Bus Ride @ 8 pm

Bus Ride @ 8 pm

1st Night

Kibum’s classes end at 7:30pm. He would put on his earphones and play some music. His head, body and his way of walking would bounce slightly to the beat of the music. He would take his time in walking towards the bus stop. After all, he still had a lot of time before the 8pm bus would arrive.

While waiting for the bus, Kibum could see through his peripheral vision that another student from a different school was walking his way towards the bus stop. Kibum only took a quick side glance at the student and easily recognized the student’s uniform. He wondered why a student from SM University would be standing right next to him and waiting for a bus to arrive. Students from that school are rich, intelligent and mostly handsome.

Kibum was curious but he would never voice out his question unless it is a part of a lesson in a classroom. Other than that, he would never mind another person’s business. The bus finally arrived. It was full of people, who probably also just came out from work. Luckily, Kibum was able to find an empty seat. The only other vacant seat for the other student to sit was right beside Kibum.

The smell of cool mist from a familiar yet unrecognizable scent of perfume was inhaled by Kibum. One thing for sure was that it’s an expensive brand of perfume. The nice smell coming off from his seatmate and the soft music playing on his earphones lulled him to sleep. He remembered leaning his head on the bus window but when he woke up, his head was already leaning at his seatmate’s shoulder.

“Sorry!!!” Kibum instantly sat up. His hair disheveled and the ear phone for his left ear was simply hanging down. He looked right outside the window to see if the bus has already passed by his stop. He sighed in relieve when he knew that it hadn’t. Then he looked at his reflection on the window and fixed his hair. He heard a chuckle right beside him.

“You shouldn’t make it a habit to sleep during the bus ride. You might miss your stop or someone might take advantage of you.” The handsome student smiled at him. “And also, you seem to snore in your sleep.” He laughed again.

Kibum blushed in embarrassment and refused to look at the guy directly but he could see the guy’s face through the reflection of the window. He could tell how handsome the student was. He could also see that the guy was looking right back at him though their reflection of the window. Kibum shifted his gaze from the guy’s reflection and looked at what really is outside the window. That’s when he noticed that it was actually his stop. He hurriedly pressed the button for the driver to hear and stop the bus. He took his bag and hurriedly left the bus without taking a single glance of his seatmate.

2nd Night

Kibum was waiting for the bus as he wondered if the other student would show up again today. His thoughts were answered when he heard footsteps and saw a familiar face. “Hi!” A friendly greeting. “Remember me from yesterday?”

Kibum gave a slight nod and went back to reading his book. “Wow! You’re reading a book in English. You must be very fluent in English.”

“Not really.” Kibum unconsciously replied in English.

“So what is it all about?” The student asked curiously.

The bus arrived and Kibum took it as a opportunity to escape from the student. All of the seats were fully occupied so he had to remain standing. Then he found the student standing right next to him. Sometimes the student would try to start a friendly conversation but Kibum would never reply or look at him until Kibum got out of the bus.

7th Night

The student was still trying to befriend Kibum. “My name is Choi Siwon. What’s yours?”

Choi Enterprises. A very huge company with a lot of branches that sells electronic appliances and house furniture. Kibum thought that Siwon must be related to them somehow. “Kim Kibum.” Since they’re going to be busmates, he figured that they should at least know each other’s names. This earned him a charming smile from Siwon, who was obviously happy that Kibum finally talked to him.

Later during the bus ride, Siwon pouted because Kibum still refused to talk to him after that.

15th Night

Kibum was still placing his stuff inside the bag when he heard his classmates talk about a certain guy who is wearing a SM University uniform was standing by the school gate. Kibum went near the classroom’s window to see Siwon standing by the school gate.

Siwon caught sight at Kibum and waved at him. “Are you waving at Kibum?” He turned his head to see a tall, slim and almost pale-looking kind of guy. “I’m surprise that Kibum actually has a friend and from SM University at that.” The student’s eyes trailed Siwon from head to foot. “Or maybe Kibum had been hiding some rich friends which is why he probably won’t make friends with middle or low class people like most students of this school is.”

Both were surprised when Kibum suddenly walked in between them. They stared at Kibum, who kept on walking, for a few seconds. Then Siwon finally snapped out of his surprise and followed Kibum towards the bus stop. “So you don’t have any friends at school?” Siwon attempted a conversation.

“I don’t like to talk and I like to keep things to myself.” That was all Siwon needed to hear to understand Kibum’s silence and that the student who said things about Kibum wasn’t true. He didn’t try to attempt another conversation after that.

28th Night

Siwon was shock when Kibum finally talked and started a conversation with him. “I saw you this morning. You were probably on your way to school in a black limousine. Why do you keep on riding the 8pm bus when you actually have your own car with a driver?” Kibum had always been curious but it was in his nature to kept silent but after being busmates with Siwon for quite some time, he could no longer kept quiet with his curiosity.

“Do you remember a very old woman who used to ride that bus?”

Kibum stayed silent and searched his memory. His mind came up with a picture of the old woman. He remembered how that old woman always doesn’t have a seat so if Kibum is able to get a seat, he would always give it up for the old woman. Come to think of it, he hadn’t seen the old woman lately since Siwon became his busmate.

“That old woman always looked simple and lived her life simply so it isn’t obvious that she’s actually the wife of the owner of Choi Enterprises. She is actually my grandma who died a month ago. She told me that there’s a certain student who looked handsome, very quiet but smiles cutely. This certain student always gives up his seat for the old woman. But I don’t think I’ve met that guy yet because I haven’t been able to see a cute smile. Do you think you know the guy? He always rides the 8pm bus but I haven‘t noticed anyone with a cute smile.” Siwon acted as if he doesn’t know but they both obviously know that it was Kibum.

That’s when Kibum gave out a light chuckle and unconsciously smiled. Siwon suddenly felt envy at his dead grandmother who was able to see Kibum’s smile a lot of times before. He knew that Kibum was a handsome person but he didn‘t think that Kibum was actually capable of smiling so cutely. “I think I found him.” Siwon’s hand covered Kibum’s hand.

33rd Night

It became a habit to hold hands as they wait at the bus stop together and during the entire bus ride. No words were needed to be spoken. Kibum’s kiss on Siwon’s cheek before leaving the bus was all they need to complete their night.


A/N:  Another fic that actually took me a long time to finish.  I always seem to have a plot in my head but it always takes me too long to write or if I ever started writing it, it takes long to finish... and to think it's only a oneshot~ but there are also times I can write 2 oneshots a day~ Hehehe~ Comments please?

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Chapter 1: awww that was really adorable! ^^
doraemonmojacko #2
nice story
LovingKitty #3
Chapter 1: awwwwwwwwwwe so cute Siwon!!! so cute again LOL
Chapter 1: Nice!!! :D
memoire- #5
Sibum is soooo sweet together!!! Like this!!!
Dubu-licious #6
aaaww!! Siwon is such a gentleman and Kibum really does have such a cute smile!
Awww, this is really adorable o.o
soulbladerz #8
what a good story...
Zao4Peeps #9
This fic is s-so cute ;u; <3
PLEASE! Write more of these o3o