Chapter 4

Living Together

You groaned, lying on the couch. "Wonwoo, are you ready yet?" You yelled, waiting for his response. "Give me five more minutes, I'm sorry!" Flipping yourself onto your stomach, you started playing a game on your phone. "Fine, but could you hurry up?" Jeonghan walked over and plopped down in an empty space. "What's he doing? I thought you two were supposed to go on a date half an hour ago."

Rolling your eyes, you replied, "Mister Vain decided his outfit was gross, and that he had too many pimples. Even though I can't see any of them, and his clothes were totally fine!" Wonwoo practically leapt down the stairs, and tugged you off the couch. "I'm sorry waffle, I made you wait for me." He hugged you tightly, and you grumbled into his chest. "Let's just go."

Jeonghan snickered as you dragged Wonwoo to the front door and put on your shoes. After you left, he yelled, "Mom, dad, they're gone." Your mother grinned, popping out of the kitchen. "Let's go, honey." Pulling on her trench coat, she smiled to herself. "Do we have to do this again?" Your dad groaned, slipping on his shoes. "Of course we do!" Jeonghan and your mother yelled.

Sighing, your father opened the door.

"Jun's cafe? Really, Wonwoo?" Groaning once again, you let your sweetheart pull you into the ever familiar cafe. "Hey, we haven't eaten here for two days! I love his food, don't blame me." Sighing, you followed behind and sat opposite him. He picked up the menu, and you tapped on it lightly. "Wonwoo, you order the same thing every time we come here." He glared at you playfully, before covering his face with the menu once again. Perhaps Jun's pasta would be nice, and a strawberry tea.

"Hey, it's my favourite regulars! What can I get for you two today?" Jun himself came up to your table, and smiled brightly. "I'd like an aglio olio, with iced strawberry tea please." You smiled back at Jun, and he wrote it down on his little notepad. "Wonwoo, I'm assuming you want your regular?" Nodding, Wonwoo handed Jun his menu, and grinned. Jun left after taking your orders, and Wonwoo reached across the table to take your hand.

"Hey, waffle. Sorry if I haven't been doing a good job of taking care of you." You stared at him blankly. "Wonwoo, since the first time we went out together for dinner,  I've been looking after you." He gives you another playful glare. "Waffle, that's not the point here." Laughing, you patted his hand. "Go on, pancake." He makes sure to look you in the eyes, and continues, "I just wanted you to know I really do like you, even if I'm not good at showing it."

"You silly."

Rubbing circles on Wonwoo's hand with your thumb, you can't help but smile even more. "I like you just the way you are. When you got scared in the haunted house, I found it so adorable. When you jumped at me across the table, that was adorable too. I really like you a lot too, silly pancake." You swore he was going to jump at you across the table again, but he squeezed your hand. "You're so romantic."

Hearing squeals from nearby tables, you turned around to see two tables full of people wearing trench coats. "Mom? Dad? Jeonghan oppa?" You immediately recognized the three figures seated together, although you didn't recognize the other three. "Wonwoo hyung, are you kidding me?" A tall boy tossed his trench coat aside and walked up to you. "This is why you've been ditching us recently?" You held your hands up in defense. "Wait, what?" You swore you could see Wonwoo sweating.

"Mingyu, it's not like that, I-" A familiar face walked up to your table as well. "Seungcheol hyung? Don't tell me Hansol is here too?" Wonwoo facepalmed, "I'm so sorry, waffle. I didn't think-" The tall one, apparently named Mingyu, slammed his hand down right next to Wonwoo. "You didn't think, that's what's wrong!" You had pretty much had it, you were on a date, and this guy, no matter how close he was to Wonwoo, was clearly making Wonwoo freak out. So you did the only logical thing that popped into your mind.

You shoved him.

"Dude, can you chill? Can't you see you're making him awkward?" You hissed, moving over to Wonwoo's side. "Waffle, it's okay, I have been neglecting them for a while anyway. Mingyu, Seungcheol hyung, Hansol, I'm sorry. I put my girl before my bros which is something I shouldn't have done." Now you weren't sure whether to feel annoyed or happy that he was sorting things out on his own. "I'll spend more time with you guys from now on. I promise." Wonwoo looked down, twiddling his thumbs.

"Even if that means you have to spend less time with your y girlfriend?" Mingyu scoffed, crossing his arms. "Look, Mingew, or whatever your name is. Firstly, you had no right to barge into my date with Wonwoo, demanding he spend time with you while he's out with someone else. Secondly, you were being an , so I could really care less about being rude to you. Thirdly, are you Wonwoo's owner or his parents? No, so stop acting like he owes you. If I have to be around a prick like you, I'm out of here."

Pushing past Mingyu, you clutched your bag tightly in your hands and walked out of Jun's.

Your parents followed behind, your mom knocking Mingyu's shoulder as she walked out. Wonwoo looks stressed, to follow his bros or follow the family that gave him a home for the past few weeks, and not to mention his girl? Seungcheol smacked Mingyu's arm. "What the hell was that for, man? You were the one being a jerk. Wonwoo, go home and talk to your girlfriend." Hansol sighed, waiting at the table he was sitting at earlier. "Every time, man. Mingyu hyung, you ruin it for Wonwoo hyung."

Wonwoo left the table, and asked Jun for a takeaway. Rushing out once he got the food, he made his way to his new (although temporary) home.

"Waffle? Are you okay?" Wonwoo poked his head into your room. You were slumped on your bed, playing a round of Super Smash Bros. "Die, you stupid tall piece of crap." Wonwoo winced, but went in anyway. "Babe, I got you your food. Eat up, okay?" You nodded, pausing your game. Wonwoo put the food on your bedside table, and sat down on your bed. You hugged him tightly, "You know it's not your fault, right? What I said about loving you hasn't changed one bit." "Mm, I know. You're so understanding, waffle." He kissed your forehead, and you smiled.

"I love you, waffle."

"I love you too, pancake."



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Chapter 3: So cute. I ship it.
Chapter 3: Practically leapt WHAT?!
kyungprot #3