

“Junhong-ah!” a deep voice called the freshman’s name. The tall blond, who towered over his classmates, turned in the direction it came. Seeing no one familiar, he turned back to continue to class only to be met by a gummy smile. He literally jumped two feet in the air and let out a far from manly squeak.

With a hand over his heart, he took a calming breath. “Yongguk-hyung, please don’t do that. You know I have a weak heart.”

Yongguk, a strong senior and the supportive figure Junhong needed, sent him an apologetic look before ruffling his hair. “Yeah, well, you forgot your lunch at home, again, today. Let me have my fun.”

Quickly snatching the paper bag, Junhong hurried off to class, ignoring the fact that Yongguk’s deep laugh echoed down the hallway after him. The bell rang just as he entered his homeroom. Just made it.

“Glad you could join us, Junhong,” the teacher drawled.

Once the lesson drifted into session, Junhong’s mind drifted elsewhere. He daydreamed of his parents, home in Mokpo, while he stayed in Seoul. He daydreamed that everything was all right. He daydreamed one day he’d get swept up by a knight in shining armor.


The teacher’s voice cut through his thoughts like scissors on paper. “The answer is 42!” he yelled abruptly.

His teacher sighed and shook his head. “We’re in History, Junhong, not Math. Anyway,” he stopped and gestured to a short brunet next to him. “This is Jongup. He’s your new classmate and desk mate. Please don’t doze off again.”

The brunet bowed politely, “Please look after me.” As he looked up, Jongup flashed a smile so bright Junhong felt his heart stop. Instead of seeing a small smiling freshman, Junhong saw the knight in shining armor from his daydreams. He tried to smile back confidently, make a good impression. It turned out like a shy smile instead. He quickly hid his head in shame.

What is this feeling? What’s happening to him?

At lunch, Junhong confronted Yongguk with what just happened. After finishing his story of how the knight had every single class with him, Yongguk let out a hearty laugh. He laughed so hard he fell out of his chair!

Junhong pouted. “It’s not funny, Yongguk-hyung! I thought my heart was going to explode!”

Making an effort to pick himself off the floor, Yongguk waved a hand to divert the attention his laughter had caused in the cafeteria. “I know Junhong-ah, I shouldn’t have laughed. But, you are so innocent, I couldn’t help it,” he ruffled the boy’s hair out of habit. Junhong continued pouting.


Swatting the hand away, Junhong looked up at him expectantly. “You’ve got a crush, kid,” Yongguk chuckled.

Wait, what?


Yongguk and Junhong are not friends, more like brothers really. When Junhong came to Seoul in middle school, Yongguk had been the one to reach out and care for the scared and lonely boy. The two moved in together, much to Yongguk’s paternal relief. He could watch over Junhong without having to go halfway across the city to the other’s apartment.

Junhong’s parents only agreed because it meant less money.

His parents simply didn’t care. By law, they had to financially support their son. Anyway to lower that cost they took in a heartbeat. They simply weren’t parents to him. Yongguk was more of a father to him than his own and he’s only known him for two years. One day, he hoped he’d get some recognition from his parents.

As an orphan, Yongguk learned to care for himself early on. He lived alone, went to school, went to work, but after Junhong came, he no longer felt lonesome. Sure, part of his hard-earned money went to buying for two instead of one, but with Junhong’s parents paying half the rent every month, he was financially more stable than he’d ever been. He cares for Junhong, and considers him the best thing to ever come into his life.

To Yongguk, Junhong was the family he never had and always wanted.


“Yeah! Bang! Why are you laughing at this poor boy? Huh!” a deep voice yelled in their direction, not as deep as Yongguk’s but close.

A very handsome man walked over, followed shyly by Junhong’s knight. His sharp features and foxlike eyes sent a shiver up Junhong’s spine. This man was scary, so why was he looking out for him? “It’s none of your business, Himchan,” Yongguk sighed. So, they knew each other?

Junhong stared curiously between the two. He tugged on Yongguk’s sleeve to get his attention. Pointing shyly, his gesture asked for him. The scary man stepped forward, bearing his hand for the young boy to shake. “The name’s Himchan. This is my apprentice Jongup, but I’ve heard you’ve already met. From now on, I’ll take care of you. Get you away from that meanie, Yongguk,” he spoke loudly.

Junhong shrunk back further, holding nervously onto Yongguk’s arm. “Yah! Himchan! You’re the one scaring him!” he argued back. “Besides, I’m his guardian. You don’t know how to take care of him. You have absolutely no right!” Yongguk literally glared at his fellow Senior. Junhong had only seen the good-natured side of him until now. It was kind of frightening to be honest.

“Hyung…” he muttered trying to calm him. Yongguk took a calming breath. Junhong hugged his hyung resting his head on his shoulder.

Meanwhile, Himchan stood stunned at the sudden aggression. He bowed his head. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know. I didn’t mean to offend.” He turned to leave. Jongup hugged him out of sympathy. Yongguk now fully realized he’d wronged an innocent man.

“Himchan…” he called, stopping him. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap at you. I’m just a stupid protective hyung, okay?” Himchan turned back around. “Would you like to join us for lunch?” Himchan instantly flashed a smile. He no longer seemed threatening to Junhong.

“I'd like that, thanks. And I can relate,” he answered, sitting down and swinging an arm around Jongup. “If anyone hurt Jongup, I’d go bat crazy on his !” Yongguk laughed.

“More like hysterical umma if you ask me…” Jongup muttered.

Yongguk roared. Clutching at his sides, he leant forward to avoid falling from his chair again. Junhong giggled, though it was due to the gradually darkening red color blossoming on Himchan’s cheeks. Himchan spluttered for a response, his mouth moving up and down like a fish.

In order to save the embarrassed man, Junhong commented, “Yonggukkie-hyung turns into an angry bear who lost his honey.” Yongguk effectively shut up, allowing Himchan to laugh, though he suppressed it so it came out more like a giggle.

Attempting to change the subject, Yongguk asked, “So what brings you two here to the lovely school of Matoki?” Wait, Himchan was new, too? That made more sense. Junhong, you’re an idiot.

Himchan took the bait. “My job brought me here. Jongup, though not actually my brother, is my responsibility, so he came with me.” Job? After Yongguk inquired just that, Himchan continued. “I teach percussion to kids. I get paid but since I don’t have a teaching license, it’s considered private lessons. The old studio I had permission to use burned down, so they sent me to the one here.” So cool!

Yongguk looked surprised. “The one on fifth? How far do you live from it?”

“The apartment building just across the street. Why?” Himchan questioned. Wait. Isn’t that where we live?

Yongguk continued, answering his question. “You should come over. We’re in apartment 1004. Stop by sometime. Our door is always open for friends.” Does that mean Jongup will be coming over? The two seniors continued talking until the bell rang, mostly about music. Jongup jumped in here and there but Junhong remained silent, keeping his comments to himself.

Junhong kept himself busy for the remainder of the day, avoiding Jongup’s gaze. Damn his shyness! The bell for school to end finally rang, and he bolted out the door, as per usual, this time going faster than expected. Seeing Yongguk leaned against his car, a 67 Chevy Impala he’d fixed up himself, Junhong picked up speed. By the time he reached the car, he was out of breath and clutching at his chest. “Junhong-ah!” Yongguk called in panic. Closing the distance between them, Yongguk steadied the boy before looking into his eyes to check to see if he was all right. Seeing that he was, Yongguk engulfed him in his arms. “Don’t do that Junhong-ah! You know not to overwork yourself!” he scolded.

He nodded into his chest, his breath finally coming back to him. “I’m okay hyung. I won’t do it again.” Yongguk released him, but his gaze shifted over his shoulder.

“!” Yongguk swore, “I promised Himchan I’d take him and Jongup home with us. Are you okay enough for that?”

“Don’t tell them!” he shouted before quieting. “I don’t want them to know.”

Yongguk nodded in understanding just as Himchan and Jongup jogged up. “Yo Bang! Nice ride you got there. Did you have to a rob a bank to afford that or something?”

Yongguk rolled his eyes. “Ha ha, very funny. You know, you shouldn’t bite the hand that feeds you,” he threatened. Himchan instantly shut his mouth as Jongup laughed. “Get in the back you two.” Yongguk helped Junhong into the car, shooting a quick concerned glance his way.

Himchan talked the entire way home. Junhong wasn’t feeling too good and kind of just wanted him to just shut up already. They were about halfway through the ride when Yongguk finally clued in on this. “Himchan…” Yongguk called. Effectively getting his attention, he continued, “Can you please lower your voice? We’re all within two feet of you.” Nodding mutely, he took a moment to remember what he was saying. For the rest of the drive, the car was quieter. It was a relief to his throbbing head, an effect of his shortness of breath from earlier.

Finally reaching the apartment building, Yongguk pulled into their designated spot in the front of the complex. “Whoa! How’d you get a spot so close? When I asked, they said I could only get one in the back since I was so young.” Yongguk chose not to answer. “Anyway, thanks so much for the ride. I’ll have to get my car here sometime.”

Getting out of the car, Himchan grabbed his backpack and helped Jongup with his textbooks. Yongguk moved over to the passenger seat to help Junhong out. He’d begun to feel very weak. Kneeling down as he’d done before, Yongguk checked his eyes. They’d become very heavy and almost unresponsive. Trying not to panic, Yongguk called over to Himchan,  “Can you come here a moment?”

Turning back and shooting a curious glance, he handed Jongup’s textbooks back to him and told him to go on home and he’ll meet him there. “What’s up?” Jogging over, he finally caught sight of Junhong. “Is he okay?” he panicked.

“Just help me get him on my back?” he ordered. Nervously helping, Himchan’s gentle touch comforted Junhong. Shifting him higher up on his back to make sure he had support, Yongguk stood up. “Can you grab our bags? They’re not that heavy.” Hurrying to do as he was told, he shadowed Yongguk all the way to his apartment.

It was there when they faced a problem: getting the keys. “Um… Bang, how are we going to get in? Do you have a spare key anywhere?”

Shifting Junhong once more, Yongguk answered, “Can you reach in and get the one out of my front right pocket? And make it quick; my arms are starting to get tired.” Himchan froze. Do what? But they just met today he can’t do that. “Himchan!” Scurrying to do as was told, this is for Junhong.  Pawing through the pocket, he finally took hold of the key.

Fitting it in the lock, he opened the door for Yongguk, discarding their bags just inside the doorway. He followed Yongguk into one of the side rooms and helped him lay down Junhong on what he assumed was his bed. “Are you sure we shouldn’t bring him to the hospital or something? He doesn’t look to good,” Himchan asked going over to feel the boy’s forehead. Odd, he wasn’t warm.

Yongguk rested a hand on his shoulder. “He just needs some rest. Let me give him his medicine. Then we can talk.” He exited the room. Himchan stayed back. He’d only met these two today, yet his heart ached for them. Junhong gave him a weak smile, reaching slightly for his hand. Himchan knelt beside him, giving his hand, which Junhong squeezed lightly in reassurance and comfort. Himchan fought not to cry. This poor boy looked so weak all of a sudden, yet his mind remained so strong.

Yongguk returned soon enough with a pill and a glass of water. With practiced ease, Himchan watched Yongguk help sit the boy up and get the pill down. “Get some sleep. I’ll wake you when supper’s ready.” The two seniors shut off the lights and left the room, a scene vaguely resembling parents exiting their child’s room.

When they reached the living room, Himchan timidly asked. “May I know what’s wrong with him?”

Yongguk huffed down on the couch, patting the seat next to him for Himchan to join him. When he did so, Yongguk replied, “Junhong has a weak heart. Doctors say he'll need a new one soon. For now, they can’t do anything for him and its best he stay home. As long as he doesn’t overwork himself, he won’t have a problem. Today was just a bad day.” Reaching an arm around his shoulder, he side-hugged Himchan reassuringly.

Himchan gave a steadying breath. “Should I tell Jonguppie? He really likes Junhong, but I don’t want this to scare him away. He’s a timid but loyal friend, but he’s deathly afraid of loss.” Yongguk hadn’t removed his arm yet, but both found it strangely comforting.

Somehow, Himchan found his head resting on Yongguk’s shoulder. Neither seemed to mind. “What happened to Jongup to make him fear loss so much? I mean it’s perfectly natural, but you brought it up so I feel like there’s a story behind it,” he quickly added not meaning to come off as rude. He never could grasp the whole socializing aspect.

Himchan waved it off. “Jonguppie lost his parents a few years ago. He went to live with his uncle, but that man didn’t care. I saw him crying at the playground and took him home with me. We retrieved his stuff the next day. I’ve been supporting him since. It’s been about a year now.”

Yongguk fell silent, surprised by the similarity. It was almost like his and Junhong’s story combined. “What about you? What’s your story?”

The two talked for what seemed like days when really it was a few hours. Turns out Himchan came out to his parents his sophomore year of High School, hoping they’d accept him only to be cruelly thrown out. He sought refuge at his grandmother’s house. She kept him with her; and after pulling some strings; she managed to get him an apartment near to his school. She paid the rent so long as he had a job. When he was forced to relocate, he paid the first three months before she could, since he felt he owed her. They were still in touch and visited every few months. Jongup snuck into her heart very quickly, and Himchan reassured Yongguk she’d like him too.

“She’s stopping by next week if you’d like to meet her,” Himchan told excitedly. Yongguk smiled at his enthusiasm. It must be nice.

Noticing the time, he got up from the couch and walked towards the kitchen. It was already six! Calling from the kitchen, he offered, "Would you like to stay for dinner? Jongup, of course, is invited."

Following his host, he asked, "What's for dinner?" Peering over his shoulder, he caught sight of several ramen noodle cups. "Oh hell no!" he exclaimed suddenly, scaring Yongguk.


Himchan shook his head. "No, I refuse it. You will come to my apartment in a half hour. You two are going to have a nice home-cooked meal, just as my granny taught me." Turning to leave, Himchan wandered off. "Don't be late!" he called back.

Yongguk watched him go, surprised that a man he'd just met had scolded him like that. Somehow, a blush had risen to his cheeks, coloring them a deep scarlet. Although, that could've been a result of an entirely different thought of which he thought whilst watching the sashay of the other man's hips as he left, but I doubt it. He's got a nice .

A half hour passed and Yongguk found himself outside room number 221 in building B dragging a sleepy Junhong behind him. Knocking timidly and hoping they'd gotten the right room, the door swung open.

"Finally!" Himchan exclaimed. "Food's done and on the table. Go take a seat and enjoy it!" he ushered the two in. Boxes littered the walls, which was to be expected since they must've just moved in. The layout was smaller than Yongguk's, but again, that was to be expected. He pushed them towards the table set up in the living room. Jongup was already eating and he appeared to brighten when he saw the two, smiling despite the food in his mouth.

Himchan had set out kimchi, sangyupsal and rice along with just an assortment of vegetables. Upon seeing the food, Junhong hurriedly sat to eat, his stomach growling from the delicious scent. “Thank you Himchannie-hyung!” he called excited, grabbing the chopsticks and going straight for the meat.

Grinning happily, Himchan pushed Yongguk into the seat next to Junhong before going to sit in the last available seat. “Seriously, thank you, Himchan. If there is anything I can do, just tell me,” Yongguk said with the utmost sincerity.

“Be our friend. And let me cook for you. That’s all I ask,” Himchan answered easily. Yongguk couldn’t help but smile. He may not be the most sociable guy, but even he could see a friend in Himchan.

Jongup cut in before he could reply, “Hyung really likes to cook. It’ll make his day if he can find new test subjects.” Himchan lightly hit the boy for his comment. Yongguk laughed.

“Sign me up,” Junhong said mouth stuffed full with as much food as it could hold, causing it to sound only like the vowels. Laughing harder, Yongguk leaned forward and rested his head on the table. This has to be the most he’s ever laughed in a day.

Calming down, Yongguk finally answered, “Kim Himchan, I think you and I will be very good friends.”


Weeks went by without incident. However, Jongup may be a bit slow, but even he could tell something was wrong with Junhong. Ever since Jongup enrolled, Junhong had not once taken part in PE. (Turns out the two have identical schedules except for their last class where they had different teachers.) The coach had Junhong keep score when they played games in order for him to earn his credit. Jongup initially didn’t think too much about it, but as it’s been nearly a month, Jongup was beginning to worry.

He finally asked Junhong about it while dressing out after PE. They had lunch next so they weren’t in a hurry.

Junhong froze.

What do I tell him? Should I tell him? What if I scare him off? What if he won’t like me afterwards? In his panic, Junhong finally came to a conclusion.

He ran.

Jongup would’ve chased after him if he hadn’t been in his boxers. By the time he left the locker room, Junhong was long gone. For a kid he’d never seen doing any physical activity, he sure was fast. Quickly making his way to the lunch table, he informed the two seniors about what happened.

“What?” the two called in unison, drawing everyone’s attention to them. Yongguk instantly began running. Catching the clue that Yongguk knew what was going on and where Junhong must be, Jongup followed.

Running slowly behind the two, Himchan called, “Where are we going?”

Not stopping nor slowing down, Yongguk called back, “The roof! Junhong hides up there when he’s upset!”

Now knowing the location they were running to, Jongup sped up and ran past both seniors. Junhong, what’s going on with you? What’s wrong?

Bursting open the roof door, Jongup froze. Junhong was lying on the ground, breathing erratically and clutching at his chest. Oh my God!

Yongguk pushed past, quickly scooping up the boy. He pressed an inhaler to his mouth but by now Junhong had passed out. “!” he heard Yongguk curse. “Run ahead and inform the nurse!” Jongup still couldn’t believe what was going on. “Jongup now!” Turning to do as he was told in a stupor, he saw Himchan with tears in his eyes. Not once had he seen his hyung cry. What was going on? What’s wrong with Junhong?


Junhong awoke, blinking at the bright fluorescent lights overhead. Where am I? Sitting up, he felt the telltale oxygen tube in his nose and against his chin. Glancing around, he saw his hospital room and Yongguk on the phone with his back to him. “Hyung?” he called, voice hoarse from sleep. Turning at the sound, Yongguk quickly ended his call. “What happened?”

Yongguk knelt in the chair set up next to the bed. “We found you barely breathing on the roof. You passed out, so I had to call an ambulance. Your pulse was weak. For a minute there, I thought I’d lost you.” Yongguk had tears in his eyes. Junhong hung his head.

“I’m sorry, hyung…” he felt the tears coming.

Yongguk helped him sit up. “I know you didn’t want Jongup to know, but the secret’s out. I know you’re scared—and I am too—but if there’s one thing I know for certain: Jongup won’t change his feelings for you because of this. He’s not that kind of kid.” Finally letting the tears fall, Junhong cried into Yongguk’s shoulder.

He was scared. Beyond terrified even. His hyung never lied to him. If he was scared, something was wrong. “Hyung… what’s going to happen to me?” he pleaded into his shoulder.

Yongguk tried to steady himself, but couldn’t quite get there. “You’ll need a heart transplant or you won’t survive this,” his voice shook as he spoke.

Junhong could only cry harder.


Finally released from school (the two had not been permitted to go along), Jongup and Himchan raced to the hospital in Yongguk’s car. Himchan had yet to inform Jongup of Junhong’s condition, so the whole ride he frantically asked questions.


That was the first he’d ever raised his voice at him. He instantly quieted. Whatever happened, it was bad. Jongup could only worry more. Reaching the hospital, Himchan called Yongguk to get the room number. He didn’t pick up. Reluctantly, they asked the receptionist. Heading up to the room number 102, a nervous cloud fell over the duo.

Stopping outside the door, they heard the scared teary question and its shaky reply.

“Hyung… what’s going to happen to me?”

“You’ll need a heart transplant or you won’t survive this.”

Backing away, Himchan leaned against the wall but couldn’t help sink to the floor in sheer disbelief and denial. Shocked tears streamed down his face as he shook his head. Jongup could only stand there, not fully grasping the situation. Oh my God!

They remained in the hallway until Yongguk exited the room. Himchan tried to dry his eyes but couldn’t bring himself to do it. “What did you hear?” he asked squatting down to hug the crying senior. Jongup sank to the floor on the opposite wall, finally things beginning to make sense. He ran a troubled hand through his hair.

“H-heart tr-transplant?” Himchan hiccupped. Yongguk rubbed his back.

“He needs one within the year. If he doesn’t, the remainder of his organs will begin to fail,” Yongguk explained.

Jongup felt a stab to his own heart, fighting back the tears. “How… how will you… afford that? I don’t mean to be rude, since this is one of my babies, but how?” he rambled almost hysterically.

Once again, Yongguk soothingly rubbed his back. “Whether they still don’t care or not, Junhong’s parents will have to pay the cost. I’ve been on the phone with them all afternoon. They’re not cruel, just uncaring,” he explained. “We’ll make do.”

Eventually, they picked themselves up from the floor and moved into the hospital room. No one spoke much further. Jongup took Yongguk’s old spot in the chair, holding onto Junhong’s hand, gently but like his life depended on it. Yongguk and Himchan settled on the couch/fold up bed, rocking together to soothe their racing emotions.

Before they knew it, hunger began to gnaw at their stomachs, all of them having skipped lunch. “Do you want us to get you something?” Yongguk asked, resting his hand on Jongup’s shoulder. Nodding, Jongup turned his attention back to Junhong. “Himchan and I will be back in a half hour. Have the doctor call me if he stops in, because I know he won’t come back if I asked.” Jongup nodded once more, and the seniors left. They needed food and a change of scenery.

Left alone, Jongup just couldn’t draw away from his best friend. Why didn’t you tell me? Do you not trust me? Were you afraid to tell me? Afraid I might not be your friend. Please… I’d never do that. Never to you. I’ve become too devoted to you.

Just… fight. Fight if not for yourself but for me. Please… I think…

…I love you, Junhong…


Weeks passed with no progress. Junhong’s name had been added to the donor list, but due to limited supply and compatibility, the chances he’d get a donor was one in a million. Despite irritation, Junhong’s parents agreed to pay all hospital bills, but any medication after, Yongguk had to cover.

Yongguk balanced school, double shifts at work and visiting Junhong. It was rare he’d get sleep, but as a practiced insomniac, he could manage for a while. Occasionally, Himchan would make Yongguk take just one shift so he’d get some sleep. Everyday, he brought food to both him and Junhong. (People teased Yongguk, calling Himchan his boyfriend or husband. Himchan didn’t mind but Yongguk flushes scarlet every time.) Junhong, for once, felt motherly love thanks to Himchan.

The relationship between Junhong and Jongup was tense, to say the least, both too afraid they’d end up pushing the other away. They chatted as if nothing was wrong, but an almost awkwardness lingered. Jongup brought Junhong his schoolwork and tutored him when needed. (Often times Himchan would help as well, to make sure Jongup taught him correctly.)

When the other three were at school, Junhong would wander along the hospital corridors with his nurse, Ryeowook who kept him from boredom as long as he was free. He’d met other boys this way. In room 104, an older boy named Minseok had blood clots. Across the hall in room 107, a younger boy named Jungkook had his appendix burst. He’s been there for two days and would leave tomorrow. Another boy, who simply went by Junior, had been hospitalized recently after experiencing a seizure. His boyfriend Jaebum had to be dragged out by Junior’s parents in order to go to school. The doctors still don’t know what caused it. Ryeowook encouraged him to talk to the other boys, often playing board games with them. (Junhong had gotten really good at Monopoly.)

However after a few weeks of nothing but the same five games and homework whilst lugging around an IV pole everywhere, things were beginning to get boring. Junhong was beginning to get antsy. 

It also just so happened to be one of his bad days.

Junhong awoke alone and in pain, and not like I’m-so-sore kind of pain but a cry-my-eyes-out kind of pain. It took him five excruciating minutes to reach his call button in order to get the nurses’ attention. For some reason, it took another five excruciating minutes for a nurse to even come in to even see him. The worse thing of all was that the nurse took over fifteen minutes to return with a painkiller. And then it took another fifteen to twenty minutes to even kick in!

And it was only nine in the morning.

He just sat watching some really boring overacted soap opera on the TV until Ryeowook came to visit him when his shift started. “Good morning, Junhong-ah, how’s your morning today?”

“I’m tired and in pain. It’s not that good of a morning, Wookie-hyung,” Junhong sighed staring blankly at the TV.

Ryeowook came over and sat down in the chair next to his bed. He started massaging Junhong’s shoulders humming a ballad softly under his breath. “Do you want to play a game or for me to get you anything?” he asked quietly.

Junhong relaxed a little thanks to his nurse’s kindness. “Thanks, Wookie-hyung, but I’d rather stay in my room today, but a few cartons of milk would be nice.” Ryeowook smiled giving his shoulders a light squeeze before standing up. He repositioned the call button so it was within reach and adjusted the temperature of the room so it wasn’t as cold. (He’d learned that Junhong liked to sleep with it colder.)

About to leave, he called, “I’ll order breakfast for you. Make sure you eat it.”

Ryeowook knew exactly how to cheer him up and it really made Junhong love him like an older brother. He reminded him of an older smaller Yongguk. He was very thankful whenever Ryeowook was his nurse (or at least stopped by to visit) because whenever Onew was his nurse, it just spelled disaster.

Don’t get him wrong Onew was a really nice nurse. It’s just that he is probably the clumsiest person in the world. Other nurses joked that he had a disease called Onew Condition that made him perpetually clumsy. He tripped over Junhong’s IV pole every time he entered the room. He drops clipboards and medicine bags and is just an absolute klutz. On his bad days, he’d even run into the doors.

Breakfast came into the room a little before ten. Junhong ate all his pancakes and drank both cartons of milk, but didn’t touch the eggs. Hospital eggs are disgusting. A little after eleven, Ryeowook returned to bring him another carton and his medicine. He wasn’t there for long. Junhong turned back to the TV, this time watching some of the variety shows now being played.

However, when two-o-clock rolled in, he had some unexpected visitors.

His parents entered the room, and Junhong froze. “Hello son,” his father greeted as he entered the room. He crossed his arms as his wife took the chair at Junhong’s bedside.

“Hello father.”

His mother pulled out her phone, as if to check out the time, not even looking at him. “We’re here to discuss with Yongguk. I’d have thought he’d be here,” his father spoke again.

Junhong couldn’t look at him. “He doesn’t get out of school for another half hour and then he usually goes to work. He probably won’t come in until late tonight,” he answered also trying to get them to leave. His chest was starting to hurt again, though that was partly from the nervousness and partly from his heart.

His mother made an exasperated noise. “Great, I have a massage at five and if I miss that, my entire week is going to be thrown off,” she complained. No one said she was a good mother.

“We’ll wait for an hour and if he hasn’t shown up, we’ll leave, okay?” his father hushed her. Junhong wanted to pull his hair out. Why can’t they just leave? I just want to be alone today. Junhong decided to ignore them, turning back to the show on the TV, his chest tightening and tightening as time went by. His parents didn’t seem to notice his discomfort at all.

About 40 minutes later, the door opened. “It’s about time. I was getting so tired watching this ,” his mother exclaimed throwing her hands up. She stopped when she saw that it was two unfamiliar people. “Who are you? I didn’t think Junhong was even capable of making friends,” she sneered.

Himchan immediately puffed up, ready to go all mother hen on her, but Jongup actually beat him to it. “Yes, we’re Junhong’s friends. If you’re just going to insult him and us, it’s best you leave this room, or we’ll call security,” he growled going over to Junhong’s other side to place a hand on his shoulder. Himchan stood at the doorway, crossing his arms and waiting for them to say anything bad so he’d be ready to inform security.

“I’d like to see you try and kick me out. I’m his mother. I can get you two kicked out before they kick me out,” she proclaimed proudly sticking her nose up and staring down it at them.

Himchan could only roll his eyes. “So you’re his of a mother. I take it you’re the bastard father than. The thing is the nurses know us since we’re here everyday, unlike you two who have been absent for last two years,” he scorned. “What are you even doing here anyway? What do you want?”

His father snarled, “Don’t talk to me like that little boy. If Yongguk isn’t coming, we’ll just leave.”

“Yongguk won’t be here until his shift ends at nine. Anything you need to discuss with him can be discussed with me. I am his boyfriend,” Himchan argued.

Junhong’s mother rolled her eyes. “Oh great, just what we need, a to discuss finance with,” she muttered.

Something in Jongup snapped at that statement. In a flash he was over to her and slapped her right across the face. “Don’t you dare use that word and don’t you dare make fun of my friends. I suggest you leave now. Anything you need to discuss can be discussed at a different time,” Jongup bit out.

She clutched the cheek he hit her, and after quickly exchanging a glance with her husband, they exited the room in a hurry.

Jongup turned back to Junhong to see him staring back at him in shock. Suddenly, tears sprung to his eyes and Junhong couldn’t help but start bawling. Himchan and Jongup rushed over frightened by the unexpected tears. “Junhong-ah, are you okay? Are you in pain? Do you want us to call a nurse? Why are you crying?” Himchan questioned in concern.

Junhong clutched at his chest as he tried to calm down, but he found he couldn’t even speak without crying harder.

Himchan raced to his call button pressing it repeatedly in a hope for a nurse to rush in. His haste was thankfully answered by Ryeowook who rushed into the room. Easily assessing the situation, he moved over to his IV drip to change the bag of morphine into a fresh one.

“Junhong-ah, you need to calm down. It’s not good on your heart,” Himchan begged.

Jongup felt helpless as to what to do. Feeling as if he had to do something, he sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled Junhong into a hug, rubbing a comforting hand in circles on his back. “We’ll always be here for you, Junhong-ah,” he whispered into his ear.

Finally gaining some sort of control, Junhong whimpered as he tried to formulate words. “Thank you…” he whispered his voice hoarse from crying. “Just… thank you…” He clutched onto Jongup like his life depended on it because he in that moment, he felt like it did. Himchan came over to wrap his arms around both his babies.

Seeing Junhong in a stable condition, Ryeowook backed out the room intending to give the three some privacy.

Fully calm, Junhong pulled away sniffling and wiping the tears from his face. Himchan grabbed a box of tissues and carefully dabbed at his face. He tidied him up just as a mother should. Jongup continued rubbing his back; he refused to take his eyes off him in fear that he’d start crying or he’d be in pain again. “Do you want me to get you anything? A warm blanket? Milk? I can always call Yongguk if you want him here,” Himchan offered. You have no idea how frightened he was seeing Junhong in so much pain.

Junhong smiled weakly at him and in a weak timid voice he answered, “Can I get some milk?”

Himchan could sigh from relief. Seeing Junhong more relaxed made Himchan finally calm down. Running a hand through Junhong’s hair, Himchan smiled at him, “Alright, I’ll go get you some milk. I’ll be back in a bit.” He exited the room feeling better than when he entered.

An almost awkward silence followed Himchan’s departure. Jongup cleared his throat as he pulled away. Scratching his head, he thought it was wise to change the subject, “So, um, I brought you today’s work. We’re mostly reviewing now since finals are next week. The teachers are setting up the test for you to take online during school, and um, Junhong? Are you listening?”

Realization spread across Junhong’s face that he’d zoned out staring at Jongup’s face. “Um, yeah, sorry, finals, right?”

Taking a moment to gauge Junhong’s face, Jongup asked, “So what’s on your mind? You’re typically intent when I’m talking about school work.”

Junhong’s gaze shifted down to his hands. “Jongup, I… I know you probably just see me as a friend, but I… I’ve never had someone care for me as much as you and I don’t feel the same way about you as I do Yongguk-hyung or Himchan-hyung, and you can stop visiting me if you don’t want to talk to me after this-”

“Junhong!” Jongup called to get his attention. Junhong looked up at him. Why is he smiling? “I think I feel the same way as you, so don’t worry. When you get better, I’ll take you out to my favorite restaurant and we’ll do boyfriend stuff, but right now, just worry about getting better. Don’t put too much stress on your heart.”

He likes me back? I’m stuck in a hospital and he still likes me back? Junhong felt so happy. “That’s sounds like fun,” he answered with a smile.


Finals passed, winter break came and went, it’s been months since Jongup and Junhong became a couple, but in those months, Junhong’s health deteriorated. His already skinny frame only got skinnier. Any appetite he had was gone no matter what was given to him. He rarely left his room now, as he was too weak to really move anywhere. It broke the three of their hearts seeing him in such a state.

He was literally wasting away in a hospital bed.

April has always been Junhong’s favorite month. Flowers bloomed. Life born or reborn. Junhong loved going to the zoo during this time of the year. His first year staying with Yongguk, the two went camping. Rodents and birds were everywhere just enjoying the coming of spring, and Junhong would say that was one of his favorite moments in his life. He felt so lucky to have someone like Yongguk.

He felt even luckier to have someone like Himchan.

He felt the luckiest that he had someone like Jongup.

He was ready to say goodbye.


“No…” Himchan trailed off tears threatening to fall from his eyes. Snatching his car keys, his hands shook. Regardless, he knew he had to get the hospital fast.

Jongup stood rooted on the spot. No! This can’t be happening. I can’t lose him. Not now. Not yet. He was supposed to get better. I was going to show him my favorite café. We were going to live a long life together. Junhong can’t die… at least… he can’t… without a goodbye. Please, at least, let me say goodbye.

“Jongup!” he heard Himchan call. He raced over and got into the passenger’s seat.

Hold on, Junhong-ah. Hold on.

The car zoomed through the streets of Seoul, not passing the speed limit, but still racing past others. Stopped at an intersection, Himchan waited impatiently for the light to turn green so they could turn left. Tapping at the steering wheel, as if that would clear traffic, the two in the car couldn’t expect the drunkard in the car turning towards them. Cutting his turn to sharp, it sped straight towards the front of the car. At the last second, the driver turned and the car instead drifted sideways into the front of their car.

Coming to, Himchan felt pain. He heard the distant sound of sirens as his vision cleared. Looking around, Himchan spotted Jongup, his head against his chest. Blood spilled from his head and mouth. Freeing his hand, Himchan reached over, tears pooling out of his eyes. Trying to shake him he called helplessly, “Jongup? Jongup! Wake up! Wake up! Please! Wake up!”


“Are you Bang Yongguk?” a nurse called into the room. Standing up, Yongguk nodded feeling very nervous about what she was going to say. “Junhong is next on the donor’s list and we’ve found him a heart. If you’re willing to sign off on it, we can prep him for a transplant surgery,”

“Yes! Yes!” he cried happily. Turning back to the weak boy, “Did you hear that Junhong-ah? They found you a heart. You can make it. You can make it!”

Surgery prep took less than expected. Within the hour, Junhong was ready to be wheeled into the operating room. Knowing that there was a possibility of not surviving, Junhong reached for Yongguk’s hand. Whispering he said, “Hyung, I love you. You were the father I always wanted. Tell Himchannie-hyung that I love him, too. He was everything I could ever ask for in a mom. And tell Jongup…” Pausing since his breathing was starting to feel labored, he began again, “Tell Jongup that I love him no matter what and that he has made these months the happiest months of my life.”

Yongguk kept his face in a small smile, refusing to show his tears to the boy. “I love you, too, Junhong-ah. I know those two do as well. Just worry about coming back to us, safe and sound.”

“I will.” Squeezing his hand, Junhong smiled and finally let them wheel him away.

Yongguk could only watch him go, tears finally falling from his eyes.

For some reason, Yongguk felt like this was a goodbye. “Goodbye…”

Ten Years Later

“Umma if they were meant to be, why couldn’t he accept his heart?” a little boy asked curled up in his bed. The four year old wore sky blue pajamas with yellow bunnies all over them. His brown hair was pulled up into an apple bob as he curled his legs up to his chest waiting for his mother’s answer.

Himchan ruffled his hair. “I don’t know why he couldn’t. Maybe it’s because a life without Jongup was not a life worth living. Junhong’s body rejected the heart so they could instead be together in heaven,” he explained.

Another boy ran in from the bathroom, this one a year older. In black and white checkered pajamas with bright pink bunnies all over them, he jumped onto the bed with his brother. Yongguk slowly followed after him, wiping his hand on a towel. “Umma, did you tell him the story about Uncle Jongup and Uncle Junhong?”

“I did, Daehyun. Do you want to go see them tomorrow? We can get some flowers and then go to that burger shack in town,” Himchan answered.

Daehyun and his brother began bouncing. “Did you hear that Youngjae? We get to get pretty flowers and burgers!” he called excitedly hugging the boy next to him.

Yongguk finally stepped up. “Alright boys, time for bed,” he ordered. Daehyun bounced off Youngjae’s bed and onto his. Himchan helped tuck them in. Both parents kissed their boys on the forehead and turned off the light. “Goodnight boys.”

“Goodnight Appa! Goodnight Umma!” they called in unison.

“Goodnight you two,” Himchan called as he turned off the light and shut the door.

The couple retreated to their bedroom. Settling in their pajamas, they relaxed on the bed in the quiet comfort of darkness. Himchan snuggled into Yongguk’s side as Yongguk rubbed circles into Himchan’s bare waist. “I miss them…” Himchan muttered quietly, the sound coming out muffled because of Yongguk’s chest.

“Me, too, Himchannie. Me too.”

“At least they’re together. That’s all that matters.”

Yongguk kissed Himchan’s forehead. Himchan leaned up to kiss Yongguk. “Now, they’re our angels.”

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annethundr05 #1
Chapter 1: This story just wrecked my feels!!! TT^TT (sobs) Beautifully written, and so evocative of just how broken one can become without their other half. I just love BangHim, they were so sweet, & itty-bitty DaeJae where adorable, but my precious OTP JongLo just made me ache. Kudos & das woot author-nim.