loud and clear.

“You don’t mind?”

“Well, I don’t mind. It’s you who I’m worried about. Do you want to? I have no problems on introducing you to my family, but if you’re not comfortable with that, it’s fine.”

“You want to introduce me to your family?”

“Sure, why not?”

Baekhyun wasn’t sure if his boyfriend knew what the whole thing meant, but he smiled and nodded his agreement anyways.

“The school was getting too stuffy anyways.”

“Great. I have to tell Professor Lee and get a Portkey issued for us. You go pack up your bags, okay?” said Chanyeol, grinning. “We can leave sometime after lunch? If you’re okay with that.”

“After lunch is okay.”

“Okay, then it’s settled.”



“You’re going home with Chanyeol?”

Both Baekhyun and Kyungsoo were in the Ravenclaw Tower, lounging in the common room, taking up a whole couch for themselves.

“Isn’t that a serious step in a relationship? Bringing your partner home to dinner?”

“Jongin comes over for dinner all the time at your house, doesn’t he?”

“That’s different.”

“Your parents must be your biggest supporters, wondering when their little boy will pluck up the courage to ask little Jongin out.”

“You’re derailing the conversation,” Kyungsoo said, scowling. “We’re talking about you and Chanyeol right now.”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever.”

As one of Baekhyun’s few friends, he was keen to the older boy’s tone. Considering the fact that the boy had anger issues and was easy to piss off, he became exceptionally attuned to it.

“What’s wrong?” Kyungsoo asked, sitting up slightly. “You sound like you did something wrong. That and you’re slightly angry.”

“It’s stupid.”

“Then again, most of your reasonings usually are.”

“Shut up or I’ll hex you.”

Try me.”

They glared at each other, showing no signs of backing down. Finally, Baekhyun flipped him off and leaned back again on the sofa.

“Chanyeol’s genuineness is ticking me off,” Baekhyun said. “I’m starting to remember all those horrible things I said to him before we dated, back when I didn’t know him. I was such a .”

“That’s your second nature. Can’t really do much about that.”


“Sorry,” the fourth-year said, not sounding one bit apologetic. “The answer is quite simple. Do you like him?”


“Because let’s be honest here, you never liked any of your ex-boyfriends. Family friends introduced to you by your relatives. You didn’t have a choice with them and they took advantage of you,” said Kyungsoo, his tone and facial expression more serious now. “I know you don’t like talking about these things, but you need to face it. They were horrible people. They didn’t care about you and in turn, you could care less about them. Did you even go on dates with them? No, right? It was purely physical. They took advantage of your situation where you couldn’t say no to your relatives. They used you and they tried to own you.”

Baekhyun stayed quiet, taking in what his friend is saying.

“I don’t know what happened to you recently, but you started to completely blow them off. Did you liberate yourself from them? I have no idea. What I know is that you decided to date Park Chanyeol, the guy who has liked you since day one. The boy who would drop everything to help you. Were you trying to give him a chance? I doubt that. You’re not that charitable,” said the muggle-born, chuckling.

The pure-blood wanted to interrupt, but he was shushed down with a hand.

“I don’t know what was going through your head when you decided to break up with Thomas, the guy that your homophobic family generously paired you up with, and announce your relationship with Chanyeol, the muggle-born. If you’re feeling guilty, then the reason as to why you dated him was probably something twisted and mean. But what I do know is that you’ve been looking happier. You stopped burying yourself in your books. You look less sick. You’re smiling more. You had less tantrums.”

“Are you saying he fixed me?”

“Baekhyun, no one can fix you but yourself,” said Kyungsoo wisely. “But when you chose to date him, you chose a healthy relationship with someone who wants nothing less than the best for you. You chose a non-toxic guy who is rooting for you to be the best. Your exes were always condescending and they didn’t see you as an equal. They were manipulative and they made you think less of yourself. Chanyeol treats you like an equal in the relationship. He isn’t trying to dominate you, he isn’t trying to make you feel lesser of yourself without him around. The biggest difference between him and the rest of them is that he actually respects you.”

It would be a lie if Baekhyun said he never compared them – Chanyeol and his exes – before. It just sounded more real when someone was saying it to him.

“Knowing you, you’re not comfortable with this. It’s all new territory. Being liked so innocently by someone,” Kyungsoo laughed softly. “You’re lucky to have Chanyeol. Not a lot of people can put up with your diva moments. The only question is do you like him? You don’t have to tell me, but it seems like you and Chanyeol are going to have a serious talk while you guys are away.”

“Man, you’re annoying,” said Baekhyun, getting off the sofa. “Rather than looking at my relationship, you should be thinking about yours and Jongin’s!”

“What relationship?”

“Exactly! Get one, shorty, and then I’ll give you in-depth information about what you’re probably feeling.”

“You’re welcome,” Kyungsoo said.

“I didn’t say thank you!”

Despite reacting in that way, the younger Ravenclaw knew that Baekhyun appreciated the talk.

He watched the prefect stomp up the stairwell, probably off to pack for the impromptu vacation.

As he made his way up, Baekhyun muttered, “Waddiwasi.”

Down below, the little stress balls on the coffee table near the sofa they were previously on flew at Kyungsoo.

The older boy quickened his pace after hearing a familiar yelp, chortling happily at the sound.



“You should, definitely, stop giving me googly eyes,” said Sehun, shoving Luhan’s face away. “It’s getting creepy.”

“I’m creepy, it’s chill.”

“Most normal people wouldn’t admit it.”

“I’ve never been normal.”

“Unfortunately. Why are you bugging me again?” Sehun asked, closing his schoolwork.

“I want to find whoever opened the Chamber of Secrets!”

“Wait for Minseok and Yifan to get back then.”

“They will definitely not let me go find them.”

“Then that probably means it’s a stupid idea and you should probably listen to them.”

“Oh Sehun, please?” Luhan whined, turning into jelly on the Slytherin’s side. “It’s real. The professors are trying to cover it up while there isn’t many students in the castle, but it’s happening. Something ominous is happening and every time I go to the Hospital Wing, one more bed is occupied and the blinds are closed and there’s a protective barrier around it. Why do they need a barrier? To keep nosy people like me out. But I’m nosy and smart and I managed to catch a glimpse of one of them. Eyes open and totally stiff.”



“That’s dangerous. If it’s true and a basilisk is wandering around, you should leave it to the professors and shouldn’t meddle. You’ll get hurt.”

“So you’re willing to overlook the high chance of other people getting hurt? Especially muggle-borns?”

“That’s not what I’m saying.”

“Really? Because it damn sure sounds like it.”

“You’re horrible,” Sehun groaned. “Fine. We’ll hunt for your basilisk and the person who did it. Whatever you want. Arguing with you is like arguing with an insistent wall.”

“Also, I want to spend more time with you, but you’re too busy studying.”

“Not all of us has a signed Quidditch contract, you know. I need to study to make a living.”

“That’s no fun.”

“Life usually isn’t. The company’s going to my brother and I’ll have a share, but I need to do something else.”

“Why don’t you just work at the company?” Luhan asked on a more serious note. “I’m sure your family won’t let you starve.”

“They won’t,” Sehun agreed. “But I don’t want their money. Being an Oh is a privilege, but I don’t want to depend on my name and birth right for the rest of my life. I want to make my own money and be my own boss.”

“That’s good for you,” the Gryffindor said, nodding his approval. “Go work for that independence. If you want to be liberated from your family and be your own boss, then opening up your own business is the way, isn’t it?”

“That’s the vision I had,” said Sehun. “I have to get some other work first. Need to earn that starting money somehow. Might have to do some odd jobs.”

“I’ll be working for several years before you even graduate. I can give you a loan and you can pay me back after your business gets off the ground,” said Luhan. “It won’t be your family’s money.”

“Let’s see if you’ll remember me when I graduate.”

“Of course I’ll remember you. We’ll still be dating. I’ll be picking you up from the train station after your last ride from Hogwarts. We’ll go back to our apartment on top of your shop in Diagon Alley. Then we’ll ride each day out as it comes,” Luhan told him, painting the picture in his head. “You won’t have to live with your family anymore. You won’t have to see your brother’s homo-uncomfortable in-laws.”

At that thought, Sehun couldn’t help but smile. There was a lot of time left before he could leave the school grounds forever, but the promise of a future made him feel warm and more grounded.

“At that note, I have to work hard,” Luhan sighed. “Need to get all those raises and score as much as I can. Be promoted to the national team and earn a lot of money. You also need to work hard. Think of what you want to sell and be good at counting. You don’t have to really smart to open up a shop, but it’d help if you’re at least sharp.”

“That sounds nice,” said Sehun.

“What does?”

“The future you planned.”

“It’s the future I have in mind.”



The two Gryffindors were back at the house, Minseok managed to navigate them back before the clock struck midnight.

His parents were already in their room and Yerim was found in the living room, fast asleep, when they returned.

Minseok carried her back to her room, and they both tucked her in. As someone with an older brother himself, Jongdae felt that same reassuring vibe from him.

Just as Minseok pulled the blanket over her petite figure, she woke up, blinking sleepily up at her brother, “Did you find Jongdae?”

“I did,” he said. “He got lost when he was walking around.”

“Tell him not to wander,” Yerim said groggily. “There’s bad things in the woods.”

“I won’t,” Jongdae said softly from the doorway. “I won’t wander around anymore. Don’t worry. Just go to sleep now, okay?”

The two boys left the room, closing the door shut tight.

After washing up, Jongdae came back to Minseok’s room, and saw that the Head Boy was sitting on his air mattress, deep in thought.

He dried his face in front of the mirror and combed his hair from a mess to a tamed mess.

“The moment you graduate, you need to register yourself as an Animagi at the Ministry.”

Those words halted his movements and he put down the towel, letting it drape around his neck. “I know.”

“This is a very sensitive year and you’re caught up in a very sensitive situation,” said Minseok. “We have Ministry officials all over the grounds. We have students from rival schools in our grounds. They won’t be as forgiving as me.”

“I know.”

“You’re always causing so much trouble.”

“I know.”

“You could’ve just told me you liked me.”

“That wouldn’t work. You don’t pay attention to good students. Their faces blend into the background. You don’t notice them. And besides,” said Jongdae. “You would’ve turn me down without a second thought.”

“So you would go this far to catch my eye?”

“The Animagi business has nothing to do with you. I was already interested in this for a long time. My grandfather was an Animagi – a Persian cat – and I wanted to be one too,” the fifth-year said. “I liked you, but not enough to risk my whole future for it. I’m not Yixing-level in love.”

“In love?” Minseok echoed him, eyebrow raised curiously.

Jongdae’s heart nearly stopped and he quickly covered his face with the towel, acting as if he was drying his face, “Where am I sleeping?” he asked pointedly.

“On the bed.”

“You’re not using it?”

“You’re the guest so you can use it. We have a guest room, but I’d rather have you in here in case you think it’d be funny if you ran away in the middle of the night.”

“I won’t.”

“Yeah, I believe you,” said Minseok, sarcasm thick in his tone. “Just sleep on the bed, will you? I insist.”

“The air mattress doesn’t look comfortable though.”

“Are you suggesting we change places? Or share the bed?”

“I don’t mind either,” said Jongdae, unfazed. “It’s just that I feel bad for letting you sleep on the air mattress. I swear I’ll sleep on the floor if you make me take the bed. It’s going to waste, so you might as well just take it.”

“It’s fine,” Minseok said, assuring him. “It’s not that long till dawn. Get some sleep.”

In the end, Jongdae took the bed, despite his arguments.

It was later that night, when Minseok woke up, he discovered that his guest was sleeping on the carpeted floor, as he promised earlier, with nothing but a pillow and a thin blanket he must have taken from the closet.

Sighing, he got off the mattress and dragged his pillow and blanket off it, setting the mattress on it’s side against the wall. He got the rest of the pillows from his bed and set one under Jongdae’s current pillow. He took the comforter from his bed and set it over them.

It was late winter and the nights were still cold. If not properly covered, the chances of catching a cold was high.

After settling in again, he quickly fell asleep, completely unaware that Jongdae had been awake all the while.



“I’ve never been to any muggle houses,” said Baekhyun, looking around. “But are they all this far out from the city?”

“No,” said Chanyeol. “It’s just that my house is a farmhouse. We live in the countryside. I doubt you ever ventured this far out on foot before.”

“That’s what magic is for,” the pure-blood said. “To not pointlessly waste energy doing mundane things such as walking along a dirt road to get to your house.”

The couple were on a barren road, walking hand in hand towards the farmhouse.

They only had one bag on them, charmed by Baekhyun to be bottomless and filled with the supplies they would need during their stay. The Gryffindor had insisted on carrying it during the majority of their trip.

“Don’t get startled if my house elf drops by,” said Baekhyun. “He follows me around. He appears when I’m not in Hogwarts.”

“What’s their name?”


“Why Param?”

“When I was a baby, my body would retain too much heat and I would cry all the time. Param was given to me as a gift for my birth by my mother. He was quite young at that time too and he wasn’t the most experienced house elf, but he would fan me whenever I cried,” Baekhyun recalled. “So I named him after the wind he gave me.”

“You sound like you really love him.”

“I do. He’s my only friend in that house.”

“What about your brother?”

“I feel like every pure-blood with an older brother would agree with me when I say that our older brothers should be held at arm’s length. The heir doesn’t like competition. If not the heir, the parents.”

“Sounds harsh.”

“Such is the fate of a pureblood family.”

Chanyeol hummed, glancing at his boyfriend, “We’re nearly there.”

“Great. My feet are killing me.”


Meeting the family didn’t go how Baekhyun expected it to.

When they stepped into the household, Chanyeol’s sister, Yoora, immediately came out from the kitchen to greet them. She and her brother shared a great resemblance, but they carried two completely different vibes.

Their grandmother came from the kitchen soon after and gave Chanyeol a big hug before doing the same to Baekhyun. She patted them both on the cheek and asked if they had eaten yet.

The two were ushered into the kitchen where Chanyeol’s grandfather was sitting at, reading the newspapers. The old man gave them both a smile and told them to sit with him.

“Everyone, this is Byun Baekhyun, my boyfriend,” said Chanyeol, gesturing to the person mentioned. “Baekhyun, this is everyone.”

They exchanged more detailed introductions later, but all in all, they welcomed Baekhyun to the family.

No one gave him side-glances, no one sneered – just very friendly people feeding him delicious food and entertaining him with good conversation.

“You two should rest up. The journey was long, wasn’t it?” Grandma Park said gently. “You two can call it a day. Yoora already cleaned your room so you can head up if you want.”

“We don’t know if mom and dad are on good terms so we left the guest room empty just in case,” said Yoora. “Baekhyun can stay in your room. Is that fine with you, Baekhyun?”

“I can sleep anywhere.”

“He can’t,” Chanyeol told Yoora. “He’s a kid born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He doesn’t just sleep anywhere, but he’ll sleep like a baby with me around so he’s good with me.”

“Do you want to get hexed?” Baekhyun hissed at him.

His sister and grandmother laughed, used to Chanyeol’s antics.


Chanyeol’s family were nice. There were no other words to describe them – they were just really nice.

It didn’t feel like their first meeting at all. The Parks were talking to him as if they were old friends, no awkward moments, no uncomfortable silences – just a warm atmosphere all around.

When Baekhyun awoke the next morning, Chanyeol was already showered and ready for the day.

They spent the whole day together, feeding chickens and walking around as the older boy told him about memories acquired in specific places.

That was how the spent the next day too.

His parents had yet to arrive at the humble farmhouse and the dinner promised was being put off till their arrival.

It was the second night they spent at the household and Chanyeol was called out to rub Grandpa Park’s foot. From what Baekhyun could understand, it was something his boyfriend did once in a while.

So he was left with Yoora at the veranda, each nursing their hot drinks as they looked out to the barren surroundings.

“You finally noticed Chanyeol,” Yoora said out of nowhere, starting the conversation. “It only took several years.”

“He talked about me?” Baekhyun inquired.

“All the time,” she answered, chuckling softly to herself. “You started as an inspiration to him and in the end, he actually fell for you.”

“I still don’t know what I did that made him like me so much,” the wizard said truthfully. “I don’t recall doing anything grand.”

“If I’m not mistaken, you stopped a group of bullies from bullying him,” said Yoora. “If you’re like what he told me, it’s only one of your many rescues.”

“I stopped him from getting bullied?” Baekhyun repeated, slightly confused. “I don’t think I ever did. I remember faces and I don’t think I ever saved him.”

Yoora laughed again and shook her head, “Chanyeol didn’t look like he does now when he was eleven. He was… pudgier. Rounder and shorter. He was that weird kid who carried his pet ferret around.”

“We aren’t allowed to bring ferrets as a pet.”

“It was his companion for a year while he was settling in. Professor Lee permitted him to bring it.”

As if struck by lightning, Baekhyun jolted, the face clear in his head. “That was him?”

“Puberty did him good, didn’t it?”

“It worked a miracle on him,” said Baekhyun. “That kid was him? The one on the verge of tears when those kids picked on his glasses and old shoes?”

“He was really upset about it. I had to work several part-time jobs to get him a new pair,” said Yoora, shaking her hair with a sigh. “When you defended him, you gave him some confidence and you made him feel better about himself.”

“Those boys are still jerks,” Baekhyun said, recalling those faces he nearly hexed all those years ago. “And frequent victims of Chanyeol and Jongdae’s pranks. I know why now.”

“I would tell him to forgive and forget, but those kids really gave him hell for his first few months at school,” the woman said. “Well, I hope you two are happy together. I don’t think I ever seen Chanyeol any happier than he is right now. He used to be a little reserved – he could never shake off that old habits. But he’s been smiling wider these past few days. As a sister, I can’t be any more thankful for making him happy.”

Instead of feeling happy, Baekhyun was filled with a sense of guilt.


“You’ve been quiet since I came in,” said Chanyeol, sitting down on the edge of the bed. It was well after midnight and the lights were off. “Did Yoora say anything to make you uncomfortable? If she did, I’m so sorry. She never did have a lid on her.”

The pureblood rolled over to face the tall boy, a frown etched on his face, “I think we need to talk.”

“Did I do something wrong?” Chanyeol’s face instantly fell and he looked mildly upset. “Was it too soon after all? I shouldn’t have brought you home so soon. I’m sorry—”

“No,” said Baekhyun, his voice soft and soothing, like the calm before a storm. “It wasn’t a mistake. It gave me more time to think.”



The Gryffindor pursed his lips and nodded slowly, making himself more comfortable on the bed, “You couldn’t get yourself to like me, is it?” he asked, trying very hard to sound neutral. He laughed, short and insincere, “I shouldn’t have hoped for more. You going out with me was already—”

“What are you going on about?” Baekhyun cut him off, confused.

“You’re breaking up with me, aren’t you?”

This time, Baekhyun laughed and he sounded genuinely amused, “No, I’m not, Chanyeol. Did I sound like I was going to?”

“You said we need to talk.”

“I did. Because we actually do need to talk,” the Ravenclaw said, pushing himself up off the mattress. He shuffled over, sitting cross-legged opposite of Chanyeol, knees slightly touching. “We need to clear some things up. I have things I need to get off my chest.”

“Did you do something illegal?” Chanyeol asked, trying to lighten up the situation.

His question went ignored as Baekhyun stared at him and suddenly, he felt glad that they were in the dark, “Why did you want to date me?”

“I told you before. I liked you for a long time.”

“You probably know more about me than anyone in school,” said the pureblood. “You watched me for years, whether I was aware of it or not. You know how rotten I am. You know how mean I get. Why did you still want to date me after seeing that side of me?”

“Because I saw another side of you too. Despite being rotten and mean, you never turn a blind eye to people in need. Even though you were probably suffering more than them, you never turned the other way when people needed help,” Chanyeol said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “You’re jaded by the world but you won’t let people suffer like you do. I really liked that. The more I watch you, the more I liked you. An angel with broken wings is still an angel.”

“An angel with broken wings is Satan.”

“Then you can be my Satan.”

He was between trying to cough out a laugh and a sob and tears started pooling in Baekhyun’s eyes, a number of emotions hit him all at once, “I’m so sorry,” he managed to choke out.

“Are you crying?” Chanyeol asked, his large hands reaching for Baekhyun’s face. “If you cry, I’m probably going to cry. Please don’t cry. You know what a cry baby I am.”

Baekhyun laughed, wiping his tears before his boyfriend could feel the wetness of his skin. “You have nothing to cry about, Chanyeol,” he said, sniffling. “I’m just so sorry.”

“You want to tell me why?”

“I’m an , that’s why,” said the Quidditch captain. “I used you for my own selfish plans. I’m sorry.”

“You want to explain it in more detail?”

“I agreed to go out with you to get back at my family,” Baekhyun admitted, breathing in and out slowly. “They’re always trying to find ways to make me suffer. My homophobic, arrogant family. When I first came out, I got such a bad reception from my relatives. They made jokes at my expense. They kept tripping me up. Didn’t leave a seat open for me at the dinner table. It was horrible.”

“Why would they do that?”

“I’m a bastard child, that’s why. My dad slept with another witch when he was married and got her pregnant. The only reason they kept me was because my real mother was a pureblood. She died in labour and no one knew. They pretended as if my stepmother was also pregnant at the time so the outside world believed that I was her son.”

“Sounds complicated.”

“Everything in pureblood families is complicated,” Baekhyun sighed. “My father, stepmother and brother are the nicest people out there, but they’re busy people and rarely joined us for meals because they’re running our business, leaving me with the horrid relatives. When they’re around, the bullying is less severe. They can’t trash talk me in front of the breadwinners who loves me more than they love them, can they?”

“No, they can’t.”

“You know my exes? Thomas and them?” Baekhyun asked. “Those are all the people they set me up with. I don’t know what deal they made, but they were all . They treated me like trash, but my parents trusted my relatives. They thought my relatives were trying to be nice and accepting so I had no choice but to play their games. And playing it ruined me. Destroyed whatever love I had for my relatives – which wasn’t really all that much to begin with anyways.”

“When I said my family was too caring and not in a good way, I was referring to this. The they put me through because they simply don’t like the person I am. I was sick of it. I hated how they treated me. I hated how they made my life into their little make it worse for him game. I had enough. I didn’t want to live under their thumbs anymore.”

“So you broke it off with Thomas and dated me.”

If the lights were on, Chanyeol would’ve seen the expression on his face – one of guilt and sadness.

“I agreed to go out with you because I wanted to get back at them. You’re everything they hate – muggle-born, poor and gay and most of all, they have no power over you,” Baekhyun said. “I expected nothing from you. I never taken an interest in you before that. I thought I would keep it up until my family hears of it. Take the piss out of them before you eventually got sick of me and we break up.”

“Did they find out?”

Baekhyun chuckled, “They found out, alright. Sent me Howler after Howler. If you saw me charm mail, it was probably a Howler. I’ve gotten really good at destroying them. I didn’t go home for Christmas because I didn’t want to see them. My parents were upset, but my brother managed to persuade them against forcefully taking me out of Hogwarts.”

He expected Chanyeol to say something, anything really, but he held his tongue. “Things didn’t go according to plan. You didn’t get sick of me and you didn’t break up with me. You pestered me into going on dates. You treated me like an actual boyfriend. We had fights and you always made the effort to reconcile. You didn’t give up on me even when I pulled some pretty moves.”

When more silence came after that, Baekhyun began to feel some panic bubble up at the pit of his stomach, “Why aren’t you saying anything?”

“Why are you telling me all this now?” Chanyeol asked. “Why only now? You could’ve kept this to yourself forever.”

“I don’t know why I’m telling you now. I just felt like I had to.”

“Baekhyun, I knew a long time ago that you agreed to go out with me because you had your own agenda. I’m no stupid nor am I delusional,” said the muggle-born. “But I am upset to find out that your own family treat you like that. That’s ridiculous. Setting you up with an abusive just because they don’t like you for something you had no control over? And they know you were in no position to refuse whatever scheme they had in mind? That’s plain ed up.”

“That’s my family,” the Ravenclaw shrugged. “They’re like that.”

“They’re toxic,” Chanyeol said. “You shouldn’t be around people who are constantly trying to put you down and make you feel bad about yourself.”

“I didn’t choose to be born into that family.”

“You didn’t,” agreed Chanyeol. “It stings a bit knowing that you went out with me to use me as a tool. I expected it, I guessed it, but being told point blank is different to just knowing. But that doesn’t mean anything to me. Your reasoning doesn’t mean anything because I already knew you didn’t like me at that point. You told me yourself. But by some twist of fate, you agreed to go out with me anyways and I saw it as you giving me a chance.”

“Someone told me I’m not that nice to give you a chance.”

“You aren’t. But I saw it as that. The fact that you’re telling me all this now means you feel guilty about it,” said the Gryffindor, sounding happy. “Are you feeling a change of heart? After all this time, do you find yourself liking me?”

“I just might,” said Baekhyun ambiguously.

“You don’t get to say that. It’s either a yes or a no.”

“Whenever I’m around you, I feel very comfortable,” Baekhyun said, his hand groping around for Chanyeol’s. “Your presence makes me feel better sometimes. You don’t judge me. If I’m stressed, you just play along with me until I calm down. You don’t belittle me, you don’t belittle my problems and you always try to offer me help. Something only Jongdae and my brother ever does.”

His hand found Chanyeol’s and he squeezed it slightly, “It feels strange to have someone genuinely care for me, someone who isn’t family at that. You make sure I eat right, sleep on time and even help me with schoolwork I don’t understand. You’re nice to me, but you also don’t pamper me. You give me comfort when I need it, be it in the shape of your shoulder or lap or sometimes even just words. You’re too good for me.”

“High compliments for me I see.”

“Because it’s true. You’re so supportive, it’s annoying sometimes. “I’ve given you so many reasons to ditch me and you never do. It’s a weird feeling.”

Knowing Baekhyun, he would never say the words I like you out loud. He was too proud for that, but Chanyeol can read between the lines.

He was, after all, a Byun Baekhyun expert.

“I like you too,” said Chanyeol, tugging their entwined hands towards him, engulfing the shorter boy in a hug before toppling over on his side. “If you didn’t like me in the slightest, you could’ve easily dumped me. I’ve done my damage – you don’t need me anymore, but you still hung around. If you didn’t like me, that wouldn’t have happened.”

Baekhyun wasn’t sure if he had said everything he wanted to. He wasn’t sure if they cleared the air. He wasn’t sure of a lot of things, but as usual, Chanyeol managed to help him clear his doubts. 

Soon after, Chanyeol fell asleep, but the pureblood was wide awake, breathing in the scent of his boyfriend. They were close together, legs tangled and Chanyeol’s arm draped loosely over the more petite boy.

He eventually fell asleep too, head nested in Chanyeol’s chest, the sound of his heartbeat managed to calm Baekhyun enough to lose consciousness. 





baku: WE FINISHED OUR FINALS!! its been two weeks but neither of us had any sort of motivation or energy to do anything. christmas is in a week so happy christmas to those who celebrate it and have a happy time. i ed up a lot of grammar at the start and val had a field day scolding me through her side comments

val: We're finally free from the clutches of highschool bless. I hope you guys enjoy the chapter :-) 


p.s. it would be really nice if you guys would upvote not to sound whiny or pushy but it would be really nice if you guys did and we'd appreciate it a lot!! and comment bcs we love talking to you guys and hearing from you in general!

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hello!! thank you for the 400 subs! we'll work harder!!


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unmeinthemoonlight #1
the best hogwarts exo fic, hope u guys are doing good!
Happy 2020, I hope you are well :)
Please let me know if there is any hope for the continuation of this, I need closure :)
Crazydork22 #3
Chapter 18: So...it’s been two years now. How’s uni going?
Still miss this :( Hope you are doing well :)
Chapter 18: It´s been over a year since the last update, and I was wondering if you had any idea of when/if you are returning to this story? :) Hope I don´t seem pressuring, I just miss this story. Hope you guys are enjoying uni^^
Chapter 18: I can’t believe it’s been over a year since the last update

Please update soon!!!
raven074 #7
Chapter 18: Congrats and fighting at uni authornims! (It's late, j know, sorry)
Anyway just wanna say that this is a very great story! Love it so much and I hope when you have time maybe you can update? >< Thank you so much for writing the story! Very nice and intriguing plot and characters xD
Chapter 18: whack the mole guys!
hope u can adapt well on ur university life girls
i sense taoris especially with the fact that Yifan loved one will probably be Tao
unmeinthemoonlight #10
Chapter 18: AYYYYYYY congrats on entering uni you guys!!! ALSO welcome back!!! Chapter was great, and HOMG MOLE i kinda suspected too but i WoNdEr WhO iT cOuLd Be