Chapter 3

Words Left Unspoken

Baby Soul was in the waiting room waiting for Lovelyz turn on the stage. She sat on the sofa trying to read a book, but she couldn’t take anything in. She was nervous, and rehearsed the moves over and over again in her mind. If she could just get the timing right it would be perfect.


Jiae noticed Baby Soul biting her lips anxiously and walked over to her.


“Hey what are you thinking about? Are you still worried about the dance? Hey if I can do it then you can do it, and besides you worrying is making me worry” said Jiae beginning to feel nervous


Baby Soul was startled by her comment. She always wanted to be a good role model for the girls so she never wanted to show any weaknesses. She was very strict with herself and with the girls as well. Some have even called her cold because of her demeanor. However, anyone that knew her realized that it was a façade and inside she was actually a really simple girl with a soft heart.


Baby Soul laughed “No, it’s not the dance. I’m a pro at this now. Here, I’ll show you”


She got on the floor and showcased the move with ease. Baby Soul shrugged her shoulders in confidence.


Jiae clapped her hands and exclaimed “Great Job! How did you learn this so quickly anyways? We’ve had to practice like crazy for the new song coming out for the past 3 months. When did you find the time?”


“I’m a prodigy obviously” said Baby Soul wiggling her eyebrows and lifting them jokingly.


“Yeah yeah sure. Did anyone give you any extra tips?” asked Jiae


“What? No way. Didn’t you just hear? I’m a prodigy” replied Baby Soul


“Really? Then why do you look so nervous all of a sudden? Hmm?” egged on Jiae


“Whatever. I’m going to go finish my book” says Baby Soul remembering her lesson with Sunggyu.


“Mmhmm. Okay, whatever you say” said Jiae laughing.


The call to start recording was heard and the girls rushed out to the stage.


“Man what’s wrong with me? It’s just Sunggyu. Why couldn’t I just say it was him? I’ve known him for so long; it wouldn’t have even been surprising.” Baby Soul asked herself.


 They took their places on stage and waited for the song to begin. Baby Soul caught Sunggyu eyes in the sitting area and he gave a sign for “fighting” and she gave a small smile in return. She felt a surge of confidence and embarrassment but felt nervous again when she looked out at the crowd.


“Its okay Soojung, just believe in your practice and you’ll be fine” she told herself.


Sunggyu watched Baby Soul aligning the girls in the right order on stage. As he watched them perform he noticed that he couldn’t take his eyes off of her. Some of the other members were ier and some were really pretty, but there was just something about her that attracted him. She was so much more vibrant and happier on stage. All those years of training and worry had finally come to fruition.


Lovelyz finished their song and were now performing BTD. The crowd was screaming energetically to the song and their lightsticks were waving in the air. It was time for the main part and Sunggyu held his breath.



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hoyalatelyhowon #1
Chapter 4: OMG
sunggyusshi #2
pls still waiting...pls don't abandoned this story..ㅠㅡㅠ
sunggyusshi #3
Chapter 4: awwwwwwwwww cute!!!!!>__<

pls update soon eoh...*__*
Chapter 4: this is perfection actually haha. update soon!!

ps. new subbie btw! annyeong~
babyjongdae #5
Chapter 4: I was helplessly read the last two chapters. Forgot to subscribe it and here i am coming to wait for another chapters.
Chapter 4: Update pleaseeee
Chapter 4: It's because he's so cute!! :3 Omg Happy New Year!!! Honey
babyjongdae #8
Chapter 2: Just found it today! Aaaah!!!!!!!!!! Please write up some chapters again :)
LovelyInft #9
Chapter 2: i ship them so bad!!!!
Chapter 2: This was so cool!!!! I want more :) <3
Thanks for writing this beautiful story ^^